Friday, October 7, 2011

Wi Fi making teachers sick / Quebec Smart Meters etc.

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

7 October 2011

Wi-Fi making kids, teachers sick?

Strickland said she has experienced leg weakness and intense headaches since Wi-Fi was installed at her school a year ago.

Canada won't issue Wi-Fi warning: Health Minister

Havas said she is concerned about exposing children to radiation because their bodies are smaller and their skulls are thinner. The long-term impact of Wi-Fi on kids is not known.

Cellphones and Health, How Canada's Precautions Compare
From The Motherboard Vault

He became so positive that electromagnetic radiation was causing a range of ailments, including diabetes and obesity, that he left his position to become a scientific adviser to Electrosensitivity UK, a charity pledged with supporting ...


Quebec Smart Meters
There was a good TV report on smart meters on the show JE at TVA last Friday.

It can be viewed - in French - through

They had another on on cellphone antennas in 2008
Antennes et phénomènes bizarres (8 février 2008)
Le cellulaire s'est vraiment taillé une place dans nos vies. Aujourd'hui, 40% de nos liaisons téléphoniques passent par un sans-fil. Pour répondre à l'explosion de la demande, l'industrie a déployé 8 000 antennes au Canada jusqu'à maintenant. Certaines sont même installées directement sur le toit des tours à logements. Faut-il s'en inquiéter ? À Longueuil, un locataire constate d'étranges phénomènes dans son appartement depuis qu'on a placé une antenne au dessus de son immeuble.

My latest update Compteurs intelligents : Derniers développements (140+ pages) it is at


BC Smart Meters
If BC Hydro made a bad business decision buying smart meters without consulting the rest of us that's unfortunate....

Osoyoos Times
I don't know how many of you out there have been following the recent events concerning BC Hydro's plans for the installation of "smart meters" in all homes in the province, but being retired gives me the opportunity to keep up with current events ...
Liberals think we're not the brightest bulbs

Coleman told the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention that he didn't care how many people were concerned and didn't want the meters.
Gerhard Sauer is fuming he has to pay $3000 to replace his smart meter which exploded on Monday night.

Toronto Sun reader Philip Green knows too well the problems people can face with smart meters.  "Our Smart Meter blew up and burned the house down," Green wrote in an e-mail.  The fire went up through the vinyl siding and it spread to the roof last Oct. 15, he explained.  "We're still not back into a house," Green wrote. "It's been hell fighting with the insurance for anything we can get."

Smart meters incompatible with National Broadband Network

Herald Sun
VICTORIA'S smart meters will need to be replaced in just over a decade and are incompatible with the $36 billion National Broadband Network. In an estimated $250 million blow to consumers, the state's electricity distributors are using advanced ...
Naperville council approves Smart Meter alternative

Chicago Daily Herald
"We want our analogue meters with the little dial that spins around and doesn't cause RF emissions or share our information," said Jennifer Stahl, a member of the Naperville Smart Meter Awareness Group. "I want green energy.

Fluorescent fury revealed

Prince Edward Island
Edna Pettipas who has been fighting Bell cell towers in PEI will be on CBC Radio One Halifax at 4:40 pm Atlantic Time.
From the main CBC page, to listen live (might not be archived online), the tab "My Region" for most will probably have to be pressed, selecting Nova Scotia. Or perhaps via , that being the program tomorrow.

The Israeli ministry of education is going to limit the use of cell phones in schools!!!

Finland EMFs
A very interesting and good TV show from yesterday for those who understand Finnish
(some English 13:28 into the video):

Rense & Dr Deagle - SmartMeters and Electropollution

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution