Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News
24 June 2011
Attached is the letter that I sent to Premier Christy Clark this morning to address my concerns about the BC Hydro smart meter program and Wi-Fi in schools.
group's decision to classify RF radiation as a possible
human carcinogen this morning.
In other news, check out our latest Short Takes on:
** The attendance at last week's Bioelectromagnetics
Society meeting in Nova Scotia;
** The U.S. military paying for free access to
IEEE standards on both ELF and RF;
** How the dueling tumor location studies from feuding
Interphone groups are confusing the U.K. press, among
Read all the news on our home page,
Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
Living in the city or growing up in one can affect brain function during a stressful situation, a brain imaging study has found.
Research & articles on allergy, intolerance, coeliac disease & other allergy related conditions.
Dear colleagues,
The Health Defense Organisation has written a Manifesto against Electromagnetic Pollution demanding Spanish central regional and local governments to initiate the application of the precautionary principle with the immediate establishment of maximum limits of 100 nT (nanoteslas) for low-frequency radiation and 100 μW/m2 (microwatts per square meter) for high frequency radiation.
We would like to send it today to give the press time to write about it as the 24th June is the International Day Against Electromagnetic Pollution.
We would like to apologise for such short notice, but after the WHO statements on EMF, we feel this is the perfect time.
If your organization would like to support our petition, please send us an email confirming your interest so we can add your organization's name in the list of signing organizations.
For more information about us and our projects please visit the following links:
Organization for the Defense Health www.health-defense.org
Geoenvironmental Health Foundation www.saludgeoambiental.com
Thanking you in advance for your time,
Kind Regards,
Irina De la Flor
Irina de la Flor
Organización para la Defensa de la Salud
Health Defense Organisation
Príncipe de Vergara, 36, 6º Dcha,
28001 Madrid, Spain
M. (+34) 607 041 390
T. (+34) 91 299 9411
Parent sues to get Wi-Fi removed from Portland schools
David Morrison wants the district to pull Wi-Fi out of the schools immediately and filed a federal lawsuit Friday
Residents blast Smart Meters
The towers are part of a 27-tower project Spectrum has undertaken for Blue Sky to bring high-speed to Almaguin and part of Nipissing District as well
Dear President Obama,
I am writing as Executive Director of the Center for Electrosmog Prevention and as one of your supporters in the last election, personally.I am writing to ask for a policy adjustment on the upgrade to the smart grid, in order to protect the public health, which is at grave risk due to the current, unprecedented proliferation of wireless technologies such as the use of smart meters. Wireless = electrosmog pollution, which is the creation of unnatural levels of electromagnetic radiation. If the current trend continues, your administration may become known as the one that irradiated America causing widespread electromagnetic radiation poisoning. This has surfaced during your administration and can harm your chances of reelection. Americans do not want to be made sick by poorly researched government policies such as updating the electrical grid, funding wireless technologies as the backbone, with the equivalent of a mini-cell tower to be installed on every building and home in America. Due to the archaic use of decades-old science on the topic of non-ionizing radiation, and vigorous lobbying by industry, our current standards for non-ionizing radiation are based on false, obsolete premises. Therefore, when the White House announces as its priority for every state to upgrade the electrical grid, dysfunctional, dangerous wireless technologies such as wireless smart meters will proliferate throughout the entire nation. This need not be the case, especially if wireless was eliminated from the plan. Further, the smart grid plan involves making it impossible to use needed energy for heat waves and cold seasons - so there will be a die-off of elderly, poor, and disabled people, in addition to the rf radiation poisoning. I do not think that is your intention but it will surely be the outcome if the current path is followed. This will certainly create a widespread public health crisis. It does not follow your own policies.Please pay attention to emerging science and protect the public health and safety. Stop the use of wireless smart meters. Stop the proliferation of wireless in America. Stop electrosmog pollution from harming our citizens aand especially, our children and future generations.
Thank you for your help with this vital matter.Sincerely,Susan BrinchmanDirector, Center for Electrosmog Prevention
People who started their mobile phone use when aged less than 20 had almost a 5-fold increased risk of developing a brain tumour, a new Hardell study shows. Also, following the IARC classification of RF as a possible human carcinogen, mobile telecoms industry shares have taken a significant fall. One class action has already been filed in Israel.
Click here for the full news story
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution