Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News
26 June 2011
They urge politicians to take action against electromagnetic radiation
Life | 23/06/2011
In the manifesto, the signatories recall that last May, the World Health Organization ranked the radio frequency electromagnetic fields as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" based on an increased risk of glioma, a cancer of the brain associated with the use of mobile phones.
In this same classification of risk and were included in 2002 the low-frequency magnetic fields, ie those produced by pylons, transformers and electrical installations city, among others. The undersigned organizations call for legislators and administrations all correctly implement the precautionary principle and revise the exposure limits currently covered by law.
The text claims, moreover, that the electrical and telecommunications companies to take measures in the shortest possible time to resolve "any situation that may cause harm to the health of people." Among other things, prevents any pylons and transformers near the house, away from phone masts within the population and eliminate Wi-Fi systems in schools, malls, hotels, parks and other recreational public.
On the other hand, denies that there is a real scientific debate about the potential risk of electromagnetic radiation and described as "unacceptable" that when citizens defend their rights, the system requires them to be the ones who demonstrate the harmful effects of the technologies around them.
According to the laws and the precautionary principle is "the industry to prove that the products and technologies introduced in the market are safe for people. Is necessary to prevent it from happening again what happened with asbestos, snuff, lead, benzene, DDT and many other toxic products marketed irresponsibly. "
The signatories include State Platform Electromagnetic Pollution, the Association of Patients with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome de Asturias, the Spanish Confederation of Parents of Students, Ecologists in Action, the Institute of Work, Environment and Health CCOO and the World Association for Cancer Research (WACRA, its acronym in English).
The professional conditions cost over 100 million a year to Osakidetza
San Sebastian, June 20 (EFE) .- The Basque Public Health supports an annual expenditure of over one hundred million euros for the treatment of occupational diseases reported, the cost should be borne by the mutual, according to the director general said today Basque Institute of Health-Osalan, Pilar Collantes.
Collantes has released these figures in a press conference in San Sebastian where there have been several summer courses at the University of the Basque Country, which start today at the Miramar Palace, devoted to occupational health or radio journalism.
Pilar Collantes said that occupational diseases are a "great danger", whose dimensions are unknown, since they are being treated as common ailments conditions, however, have been caused by the performance of work activity.
He stated in this connection that endured Osakidetza in 2008 spending more than 106 million euros for the treatment of occupational diseases "hidden", an amount that represented 0.16% of Basque GDP for that year (67924.5 million ) and 3.3% of Basque public health spending (3,200 million).
In addition to "face" known and most dramatic of these diseases, which may, for example, death by exposure to asbestos, Collantes also commented that this section are part of musculoskeletal diseases, as well as others that may arise from stress, bullying, or perhaps in the future of electromagnetic pollution.
Stressing that "prevention" should be a priority, Collantes has welcomed the diseases are as a matter of debate in college.
-petition should be printed out on legal size 8" x 14" paper if possible. If that's not possible, 8" x 11" paper will do, there's just less room for signatures. Each page must remain in format submitted.
-signatures should appear in blue ball point ink. Only original signatures can be submitted, no photocopies. You may print and fill as many pages as you like.
-filled petitions to be sent to:
Matthew Kellway, M.P
House of Commons
Parliament Hill
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
*no postage necessary
The Province
BC Hydro's answer to the problem: spend $1 billion on smart meters to stop pot-producing power poachers. It's hard to know where to begin explaining how screwed up and illogical this is. But first, let's review Hydro's recent history of estimating ...
Victoria Times Colonist
Kendall said a recent study from the World Health Organization's International Agency on Research on Cancer that labelled the electromagnetic fields caused by cellphones and the like as "a possible human carcinogen," suggested the EMF level is ...
Dear Editor,
Duffy quotes Provincial Health officer Dr Perry Kendall. "I don't think there is any convincing evidence that the levels [of (rfr) radio frequency radiation] that we are being exposed to are in fact causing harm" I find this statement strange as there are thousands of peer reviewed studies that show adverse health effects as a result of exposure at the levels experienced when immersed in a WI-FI hot spot, or when using a cell phone, and when you head is just inches from a so called smart meter. For starters I ask readers to visit;
Therein you will find what is considered by scientists as credible evidence that rfr at everyday levels of exposure as being harmful.
Kendall claims that the recent designation by the World Health Organizations, International Agency on Research on Cancer that placed radio frequency radiation as a possible carcinogen as being based upon one study with weak evidence. This statement is also strange. The committee themselves said. "The working group considered hundreds of articles". I recomend visiting the official IARC web site at to read their full statement.
The one finding that
One would think a medical doctor would consider this as credible evidence. Not absolute proof perhaps but sufficient to warrant some precautionary guidelines.
This statement is also strange given the division of opinions within the public health community on this issue. Dr. John Blatherwick, ex chief medical health officer of the city of
Indeed, Dr, Shelia Basrur , Kendall's successor in the position as medial health officer of the City of
In a London Telegraph article on May 21, 2007, the chairman of Great Briton's Health Protection Agency called for a review of WI FI risks in schools.
[Speaking about his review of the evidence for health risks linked to mobile phones and masts published in the year 2000, Sir William said: "There may be changes, for example in cognitive function... there were some indications that there may be cancer inductions... there were some molecular biology changes within the cell and these were issues that we had to bear in mind."]
The above statements seem to contradict
Walter Patrick McGinnis co chair EM Radiation Health Alliance of BC
I have been successful in getting the new website up and running today. www.electromagneticsafety.org
Posted so far are notices about the July 17 public forum and the petition for Arizonans for Safer Utility Infrastrcture,
- There is a blog section for posting messages.
- Please let other people know the site is up.
Elizabeth Kelley, MHA
Co-Coordinator, Arizonans for Safer Utility Infrastructure
Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Inc.
Tucson, Arizona
To sign up for WEEP News: newssignup@weepinitiative.org (provide name and e-mail address)
W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution