Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News
18 June 2011
Dear André,I am out in the cold; I will get much smaller premises, only office space - no labs. My work will be severly hampered, of course. By the dean I have been told that I am "a lousy scientist"; at the same time he has given Anders Ahlbom [cf. http://www.monanilsson.se/document/AhlbomConflictsIARCMay23.pdf] his full and unconditional support. The world is odd...Instead of "cautionary" not allowing Olle Johansson to work in this particular research area regarding health effects of EMFs, it ought to be ensured and greatly expanded - in this way we would, in agreement with the Precautionary Principle, be sure not to put mankind's head in a future snare of radiation damage, cancer, neurological disase, infertility, learning impairments, electrohypersensitivity, etc.It is a pure scandal, what is now happening. To leave people with a disability in the lurch is not only unethical but also completely in contrast to the "UN Convention on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities" and "The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights" and its "Communication from Commission to the Council and Parliament on the transfer of the European framework agreement on harassment and violence at work ". Any discrimination on grounds of sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited. One might add that it is, since November 8, 2007, a legal obligation not to humiliate or discriminate against anyone, whether in the form of one-time events. The current on-going situation is such a pure discrimination against all persons with EHS! It would be correct to instead increase the present research facility on the basis of the requirements of the UN Convention on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities. So let us instead go in the opposite direction, that was my call!Persons with the disability EHS must not be brought down by a lack of finances or a rental fee, nor by arbitrary moving carousels. The UN Convention on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities is very clear on this point. Research and investigation shall take place until full accessibility is attained.Sweden, and its government, verbally support the UN Convention on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities. Now was the time to also support these people's rights by action...but they, and their relatives, were left out in the cold.I am just so very sorry to see how millions of very hopeful persons, around the world, now have lost a lot of their faith and hope. I wish I could have done much better for them. But I failed.
With my very best regards
Yours sincerely, now and forever
(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm
We need a representative living in each Ward in the City of Vaughan, Ontario, to be a part of this Task Force to ensure that it is successful. I have put my name in (I live in Ward 2). If there is anyone living in Kleinburg, Thornhill and Ward 3 (Major Mackenzie/Weston Rd area) and you are passionate/dedicated to putting proper siting protocols in place please contact me as soon as possible at tina.catalano@sympatico.ca
Thanks in advance,
Rethink Cell Tower
Thursday, Jun 16, 2011
I look at history and think to myself, why would we repeat some of the poor choices made in the past. In connection with the possible cell phone tower being built at Bay and Broad, I am reminded of things like asbestos, the poisoning of the small town of Hinkley by Pacific Gas and Electric or the numerous cancer findings in connection with a local nuclear power plant. These and many other big business decisions that have had a negative impact on towns makes me very concerned for this community and for my daughter.
We recently moved here from Brooklyn, NY. We left an apartment lifestyle for the comforts and safety of a more suburban life. We fell in love with Bloomfield for its diverse small city feel. We bought a house on Clark Avenue directly behind the possible site for the cell phone tower. We have a 2 and a half year old daughter who is vibrant and full of life. What concerns me most is the possible effects of this cell tower and her well being. The fact that no tests have been done about the long term effects of cell towers and their communities makes me even more unhappy with this possible outcome.
I have heard that there are other possible sites for this cell tower. Ones that are not in highly concentrated residential areas. I implore you to either cancel this possible project or move to a less populated area (like a cemetery).
For the well being of my daughter and the countless other children that may be effected by this tower, please make the decision to stop T-Mobile from building it. I don't care about the eyesore of it all, I care about my family. Please think of my 2 and a half year old daughter when making this decision. If you don't and something does happen, her life and health will be on your conscious. And if something were to happen, you will have a bigger problem on your hands.
Thank you,
Shanie Israel
Powerful Wi-Fi access with a radius of more than 250m indoors.
How can anyone be negligent enough to submit children to this level of micro-wave radiation?
More Wi Fi Danger
Smart Meter Discussion on Radio
The archive is at http://cjsf.ca/pguide/grid/description.php?ID=275 for both half hours. Not sure how long it will be there. The discussion starts about 1/3 into the first half hour.
Monday June 13, 2011 – The Victoria School Board's Wi-Fi Committee presented their motion on Wi-Fi, which passed at the Operations Policy and Planning meeting. The motion basically recommended to continue examining the evidence from Health Canada and the World Health Organization in spite of the WHO's recent reclassification of radio frequency, electromagnetic radiation as a 2B carcinogen, the same as lead, DDT, chloroform, and car exhaust.
One trustee went on record to say he had heard enough to know Wi-Fi is a potential threat to children and should not be used in schools. The Chair of the Wi-Fi Committee- the SB Treasurer (no conflict there), likened the risk of daily exposure to microwave radiation from Wi-Fi as the same as crossing the street, which we allow our children to do. This is the level of ignorance at times we are up against.
It is far from over though; parents and others will continue to hold school officials accountable until responsible action is taken to protect children.
Victoria School Board's Wi-Fi Committee presents motion at OPPs Meeting (2 hrs.)
Tammy Jeske
Commission proposes to revamp rules to protect EU workers from harmful electromagnetic fields
Brussels, 14 June 2011 – A proposal to update and improve EU rules to protect workers from electromagnetic fields in their daily tasks has just been put forward by the European Commission. The rules are to protect workers like doctors and nurses giving patients magnetic resonance imaging scans (MRI), people working with radar, welders and workers reparing power lines. The proposal would replace the current Directive (2004/40/EC).
The proposal takes account of the 2004 Directive on minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from electromagnetic fields. It would update the current exposure limits to take on board new scientific evidence - particularly in relation to exposure limits of MRI in hospitals. It would also include a number of provisions to help employers in their efforts to carry out the risk assessments required by EU law. The aim of the proposal is to balance the protection of workers' health and safety with appropriate flexibility and proportionality so as not to unduly hamper the use and development of industrial and medical activities.
Welcoming the adoption of the proposal by the Commission, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor said "After a transparent and open consultation process with the scientific and medical communities, with industry and workers, we have put a proposal on the table that is up-to-date and with practical rules to better protect workers exposed to electromagnetic fields. The new rules are a major step in reducing the burden for SMEs in comparison with the 2004 Directive.."
What's covered by the directive?
The proposal clarifies the definitions on adverse effects on health, introduces an updated exposure limits system (frequencies that are recognised as having harmful effects on the human cardiovascular system or the central nervous system), as well as a number of provisions intended to facilitate the work of the employers when carrying out the risk assessments required by law.
As employers are obliged to carry out risk evaluations, the proposal would introduce detailed provisions to ensure a proportionate approach as well as to ensure adequate preventive measures to reduce the exposure of workers to electromagnetic fields. The proposal would require employers to give exposed workers and their representatives the necessary information and training, particularly relating to the outcome of the risk assessment, the measures taken by the employer, safe working practices, the detection of adverse effects and the circumstances in which workers are entitled to health checks.
In the case of a worker maintaining high tension lines, for example, the proposal would require the employer to evaluate the risks of exposure to electromagnetic fields and take measures to reduce them. This could vary from increasing the distance, to reducing the intensity, limiting exposure time etc. For the medical magnetic resonance imaging sector, or MRI scans, the proposal would require appropriate good practices to be developed and disseminated to limit the exposure of workers who carry out of magnetic resonance imaging scans. For the armed forces, harmonised North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) norms for those working with radar would have to be applied in the Member States concerned.
The proposal would foresee specific provisions for workers who wear an Active Implantable Medical Device (AIMD) – like a pacemaker - and pregnant women, who are considered to be especially at risk and need special protection. for such cases.
The proposal only covers workers during their professional activities. All other categories of people, such as consumers, phone users and passengers, are covered by the existing Council Recommendation 1999/519/EEC for the general public and specific legislation in each Member State.
Next steps
The proposal will be sent to the European Parliament and the EU's Council of Ministers for adoption. Thenew directive's deadline for implementation will be set by the Parliament and the Council.
Further information
Health and safety at work – physical agents
Directive 2004/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields)
Subscribe to the European Commission's free e-mail newsletter on employment, social affairs and equal opportunities :
"The WHO finding is groundbreaking. The idea that Wi-Fi, SmartMeters and all the wireless technologies are completely safe was piggybacked on the pronouncements that cell phones are completely safe. This WHO study calls all that into question," Morey said.
Namibia: Cellphone Health Risks Debated
mobile phones, experts warn
Daily Mail 14th June 2011
Important New Scientific Study
Our analysis of the literature studies and of the results from meta-analyses of the significant data alone shows an almost doubling of the risk of head tumours induced by long-term mobile phone use or latency.
FOX: Is Iodine-131 Killing Babies In Philadelphia? Deaths up 48 percent since radiation levels spiked in tap water (VIDEO)
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution