W.E.E.P. News
Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News
28 July 2010
Dear Ambassador Nikolaos Matsis,
Consuls General Dimitris Azemopoulos and Maria Karnoutsou, and to whomever else it may concern among representatives of Greece in Canada,
On April 27 and 29, 2010, the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) heard important testimony on a most serious topic, of interest not only to Canadians. Committee Members, being Members of Parliament (MPs) from all seated parties in the House of Commons, were addressed not only by Canadians, but as well by international researchers into the impact on public health of exposure to microwave radiation, such as is involved in cell telephony and associated wireless communications.
In preparation for the HESA hearings, it was noticed that very important recent topical research had been conducted by a scholar at the University of Athens. Along with three other European colleagues, Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos graciously accepted the HESA invitation to testify before and submit documentation to this Parliamentary Committee.
Biophysicist Dr. Panagopoulos' contribution at his appearance by teleconference April 29 was, in line with his work, outstanding in its clarity and competence. Committee MPs should be expected to pay close attention to his submission in particular, as they decide on a course of action protective of public health to recommend to the Canadian government.
What moves me to write you is unfortunately not only desire to praise a citizen of Greece making a vital international contribution, but to appeal to you to intervene favourably on his behalf.
To the great dismay of the very many people internationally who are working selflessly, to improve public health by urging governmental reconsideration of current obsolete national standards of permissible exposure to microwave radiation; to all our great dismay, it appears that witnesses, including Dr. Panagopoulos, have suffered academic persecution at least in part for having rendered great public service by testifying on this high public record in Canada.
Shortly after those meetings in April, three international witnesses before HESA urging revision of microwave standards based on their scholarly work, Dr. Panagopoulos, as well as Dr. Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, and Dr. Annie Sasco of Bordeaux University in France; all three have had their offices removed from them! The fourth international witness, Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy of Imperial College London, England, could not have his office removed, being recently retired, but he has attested to having suffered similarly prior to retirement.
HESA MPs have been notified of these examples of apparent outrageous persecution, an apparently concerted attack on academic freedom and competence. It would be a sorry situation indeed, where praise for an international contribution emanating from Greek scholarship, would be attenuated by outrage that the contributor be subsequently precluded from continuing his vital work.
Already letters in support of the embattled Dr. Johansson have been addressed to the appropriate parties at the Karolinska Institute, easily generated for his having been an influential eminence in the field for many years. We fear that his younger colleague in your country is very vulnerable for various reasons. This is why in distress I address myself first to your country's representatives in my own, Canada, where his recent important contribution was made, with apparent dire and completely untoward consequence.
Surely representatives of Greece in Canada would strive to forestall a situation where Canadian MPs themselves intervene to address this issue directly, as it may have been generated by their own invitation in good faith to a citizen of your country.
Will you do the great service of enquiring further into this situation at the University of Athens? Will you express the great dismay felt here, and the desire to avoid further internationally embarrassing repercussion? Will you intervene to restore our confidence that an institution such as the University of Athens not be a venue where inappropriate influences on academic independence are had, but rather continue to provide scholarship of world importance, such as drew the HESA Committee to invite Dimitris Panagopoulos?
Thank you very much for your urgent attention to this affair, which has already drawn the attention of Canadian journalists and politicians.
Dr. Panagopoulos' email address is [...]. The HESA proceedings including his own oral contribution, of which you should be proud, can be heard or read via
Meeting 13. Academic papers by him were also submitted to the Clerk of the Committee, significant reference to which one should expect to be found in an upcoming draft report to come before the Committee. Thus a citizen of Greece might have rendered great public service protective of public health in Canada, as a result of which he faces persecution at home.
Daryl Vernon (Toronto [...]),
with immediate support from Lorraine Penner, Barbara Payne, Sharon Noble, Catherine Mullally, François Therrien, Charlene Creelman, Una St. Clair-Moniz, Elizabeth Barris, Linda Ewart, Susan Yurychuk, Edna Pettipas, Emily Duffy-Arsenault, Catherine Gamba,
many more names forthcoming
Jul 26, 2010 5:53 pm US/Central
FDA Approves New Permanent Birth Control
The Adiana System is a new type of permanent birth control, recently approved by the FDA.
For decades, women have been looking for less invasive options to permanently prevent pregnancy.
Now, there's a new type of contraception that can be done in minutes under local anesthesia.
The FDA approved a procedure called the Adiana system.
There are no incisions or cuts. Instead an instrument delivers low-level radiofrequency energy to each fallopian tube.
A tiny insert, about the size of a grain of rice, is then placed in each tube.
"We place this little spongy material inside. We kind of drop it there," said Dr. Jacques Moritz, of Roosevelt Hospital. "Then, the body forms scar tissue around the spongy material and just seals everything shut."
The procedure cannot be reversed.
Submitted by David
Here is a copy of my e-mail "Letter to Editor" Los Angeles Times re Full-body Scanners at Los angeles International airport.
Helen Hibbing
Body Scanner Invades More than Privacy; Cancer Risks
Re: "LAX receives two more full-body scanning units," July 21:
I agree with Mel Frohman, Los Angeles in his letter to the editor (dated July 25, 2010) that "No one should be cheering the installation of full-body scanners at LAX." Dr. David Brenner, head of Columbia University's center for radiological research warns that the dose of radiation emitted by airport body scanners could be up to 20 times higher than originally estimated. He warns that children and people with gene mutations whose bodies are less able to repair damage to their DNA are most at risk. He has urged medical authorities to look at his work, pointing to the dangerous notion of mass scanning millions of people without proper oversight. (www.infowars.com/columbia-university-body-scanners-increase-risk-of-skin-cancer/) The article further states, "In the United States, people can refuse the body scanner and opt for an aggressive and intrusive hand-search. but people traveling out of the UK and other areas of Europe don't even get the choice--they are forced to go through the scanner if asked and cannot refuse or they are banned from travelling." To Urge Congress on EMF Safety, FCC Must change Guidelines one can "sign" an electronic petition at
Burbank ACTION (Against Cell Towers In Our Neighborhood)
Decreased real estate value
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution