From: Magda Havas
To: emf che
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 4:17 AM
Subject: Epilepsy 360° magazine on CFLs & dirty electricity, autism & epilepsy
p.s. FYI sidebar on page 5 on Autism and Epilepsy states that:
AN Australian systematic review showed children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have at least a 10-fold increased risk of developing epilepsy. Among children with ASD, 10– 39 per cent had developed epilepsy by their mid teens or 20s. Even children with higher IQs have a much higher rate of epilepsy than the general population, which is 1 – 2 per cent. Researchers cautioned that more work needed to be undertaken on predictors of long-term outcomes in order to give parents more accurate prognoses and not create unnecessary anxiety.