W.E.E.P. News
Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News
14 March 2011
The Crippled Japanese Nuclear Reactors
March 12, 201. New York Times
Interactive information about the nuclear crisis in Japan.
RF Water Meters
Yes, water meters can be RF also. My water meter broke..the city replaced it, telling me the new one, would be just like the old one. Well, it wasn't. It was a Sensus II RF AMI (automated). It set my emf meter off, made my house wiring go crazy, gave me a head-ache, and added current to my water line. I took a clamp ammeter and measured 9 amps! My usual readings are between 0.33 and 2.
Thankfully I was able to get the city take it OFF my house 42 hrs later. They are now estimating my water bills. I"d been following the smart meter debacle and hadn't read anything on water meters. But apparently, many houses already have the RF ones, and just don't realize it. This just happened this past Dec. I live in Michigan.
Opt Out Video
- California March 10 2011
SMUD says it will comply with the PUC on the Smart Meter opt out program
Harmful School Board?
Local schools get wireless Internet
The board's remaining 54 elementary schools will have a similar setup by the fall, costing another $100000, Vanstone said. Eventually all schools will have full Wi-Fi access for a total cost estimated at $500000. At PE McGibbon, students and staff can ...
Cell Phone Brain Tumors Lawsuit
Cell phone studies are increasingly linking radiation from the devices to brain tumors, specifically the risk of glioma (the most common brain tumor).
Exelon's Rowe knocks smart grid same day ComEd exec talks it up to lobby lawmakers
President Anne Pramaggiore testified in Springfield in favor of a bill that would allow ComEd to automatically hike electricity rates annually in part to recover the $1.5 billion it will cost to install so-called smart meters in Chicago-area homes and ...
FP's Lawrence Solomon: McGuinty's reality
Lawrence Solomon Mar 11, 2011
"We've got to contend with reality," Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty told the provincial legislature last fall, in explaining that Ontarians need smart electricity meters to adapt to a changed "world where we are building a new reliable, clean, modern electricity system." With smart meters, his Energy Minister chimed in, the government was providing "the opportunity for Ontarians to be able to shift their usage from peak usage."
Here's the reality. Ontario doesn't need Mr. McGuinty's new electricity system, which will be immensely less reliable and immensely more costly than the current system. The only one who needs the system is Mr. McGuinty himself, to make good his boast of being the world's first leader to get his jurisdiction entirely off coal.
Seniors, unemployed fight ComEd's rate hike request
"I guess at some point I won't be able to enjoy all of ComEd's flashy and new smart meters because my electricity would have been cut off for lack of payment." William E. Kyle, a Lawndale resident, scolded the ICC and ComEd for failing to publicize the ...
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution