Thursday, April 22, 2010

VERY powerful points - radio interview / 60 Minutes Australia / Commons Standing Committee on Health / Cancer patient, 13, searches for cause of his leukaemia

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News

22 April 2010

Some VERY powerful points about the dangers of microwave radiation, in this radio interview.



Mobile Phones Cause Cancer – 60 Minutes Australia Segment Part 2 ...
By admin

A report from 60 Minutes Australia about the risk that mobile phones could cause brain tumours! Use a hands free to be on the.

New Gadgets -


House of Commons Standing Committee on Health

Urgent - please submit written testimony so that the committee has a lot of  letters from people suffering from the effects of EMR.

I expect if letters were sent by this Thursday April 22  (tomorrow) they might still accept them.

The person to send the email letters to is Christine Holke David and  her email address is:  

They need to translate all  testimony into French (or from French into English) hence the time  factor.

Background Info:  The House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) is having two days of meetings on the health effects of radio frequency radiation in Ottawa (April 27 and 29).  They are accepting testimony from people who are sensitive, doctors, scientists, etc.

Both sides are going to be represented . . . those who think this is a non-issue (Wireless industry, Health Canada, Industry Canada and their experts) and those who believe this is a serious health issue.

We have a chance to educate this committee and they might do something about it as they are an overseer of Health Canada.

Those who do decide to submit something could they also send me a copy in either language as we can have it translated by google.



From: Sylvie

Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 9:50 PM

Subject: Cancer patient, 13, searches for root cause of his leukaemia

The Star 20 avril 2010

Cancer patient, 13, searches for root cause of his leukaemia

kanina foss
A 13-year-old from Krugersdorp is doing a school science project on whether electromagnetic radiation (EMR) caused his leukaemia.

Dominique Charlebois decided on the topic of his entry into the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists after reading research that included the work of Barrie Trower, a former British military scientist currently visiting South Africa to spread awareness about the dangers of EMR.

"I wanted to know what caused my cancer. The doctors said it was a mystery," said Dominique.

In the 1970s, Trower was responsible for questioning spies captured during the Cold War. "Before microwaves were used for cellphones, they were used as stealth weapons. The Soviet Union would beam microwaves into the US embassy to make people ill. You become confused, tired, depressed and suicidal," he said.

Seven years ago, a survey of childhood cancers was done in England, France and Spain. "They found 130 clusters of roughly 11 children with cancer around each transmitter. By 2006 we had in excess of 200 childhood cancer clusters around transmitters, which is more than 2 000 children. Nearly all the children died," Trower said.

Dominique was diagnosed in December. Two months earlier, a friend and classmate who lived in the adjacent housing complex lost a four-year cancer battle. There are four transmitters in the neighbourhood.

Three are within a 2km radius of Dominique's house, and one is next to his school, 3km away from the house.

Measurements taken inside the house and at the school on Saturday revealed radiation levels to be much lower than the guidelines used by industry.

The problem, according to Trower, is that these ICNRIP (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection) guidelines, which are advocated by the World Health Organisation, are being abused by industry.

The guidelines set a maximum which is a short-term dose that humans shouldn't be exposed to for longer than six minutes. But when wireless technology operators are challenged on health risks, they defend themselves by saying they emit radiation levels lower than the maximum.

Radiation levels were found to be particularly high in Dominique's bedroom. Trower says the most harmful time to be exposed to radiation is while sleeping. Children are particularly vulnerable because their immune systems are not yet fully developed.

Trower advised Dominique to get rid of his cellphone and to stop playing with technology that uses WiFi.
Dominique is about to undergo the last phase of chemotherapy.

"They push as much chemo into your body as you can handle. I'm scared," he said.

On days when he feels well enough, he researches for his project.

Submitted by Iris

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