Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Health Canada admits danger / Increase Risk for Alzheimer's / Peel Letter / Electropathic Stress / Smart? / Meter Ban / Hacking / Orange / Not Justified / Sage EMFs / Belgium / EU / Phones

W.E.E.P. News

The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

27 February 2013

Health Canada admits that Safety Code 6 for frequencies between 100 kHz and 300 GHz are based ONLY on heating.

February 20, 2013.  I just returned from a hearing in Montreal in front of the Superior Court of Quebec where Health Canada scientist, James McNamee, admitted that the Safety Code 6 guideline for microwave radiation (which includes radiation from most of the devices we are concerned about like mobile phones, cell phone antennas, Wi-Fi, wireless toys and baby monitors, smart meters etc.) is based ONLY on preventing a heating effect!

Let me state that again.  Health Canada admits that Safety Code 6 for frequencies between 100 kHz and 300 GHz are based ONLY on heating.

Why is this so important?

For years Health Canada has stated that Safety Code 6 takes into consideration and protects the public from both thermal and non-thermal effects.  They made this statement to groups concerned about Wi-Fi in schools and to those concerned about smart meters and cell towers coming into their neighborhoods.  While they are technically correct in their statement, they mislead the public by what they failed to mention.  What Health Canada failed to mention is that the "non-thermal" effects are considered ONLY for frequencies between 3 and 100 kHz.  For frequencies between 100 kHz and 300 GHz ONLY thermal effects are considered and cell towers fall within this "thermal range."

That is not the only thing that was novel and refreshing at this hearing.

To read more visit: 

Exposure to Electricity May Increase Risk for Alzheimer's Disease and ALS

Research review finds evidence of neurodegenerative effects from electrical exposure.

Joel M. Moskowitz, PRLog (Press Release) - Feb 25, 2013

To see news release: http://www.prlog.org/12087069
"Overall, these studies found 43% increased risk of ALS. For AD, the association with MF was stronger in studies that directly measured MF exposure. Overall, these studies found 58% increased risk for AD."



Open letter sent to Peel District School Board, Ontario

February 15, 2013, Magda Havas wrote:

Tony Pontes and Janet McDougald

I write to you because I am convinced Wi-Fi technology is harmful and should not be introduced into the classroom. I know that my opinion may not mean very much to you as it is contrary to what Health Canada says, however, I have been studying environmental toxins since 1975 and, based on my many years of research in this broad area, I believe that we are making a serious mistake that will be much more harmful than asbestos in the classroom ever was. I do not make this statement lightly.

It is my understanding that the PDSB, like many other school boards across Canada, is considering Wi-Fi technology as the primary source of Internet access. Please read the attached letter regarding Wi-Fi and microwave radiation in the classroom before you make any firm decisions about deployment of this technology.


Electropathic Stress in Animals and Man

If anyone wishes to understand what is taking place in governmental and social systems, it is instructive to understand how signaling between biological cells is impared or altered by EM radiation. Your social systems are breaking down much the same way as your biological and neurological systems, because ALL life is ordered around the same ability to communicate complex chemical information within biological cells.

Please take the time to study this text. > http://michiganstopsmartmeters.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/electropathic-stress-in-animals-and-man-by-donald-hillman.pdf

"Smart" water meters installed - so where have the birds gone?

But this year is different. This year an eerie silence has settled over Ouellette's yard - and his entire neighborhood.  "The birds are gone," he said this past week. "Our feeders are still full."

Sebastopol ban on SmartMeters

The city's measure, citing the "potential risks to the health, safety and welfare of Sebastopol residents," imposed a moratorium, effective immediately, with a $500 fine for violations.
Securing the Edges of the Smart Meter Network From Hacking

That's because the hundreds or thousands of smart meters that make up a neighborhood area network are open to threats that centralized systems may not catch, Galen Rasche, EPRI's technical executive for industrial cybersecurity, said in an interview last week
Smart Meter Harming Orange Tree

I uploaded this short video over the weekend. It is quite a visual regarding the safety of smart meters:

Attorney general says DTE Energy smart meter opt-out fees not justified

DTE Energy
customers shouldn't have to pay $87 to have a smart meter taken off their home, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette says.  Customers should also be able to keep their analog meter, Schuette said in a written opinion.

In the statement filed this month by Schuette in response to ongoing state-level hearings on Detroit Edison's proposed opt-out program for its customers who don't want smart meters, Schuette said he didn't think fees the company had proposed customers pay were justified.

Cindy Sage and the Health Effects of EMFs

Excellent radio show! Cindy talks about the nightmare of smart meters, WI-FI, & cell towers. She says enough science exists of harm to make changes. She says people need more political will, to make the changes. And of course do not use anything w wireless to not drive more of the technologies. Most on this list would not buy a wireless device.

Belgium EHS Resolution Defeated
Press release from Belgium's ecologist Members of Parliament regarding their recent proposal for recognition of electro-hypersensitivty as a handicap and establishment of "white zones" for EHS persons in Belgium.  The proposal was not accepted by the government majority, however, the concerned parties have vowed to keep fighting for EHS persons.  

EU Commission EMF Stakeholder Dialogue Group in Brussels 

Eileen O'Connor's report following a meeting at the EU Commission meeting
20th February, 2013
Board members from the International EMF Alliance, Eileen O'Connor, Alex Swinkels and Kerstin Stenberg along with Dr Isaac Jamieson provided talks and evidence towards the precautionary approach to wireless communication from mobile phones, phone masts, wifi at a Stakeholder Group at the EU Commission, Brussels.
It was encouraging to hear that many countries in Europe such as  France, Germany, Holland, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Austria and even countries such as Russia are engaging with the public and NGO's in an attempt to understand and help people suffering with electrosensitivity, while working towards getting a clearer picture regarding radiation exposure levels. However, the UK is unfortunately not making any progress or attempts to address this serious issue.
Eileen said "the UK Radiation Research Trust and many other charities based in the UK are no longer engaging with UK Health Protection Agency (HPA).  The HPA are shamefully lagging behind the rest of Europe and even the world and appear to be playing out time.  Countless discussion groups with the HPA have failed to reach any agreements with NGO's. The HPA have demonstrated that they are not prepared to listen."
People suffering with electrosensitive (ES) symptoms in the UK are told that it is nocebo i.e. not a real effect, it is all in the mind. This could possibly be a dangerous approach to take. Could the HPA be opening themselves up to litigation with regards to the balance of probability in the courts towards neglect and duty of care?  
The HPA appear to be taking the "don't rock the boat approach, while simply playing lip service to the Government."  How can those sitting in positions of power command any respect when they are simply ignoring the calls for help from people suffering with electrosensitivity or cancer and living in fear near phone masts and being forced to send their children to schools full of wifi signals? 
Meanwhile, the French Government are now trying to identify medical solutions, treatment and care for people suffering with ES and are studying anyone who claims they suffer with this condition by asking them to participate in attending one of the 24 hospitals equipped to study this. The Dutch are also investigating this condition by trying to find a diagnostic tool for EHS and Russia has set up rooms in hospitals to diagnose and treat this condition.  The Commission are keen to encourage all member states to work together to help find solutions and solve this issue. The UK approach of "head in the sand" is clearly not an approach to follow.
It is also evident that virtually no one is monitoring or measuring the radiation levels in Europe. The mobile phone industry are even allowed to self-regulate in the UK. 
There is a massive gap here to create a whole new industry, we need to train engineers to help create an independent radiation monitoring service. This could create a whole new industry and jobs.
The Chairman of Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, and member of Int. Advisory Committee of WHO "EMF and Health" Professor Yury Grigoriev gave a powerful presentation and also offered his expertise to help using his skills and life time knowledge. He has wide experience of research on issues surrounding this problem " Ionizing radiation and around 40 years experience dealing with Non-Ionizing  radiations and health. He also dealt with the Chernobyl accident.
Professor Grigoriev ended his presentation saying:
"Full information should be given to the population". Current research for mobile communication, is indicating an increased risk for health and the public must be made aware of the lack of scientific knowledge for long term microwave exposure. The population should be made aware of his advice to appreciate what he calls the probable risk for adverse health effects from uncontrolled use of mobile communication.  He also said "Of course, we must remind people that their entire body is also continuously exposed round-the-clock to extra exposures associated with EMF base stations and Wi-Fi. Mobile communication should become a temporarily service of selection. Because of the danger inherent in microwave technology, and the failure of regulatory standards to protect the population in general and particularly children, mobile communication should be a choice for short term, temporary use so that we may preserve human health."
We need to appeal to our MPs and Government Ministers and bypass the HPA and appeal for them to help identify diagnostic tool and treatment and protection for people suffering with ES symptoms, while dealing with the wider issues to find a safer way forward.
Eileen will be following up on Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith's invitation to deliver a copy of the Russian book on the most important research on EMFs and said she is looking forward to delivering this message into the heart of the UK Government. They need to listen to the reports about ES, Cancer etc and firmly debate this issue now rather than leaving this serious issue to be dealt with by charitable organisations.  
Eileen O'Connor
EM Radiation Research Trust
Belgium: New Measures to Protect Children from Mobile Phones
A much more positive development from Belgium, coming from the Ministers for Health and for Consumer Affairs.

There will no longer be advertising specifically targeting children younger than 14 years of age. Sellers will be obliged to inform their customers of the SAR value. The sale of mobile phones specifically designed for young children up to age 7 will be banned in Belgium.  A royal decree will be drafted later in the year to render obligatory the sale of mobile phones with headsets.

English translation:

Snow Train

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution