Sunday, February 13, 2011

Smart Meter Protest / Electric fields - brain / Battle of the towers / Bethlehem cell tower / radiation limits / Obama WiFi model

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

14 February 2011

Smart Meter Protest
This Wed. 16th February and Speak to the new CPUC Thurs. 24th
If we want to STOP SMART METERS, we're going to have to RAISE OUR VOICES!  Please spread the word widely to your contacts.    If you can't travel to San Francisco on Wednesday, consider holding a protest at a Public Utilities Commission near where you live and contacting the media.
Wed. Feb 16:  PROTEST in front of CPUC offices at 505 Van Ness (at McAllister) in San Francisco.  12 Noon until about 1:30-2, or as long as you can stay.  Bring signs, bring friends, wear red or bright color.  Goal is 100+ people this time, so fill those buses, trains, ferries, and carpools!
Thurs. Feb 24:  SPEAK at CPUC MEETING (in the open time right after the 9:30 a.m. start).  505 Van Ness.  Two new commissioners will be seated, so this opportunity is critical!  It is especially important for commissioners to hear from electrically sensitive people and others adversely affected by SmartMeters.  Arrive before 9:30 to complete a sign-up card in the foyer.   Goal is 30+++ people.  Two minute maximum speaking time --likely reduced to one minute with 30 or more speakers.  Let's be sure they hear from all of us!
Capitola in Santa Cruz County is the latest local government- as of last night- to criminalize 'smart' meter installations to protect public health and safety.   See:  That makes twenty-six CA local governments who have demanded a moratorium and seven who have criminalized smart meter installations.  Has your local government passed an ordinance yet?
Joshua Hart
Director, Stop Smart Meters!

Electric fields are integral to the functioning of a living brain

Caltech neurobiologists show that there is far more to brain communications and activity that simplitic synapse activity




Battle of the towers heats up in Colwood

Victoria Times Colonist
The municipality says the towers emit electromagnetic radiation and broadcasting signals that interfere with everything from residents' telephones to ...




Bethlehem residents protest cell tower

A British study funded by both the government and the mobile phone industry concluded ... between cell phones and cancer although it could not be ruled out.




Call for cuts in cell phone tower radiation limits

Cell phone
towers are believed to emit low level radiation which can have an ... increased incidence of many types of cancer including brain tumours.




What? Obama WiFi model companies don't use WiFi

The Detroit News

American taxpayers who are being asked to spend - "invest" to use the president's slick term - on a new federal WiFi program under false pretences.


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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution