W.E.E.P. News
Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News
5 February 2011
Proliferation of patients 'allergic' to WiFi networks
The Picaresque Agency on the Internet and senior consultant physician of Internal Medicine of Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Joaquín Fernández Solà have warned on Wednesday of the proliferation of people "allergic" to the electromagnetic waves in wireless networks.
Speaking to Europa Press, the medical expert stated that technically these people do not suffer from an allergy to these magnetic fields, but develop a "sensitivity" that show with disorders ranging from anxiety, vomiting, headaches, migraines, cough , burning eyes, irritability, insomnia and eczema on the skin.
The Hospital Clinic has served over three years to one hundred patients with this sensitivity, which is estimated to affect one in every 1,000 people, but warns that Fernandez could be more long term, because they are not tested the effects of these fields after a period of many years.
The profile most affected responds to people with chemical sensitivities to environmental agents and certain environments, but beginning to be cases of men and women who first develop a sensitivity to these fields.
Input, workers are often immersed in an environment, labor usually full of electromagnetic waves, "authentic" bunker disrupting some of them.
The expert has criticized the huge presence of antennas, repeaters, wireless networks, computers and microwaves in common environments without having shown "long term" food safety, and regretted that there is "some tolerance" to these devices.
It has therefore recommended to avoid intensive exposure to these fields for the possibility of buying third generation mobile that reduce the emission of waves, as well as LED screens and screen savers for your computer.
Considered unacceptable that in Barcelona there are "illegal pollution levels, and warned that in future there could be a situation like the one with the snuff, at first seen as a sign of modernity and now banned in public places.
Directed by Francis Canals, the Agency Picaresque - Old Observatory Internet - has complained that these people must live on the edge of technology and represent "the B side of a society ever more technological."
In fact, also noted that companies have proliferated offering wireless networks insulating curtains.
The Society of Negative Results
"Radiation Research" has long been known as the journal of negative results for papers on EMFs.
Now a recent former president of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) says the society is threatened by its "biased scientific culture" that is often unable to accept positive results.
Read our latest Short Take on the Microwave News Home Page
See also the item we posted last week on the new commentary by two members of Interphone team advising precaution in the use of cell phones.
Louis Slesin
Editor, Microwave News
A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
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Smart Meter protest song
Here is a great 'smart meter' protest song. Please enjoy and distribute it.
It is an MP3, click on this link -
and then click on the file. It will open with your default media player.
Many thanks to the writer and performer Nina J. Beety
Beware of the Blackberry squint
By Hannah Thomas on Thursday 3 February 2011
A top cosmetic surgeon has blamed mobile phone screens for the recent rise in women suffering premature wrinkles.
With the rise of the smartphone, women are spending more time than ever squinting at their screens, creating an area of tension around and between the brows from scrunching up the face.
Celebrity surgeon Dr Jean-Louis Sebagh, whose clients include Cindy Crawford, says: 'The phenomenon can be seen on anyone who has, and regularly checks, a Blackberry or iPhone.'
London beauty therapist Nichola Joss, who has worked with Keira Knightley and Scarlett Johansson, has also noticed a growing phenomenon among her clients. 'I've noticed a huge difference over the past 18 months in my clients' faces from constantly peering down at a mini screen.'
There is a natural tendancy to squint at the screen when reading messages creating an area of tension and the development of fine lines and wrinkles around the brow.
Smartphone-related wrinkles are the latest condition that doctors attribute to overuse of technology, but Dr Sebagh says the problem is easily rectified with a bit of light Botox.
But Ms Joss suggests a less invasive DIY face massage can also help you avoid those early signs of aging. Relaxing the muscles and stimulating blood flow in the facial area will increase the collagen and renew that youthful, healthy glow.
Why not have a go at home. Try massaging you face in a circular motion, gently sweeping your fingers from the nasal pyramid towards the temples and around the area between your eyebrows to ward off those unwanted lines.
Note - Could it be the microwave radiation that is really causing the wrinkles and premature aging? Martin.
Oregon Cell Phone Package Warning
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