Thursday, November 18, 2010

JAPAN - First mast law suit / lab rat / Lakehead University makes big mistake / Biography Of Cancer / Victoria school dangers of Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi exposure a concern / SmartMeter health probe

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News

19 November 2010

JAPAN - First law suit seeking removal of a base station on grounds of Harm to Health

Hello Martin.

I send the news of Japan. 162 people (102 families) reported on abnormality of health caused by cell phone antenna mast.

Because resident's symptoms are very serious, Nobeoka City officials conduct health counselling.

The big newspaper company (Asahi Shimbun) in Japan reported it.

Abnormal health cluster near the cellular phone mast in Nobeoka-city, Miyazaki, Japan.

English (google translate

From Mariko Toya


I don't want to be a lab rat.


Students going to be lab rats

Lakehead University changes stance on campus WiFi

The Wire Report

"The evidence was starting to mount at that time that there were potential biological effects of exposure to the electromagnetic radiation emanating from ...


An Oncologist Writes 'A Biography Of Cancer'

"Cancer is not just a dividing cell," he says. "It's a complex disease

"If there's a seminal discovery in oncology in the last 20 years, it's that idea that cancer genes are often mutated versions of normal genes," he says. "And the arrival of that moment really sent a chill down the spine of cancer biologists. Because here we were hoping that cancer would turn out to be some kind of exogenous event — a virus or something that could then be removed from our environment and our bodies and we could be rid of it — but [it turns out] that cancer genes are sitting inside of each and every one of our chromosomes, waiting to be corrupted or activated."

My question:

How much is electro magnetic radiation corrupting, mutating and activating cancer genes? 



Victoria school trustees examine dangers of Wi-Fi

By Natalie North - Victoria News (BC Canada)
Published: November 17, 2010 9:00 PM

Wi-Fi is in 10 elementary schools, every secondary school and nearly every middle school in Greater Victoria.

However, some people with concerns about the wireless technology have convinced trustees to review the Greater Victoria school district's policy.

"It's one of those stories where technologies move on and we don't necessarily know what the repercussions will be," said trustee Peg Orcherton.

Orcherton was the first board member who called for further research into the potential health risks of Wi-Fi in schools, following a series of concerns presented by parents and community groups.

Her initial motion to stop installing wireless internet routers in schools until the board is given more research on potential risks to developing children was shot down last month. The board agreed to form an ad hoc committee to evaluate Wi-Fi safety. For now, the technology remains in use.

"It's an ongoing issue," said board chair Tom Ferris. "People aren't asking us to make it disappear. This is an opportunity for the board to explain it."

Among those who presented at the Nov. 17 school board meeting was Walt McGinnes, an electromagnetic radiation tester and Karen Weiss, who attributes her teenaged son's headaches and fatigue, among other symptoms, to the abundance of wireless signals in the area, including at his high school.

"Health Canada says there are no studies that show negative health effects of Wi-Fi, but there are no studies done with children and they won't do anything until harm is evident – which is scary," Orcherton said.

"I think our kids are being used as guinea pigs and I need some reassurance."

The Wi-Fi review committee is expected to table a report next spring.


Long term, low level Wi-Fi exposure a concern: expert

Part two video (after part one finishes)


PUC division pushes for SmartMeter health probe

San Francisco Chronicle November 18, 2010

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