Friday, September 5, 2014

WEEP News - SCENIHR special reports

W.E.E.P. News

The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

5 September 2014


Susan Foster recently sent me the attached letter about the SCENIHR EMF report, which she sent to the European Union Ombudsman.  It documents a very serious attempt to corrupt scientific knowledge about the known dangers of cell phones, wireless devices and our exposure to microwave radiation.  After reading this important letter, I searched for more information about this report and found several other very strong scientific rebuttals which are linked below.
This corruption of science is placing hundreds of millions of people in great danger and it must not be allowed to be ignored.  I ask that you all use this evidence to tell others about this situation and raise the alarm.  The information is suitable to be sent to the press, politicians, health specialists, parents and concerned citizens.  Hopefully, if we spread this information, we may see the alarm raised and action taken.
Martin Weatherall 

SCENIHR Report 2014 and The Suppression of Dr. Lennart Hardell's Science

Attached is my letter to the European Union Ombudsman. 

Susan Foster

The Flawed Report

BioInitiative Working Group Comments on 2014 SCENIHR Preliminary Opinion on Potential Health Effects of EMF


Very problematic SCENIHR Report


Call for an overhaul of SCENIHR membership

Industry bias exposed in SCENIHR's scientific assessment

From Eileen O'Connor, UK Radiation Research Trust
Letter to
Minister of Health, Government of Canada
By David Carpenter MD
Letter from the
Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation

500 million citizens are relying on SCENIHR:
Is Science Being Hidden from the Public?
Eileen O'Connor on SCENIHR

SCENIHR's credibility problem… again…

Susan Foster's original letters.

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution