The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
25 January 2014
Dr. Gifford Jones.
Unfortunately, she developed breast cancer. But what shocked doctors was that the pattern of the cancer lined up perfectly with the shape of the cell phone.
It has taken a year for the draft law on electromagnetic waves carried by Laurence Bee on behalf of MPs environmentalists is adopted by the National Assembly. At its niche in 2013 , the environmental group had entered the text agenda. At the request of the minister, and at the last moment , the Socialist group, the majority had returned the text in committee - a referral commission motivated by the expectation of several works on the subject of waves in 2013. These reports made , Laurence Bee took over the work and cooperation within the majority: the environmental group could , as he had promised last year, part of its annual parliamentary recess a new version of the bill on the air, taking into account various reports submitted to and remarks that have been made during the previous examination.
It is this proposal that the Assembly adopted today , paving the way for a parliamentary shuttle with the Senate.
"Now, at the location of antennas , a clear procedure will be set up with information of residents and the mayor, dialogue between stakeholders and conciliation in case of blockage ," says Laurence Bee . " Today's proposal also provides for identification and treatment of outliers , that is to say, the points that substantially exceeds the average nationally . Wave transmitters and wireless devices are better supported , with a clear warning consumers and a mechanism for simply turning off wifi for all devices that use it . "
" The ban wifi in nurseries as well as advertising with a glue ear are designed to protect the weakest phone , that is to say younger and encourage more reasonable practices - following in this scientific advice . "
"This text also opens the way for a consideration of electro- hypersensitivity : a report on the advisability of creating electromagnetic radiation limited areas and on the effectiveness of isolating devices waves will be realized. This responds to a growing demand for some of our fellow citizens who are suffering and were now neglected, if not ignored . "
According to its author, " the key words of the text are sober as possible , transparency and consultation. Far from being punitive , ecology demonstrates that it knows to be incentive for behaviors and preventive for consideration of risks. "
François de Rugy , Co environmental group , this second adoption of an environmentalist text of the day the National Assembly (after the Law on Plant Protection Products ) " sounds like a double demonstration : that environmentalists perform well function for setting the parliamentary agenda of environmental and health issues , and the interest to participate fully in the majority - only way to adopt the solutions we carry and translate them into everyday life. "
Press contact: Charlotte Pauron 06 82 21 33 33 - cpauron.ecolo @ ASSEMBLY -
Sobriety used sparingly in the National Assembly ...
Paris , January 23, 2014 - Following a parliamentary debate to lead to the adoption in first reading a text governing the development of mobile and wireless technologies , organizations are finding that small law adopted reflects the state of forces.
Associations expected that the debate in the National Assembly strengthens the text of the bill . Not only amendments to strengthen the text were rejected , but the proposal of the Government , the ambition of the original text has been reduced , particularly regarding children's exposure .
However, this text marks a symbolic milestone for the recognition of EHS .
Far from guaranteeing an ideal text antenna residents, laptop users and electrohypersensitive the displayed electromagnetic sobriety, the text adopted does is no less an advanced filling a persistent regulatory vacuum.
Associations hope that senators will strengthen small law adopted by the members present.
French village in 'Asterix-style battle' to be mobile network-free zone
Indeed, it is so isolated that some residents claim Pailharès is the last remaining "white zone" in France – a village almost totally devoid of electromagnetic waves. "We are bit like Asterix's village of Gaul, the last in France to resist an invasion of mobile phone masts. We will fight to the bitter end," said Isabelle Nonn-Praya.
Disability Draft WHO global disability action plan 2014–2021:
Better health for all people with disabilities
Hypothesis on how to measure electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
Institute of History, Theory and Ethics in Medicine, and Human Technology Centre (HumTec), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is an ill-defined term to describe the fact that people who experience health symptoms in the vicinity of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) regard them as causal for their complaints. Up to now most scientists assume a psychological cause for the suffering of electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals. This paper addresses reasons why most provocation studies could not find any association between EMF exposure and EHS and presents a hypothesis on diagnosis and differentiation of this condition. Simultaneous recordings of heart rate variability, microcirculation and electric skin potentials are used for classification of EHS. Thus, it could be possible to distinguish "genuine" electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals from those who suffer from other conditions.
- 23301924
On Wednesday night, Todd Harvey, a Camp Hill-based physician and resident whose home neighbors the proposed cell tower site, provided the supervisors with a 14-page reference list of publications that warn of health issues related to electromagnetic radiation, which emanates from cell towers.
Robert J. Rowen, MD, Second Opinion.
Facebook page created to support commentary around Damon Wyman's campaign, after what he has learned about radiofrequency/microwave radiation, since his young son, Ethan, died from a brain tumour last year.
Significant Achievements in Toronto, Guelph and West Vancouver
Heidi Collins: A Rolling Refugium
More on Danish Brain Tumor Rates
report on the incidence of various types of tumors.
For the ten years from 2003 through 2012, tumors of
the central nervous system increased by 41.2% among men
and 46.1% among women. In last year's report, the
increases were 30% and 25%, respectively.
So far, we have heard no clarification about the reported
doubling of glioblastoma, the most aggressive type of
brain tumor, among Danish men.
The new report raises the question: What accounts for the
continuing increase in all types of CNS tumors?
The new update is at the bottom of our original story:
Louis Slesin,0,5200384.story
Answering a call while getting your blood pressure taken could lead to an inaccurately higher reading, according to a new study.
Google translation
Home NEWS Company
By Judith Duportail
TESTIMONY - This Thursday MEPs environmentalists want to pass a bill to regulate exposure to electromagnetic waves from mobile , antennas, wireless networks , etc. . Agnes senior official Paris and electro told the BBC that his suffering is not recognized by society.
"Being electro means fighting every day to continue to lead a normal life . I know for example that I am physically unable to go to the business district of La Defense, Paris . There, the waves are so focused that I would make a crisis instantly. When I am in a critical area , I feel a horrible impression of electrical tingling throughout my body , it is as if the spin cycle was triggered in my brain. I feel bad , irritable, and even once I got home the symptoms take time to fade.
I 've never been technophobe . I was even the first in my family to take an interest in the Internet. As everyone before being electro , I had a cell phone and I appreciated the time he made me win. Everything changed for me after Christmas in 2008. I was very healthy , very happy in my life, I held a position that I coveted for a long time , everything was fine on the personal and professional level . But I felt terrible headaches , I felt confused , I had a feeling of fever, my limbs became rigid. Today I rapprochement with all smartphones and other connected objects that were offered in my family that year.
300 euros per month drug
On my return from vacation, I 'm not me at all felt better . The wifi had been installed on my workplace, and I felt headache intensity that I had never known. I had the chance to quickly find a doctor who listens to me and take my symptoms seriously . My relatives have believed me , my superiors were accomodating to work with me , I had in my misfortune , very lucky . My EHS is less difficult to live now that I'm careful . I swallow a couple of pills a day and spends 300 euros every month, because it obviously is not refunded. I take particular natural precursor of serotonin ( hormone called " happiness " , ed.) I can not imagine how people who do not have the resources to fund their treatment.
But even if I am followed , even if my family support me and believe me , it is almost impossible for outsiders to understand what I feel. I do not live in the same world as the other , a world where there is enthusiasm for new technologies. I live in constant fear that a new antenna is installed next to me , or my neighbors , who have agreed to cut their wifi, finally decide on again. I force myself to continue to see my friends in their apartments with wifi , even if I have , I take it upon myself . Suffering is one thing but to see our illness not taken into account, considered as a delusion , a fantasy, adds significantly to our distress. "
Smart meter issues heating up in Massachusetts
Smart Meter Lawsuits website (launched and won)
Allergic to WiFi, condemned to live hidden ?
Alérgicos al WiFi condenados a vivir escondidos? (Video in Spanish)
Ralph Nader - How Big Business Has Taken Control of the U.S. Government
Describing the United States as an "advanced Third World country," longtime consumer advocate and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader calls for a new mass movement to challenge the power corporations have in Washington. "It is not too extreme to call our system of government now 'American fascism.' It's the control of government by big business, which Franklin Delano Roosevelt defined in 1938 as fascism," Nader says. "We have the lowest minimum wage in the Western world. We have the greatest amount of consumer debt. We have the highest child poverty, the highest adult poverty, huge underemployment, a crumbling public works — but huge multi-billionaires and hugely profitable corporations. I say to the American people: What's your breaking point? When are you going to stop making excuses for yourself? When are you going to stop exaggerating these powers when you know you have the power in this country if you organize it?" Nader has just published a new book, "Told You So: The Big Book of Weekly Columns."
Articles by U of Alberta Professor of Medicine Stephen J. Genuis
The chemical erosion of human health: adverse environmental exposure and in-utero pollution – determinants of congenital disorders and chronic disease
Marshfield mayoral candidate continues battle against electrical "smart meters"
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution