The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
22 January 2014
A shortened and edited version of notes written for and in cooperation with The Breakspear Hospital, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4FD, U.K. The writer has been helping their electrically hypersensitive patients since 1982.
What are Electrical Sensitivities?
Many persons suffer from sensitivities to certain foods and environmental chemicals which cause them discomfort, or even in extreme cases prevent them from functioning in any effective manner. Even the most minute amounts of these substances may on occasions 'trigger' reactions which are specific to each individual. Warnings regarding nuts, peanuts or gluten are commonly found displayed on food products. When a sensitivity reaction occurs, some regulatory system within the body has ceased to function properly and gives alarm signals, calling for an unjustified panic reaction. Usually, it is the autonomic nervous system (ANS) which is the first to become compromised in this way. This system controls all the involuntary body functions. Thus, any part or function of the body might become affected by the same allergen acting in different people which is why such effects do not show up in medical statistics.
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Christiane Le Dauphin lived Broistudan . Electro- sensitive , she now lives as a recluse in the Tregor . And asks for a "white" area , without EMF waves , Brittany.
she had to leave Boistrudan to settle with her " armored " caravan in the northern Côtes- d'Armor.
To join an electro-sensitive , it should be away from the world . Suggest a phone conversation. From a booth France Telecom. Or from a landline. Then listen to a woman of fifty . Bruised . In his flesh . At the end of the wire tears in his voice. The only way to find it to soothe her suffering : "walking barefoot on the earth." A story of frequencies.
Neurological and circulatory problems, difficulty concentrating , etc. . The symptoms are many EHS . They also remain invisible . "It's a nightmare , says Christiane Le Dauphin . Long time, this disease , I masked by drugs. I want a lot to myself . I should have protected me before . "
Until this summer , the nurse by profession lived Boistrudan . Peaceful village. In appearance. "I lived there for two and a half years. At first, it was fine. The situation worsened when the community came wifi . Once , I nearly died . Three people entered my house. They were moving . I felt an explosion in the body. It is as if we were strafed constantly. " "As an invisible war"
In early September, she began a hunger strike . Government warning and press. "We have islands to protect the birds! But we , when are we going to protect us ! "Asks Christiane Le Dauphin . She left the Ille -et-Vilaine emergency . Joined the calm of Treg . Slept in a tent for several days. "I had no more pain. The nearest antenna was five kilometers . I was able to recover quickly. " The respite was short- lived. "I was on private property and I was spotted . "
"I will speak to the end"
Friedrich Wolff , spokesman of the group " Alerts Waves 22" comes from the support and many initiatives to find a solution to adequate accommodation.
"It is inhumane how I have to live . It's like an invisible war. I'm like a refugee , " she says .
A draft RF free area in the region Provence -Alpes -Côte d'Azur is in the study. "We must stop the reproach and contempt . He will have become aware that there is urgency to find technologies that are less harmful . " In Britain, the region remains for now deaf to the cries for help of Christiane Le Dauphin : " I will speak to the end. I have three certificates , doctors are Crazy . I do not want anyone that happens to me".
" A race against the clock "
" It's a race against the clock , breath Christiane Le Dauphin . There are calls throughout France . We had to mourn a social life. I have children , I'm afraid for them. My call, it is an act of hope. It is also an SOS ... We need the authorities react . "
EHS , what is it? Be electro- hypersensitive (EHS) , what does that mean ? Recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) , the new condition is not treated in France . However , these symptoms can prevent patients live normal lives as soon as they are exposed to waves : dizziness , headache , irritability, impaired memory and concentration , burns, muscle aches, etc. . They would be in 2013 thousands forced to leave France in the areas covered by 2G , 3G or wifi. And as the " white areas " not exposed to electromagnetic waves reduce the EHS sink into poverty and isolation.
Boistrudan , France
"The meters are orders of magnitude more expensive than the normal meters," she said.
"One of the problems is that the water you save will never pay off the extra cost of the meter in the life of the meter. Water is a very low-price commodity."
Electrosensitive, Elizabeth had to transform her house to live in it.
Eda - Florent Marot
NAMUR - After Poximus , it was the turn of Base to install its own 4G network in Namur. A boon for techies , a drama for electro .
Elizabeth Lambert is electrosensitive . Ailments , chronic fatigue, paralysis , headaches, mental confusion, pain in the limbs and so many other neurological and physical suffering are the daily lot of people electro . The électrosensiblité , what is it? This is a sensitivity that is called electrosmog or the electromagnetic pollution.
With the increasing pollution of the common electromagnetic environment, the situation became unbearable Elisabeth , both socially and everyday . " For personal reasons , I had to leave my house three years ago . I rented apartments where I never slept . In six months , I slept in my car. A car is a Faraday cage and thus protection against the waves . I realized that I was electro . " Elisabeth then slept in the living room of a friend, surrounded by aluminum plates which she struggles to detach today. " One night I woke up with the feeling that someone was hitting me on the head. It was unbearable . Seeking , it was noted that the DECT (fixed wireless phone ) is still connected. DECT is the worst of all . "
Returning to his old home in Malonne , Elisabeth turned his home into a fortress against the waves. "Above the bed , I installed a canopy fabric with copper and silver . Below , a cover connected to a grounded outlet. " Ionizer , mass stove , removing any harmful device biorupteurs , Elizabeth had to make significant changes to simply live in his house . But thanks to drastic measures , Elisabeth can boast of living in a pristine home in waves , now called the Sourcerie . "I have guest rooms for people like me who suffer from EHS . "
Base : "no health effects "
Although telephone companies are not the only potential officials électrosensibilté , they are the main subject . Listening to studies Base Company states that " based on current scientific knowledge, it is not possible to say that exposure to electromagnetic waves emitted by base stations and mobile have any negative effect on health. "
Moreover, Proximus says they were " the first in Belgium to provide information concerning exposure to radio waves emitted by mobile phones. " And that " Since 2009, most devices Proximus Collection are also equipped a headset. "
On the other hand , Benedict Louppe , consultant electromagnetic environment and building biology states that " Very practical studies have shown the difference in results in studies of the influence of the electromagnetic environment by source of funding . A powerful lobby protects telephone companies . "
Belgium Boosts Cell Phone Radiation Safeguards
Belgium recently adopted new cell phone regulations that bar mobile phone models designed for, and marketed to children ages 7 and younger.
Could this really be the source of our unusual symptoms? The wireless "smart" meters were the only thing that had changed at our home of five years
Lakeland Electric's Smart Meters Can Overheat
An advocacy group called on toy maker Fisher-Price to stop selling a baby seat designed to hold an iPad at the front, saying the product encourages parents to leave infants alone to watch screens that could be harmful.
Barcelona Electro hipersensitividad
I'm writing to thank you for the work you've done. It's changed my life and my exposure to electronics. Most incredibly, thanks to the Trifield meter I purchased through your recommendation, I discovered I had an extremely strong magnetic field extending up from the floor throughout my dining area that exceeded the max reading on the meter.
Turns out the copper plumbing was bringing that up from the earth – right where we sat for extended periods of time! I bought some copper wire and brackets, attached that to the pipe near the earth and rerouted that along the earth and out of the house, attached to the ground. Now the pipe under the floor is reading 1 to 2 milligauss. So, you never know what you're going to find with a meter! Thank you so much, again
Best regards,
Luke Ragle
Colorado, USA"
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution