The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
30 November 2013
2012 Freiburger Appeal
German neuroscientist Dr. Manfred Spitzer's lecture on digital dementia
which is over two hours long!
This link is an English precis of his argument
Kind regards
Anne G.
The too frequent use of digital media reduces the mental capacity of our children
Fudging Power Line Risks
is planning to build some new power lines to help
provide reliable service in the years to come.
But there's nothing new about its approach to
addressing the public's concerns about EMFs.
Read our latest short item at:
Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
E-mail: <>
Internet: <>
Toronto WiFi in Parks Proposal - DEFERRED INDEFINITELY!
We presented a well thought out executed message that due to the mess Safety Code 6 is in currently, the safety of ES citizens, and the numerous new studies showing harm from RF exposure at levels way less than Safety Code 6, this was not a good idea. The committee agreed with us, out voting Councillor Josh Matlow and deferring this recommendation indefinitely.
The breakdown of the motion, submissions accepted, and result can be found here -
We will now focus our efforts back to the on-going review of Safety Code 6, citing the largest city in Canada as an example in their recent decisions to maintain prudent avoidance (1% of Safety Code 6 levels) and indefinitely defer rolling out WiFi in parks and public places.
Thank you as always for your continued support and dedication. Together we will change Safety Code 6.
CEO of cell phone company in South Africa suffers stroke
Knott-Craig has suffered a number of health problems over the years, including having two heart attacks while CEO of Vodacom.
Since the introduction of LTE ( ) there has been many reports of seizures in addition to other severe health complaints.
There is also a marked deterioration in certain tree types in LTE areas.
A group of concerned Danes have started the Committee on Radiation Protection in response to governmental inaction and stonewalling towards wireless radiation protection - especially of children.
I've donated because I'd really like to see this succeed and I hope you do too. I envision that this could serve as a model for other actions internationally.
The Committee is taking a human rights approach in cooperation with leading danish human rights lawyer Christian Harlang.
Mr Harlang is a force to be reconned with and has won cases against the State many times before.
The Committee aims to establish whether international human rights conventions, like the Nuremberg Code, are being breached and especially the UN children's convention.
The main goal is to place legal liability for health damages resulting from exposure to wireless radiation.
See the website for more info:
Worcester Magazine , the smart meter event at Clark University
Among the materials presented to the EWEB by Dr. Dart and several other doctors were the following conclusions:
"Existing scientific research offers strong evidence that the chronic exposure of the public to microwave RF transmissions produces serious acute and chronic health effects in a significant portion of the population. These findings can be summarized in the following precepts:
Basic Precepts for Residential Exposures to RF Transmissions:
- Excessive RF exposure can cause acute problems (headaches, insomnia, fatigue, vertigo, tinnitus, other symptoms of EHS).
- Excessive RF exposure can also cause chronic problems (oxidative stress, cancer, male infertility).
- Constant RF transmission is probably harmful, even at low levels, and should be avoided.
- Frequent and repetitive intermittent transmissions are also probably harmful, and should be avoided.
- Nocturnal exposures are more problematic than daytime exposures, because of RF's potential to suppress nocturnal melatonin secretion and disturb sleep, and because night is the time when we rest and heal from stresses (including oxidative stress).
- Occasional and infrequent daytime exposures are much less likely to cause an increase in chronic problems for the population at large.
- Occasional and infrequent daytime exposures are still likely to provoke acute symptoms in a small percentage of the population.
New link for Canadian Human Rights Commission Report en Environmental Sensitivities
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution