W.E.E.P. News
The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
26 October 2013
Get Rid of Those Dangerous Meters!
This is a very important EMF video showing residents from Ulster County, New York State, asking their County legislators to hold 'health and safety' hearings about "smart" meters. The testimonials and evidence of serious harm being caused by smart meters makes this entire 43 minute video well worth watching.
RF/microwave exposure - more evidence that it is a universal bio-hazard
Smart Meters - The DDT of this Century?
The Maine Public Utilities Commission is scheduled to conduct hearings Oct. 30 and 31.
A final body of evidence hearing starting at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30 is expected to include oral testimony via teleconference. Opponents of smart meters arranged for testimony from Dr. Girish Kumar from India, a professor in electrical engineering who specializes in cell tower radiation hazards and other technology; and Dr. Lennart Hardell from Sweden, an oncologist and epidemiologist who is considered an expert on cell phone-induced brain tumors and radiofrequency technology. "These two witnesses were selected for oral testimony," McGlauflin explained. [McGlauflin is attorney with Petruccelli, Martin & Haddow, Attorneys at Law, of Portland, who represents complainants.]
Ed Friedman, with the Richmond-based Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (http://www.mainecoalitiontostopsmartmeters.org), said, "This is sort of the DDT of this century. This is one of the most toxic issues of our time.
Barb Payne
Submission re: Safety code 6
Attached is the submission (brief) of Meg (Margaret) Sears M.Eng., Ph.D. to the Royal Society of Canada's Expert Panel reviewing Safety Code 6.
It is comprehensive and I think likely contains information that will be useful for anyone wishing to make an oral or written presentation to the Panel.
Live Presentations
On Monday, October 28th, you have an opportunity to watch live while approximately 35 Canadian citizens and experts give presentations in Ottawa about the health implications of your now massive everyday exposures to the radiation emitted by wireless devices and networks. Most of these presenters ongoing make huge personal and professional sacrifices to help drive progress towards vital, more protective, federal health and safety regulations for individual and public health — they're doing this for every child and adult YOU care about.
Monday, October 28th
9:00am to 5:00pm (EST)
convened by Royal Society of Canada
Go to the link below for "Videoconference link". Please keep microphone features off or muted. If you have any problem connecting, look at the link beside "Instructions" because there you can see how to test your computer and you might have to install software (there are no fees, and the software is reputable from Adobe). To resolve any technical difficulties phone 1-888-799-8577 or 613-562-5282.
Below are details for the Safety Code 6 Public Consultation Session:
Monday, October 28
9:00 - 17:00
University of Ottawa, Desmarais Building, Room 12102
55 Laurier Avenue West
Videoconference link:
Schedule of Presenters https://rsc-src.ca/sites/default/files/pdf/SC6_Oct28%20Sched.pdf
Instructions (English) https://rsc-src.ca/sites/default/files/pdf/SC6_Instructions_EN.pdf
Instructions (français) https://rsc-src.ca/sites/default/files/pdf/SC6_Instructions_FR.pdf
Reportage : Antennes Relais, un sujet électrosensible
Totally electrosensitive/Class Action
I know this is a long email, but about half of it is coverage throughout the year from our local paper.
It's been a while since I sent an email out to this email list. Just wanted to let you know, I haven't crawled into a cave and disappeared, but I have to admit, things have been DIFFERENT, to put it mildly...as you may know, the symptoms of my cell phone use have progressed into full blown electrosensitivity and I have spent much of my time, energy and resources this last year and a few months moving no less than 4 times trying to get away from EMR (electromagnetic radiation as emitted from wireless devices and infrastructure) and going to court twice with land lords over this issue. I have to admit, it is difficult get away from wireless signals. The first move was to get away from a cell tower, so I went from my city of Santa Monica into the woods of unincorporated Los Angeles County, only to be re-introduced to a new and personalized, "mini cell tower" known as a "smart meter" waiting unbeknownst to me, on my new and otherwise beautiful apartment. The smart meter roll out has made it nearly impossible for me to inhabit even this wooded, seemingly harmless, rural, area of Los Angeles. So I feel my back has been up against a wall and it is time to stop running and start taking a stand. Actually, I have found incredibly, there really is nowhere TO run to that is not saturated in EMR. So out of total desperation, with my back up against an EMR "wall", I have turned to legal action against a ginormous corporation…SoCal Edison, our electricity provider and have organized a class action lawsuit with 95 Edison plaintiffs, secured a contingency law firm and will be filing hopefully in early 2013. We may issue a press release when we do so, to try and get more plaintiffs. We also believe this law suit has the potential to go statewide, incorporating all of the IOUs (investor owned utilities) in the state of CA. I will certainly keep you posted on that.
Although there were many violations to pick from, the basis of the suit is going to be smart meter/smart grid and health effects, (law firm's decision) with the hopes of adding the other grievances down the road, such as fire hazard, privacy invasion and fee charging NOT to invade your health and privacy.
By giving Power Point presentations in various neighboring towns and cities and with the help of our local news paper, The Topanga Messenger, our town of Topanga has achieved the highest smart meter opt out rate per capita (unofficial report from Edison) in Edison (our utility) territory, along with Santa Barbara and Ojai. Raising awareness through the presentations and with the help of the local paper, flyering, mass mailings, email and basic word of mouth, we were able to garner the 95 plaintiffs against SoCal Edison, many of whom are NOT Topanga residents.
In case you too would like to raise awareness in your area and sue your utility, here is a link to the Power Point Presentation, compliments of our sister educationally focused non profit group, http://www.ThePeoplesInitiative.org Please click on the below link or you can always retrieve it from our new website devoted to our class action smart meter law suit!!
Smart Meter Power Point Presentation...
Yes, the film is coming along, but admittedly, it's been difficult to work on when one is sleeping in one's car and unable even to inhabit one's own dwelling due to electrosensitivity. It will however get done if it's the last thing I do.
If you know of anyone in Edison territory who is experiencing now or has experienced in the past, health effects of any kind from smart meters or smart grid and who might like to join our suit, please feel free to pass this email on to them. Lack of funds should not be an issue for anyone. We are trying to raise money for those who cannot afford court filing costs or other costs which may or may not be covered by the contingency agreement we are currently negotiating with the law firm.
If you would like to donate to funds for our class action lawsuit (not tax deductable at this time) please use this button…
If you would like to donate to our non profit which has been raising awareness and educating on this issue, please do so at:
If you would prefer to send a check, the mailing address for both groups are the same. Just put the name of the group you would like to donate to on the envelope above the address: Citizens For A Radiation Free Community for law suit, Peoples Initiative Foundation for awareness raising and education and then the address:
101 S. Topanga Cyn. Blvd.
Topanga CA
Cordless phones are more of a health risk to young people than mobiles, according to new university research.
This is new and very important information from Dr. Mary Redmayne and her coworker's research in New Zealand and Australia!
Cordless phones are more of a health risk to young people than mobiles,
according to new university research.
In a study of almost 400 Wellington intermediate pupils, adjunct Victoria
University researcher Mary Redmayne found pre-teens were more likely to
suffer headaches if they made long or frequent calls on cordless phones or
The research, to be published in theEnvironmental Health journal this week,
also found high users of cordless phones more commonly experienced
tinnitus, or ringing in their ears.
In a separate study, the PhD candidate discovered year 7 and 8 students
talked on cordless phones for far longer than on their mobiles, meaning it
was the home line exposing them to the highest doses of potentially harmful
"People are pretty poorly informed about how this technology works - many
people don't realise that cordless phones are actually cellphones," Ms
Redmayne said.
"Modern cellphones use the lowest amount of power that they need to
transmit, but a cordless phone always works on full power."
Her population-adjusted research found a significant association between
teens' radiofrequency exposure and short-term health issues - but
international research suggested the long-term health risks were far more
serious, she said.
"The highest category of use - over half an hour a day - in many studies
has shown an increased risk of glioma, a malignant [brain or spine] tumour
that is often fatal. Several studies have also shown an increased risk of
acoustic neuroma - a little tumour on the nerve between the ear and the
Other research papers showed male fertility was also adversely affected,
this time from carrying a cellphone in a pants pocket. While many held that
the science was inconclusive overall, Ms Redmayne said governments and
individuals should be paying attention. "There was certainly enough to be
concerned about."
Sophie Walker, of the National Centre for Radiation Science, who advises
the Ministry of Health, said the latest research showed conclusively that
radiofrequency radiation had an effect at the cellular level. "But it's
very hard to say whether that translates into things like headaches or
short-term effects people report . . . it's a very hard link to make."
The jury was also still out on long-term health effects. "Radiofrequency
has only been used within the wider population for the last 30 years, so
true long-term studies are really still under way. Really conclusive stuff
hasn't yet been established."
But there was no doubt such a robust study showing irrefutable evidence
that radiation had negative health effects would be taken seriously by
scientists and governments. "It would have effects across the entire world."
Papers finding adverse biological effects or damage to health from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz).
Papers listed are only those where exposures were 16V/m or below. Someone using a Wi-Fi-enabled tablet computer can be exposed to electromagnetic fields up to 16V/m. Papers are in alphabetical order. A file of first pages, for printing, can be found here (please pass on to schools).
Atasoy H.I. et al., 2013. Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices. Journal of Pediatric Urology 9(2): 223-229.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22465825 Avendaño C. et al., 2012. Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation. Fertility and Sterility 97(1): 39-45.
Avendaño C. et al., 2010. Laptop expositions affect motility and induce DNA fragmentation in human spermatozoa in vitro by a non-thermal effect: a preliminary report. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 66th Annual Meeting: O-249
http://wifiinschools.org.uk/resources/laptops+and+sperm.pdf) Aynali G. et al., 2013. Modulation of wireless (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative toxicity in laryngotracheal mucosa of rat by melatonin. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 270(5): 1695-1700.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23479077 Gumral N. et al., 2009. Effects of selenium and L-carnitine on oxidative stress in blood of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 132(1-3): 153-163.
Havas M. and Marrongelle J. 2013. Replication of heart rate variability provocation study with 2.45GHz cordless phone confirms original findings. Electromagn Biol Med 32(2): 253-266.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23675629 Naziroğlu M. and Gumral 2009. Modulator effects of L-carnitine and selenium on wireless devices (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative stress and electroencephalography records in brain of rat. Int J Radiat Biol. 85(8): 680-689.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19637079 Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012. 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca2+ influx in human leukemia cancer cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology 88(6): 449–456.
Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012b. Melatonin modulates wireless (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative injury through TRPM2 and voltage gated Ca(2+) channels in brain and dorsal root ganglion in rat. Physiol Behav. 105(3): 683-92.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22019785 Oksay T. et al., 2012. Protective effects of melatonin against oxidative injury in rat testis induced by wireless (2.45 GHz) devices. Andrologia doi: 10.1111/and.12044, Epub ahead of print.
Papageorgiou C. C. et al., 2011. Effects of Wi-Fi signals on the p300 component of event-related potentials during an auditory hayling task. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 10(2): 189-202.
Shahin S. et al., 2013. 2.45 GHz Microwave Irradiation-Induced Oxidative Stress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice, Mus musculus. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 169: 1727–1751.
Türker Y. et al., 2011. Selenium and L-carnitine reduce oxidative stress in the heart of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 143(3): 1640-1650.
A few more studies of similar microwave frequencies at low exposures (6V/m or below):
(Not comprehensive)
Fesenko E. E. et al., 1999. Microwaves and cellular immunity. I. Effect of whole body microwave irradiation on tumor necrosis factor production in mouse cells, Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 49:29–35.
Novoselova E. G. et al., 1998. Stimulation of production of tumor necrosis factor by murine macrophages when exposed in vivo and in vitro to weak electromagnetic waves in the centimeter range Bofizika 43:1132–1333.
Novoselova E. G. et al., 1999. Microwaves and cellular immunity. II. Immunostimulating effects of microwaves and naturally occurring antioxidant nutrients. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 49:37–41.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10619446 Otitoloju A. A. et al., 2010. Preliminary study on the induction of sperm head abnormalities in mice, Mus musculus, exposed to radiofrequency radiations from Global System for Mobile Communication Base Stations. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 84(1):51-4.
Panagopoulos D. J.et al., 2010. Bioeffects of mobile telephony radiation in relation to its intensity or distance from the antenna. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. Vol 86(5):345-357.
Persson B. R. R. et al., 1997. Blood-brain barrier permeability in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless communication. Wireless Networks 3: 455-461.
This counters the usual criticism that 'it isn't good science' unless it is peer-review published.
The US annual cost for autism is reported to be $137 billion.
That compares to the EU annual cost for cancer (105 billion euros/$147 billion USD)
and to heart disease ((165 billion euros/$227 billion USD).
Staggering costs, and the prevalence of autism now in the US is one child in 88
(one child in 50 by 2012 estimates that include the 8 yr and younger cohort).
In 1975, it was one child in 5000. This is a 100-fold increase.
It parallels the explosive rise in wireless technologies and their pulsed RFR. It should be
considered another possible risk factor for autism, autism spectrum conditions and ADHD.
New evidence obtained by New York Post on ELF claim of Navy Yard Killer
"I fear the constant bombardment from the ELF weapon is starting to take it's[sic] toll on my body," confided Alexis, an honorably discharged Navy reservist and a Department of Defense computer consultant.
Rather than an ELF weapon, this person may have been adversely effected by microwave radiation from Wi Fi, cordless telephones, cell phones and antennas!
Strokes increasing among young people, study finds
LONDON -- Strokes are increasingly hitting younger people and the incidence of the crippling condition worldwide could double by 2030, warns the first global analysis of the problem.
More WiFi, more cell phones, more towers, more wireless radiation, more strokes!
How Cell Phones Affect A Child's Brain
How is this possible? After all, headlines have repeatedly assured us that there's little to worry about, because we do not face an epidemic of brain cancer—yet. In fact, the brain cancer story remains complex, because the disease has a long latency—up to four decades—and because past uses and users differ radically from current ones. But evidence on dangers to pregnancy and reproduction from cell phone use are mounting.
EMF Refugees
Belgium - New regulation for the sale of mobile phones as of 2014
As of 1 March 2014, mobile phones that are specially designed for young children may no longer be introduced to the Belgian market. This concerns customised mobile telephones suitable for children younger than 7 years of age, for instance having few buttons and a shape attractive for children. Additionally, from this date forward, no advertising may be made for mobile phone use among the same age group.
Forced to Leave Town
She can even tell when someone is carrying a cell phone. She feels pressure in her head "tighter and tighter," like someone is using a blood-pressuremeasuring device, she says. She gets heart palpitations, has trouble focussing, gets tinnitus and her legs become rubbery.
She suffers from hypoxia, oxygen deprivation caused by a thickening of the blood.
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution