Wednesday, September 21, 2011


W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

21 September 2011


Tracking equipment could be harming wild birds, experts warn

Postmortem study of red kites has aroused suspicions that radio transmitters be damaging their health and welfare

Columbia TV
The following 7 minute TV transmission was produced by NTN24, out of Bogota Columbia as a result of the BBC news that EHS Diane Schou and others are living in West Virginia to escape electro magnetic radiation, the cause of their unbearable EHS.
supplied by ES-UK
The Cost of Electrosmog
Attached is a document (Press chronic diseases) by Magda which she has asked all of us to circulate and send to the media ASAP.
Please also note this medical EMF event in Toronto.
It is a public event and it is FREE but people do have to register so organizers will know how many are attending.  Feel free to post them.  If people go to my website:, they can click to register for either the talk at the Science Centre Toronto (September 24/25, 2011) or the talk in San Diego the following weekend.  See "Conventions 2011" top right corner of my website.
Also, I'm giving a talk the following Thursday (September 29th, 2011 from 7 to 9 pm in Newmarket, Ontario.  That is also free and open to the public.  Attaching both items for posting.

The Difficulties of Surviving EHS and MCS

Feeling Dizzy or Nausea after using iPad ?
A paper from Christine Aschermann:

"Electrosensitivity- a patient with skin abnormalities looking like burns.
The report deals with a patient who experienced severe electro(hyper)sensitivity after having got sensitive to chemicals.He  is able to recognise different  frequencies like DECT, mobile phone,WiFi, digital TV, he says. The range of symptoms include dermal changes needing medical supervision, high blood pressure, organic brain disorders and intestinal bleeding. Especially alarming is the temporary occurrence of  remarkable skin alterations looking like burns. The origin of the latter  is not known yet.
Please have a look at the pictures of the German text."

With my very best regards
Yours sincerely

Secret Military Documents Declassified

Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons relating to EMF

Is Technology Killing You?

Live in the Now
Earlier this year, however, the World Health Organization (WHO) publicly acknowledged that cell phone use may indeed cause cancer, and placed exposure to electromagnetic radiation in the same "carcinogenic hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and ...
In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores

Since 2005, scores in reading and math have stagnated in Kyrene, even as statewide scores have risen.
"We've jumped on bandwagons for different eras without knowing fully what we're doing. This might just be the new bandwagon," he said. "I hope not."




People power forces towers backdown

From the Mercury Newspaper, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia




School removes Wi-Fi wireless system

Even China, a country which often ignores environmental and health concerns in favour of business development, is issuing warnings about exposing children to microwave radiation. The China Board of Health said children under eight-years-old should use only use cell phones for emergencies and teenagers should be limited to 10 minutes per day.


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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution