Tuesday, September 20, 2011


W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

20 September 2011

In case you don't have the entire resolution 1815 adopted by the Council of Europe, attached is the full text in English adopted by the Standing Committee, acting on behalf of the Assembly, on 27 May 2011.


You also will find a presentation by Prof Franz Adlkofer he gave on September 17 at the site in Southern France where the French Next-Up organization is trying to establish a "white zone" for people suffering from EHS.


The Event - France Forest Saoû 17 09 2011: Pr Franz Adlkofer  " Radiation protection
in conflict with science "




Smart Meters Raise Controversy In Vermont


Air Force General blows whistle on Obama, but media deaf

US wireless scandal?

Smart meters must go, says Hudak


Via electronic mail to:  smartmeters@bchydro.com and info.utilities@corix.com


Also via Canada Post to:

BC Hydro, Smart Meter Specialist Department, 6911 Southpoint Drive, Burnaby BC, V3N 4X8


Attention:  B.C. Hydro, Corix Utilities & agents &/or assignees thereof:


Re: Refusal of wireless Smart Meter on my residence/property


Dated: September 16, 2011            



Please accept this as the official notice from this date forward of my absolute refusal to allow the installation of a wireless Smart Meter on my property, home or premises at



B.C. Hydro Account # on bill 7775934


Take notice that B.C. Hydro, Corix Utilities and /or agents and assignees thereof do not have my authorization, permission or consent to enter my property, or premises for the purpose of replacing my current meter with a wireless Smart Meter.


Any attempt to install this device on my property or residence will constitute trespass and a violation of rights afforded to me as a citizen of Canada. 


I refuse your wireless Smart Meter on the grounds that it has the capability of being a surveillance system, used by you or other parties, which could violate my right to privacy.


Also: my fundamental democratic right to protect my health from a possible carcinogen, specifically radiofrequency electromagnetic fields emitted by your wireless Smart Meter, supersedes any right you have to install a wireless Smart Meter on my property.


Be informed that I am electro-sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.


You still have authorization to attend at my property for the purpose of reading the non-wireless meter visually and/or manually only.

If you wish to contact me, do so via e-mail, this because of my personal medical reason.

This non-consent will stand unaltered, unless altered by me in writing notifying all parties hereto.




(Hans Karow, property owner, 16488 SCHAAD RD, LAKE COUNTRY, BC, hansk@shaw.ca )




Copy to

NDP Energy Critic John Horgan                      john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca

NDP Deputy Health Critic Sue Hammell,       sue.hammell.mla@leg.bc.ca

BC Chief Medical Officer Perry Kendall           perry.kendall@gov.bc.ca

Green Party Federal Leader Elizabeth May    elizabeth.may@greenparty.ca

Minister of Health, Mike de Jong                      mike.dejong.mla@leg.bc.ca

NDP Health Critic Mike Farnworth                   mike.farnworth.mla@leg.bc.ca

Minister of Energy Rich Coleman                    rich.coleman.mla@leg.bc.ca

Liberal BC Leader Christy Clark                      christy@christyclark.ca

NDP BC Leader Adrian Dix                               adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca

Green Party BC Leader Jane Sterk                  leader@greenparty.bc.ca


Charleston tech firm specializes in stealth

Stealth got its start nearly 20 years ago making simple roof panels to hide antennas. Since, it has made everything from clock towers to several species of fake trees. Hiding the antenna systems in street lamps or in stadiums is its latest trick

Solar Lights

Study reports short latencies for cancer in young workers with high occupational exposures to electro-magnetic fields

Jerusalem – A study conducted by Hebrew University researchers has found that that there can be very short latency periods between the time of exposure and development of cancer in workers in tasks with intense or prolonged exposure to electro-magnetic fields (EMFs).

Previous studies have described excess risks for cancer from such high occupational exposures. However, none have addressed the issue of short latency periods from high exposure.

In the past two decades, 47 cancer patients - including 8 with multiple primaries - came to the Unit of Occupational and Environmental Medicine with histories of prior occupational exposure to various types and intensities of EMFs. In 15 cases, the latency periods between first exposure and diagnosis was less than 5 years, and 12 with latencies between 5 and 10 years.

High exposure to EMFs occurs with tasks involving fixing of radar equipment, sitting in vehicles with antennas and communication equipment, carrying radio equipment  on waist or back all day, or working in offices located very close to powerful  transmitting  antenna, or 'situation rooms'  that are packed full of communications equipment and radios. Periods of exposure to EMFs among the group of patients ranged from five months to 33 years. In almost all, exposures to EMFs were during military service. 

Most of the patients were in their early twenties and had extremely short latent periods.  In the <5 year latency group, there were 8 haematolymphatic cancers and 9 solid tumors that included testis, head and neck (including brain), and gastro-intestinal tract, including two with two primary cancers. The patterns of latency for different types of tumors suggest a coherent and biologically plausible pattern in relation to the onset of exposure to EMFs.

The report, which was recently published in the European Journal of Oncology, was written by Dr. Yael Stein, researcher Or Levy-Nativ and Prof. Elihu D. Richter of the Hebrew University's Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine.  Stein is preparing to do her Ph.D. on modeling of EMF exposure sources and penetration into the body.

Lloyd Morgan of the Environmental Health Trust, a U.S. scientific watchdog group, wrote, "The importance of this paper cannot be overstated.  It suggests that a shift is required towards a new paradigm that non-ionizing radiation could be a universal carcinogen similar to ionizing radiation".

The study points to the need for better understanding of the carcinogenic potency of EMF and better protective measures against them.

"These young men and women are the nation's eyes and ears," wrote Prof. Richter in a letter to Israel's attorney general. "Our results state the case for protecting those who are protecting us. This means recognizing their risks now and taking action to protect them from high exposures to radiofrequency/microwaves."


To sign up for WEEP News: newssignup@weepinitiative.org  (provide name and e-mail address)

W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution