Friday, February 27, 2009

The Radiation Research Trust's newsletter of March 2009 / Professor Olle Johansson Research Information Update

From: "Olle Johansson" <>
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 6:20 AM
Subject: The Radiation Research Trust's newsletter of March 2009

To everyone on my mailing list,

Please, see the enclosed file, "The Radiation Research Trust's newsletter of March 2009", it contains a lot of excellent information and reading ! !



Here is an up-date on some of the recent publications of mine that may be of value for you.

Johansson O, "Fredrik Reinfeldt, now that you are Sweden's prime minister, are you prepared to listen?", J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 2007; 26: 19-20

Lindkvist L, Johansson O, "SSI lägger ansvaret för skadorna av mobilstrålningen på dig" (="The Swedish Radiation Protection Authority puts the responsibility for the mobile phone radiation damages on you!", in Swedish), Arbetarbladet 23/10 2007

Cohen A, Carlo G, Davidson A, White M, Geoghan C, Goldsworthy A, Johansson O, Maisch D, O'Connor E, "Sensitivity to mobile phone base station signals", Env Health Perspect 2008; 116: A63-A64

Lindkvist L, Johansson O, "Utan trådlöst för barnens skull!" (="Without wireless for the sake of the children", in Swedish), Dalarnas Tidningar 6/2 /2008

Lindkvist L, Johansson O, "Utan trådlöst för barnen skull" (="Without wireless for the sake of the children", in Swedish), Nerikes Allehanda 12/2/2008

Lindkvist L, Johansson O, "Utan trådlöst - för barnens skull" (="Without wireless - for the sake of the children", in Swedish), Corren 20/2 2008

Johansson O, "Rena (tomat)soppan om strålning" (="Unadulterated (tomato) garbage about radiation", in Swedish), Södertälje Länstidning 2/4 2008

Johansson O, "Mobilstrålning en dödssynd" (="Cellular radiation is a mortal sin", in Swedish), Norrbottens-Kuriren 7/4 2008

Johansson O, "SSI ger fel besked om mobilstrålning" ("SSI (=The Swedish Radiation Protection Authority) misinforms about mobile radiation", in Swedish), Eskilstuna-Kuriren 8/4 2008

Johansson O, "Vilken strålande tomatsoppa!" (="What a radiant tomato soup!", in Swedish), Västerbottens-Kuriren 10/4 2008

Nilsson M, Hallberg Ö, Hellberg K, Johansson O, "Vilseldedande om mobilmaster" (="Misleading information about mobile masts", in Swedish), Helsingborgs Dagblad 18/4 2008

[Se även replik från Mjönes L, "Mobilmaster orsakar inte skadliga hälsoeffekter",

Helsingborgs Dagblad 29/5 2008

samt replik från Johansson O, Nilsson M, Hallberg Ö, Hellberg K, "Svepande formuleringar om mobilmaster", Helsingborgs Dagblad 5/6 2008]

Nilsson M, Hallberg Ö, Hellberg K, Johansson O, "Hög tid att lägga korten på bordet" (="Now it is time to put all the cards on the table", in Swedish), Borås Tidning 27/4 2008

Johansson O, "Mobilstrålning och hälsa: Rena rama (tomat)soppan!" (="Mobile radiation and health: Unadulterated (tomato) garbage", in Swedish), Ljusglimten 2008; 19: 14-15

Nilsson M, Hallberg Ö, Hellberg K, Johansson O, "Vilseledande om mobilmaster" (="Misleading information about mobile masts", in Swedish), Gotlands Allehanda 6/5 2008

Johansson O, "The functional impairment electrohypersensitivity and health effects of modern-life electromagnetic fields: A neuroscientist's views",

In: Proceedings of the First Hellenic Congress on the Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation, with International Participation (eds. LH Margaritis, SA Zinelis), Thessalonica, Greece, 2008, pp 13-18

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Ohälsan tycks öka sedan 1997 - beror det på förbättrad diagnostik eller på en försämrad miljö?"" (="Ill-health seems to increase since 1997 - is it because of better diagnostics or is it due to a deteriorated environment?", in Swedish), Medicinsk Access nr. 4/5, 2008

Avino P, d'Alessandro A, Bedini A, Belyaev I, Belpoggi F, Blackman C, Blank M, ?Bobkova N, Bruno B,?Cinti C, Cristaldi M, Dasdag S, De Ninno A, Del Giudice E, de Salles ?A, Doull S, Georgiou C, Goodman R, Grimaldi S, Giuliani L, Hardell L, ?Havas M, Hyland G, Lisi A, Ieradi L, Johansson O, Khurana VG, Lai H, ?Margaritas L, Marinelli F, Markovic V, Maxey E, Oberfeld G, Phillips ?J, Richter E, Salford L, Scalia M, Seyhan N, Shalita Z, Soffritti M, ?Szmigielski S, Udroiu I, Verduccio C, Zeyrek M, Zhadin M, Zinelis S, ?Zucchero A, Goldsworthy A, "The Venice Resolution 2008",

Dämvik M, Johansson O, "Försiktighetsprincipen ställer krav på rapportering av osäkra risker" ("The Prudence Avoidance Principle demands reporting uncertain risks", in Swedish), Läkartidningen 2008; 105: 2274-2275

Dämvik M, Johansson O, "Förklaring av riskbedömningsmetod" ("Explanation of risk assessment method", in Swedish),?Miljömagasinet 2008; 28/40, 17

Johansson O, "Mobilstrålning och hälsa: Rena rama (tomat)soppan!" (="Mobile radiation and health: Unadulterated (tomato) garbage", in Swedish), tf-Bladet 2008; (3): 20-21

Johansson O, "Stödet från Hjärntrusten Deje välkomnas - Replik till "Pseudokritik av elöverkänsliga"" ("The support from the Brain Trust Deje is welcome - Reply to "Pseudocriticism of electrohypersensitive persons"", in Swedish), Miljömagasinet 2008; 28/51-52, 17

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Ohälsan tycks öka sedan 1997 - beror det på förbättrad diagnostik eller på en försämrad miljö?"" (="Ill-health seems to increase since 1997 - is it because of better diagnostics or is it due to a deteriorated environment?", in Swedish), Ljusglimten 2008; 19/4, 17-19

Johansson O, "Mobilstrålning och hälsa: Rena rama (tomat)soppan!" (="Mobile radiation and health: Unadulterated (tomato) garbage", in Swedish), Nya
AnnonsX:et 2008; 20: 6-7

Johansson O, "Mycket tveksamma energivinster" ("Very questionable energy gains", in Swedish), Miljömagasinet 2009; 29/1-2, 13

Johansson O, "Electrosensitivity in Sweden", EMFacts 2009-02-09,

Johansson O, "On electrosensitivity", EMFacts 2009-02-26,


Also, see the recent (very large!*) "BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)" [my own contribution=Section 8]

[*N.B. It contains more than 2,000 references!]

If you just want to read the press release, see: "Serious Public Health Concerns Raised Over Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from Power Lines and Cell Phones"


Also see:

Recently, in the Swedish TV channel TV4, the programme "Efter tio", had a very good interview about the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity:

[the part about electrohypersensitivity comes approx. 35 minuter into the programme]


From Morten Julius in Denmark:

"Mobile Phone Radiation: Is it safe or not? That is the question"

This interview is from the 21st of May 2008 and has been made to throw light on things that really matter. The interview consist of 15 parts of app. 10 minutes each. Please share with every one you care for so they can become aware too." (Morten Julius)


"Do we really need "science" any more?"




"Swedish professor joins Kingswinford anti-mobile phone mast protesters"



Best regards

(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm