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Louis Slesin
Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
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Worries ranged from the amount of road salt used at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Cypress Bowl venue to the disposal of fluorescent light bulbs. But the top concern, and subject of 11 petitions, was the health effects of electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers. People say the towers were installed too close to their homes and question the science that says they pose no risk to health. 120 DAYS TO RESPOND Some of the petitions are from groups and others are from individuals. Once a minister's office receives a petition it has 120 days to respond. The second biggest issue was the impact fluoride has on human health, fish stocks and the surrounding environment. Seven petitions were filed on this issue although one woman living in Waterloo was responsible for four of them. RADIOACTIVITY Residents of Port Hope in Ontario filed six petitions expressing concern about radioactivity in the town. Some were concerned about the possible contamination of an elementary school while others demanded increased government testing. Four petitions were filed about the impact of the Alberta oilsands. "Government has continually weakened what few regulations there are regarding the impacts of industry on human health and folks are getting wise," said NDP natural resources critic Nathan Cullen. "They are using this petition process to try to get some answers". ------------------------- Note: If you are affected by electro magnetic radiation problems or if you are concerned about this subject, I encourage you to submit an environmental petition. The link below gives you information about the process. Martin. http://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/pet_fs_e_919.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
By Paul Fitzgerald
Cancer is, unfortunately, spreading in the modern society. Nearly all cancer forms are increasing when it comes to incidence, i.e. new cases/year (cf. Hallberg & Johansson 2002a).
It could recently be read in the BBC News that skin cancer is rising in young adults, and Sara Hiom, head of the health information at Cancer Research UK said, when interviewed, that "Non-melanoma cancers are rising at an alarming rate".
Non-melanoma cancers are rising at an alarming rate.
More and more research efforts goes into understanding the molecular mechanisms behind these various progressive cancer forms, and much more money is spent on finding new drugs to treat patients. However, oddly enough, very little is spent on understanding the actual causes for cancer.
Among such possible causative agents, more and more focus is nowadays put on modern gadgets, such as mobile telephones and computers, and their chemical and physical emissions, including flame retardants and electromagnetic non-ionising radiation.
Childhood leukemia was early connected to power-frequent magnetic fields already in the pioneering work by Wertheimer and Leeper (1979), and more recently Scandinavian scientists have identified an increased risk for acoustic neuroma (i.e., a benign tumor of the eighth cranial nerve) in cell phone users, as well as a slightly increased risk of malignant brain tumors such as astrocytoma and meningioma on the same side of the brain as the cell phone was habitually held (Hardell et al. 1999, 2004, 2005; Lonn et al. 2004).
In addition, a clear association between adult cancers and FM radio broadcasting radiation has been noticed, both in time and location (Hallberg & Johansson 2002b, 2004, 2005a). Initial studies on facial nevi indicates that nowadays also young children can have a substantial amount of these.
If it can be shown that radiofrequent radiation is not correlated with child cancers the current focus on low-frequency electromagnetic fields can continue. If there is also a radiofrequent and/or microwave correlation then this must be considered in future research as well as in today's preventive work.
Most recently, Dr. Djemal Beniashvili and other scientists at the Edith Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel, have demonstrated a possible link between exposure to power-frequent electromagnetic fields and breast cancer in elderly women (Beniashvili et al. 2005).
They compared the breast cancer rates in elderly women from an earlier period (1978-1990) to a more recent period (1991-2003), which has been characterized by a much more extensive use of personal computers (more than 3 hours a day), mobile telephones, TV sets, and other household electrical appliances. They used available medical records extending over a period of 26 years, involving the analysis of more than 200,000 samples.
Most recently a possible link has been demonstrated between exposure to power-frequent electromagnetic fields and breast cancer in elderly women
Among the elderly women who developed breast cancer in the first time frame, 20 percent were regularly exposed to power-frequent fields.
But in the more modern period 51 percent were so exposed, mainly through the use of personal computers. The authors concluded: "There was a statistically significant influence of electromagnetic fields on the formation of all observed epithelial mammary tumours in the second group."
This represented a more than two-fold increase, which was considered highly significant (cf. Beniashvili et al. 2005).
Of course, many other environmental factors have changed during the period 1978-1990, but increased environmental exposure to power-frequent fields is among the more conspicuous changes to have taken place. Naturally, there are many aspects of this question that remain to be clarified, and, from a scientific point of view, it is far from conclusively settled.
Educational Cell Phone Digital Book by Paul Fitzgerald, EMF expert, graduated from NJIT in Newark, NJ. He has been studying EMF's for over 15 years.. He has done over 100 radio shows in 2006 and released his book CellPhone Lies To learn more go to EMF Radiation News.
The Dangers of Cell Phone Use and Cell Phone Radiation
By Ben Needles
The electromagnetic field (EMF) has been a natural part of the earth ever since the beginning of the universe and extends throughout all of space. It is a fundamental form of nature. The most familiar form of the electromagnetic field, to us, is found in sunlight. This electromagnetic field is actually the interaction of both an electric field, which is composed of stationary charges, and the magnetic field which consists of wave like currents.
What is most interesting about the electromagnetic field is that, not only does it exist as a natural phenomenon around us, but it is also produced by a large number of the technological advances we have made and that we now tend to take for granted. For example, the microwave oven that most of us heat food or warm the babys bottle in produces EMFs. Even your computer screen and your cell phone produce EMFs. Actually, there are many electrical devices in and around your home that produce EMFs. Electrical substations and power lines are other examples of EMF producers outside your home.
Because the amount of EMF exposure has increased, as a result of technological advancement, scientific studies indicate that too much exposure can have a negative impact on human health, specifically increasing the cancer susceptibility rate. Moreover, some studies seem to indicate that children living in close proximity to overhead power lines, in combination with their still developing immune system, are more likely to develop leukemia than children who dont live near these power sources.
Additionally, due to the increase of EMF exposure there has also been a noted increase in miscarriages, birth defects, breast cancer, brain cancers, and Alzheimers disease, to note a few more of the potential hazards of EMF. EMFs have also been associated with an increase of chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, allergies and other environmental disease.
Heres how EMFs work on the human body. EMFs reduce the pineal glands ability to produce melatonin, which is a hormone that has been medically proven to control circadian rhythms and mood. EMFs also inhibit the immune systems ability to protect the body from the formation of pre-cancerous cells. When the bodys immune system is compromised the body is more susceptible to contracting any number of antigens that it cant naturally fight off.
Cell phones are also on the list of EMF producing devices. According to Australian Health Research Institute nearly one third of the worlds population is susceptible to some form of ear, eye, or brain cancer, not to mention that EMFs produced by cell phones also have the potential of causing other body disorders, such as epilepsy, heart problems, migraines, and more. EMFs are also produced by the transfer towers that assist in the signal transmission from cell phone to cell phone.
Because of the EMF threat to your health there are some things to keep in mind. First, reduce the amount of the use of your cell phone. If you are at home and have a land line, use the land line not the cell phone. Also, turn off the cell phone when you are not using it. When out and about keep your cell phone in a place other than a pocket over or near your heart. In addition, you should avoid living or working near transmission masts.
About the Author (text)
EMF expert and founder of the Research Center for Wireless Technology, Paul Fitzgerald, graduate from NJIT, has been studying EMF\'s for over 15 years now. He has done over 100 radio shows in 2006 and released his book http://www.emfnews.org