Friday, August 1, 2008

Shield our students

Shield our students

I have recently learned the high voltage power lines going over top of our high school (South Delta Secondary) are classified as Extra High Voltage in the Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers.

I have also learned the Canadian Human Rights Commission recognizes environmental sensitivities as potentially disabling to some people.

Among the many environmental triggers, electromagnetic radiation is recognized by the CHRC, and many others. The World Health Organization describes symptoms of electromagnetic sensitivity as "fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances".

According to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, as service providers, the school district, Ministry of Education and the B.C. Teachers Federation have a duty to take proactive measures to ensure that their facilities are available to all, regardless of disability and to accommodate those that are disabled.

I personally find it quite outrageous that the BCTF in particular, recognizes the danger of a particular environmental trigger—namely poor indoor air quality—and advises teachers to protect their health by avoiding, among other things, the use of Whiteout and scented art supplies in the classroom, yet blithely ignore the potentially much more dangerous electromagnetic radiation.

I find it appalling the very people who make their living off of our children, namely the school district, members of the BCTF, the school trustees and various politicians, show such a lack of leadership and apathy in regards to protecting our children, especially when mandated by the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

How about this for a solution. Take some of the millions that the school board collected in the sale of the old junior high property at SDSS and at the very least, bury and shield the power lines under the school.

M. Miller
