![]() | Generation X-Ray Child victims of Technological abuse |
Science from the ‘40s to present has demonstrated conclusively the harmful effects of microwave radiation—the platform upon which the entire wireless universe—cell phones, text messaging, WiFi, WiMax and RFID—is built. Yet the wireless network is expanding, with the approval of government "as fast as it can." With virtually zero regulatory oversight, the nation and all the people, plants and animals in it, are bathing in microwave radiation so we can talk, Internet surf, email, text message and play online games wherever and whenever we want. The biophysical effects of enveloping our world in harmful radiation are becoming apparent. What happened to us? How could our desire for wireless convenience so totally suspend our innate survival instincts that we would ignore well-established science plus common sense and finance conditions on this planet that portend our slow and painful deaths without dignity? More embarrassingly, what happened to us that we would so readily allow our children to suffer wireless addiction, sealing their fates to short, sickly, neurologically-impaired lives? The answer lies in the recurring theme in this month’s edition of The IO: Education. As a culture, we are taught to accept a foundational matrix of LIES as "facts"—for generations—since birth. Within this matrix, we grow up morally relativistic and believe that the only past and futures that matter are connected to how we feel in the present. The dishonor this mindset does to our forebearers is shameful; the disservice we are doing to future generations is unprecedented in the history of mankind.
Slide one (top left) shows a normal healthy cell under magnification. This cell is a bright energetic little orb with its DNA and other genetic materials safely inside the cell membrane. It represents the cells of healthy, non-irradiated children of generations past.
Slide two (top right) shows a living cell exposed to 1600 chest X-rays. This cell is shrunken and has lost its energetic brightness. Trailing behind it are its genetic guts, spilling through the cell membrane as little particles that look like a comet trail against the dark background. These DNA fragments are called micronuclei, typical mutations from excessive X-rays, or from gamma waves of nuclear detonation.
Slide three (bottom) shows a cell exposed to 24 hours of cell phone radiation. Its comet tail of micronuclei splat is identical to that of ionizing X-ray damage. The frequency used by REFLEX scientists to micronucleate this cell was 1.8 gigahertz (1800 megahertz), comparable to 1.9 gigahertz frequency blasting from America’s newer multimedia cell phones, and from many household cordless phones. The power level used to micronucleate this cell triggered a 1.3 W/k Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). SAR is the calculated amount of energy absorbed by the human body from microwave phones. A SAR of 1.3 watts/kilogram is BELOW that of many cell phone models cuddled and worshipped by kids everywhere.
By Amy Worthington
The obsessive-compulsive effect of cell phones on teens and tweens clearly demonstrates that wireless devices are both physically and emotionally enslaving. Capitalizing on the addictive nature of wireless technology, the communications industry is "hooking" our kids on wireless devices at a fevered pitch.
The premier advertising image implanted in the American psyche is that of grinning kids holding cell phones. Print and broadcast media are riddled with wireless promotions tailored for the very young. Kids are enticed with colored handsets, mesmerizing touch screens and customized ring tones. Wireless music downloads, TV, video streaming and games are irresistible.
By 2010 there will be 31 million young cell phone users, 10.5 million of them pre-teens.(1) "Parents have made teens and their younger 8-12 year old siblings the fastest growing segment of the cell phone market," says Yankee Group, a consulting firm which promotes all things wireless.(2) In 2007, a Harris Interactive survey reported that American kids age 10-17 admit to using a cell phone an average of up to 3.75 hours per day.(3) A teen boasting five or more hours per day is not uncommon.
As heavy users of wireless, these millions of idle, entertainment-starved kids are among the radiation industry’s most lucrative cash cows. But getting milked at an early age should garner hazard pay, according to thousands of scientific studies compiled over decades. There is ample evidence that kids who continually irradiate themselves with pulsing, ELF-embedded microwaves from wireless devices are being set up for general health degradation, severe nerve damage, mental incapacitation and life threatening tumors.
Warnings from all over the world
"I would not want to be a heavy user of a mobile phone," says Professor Bruce Armstrong, researcher at the University of Sydney School of Public Health. Heading the Australian component of the multi-nation Interphone study project, Armstrong told the media in April, 2008, that evidence of a mobile phone connection with harmful effects, including tumors, is accumulating.(4)
For kids, this is bad news. In 2005, the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics confirmed that children are especially sensitive to all electromagnetic fields because their developing nervous systems are fragile, their brain tissues more conductive and their smaller skeletons more easily penetrated by the waves.(5)
Russian scientists responsible for public health have issued an urgent warning about wireless health damage, recommending that children under 18 limit the use of cell phones to emergency calls only.(6) British and Austrian health officials warn that kids may be especially susceptible to serious health problems from wireless devices.(7) Canadian officials say that children should limit cell phone use until health science catches up with technology.(8) The French health minister advised in January, 2008, that kids be allowed no more than 6 wireless minutes at any one time.(9) (Cleanup workers at Chernobyl were limited to a few minutes in nuclear radiation areas).
Yet, not a single U.S. health agency is warning about the horrific risks to kids who stew themselves in gigajuice. In America, it’s "way cool" to be "hot." Adults are browbeat to "go tech" to talk to their kids, or text message them--even from the next room—as if face-to-face is "so, like, yesterday." A kid wired from head to foot with the latest Wi-gizmos is admired as a communications super whiz. But ironically, wireless radiation guarantees major disruption in the chemical communication pathways between all the cells of his body.(10)
The dangerous disconnect between popular culture and the realities of medical science portends disaster. Because the wireless industry controls the mainstream media with $billions in advertising, there is a conspicuous media blackout of important radiation science coming from labs all over the world. While group-think insists that cell phones help make kids safer, here is what American parents are not being told:
1. Microwave phones can make kids hearing-impaired. According to research presented in 2007 by the American Academy of Otolaryngology, cell phone radiation incrementally damages the inner ear, causing high frequency hearing loss. Those who talk an hour a day or more, sustain the most damage.(11) Youthful cell phone habituates will suffer major and irreversible hearing damage by the time they reach young adulthood.
What is safe about making a kid incrementally deaf?
2. Microwave phones can make kids vision-impaired. Microwaves cause eye lens opacity similar to cataracts. In the 1970s, researcher Milton Zaret demonstrated that weak microwave fields cause debilitating subcapsular eye lesions, sometimes years after exposure.(12) Israeli researchers have confirmed that microwaves at cell phone intensities cause macro and micro damage to the entire visual system, including tiny bubbles that can form on the eye lens.(13) Dr. Om Gandhi at the University of Utah reported that the eye lens of a 10 year old child will absorb five times more cell phone radiation than an adult eye.(14) Metal-rimmed eyeglasses can absorb microwaves, then re-emit that radiation onto the eye surface.(15)
What is safe about micro-cooking a child’s eyes?
3. Microwave phones can make kids brain-impaired. Brain scans show that microwave phone radiation penetrates deeply into a child’s brain.(16) Within minutes, cell phone microwaves can open the blood brain barrier, allowing albumin and other chemicals from tiny blood vessels to leak into sensitive brain tissues. This leakage causes irreversible oxidative stress and nerve tissue damage.(17) Brain hormones, including melatonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and thyroid stimulating hormone are disrupted by phone microwaves.(18)
What is safe about fire-storming a child’s neurological and hormonal systems?
4. Microwave phones highly elevate a child’s cancer risk. In late 2007, Israeli experts announced that talking as little as 10 minutes on a cell phone triggers changes in brain tissues linked to abnormal cell division and cancer.(19) Phone microwaves are implicated in both eye and salivary gland tumors.(20) In 2006, studies by three European research groups reported an increased incidence of brain tumors in people who have used mobile phones for ten years or more. After 2000 hours of microwave phone exposure, kids face a 240 percent increased risk of developing brain malignancy.(21) If the 1.75 million 8 and 9 year olds who now use cell phones average only half an hour a day, they will be at high risk for radiation cancer in their teen years. Cancer is the number two cause of death for American children.
What is safe about giving kids wireless devices guaranteed to ignite the tumor process?
Got wireless? Just call it "X-ray"
No sane parent would submit his child to 1600 chest X-rays over a 24 hour period. Yet a mere 24 hours of wireless phone radiation can inflict the same damage to a child’s tissues as 1600 chest X-rays. This is the crux of studies completed by 12 groups of researchers from seven European countries who collaborated in the REFLEX study project to gauge the effects of wireless radiation on human health. REFLEX scientists have released the comet assay slides (22) pictured above.
The U.S. government allowed wireless phones to be put on the market in the 1980s with absolutely no safety testing. Today, REFLEX research demonstrates that Wi-phones blasting high-frequency microwaves are basically personal X-ray devices. This shocking reality gives rise to the term "Generation X-ray." Consumers aren’t permitted to buy household X-ray machines. Yet comparably lethal wireless devices are handed out to grade school kids for heavy and indiscriminate use, with virtually no hazard warnings and no medical supervision.
Tissue damage from wireless microwave radiation is known to be as cumulative as that from ionizing X-radiation. If we divide the tissue damage of 1600 chest X-rays by 24 cell phone hours, we could make the following postulations about Generation X-ray:
• For each minute a child presses a microwave phone to his head, he may suffer radiation damage equivalent to approximately 1.1 chest X-rays.
• For each hour a child uses a transmitting wireless phone or wireless laptop to communicate, watch videos/TV or play games, he may be exposing his developing brain, eye and gut tissues to radiation damage equivalent to 66.6 chest X-rays.
Ionizing X-radiation, like that used for chest X-rays and other medical procedures, is on carcinogen "List One," compiled by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). IARC is an intergovernmental agency forming part of the World Health Organization. IARC ranks X-radiation on par with gamma radiation, plutonium, dioxin and benzene, all known to induce cancer in both animals and humans. There is no "safe" dose determined for any substance or exposure on IARC’s List One.
It’s sobering that microwave radiation, blasting from an entire generation’s wireless phones, inflicts the same kind of DNA damage as ionizing radiation on IARC’s carcinogen List One. What REFLEX studies prove is how quickly that devastating damage takes place.
The Indian study
The public health catastrophe being unleashed by indiscriminate use of wireless phones is further brought into focus by a double-blind medical study completed in India in 2005 and published in the Indian Journal of Human Genetics.(23)
The study analyzed micronucleated cell damage in blood and buccal (mouth) tissues of people who use their cell phone one to 15 hours a day. The control group had never used cell phones at any time. DNA samples were coded and scored blind in strict protocol.
The test results of the "Indian study" are as stunning as the REFLEX work. The non cell phone users had an average of only four percent of their cells with DNA damage. The human body has a chance of meeting this moderate cellular reconstruction challenge, although every DNA repair operation carries with it a chance of error.
A whopping average of 39.75 percent of cells taken from mobile phone users showed DNA damage. The blood of one 24-year-old male revealed 63 percent micronucleated cells. He had used a cell phone for 1-2 hours per day for two years, the norm for millions of kids.
The Indian study confirms that the human body, overwhelmed with the continual and brutal assault of wireless radiation, is unable to perform normal cellular repair. Other studies confirm that microwave radiation, which causes a critical need for continual cellular repair, simultaneously shuts down cellular repair mechanisms.(24) The body’s exhausted immune and repair systems eventually become too decimated to do much more than survive poorly.
Prognosis for Gen X-ray
So the latest studies reveal what no one wants to hear: Kids who endlessly cell-phone socialize, even sleep with perpetually transmitting wireless devices (to keep intermittent conversations on line), are literally tearing to shreds the cells and tissues upon which their lives depend.
Generation X-ray is actually DECONSTRUCTING—cell by micronucleated cell.
The consequences of continual bombardment with aggressive, DNA-shredding radiation will become obvious only after a long latency period, similar to asbestos exposure and tobacco smoking. Radiation researcher Dr. Milton Zaret told congressional investigators years ago that the dangers of non-ionizing radiation cannot be overstated because "most non-ionizing radiational injuries occur covertly, usually do not become manifest until after latent periods of years, and when they do become manifest, the effects are seldom recognized."(25)
Generation X-ray will ultimately be the most cancer-ridden generation in modern history. The hundreds of types of human cancers have one thing in common—they all begin at the cellular level when genetic material in one or more cells becomes damaged. This damage can be passed from parents, or caused by the effects of an environmental carcinogen. "…Genetic mutations in one single cell are sufficient to lead to cancer," says Dr. Henry Lai.Dr. Lai is a celebrated scientist at the University of Washington who has years of genetic and bioenergetics research to his credit.(26)
The cancer victims of Gen X-ray will likely die more quickly than those of previous generations because wireless microwaves not only initiate the seeds of cancer, but also stimulate abnormal nodes to become more energetically cancerous.(27) An impressive body of work demonstrates that both extremely low frequency (ELF) and microwaves cause human cells to produce stress proteins, a further indication that the body recognizes wireless radiation as harmful.(28) Stress proteins can ultimately protect cancer cells and make them resistant to medical treatment.(29)
Long before their epidemic cancers sprout, young X-rayers are destined to suffer the symptoms of neurasthenia, or what the Soviets used to call "radiowave sickness." The symptoms include headache, fatigue, skin rashes, weakness, tinnitus, dizziness, moodiness and sleeplessness. These warning signs are just the beginning of a long, downward spiral of general deterioration, including circulatory ailments, immune dysfunction, allergies and premature aging.
How physically sick are American kids?
A 2007 report from Harvard researchers warned about the poor health of American kids, confirming that the incidence of chronic, life-altering illness is increasing exponentially.(30) Obesity, diabetes and severe allergies now plague millions of our young.
Childhood Obesity. Thyroid hormones are critical to a child’s proper brain development and metabolic function. The human thyroid gland does not prosper in a high radiation field. A leading cause of thyroid cancer is excessive ionizing radiation. The thyroid in the neck area is heavily zapped by cell and cordless phone emissions during wireless conversation and it readily absorbs microwave radiation. Cell phone radiation also depresses the brain’s pituitary production of critical thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).(31) Insufficient TSH leaves a child deficient in thyroid metabolic hormones T3 and T4, hence obesity.
Childhood diabetes. Recent studies by Canadian environmental toxicologist Magda Havas indicate that ELF and kilohertz electromagnetic frequencies may have a deleterious effect on some diabetics.(32) Dr. Havas’ work reveals that electromagnetic pollution, such as that from dirty electricity (The IO, June, 2007) can cause rapid changes in blood sugar levels and may be a potent factor in blood sugar control. Dr. Havas calls for urgent studies to determine if Type 3 Diabetes, an abnormal endocrine/blood condition, is instigated or exacerbated by non-ionizing radiation, similar to the pulsing ELF and kilohertz frequencies inherent in wireless communications.
Childhood Allergies. Swedish scientists confirm that wireless phone radiation can cause drastic inflammatory and allergic reactions by activating mast cells, which underlie many tissues of the body. The inflammatory response of mast cell activation in the skin includes rashes, swellings and itches, so common in both microwave poisoning and asthma. Nearly one in 10 American kids now have asthma, a soaring epidemic that has medical science stumped. Asthma is a severe allergy reaction, usually to something environmental. So it is of grave concern that both ELF and radio frequency (RF) associated with wireless technologies have been shown in animal and human studies to incite a broad range of allergy-related immune responses.(33)
Immune System Dysfunction. A child’s body, kept in chronic allergic stress by wireless phone radiation, may end up with an exhausted immune system which no longer responds effectively. European experts prognosticate that many people heavily exposed to wireless radiation may eventually suffer the manifestations of electro-hypersensitivity (EHS).(34) EHS is a devastating allergic, auto-immune-like condition in which over-irradiated persons become severely sensitive to both chemical and electromagnetic pollution. Similar to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, EHS symptoms can be so disabling that victims are often forced to isolate themselves from even the smallest electromagnetic fields.
How mentally sick are American kids?
By 2005 experts declared that 1 in 5 American kids has a mental health disorder.(35) Millions of school kids, diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are on brain-altering Ritalin, a stimulant reportedly more potent than cocaine, and among the most addictive prescription drugs in use.
Millions of other kids are medicated with one of the anti-depressants Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor or Celexa, even though, in 2004, British researchers reported these drugs are unsafe and often ineffective.(36) In 2003, a U.S. medical journal reported that 74 percent of children and adolescents have experienced an adverse event to these drugs over the course of their treatment.(37)
Bipolar disorder—once called manic depression—is also epidemic among American children. In January, a Frontline documentary revealed that over 6 million American kids, many with a bipolar diagnosis, are prescribed drastic combinations of new psychiatric drugs. In discussing the frightening side-effects of these experimental therapies, several experts admitted to Frontline that adequate studies on the safety and efficacy of psychiatric drugs for kids have never been completed.(38)
Proper studies have never been done to ascertain the COMBINED EFFECTS to the brain of both psychiatric drugs plus near-field wireless radiation.
So now we nuke them?
Surely what millions of mentally unstable and highly drugged kids need LEAST is the additional burden of brain-altering radiation. Within two minutes of microwave phone exposure, the electrical activity of a child’s brain is abnormally altered for up to one hour.(39) British radiation expert Dr. Gerald Hyland reported that cell phones which use repetitive, pulsing 2 Hz and 8.34 Hz frequencies can badly disrupt the delta and alpha stabilization process in a child’s developing brain.(40)
Dr. Hyland confirmed that cell phone energy can cause radical changes in human mood and behavior.(41) This is the case because microwaves at cell phone levels can unleash a cornucopia of radical damage to all parts of the brain, including the cortex, the hippocampus (memory center) and the basal ganglia. To wit:
• Scientists have demonstrated that cell phone radiation causes immediate blood flow changes in the brain, and also deregulates calcium efflux from brain cells, causing cell membranes to weaken and leak.(42)
• Researchers in Finland have shown that one hour of cell phone radiation causes brain cells to shrink, indicating permanent damage to cell structure as confirmed by REFLEX studies.(43)
• The Max Planck Institute in Germany reported that cell phones can blast heat spikes into the brain which may flash burn cell membranes to the boiling point of water. (44)
• British researchers have shown that weak microwave radiation can change the shape of brain proteins into formations resembling pathological fibrils associated with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease. (45)
• Swedish scientists demonstrated that cell phone radiation makes holes (lesions) in rat brains and they predict a wave of early-onset Alzheimer’s in young cell phone users. (46)
Could the past two decades of mass brain damage from wireless radiation be among the roots of our nation’s mental health crisis? Unlimited microwave exposure is bound to increase the numbers of our haywire young. The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection says that we may expect kids who use cell phones to suffer not only brain tumors and dementia, but also increased epileptic readiness and depressive mental illness.(47)
And what about environmental transmitters?
Millions of American kids, struggling with physical disabilities and mental manias, are heavily irradiated not only with Wi-toys, but also by ubiquitous environmental transmitters needed to feed those toys. Nearly 200,000 cell tower and roof top transmitters continuously saturate American cities, playgrounds and passing vehicles with DNA-damaging waves equivalent to ionizing radiation. Living in transmitter-zapped neighborhoods where microwaves pass easily into homes, millions of infants and small kids have no respite from daily, deadly radiation assault.
Unregulated Wi-Fi systems, wireless local area network routers, security monitors, cordless phone systems and other types of wireless transmitters X-ray the interiors of malls, airports, offices, schools, hospitals and millions of homes 24/7. Many commercial and retail enterprises are switching to wireless inventory systems. These and retail inter-personnel push-to-talk radio systems literally "cook" stores and malls where kids congregate.
Many public transport systems are being wired for Wi-Fi. Soon, commercial aircraft will offer Wi-Fi computer services, compelling all passengers to absorb the toxic rays of mid-flight entertainment. Many vehicles are wired with GPS navigation and/or tracking systems. These rolling hotspots zap not only passengers, but people passing by.
The federal government has never developed adequate safety standards for long-term environmental exposure to this barrage of wireless radiation. U.S. standards are antiquated and calculated for short term exposure only. In 2002, the EPA’s Radiation Protection Division confirmed that the FCC’s current exposure guidelines are thermally (burn) based and do not apply to chronic exposure of non-thermal wireless pollution which now enshrouds the nation.(48)
In 2007, 14 world-class public health experts and radiation researchers announced in their BioInitiative Report on Electromagnetic Radiation that current public microwave exposure standards are thousands of times TOO LENIENT. Having compiled the weight of evidence from thousands of studies, these experts conclude that current exposure standards must be drastically revised because they are absolutely NOT protective of the public health.(49)
Criminal complicity of the schools
Given the latest science on the radical bio-effects of wireless radiation, the shocking rate of childhood illness plus expert testimony that current RF exposure standards are dangerous, surely the least appropriate location for microwave transmitters is near schools and daycares.
Yet, wireless phone providers are in a frenetic campaign to place microwave transmitters either directly on or near schools and play fields across the nation. Because the radiation industry offers thousands of dollars annually to school districts that provide siting for transmitters, education facilities have become "hot zones" where torrents of pulsing radiation blast infants, children and young adults. Kids are blasted with radiation while playing at many of the nation’s parks and playgrounds.
That parents and educators are going along with this travesty is a grotesque example of circular thinking: Sicken and prematurely kill kids in order to give them exercise and a "good" education.
Many Utah schools are cases in point. An ABC news affiliate in Salt Lake City reported last October that the Jordan School District south of Salt Lake had 41 wireless antennas, either on or adjacent to its school buildings. Jordan School District transmitters have been "cooking" kids in their classrooms for about 10 years.(50) Parents, civic leaders and school officials cannot be THAT UNINFORMED! The latest radiation science is available to anyone who chooses to research it.
• At least seven recent high quality epidemiological studies show that people living close to wireless transmitters consistently develop a long list of neurological problems, including depression, sleep and memory disturbances, with pronounced loss of ability to learn and concentrate.(51)
• As chief of the British Health Protection Agency, Sir William Stewart warned that the main beam from mobile phone masts should never be allowed to hit school grounds.(52)
• In 2004 the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) passed a resolution opposing cell phone transmitters on fire stations after a California study showed that a group of exposed personnel developed serious neurological problems, including brain damage (encephalopathy). The IAFF position paper documents a large body of scientific evidence indicating that siting transmitters on or near schools is pure insanity.(53)
Seduced by oodles of corporate money, many school officials, with an obligation to protect the health and safety of the children in their charge, have simply chosen to disregard the science while exposing their facilities and staffs to harmful and potentially lethal radiation.
Kids forced to sit directly under roof top antenna farms, generating hundreds of watts of invisible carcinogen, are a new generation of downwinders. The carnage of this atrocity will one day be judged as abhorrent as open air nuclear tests that sent previous generations to the grave with leukemia, thyroid cancer and a myriad of other terminal illnesses. Compulsory school irradiation is a violation of the basic human right to a safe environment. It is also the most disgusting example of greed-driven child abuse we can think of.
Meantime, Gen-X-ray dives to stupid
Microwave radiation from any source can drastically impair the ability of kids to concentrate, learn and retain information according to Russian experts.(54) Studies show that wireless radiation can cause nerve conduction in the human brain to slow down, diminishing every category of mental skill including memory, reading, computation, reasoning and reaction time. (55)
The dangerous consequences of radiation-reduced motor response time was reported in 2005 by researchers at the University of Utah. Their study found that young adults using cell phones while driving had the delayed reaction time of elderly drivers. These cell-phone drivers were actually more mentally impaired than drunk drivers with blood alcohol levels exceeding the legal limit. The study found that cell phone users in traffic are over five times more likely to be in a car accident.(56) Could this explain the shocking 2006 report that 40 percent of U.S. teens get into a car accident within the first year of earning their drivers license?(57)
The cognitive consequences for millions of kids on the rays are seen in numerous education reports. High dropout rates and poor test scores are being reported across the nation. Last year, Washington state legislators had to "push back" math and science graduation requirements, allowing high school kids to focus their laborious efforts on bringing their reading and writing skills up to par.(58) Generations ago, most American students found reading and writing easy to master in early grade school.
The San Francisco Gate recently featured Mark Morford’s column, "American Kids: Dumber than Dirt." Morford discussed the "absolutely horrifying" decline in the intellectual ability of high school kids, declaring that junk food and cell phones are "melting their brains."(59)
In 2006, the Associated Press reported that a national literacy study revealed that at least half of America’s youngsters in high school and college are incapable of acquiring and processing new information. The study confirmed that over half of college students nearing a college diploma are close to illiterate and cannot handle complex but common intellectual tasks, such as understanding the content of a newspaper editorial.(60)
These, the highly impaired of the wireless age, are probably unable to read and understand the potentially life-saving information in this article. However, much to the profit of the radiation industry, dialing a seven digit number or deciphering a three-word text message will always be manageable for America’s ever-growing army of functional illiterates.
The biggest lie you’ll ever hear
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the two agencies which "regulate" cell phones and other wireless devices have two basic things to say about wireless radiation hazards:
The big lie. "There are no known risks from exposure to RF emissions from wireless phones…."
The disclaimer. "There is no proof, however, that wireless phones are absolutely safe."(61)
This disingenuous and contradictive mantra has been adopted by both the FCC and the FDA even though the telecom industry’s own Wireless Technology Research (WTR) program of the ‘90s showed that cell phone radiation—at levels well below "safety" guidelines—causes blood-brain barrier damage, animal tumors and a 300 percent increase in DNA damage to human blood.(62)
Dr. George Carlo, the epidemiologist who coordinated the WTR studies would later write, "Surely, you must be thinking, this was the time that the FDA would perform its obligation to warn the public of the new findings and the increase need to act with caution and protect ourselves as we communicate in the wireless age…The FDA chose instead to strike a public posture that was virtually indistinguishable from the industry it was supposed to be watching and regulating."(63)
Nothing has changed a decade later. The lucrative "no evidence" lie is still the party line for both regulatory agencies at a time when thousands of published studies clearly show that ELF/microwave radiation has massive and far-reaching ramifications for every facet of a child’s physical and mental health.
Comatose U.S. health experts barely stirring
To their credit, in 1986, as the wireless revolution was just being unleashed, the EPA recommended that pulsed, non-thermal RF/microwave radiation be designated as a Class C (probable) carcinogen. For obvious economic and political reasons, the EPA was slapped down on this proposal.(64)
Again in 1990, citing decades of animal cancer studies, the EPA produced an internal report discussing the probable carcinogenicity of electromagnetic fields generated by both extremely low (ELF) and ultra high radio frequencies within the microwave spectrum. (65)
In 2000, EPA scientist Norbert Hankin warned about the growing use of wireless technology by children and their schools: "Some research regarding rodents has shown adverse effects on short-term and long-term memory. The concern is that if such effects may occur in young children, then even slight impairment of learning ability over years of education may negatively affect the quality of life that could be achieved by these individuals, when adults. The potential effect on learning of exposure from telecommunications devices used by children should be considered for study by the Radiation Protection Project."(66) Hankin’s important recommendation has never been implemented.
Now that the wireless horses are loose and on the run with our hapless kids in tow, the U.S. National Research Council (NRC) says that perhaps the barn should have had a door. The NRC recommends that future studies of children and pregnant women be designed to determine whether there are wireless health risks to the very young. Ignoring the mountain of radiation research already peer reviewed and published, the NRC admits that, "although it is unknown whether children are more susceptible to RF exposure, they may be at increased risk because of their developing organ and tissue systems."(67)
While U.S. regulators drag their feet in order to protect their corporate cronies and while U.S. health experts shuffle their musty papers and sort their foggy thoughts as to how they might one day duplicate science already long completed, total wireless minutes of use in the U.S. are increasing by 30 percent each year.
How this story will end
The sad reality, according to decades of science and supporting evidence in the field, is that legions of those hooked on wireless technology have already begun a painful march to their graves. Like smokers who light up during the final gasping stages of emphysema, it’s a fair guess that a person who becomes a "chain dialer" in his youth, won’t lay down his cell phone until the undertaker pries it from his cold, dead fingers, long deformed by the clutching reflex.
It took decades of study and years of consumer use to gather enough data to force the U.S. Surgeon General’s warning label on cigarette packs. The day will come when someone else’s second-hand radiation will be even more unwelcome than second hand tobacco smoke.
There are a number of radiation damage lawsuits against cell phone makers pending in many countries. It may require only one major court victory to unleash an avalanche of lawsuits. (68) Given the sheer volume of data demonstrating the lethality of microwave radiation, the radiation industry will inevitably meet the same fate as the tobacco and asbestos industries. There always comes a time when the horrific casualties of predation and prevarication can no longer be concealed.
Leading phone manufacturers, including Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola, publicly deny cell phone health hazards. But behind the scenes, these companies have filed patents for devices claimed to help shield phone users from antenna radiation.(69) Unfortunately, such devices are not presently available for consumer phones because they provide inconvenient evidence that non-shielded phones are as dangerous as cancer-ridden plaintiffs testify they are.
Help save a kid from radiation abuse
We are on our own. We have lots of work to do in raising public consciousness on wireless health issues. The wireless industry and its legislative pawns—led by Senator and 2008 presidential candidate John McCain (R-AZ)-- have written current telecommunications laws to exclude consideration of human health in antenna siting. Government regulatory agencies commissioned to protect public health and safety are allowing an entire industry to profitably peddle an array of wireless devices that are slowly killing us.
The best way to stop wireless genocide is for conscientious consumers to SIMPLY STOP BUYING RADIATION as a matter of principle.
Until future enlightenment delivers our society from the unconscionable barbarisms of the wireless revolution, let us resolve to spare as many kids as possible from the suffering of an over-irradiated childhood. Through education and example, let’s prepare our young to withstand the relentless commercial dunning and peer pressure of the wireless age.
We must model a different set of priorities to our kids. Let’s ask our kids if the instant gratification of wireless talking, messaging and gaming today is worth a decimated body tomorrow. Should we not practice self restraint by eliminating frivolous wireless communication, stop playing wireless games and use wired phones instead to safeguard a healthy future?
We must remove dangerous wireless devices from our homes. Above all, let’s get the cordless microwave phones and wireless routers out of our homes. Any household phone which emits megahertz or gigahertz radiation should be replaced with the older style corded landline phones. Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone (DECT) chargers are so powerful they can pass pulsing microwaves through walls and even irradiate the neighbors. DECT bases continuously irradiate children at home. A DECT house is child-abusive.
We must educate our officials. Let’s pressure schools and other public institutions plus commercial outlets to TURN OFF the WiFi and other microwave-intensive systems until it is proven that this radiation is completely safe for our kids (That way, the X-rays will be off for a very long time). Let public outcry forbid the leasing of school property for wireless transmitter sites. If radiation from mobile phones immediately affects a child’s cognitive processing, as Finnish researchers have demonstrated,(70) so does the same omni-directional radiation blasting from school transmitters.
We must demand accountability and mitigate the damage
The 2007 BioInitiative Report recommends that cell phones be reconfigured to work only with wired headsets or on speaker mode, so that eye and brain irradiation can be prevented.(71)At the very least, consumers should demand that these safety features be incorporated into their wireless devices.
For the protection of our kids, let’s avail ourselves of technology, such as audio and digital radiation meters, which empower us to quickly identify microwave-intensive environments. Let’s educate legislators and demand that unbiased radiation research by impartial researchers be funded with a gains tax on telecom industry profits. Let’s demand that the industry be forced to properly label its carcinogenic devices with adequate health warnings. The industry must be made liable for wireless health damage.
The state of Washington just passed the strictest safe toy law in the nation. But this law does not address the wireless handsets kids are using for wireless entertainment services available through the Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum. The FDA recently announced that popular impotence drugs must now be labeled with a warning that they may lead to sudden, severe and potentially permanent hearing loss. Why has FDA not demanded a hearing loss warning for cell and cordless phones?
Dr. Vini Khurana, an award-winning Australian neurosurgeon and brain cancer specialist, believes that the link between mobile phones and brain cancer will definitely be proven within the coming decade.(72) A child protected today from wireless abuse will thank an astute parent tomorrow when that terrible, unassailable "proof" becomes obvious to even the most fanatical of wireless advocates.
Generation X’d Out
Wireless radiation is not only neurotoxic and carcinogenic, but also grossly teratagenic (causes the abnormal development of the embryo). Scientists across the globe are warning about the potential of wireless microwaves to cause horrific damage to sperm, ova and fetuses.
As the clueless, trusting kids of Generation X-ray are encouraged by corporations to violate the basic laws of nature with wireless toys, they systematically damage the genes they will pass to their offspring. Their genetically damaged children and grandchildren will be even more radiation-impaired than themselves.
This generally suppressed information will be the subject of part two of this series.
Amy Worthington has received international acclaim for her articles on vaccines, chemtrails, depleted uranium and the hazards of the wireless age.
1. "Growing Concern over Safety of Cell Phones for Children," D.Carvajal, 3/7/2008, www.emfacts.com; Yankee Group predicts 10.5 million preteen cell phone users by 2010, see www.microwavenews.com, March 2007.
2. "Family Logistics Should Determine Whether Your Child is Ready for a Cell Phone," L. Flam, Associated Press, 2-5-08.
3. "Teen and Tween Cell Phone Calls Rise During the Summer," Fox 51, 8-6-2007.
4. Armstrong quoted by Microwave News, March/April 2008. The Interphone project is coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Teams of researchers across the globe have gathered health data since 2000 on long term mobile phone users and their various types of tumors. The data is being analyzed at IARC’s headquarters in France.
5. Pediatrics, Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Vol. 116, No. 2 August 2005, pp. 303-313.
6. "Children and Mobil Phones: The Health of the Following Generations is In Danger," Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Moscow, Russia, 4-14-2008.
7. "Cell Phones ‘Should Not be Given to Children,’ " W. Knight, London, NewScientist.com news service, 1-11-2005; "Why Cell Phones Will Hurt Your Children," mercola.com, 2-07-2008: The Vienna Medical Association says "Children under the age of 16 should never use a mobile phone."
8. "Canadian Health Official Warns Consumers to ‘Limit Cell Phone Use’ Especially by Children," The Toronto Star, July 12, 2005.
9. "Growing Concern over Safety of Cell Phones for Children," D.Carvajal, (France) 3/7/2008, www.emfacts.com.
10. "The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields," Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, 4-13-2007. Dr Goldsworthy is a researcher and honorary lecturer with the Department of Biological Sciences, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK.
11. "Cell Phone Use Causes High Frequency Hearing Loss," Newswire, Source: American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 09-12-2007.
12. For information on Dr. Zaret’s ground-breaking microwave research see: The Microwave Debate, Nicholas H. Steneck, 1984, p.162.; also The Zapping of America, Paul Brodeur, 1977, pp. 61-64.
13. "Israeli Research: Cell Phone Radiation May Cause Visual Damage," 07-29-2005, www.isracast.com.
14. Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards In the Wireless Age, Dr. George Carlo and Martin Schram, 2002, p. 216.
15. Confidential Report On Tetra Strictly for the Police Federation of England and Wales, Barrie Trower, September 2001, p. 7. This report by a renown British physicist is an outstanding archive of microwave health issues.
16. "What Cell Phones Can Do To a Child’s Brain In Two Minutes," Sunday Mirror, UK ,12-26-01.
17. Salford, Brun, Eberhardt, Malmgren and Persson, 2003, "Nerve Cell Damage in Mammalian Brain After Exposure to Microwaves from GSM Phones." Environmental Health Perspectives 111:881-883; also "Swedes find GSM Radiation Causes Nerve Damage at Very Low Doses," Microwave News, Jan/Feb 2003.
18. Koyu, et al., "Effects of 900 MHz electromagnetic Field on TSH and Thyroid Hormones in Rats," 06-10-2005; also "Aspects of Hypothalamic Neuronal Systems in VMH lesion-induced Obese Rats", Takahasi et al, Journal of Autonomic Nervous System, August 1994; 48 (3): 213-9.
19. "Only Ten Minutes on a Mobile Could Trigger Cancer, Scientists Believe," D. Derbyshire, Daily Mail, UK, 08-30-2007. This research was done at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and published in the Biochemical Journal, August 1, 2007, 9405 (Pt3) 559-568.
20. "Scientists Link Eye Cancer to Mobile Phones," J. Leake, The Sunday Times, UK, 01-14-2001, Electromagnetic Hazard and Therapy 2001, Volume 11, Numbers 2 to 4; also "Cell Phone Linked to Salivary Gland Tumors," United Press International, 02-14-2008 (Tel Aviv University).
21. "Cell Phone Risks Cited in Studies: Three Groups Find Danger, Tumors," South Florida Sun Sentinel, 02-01-2006; "Long-Term Mobile Phone Use Raises Brain Tumor Risk: Study," Reuters, March 31, 2006.
22. An in-depth report on the REFLEX project can be found in the on-line brochure Health and Electromagnetic Fields: EU-funded research into the Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields and Mobile Phones on Health published by the European Commission., 02-29-2008.
23. Ghandi, G. "Genetic Damage in Mobile Phone Users: Some Preliminary Findings," Indian J Hum Genetics, 2005, 11:99-104.
24. "EMF and the Role of Increased Charge in Promoting Disease and Impairing Tissue Repair," Gerald Goldberg, MD. Find this excellent article at: http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/emf_and_charge_promotion.pdf
25. Dr. Zaret quoted in The Zapping of America, Paul Brodeur, 1977, p.74.
26. "Evidence for Genotoxic Effects (RFR and ELF Genotoxicity)" Dr. Henry Lai, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington,. Prepared for the BioInitiative Working Group, July 2007, see BioInitiative Report..
27. "Mobile Phones Linked to Cancer," BBC news, 11-09-1998, "Mr. Philips told the court…"It has been repeatedly shown that a few minutes exposure to cell phone type radiation can transform a 5% active cancer into a 95% active cancer for the duration of the exposure and for a short time afterwards."
28. "Health Risk of Electromagnetic Fields: Research on the Stress Response," Martin Blank, PhD., Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, Prepared for the BioInitiative Working Group, July 2007, see BioInitiative Report..
29. "Proteins Hold Clues to Cancer and Brain Diseases," C. Deriso, Medical College of Georgia, Medical News, February 2006.
30. "Researchers Sound Alarm on Kids’ Health," Newsweek, 06-26-2007.
31. Koyu, et al., "Effects of 900 MHz electromagnetic Field on TSH and Thyroid Hormones in Rats," 06-10-2005.
32. "Dirty Electricity and Electrical Hypersensitivity: Five Case Studies," Magda Havas and David Stetzer, a paper presented to World Health Organization Workshop on Electrical Hypersensitivity, October 24-25, 2004.
33."Evidence for Effects on the Immune System," Olle Johansson, PhD, The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Sweden, Prepared for the BioInitiative Working Group, July 2007. See the BioInitiative Report.
34. "Will We All Become Electrosensitive?" Orjan Hallberg and Gerd Oberfeld, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25:189-191, 2006. Worldwide, the number of reported cases of extreme electrosensitivity has been steadily increasing since the condition was first documented in 1991.
35. "Teen Mental Health Declining in the United States," Oxford University Press, 06-29-05, www.truthout.org.
36. "Four Anti-Depressants Shown Unsafe for Kids," The Washington Post, 04-22-04.
37. "A Systematic Chart Review of the Nature of Psychiatric Adverse Events in Children and Adolescents Treated with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors," T.Wilens, MD. et al., Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, Volume 13, Number 2, pp.143-152.
38. PBS Frontline: The Medicated Child, January 8, 2008.
39. "What Cell Phones Can Do To a Child’s Brain In Just Two Minutes," Sunday Mirror, UK, 12-26-2001.
40. From statement by Dr. Hyland reporting to STOA Committee of the EU regarding children and cell phones. Dr. Hyland is with the University of Warwick, Coventry, England and also the International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss-Holzheim, Germany.
41. "Cell Phones Hurt Children Even Worse than Adults," William Thomas, 2005, www.willlthomas.net. See also EMF Health Report March/April 1995.
42. "The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields," Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, 4-13-2007.
43. "New Study Shows Cell Phones Cause Brain Changes," Reuters, 06-20-2002. This study was done by Finland’s Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority.
44. "Germans Worried about the Health Effects of Mobiles," Expatica, July 15, 2007, www.expatica.com.
45. "Changes in Protein Folding: A Nonthermal RF Mechanism," Microwave News, May/June 2003. This is an excellent summary of Dr. David de Pomerai’s work how on weak microwaves can change the shape of cellular proteins, causing them to clump together and form protein fibrils similar to those associated with neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Dr. dePomerai is with University of Nottingham, UK.
46. Leif Salford et al., "Nerve Cell Damage in Mammalian Brain after Exposure to Microwaves from GSM Mobile Phones," Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 111, Number 7 June 2003.
47. "Children and Mobil Phones: The Health of the Following Generations is In Danger," Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Moscow Russia, 4-14-2008.
48. Quoted from letter by Norbert Hankin, chief environmental scientist with EPA’s Radiation Protection Division. This letter was received by EMR Network 7-16-02 and can be found at www.emrnetwork.org.
49. BioInitiative: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Radiation, see "Summary for the Public and Conclusions," Cindy Sage, MA, August 2007.
50. ABC News Channel 4, Salt Lake City: Proposed Cell tower on Sandy Middle School Raises Questions, 10-22-07. Watch the news segment here: http://freepage.twoday.net/stories/4686361/
51. These studies are discussed here: "The Radiation Poisoning of America," A. Worthington, Idaho Observer, September 2007. Find this article online at Idaho-Observer.com.
52. Stewart Report 2000, UK: Research conducted by then British Health Protection Agency chief William Stewart advised that the main beam of a mobile phone mast should never be allowed to fall on any part of a school’s grounds.
53. Position On the Health Effects from Radio Frequency/Microwave Radiation in Fire Department Facilities From Base Stations for Antennas and Towers for the Conduction of Cell Phone Transmissions, International Association of Fire Fighters, Division of Occupational Health, Safety and Medicine. A resolution calling for a moratorium on new cell towers on fire stations was adopted by IAFF membership August 2004.
54. "Children and Mobil Phones: The Health of the Following Generations is In Danger," Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Moscow Russia, 4-14-2008.
55. "Cell Phone Radiation Slows Down Brain Speed," James Protsman, Omega News, 08-18-2004; also "Slowed Brain Activity in Frequent Mobile Phone Users," www.brainclinics.com, 11-09-2007: Quote: "…the brain activity from frequent mobile phone users shows more slow activity (increased Delta and Theta) and a slowing of the Alpha Peak Frequency….In Alzheimer’s dementia you also find a severely slowing of brain activity."
56. "Study: Cell Phone Use Ages Young Drivers," Associated Press, 02-20-05.
57. "Crash-Proof Your Teen," Family Circle, June 2006.
58. "Time to Burn," Spokesman Review, 03-11-2008.
59. "American Kids, Dumber than Dirt" M. Morford, SF Gate Columnist, 10-24-2007.
60. "College Students’ Literacy in Doubt," B. Feller, Associated Press, 01-19-06. Info from American Institutes of Research. See also the National Civic Literacy Board report, The Coming Crisis in Citizenship: Higher Education’s Failure to Teach America’s History and Institutions, 2006.
61. These two statements can be found verbatim in: FDA’s Cell Phone Facts:,Consumer Information on Wireless Phones, see pp.5-8; This FDA statement on page 11 is a FELONY: "The scientific evidence does not show a danger to users of wireless phones, including children and teenagers." Also see FCC’s Radio Frequency Safety brochure, p. 8 "There is no scientific evidence to date that proves that wireless phone usage can lead to cancer or a variety of other health effects, including headaches, dizziness or memory loss." These two agencies—appendages of Corporate America—willfully remain in the scientific Dark Ages and have make no effort whatever to keep the public informed on 21st Century advances.
62. Information on the WTR studies funded by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) is found in Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards In the Wireless Age, Ibid.
63. Ibid., pp. 229-30.
64. In the March 1986 version of the OHEA report, EPA staff recommended that RF/microwave radiation be designated as a possible, or Class C carcinogen, but this recommendation was deleted from the final draft of that report. Microwave News, May/June 1990.
65. Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic Fields, June 1990, Review Draft.
66. Hankin quote in Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards In the Wireless Age, Ibid. pp. 218-19.
67. ABC News January 18,2008: NRC, Committee on Identification of Research Needs Relating to Potential Biological or Adverse Health Effects of Wireless Communications Devices (Free report).
68. "Cell Phone Industry Fails to Halt Suits," CPR News, 11-01-2005; also "Mobile Headache," M. King, Ecologist, 01-03-2007. This article says there were 7 major lawsuits pending against the cell phone industry in USA as of 2007.
69. "Cell Phone Companies Patent Cancer Shields," N. Fleming and I. Cobain, The Times, London, 06-11-2001.
70. "Mobile Phone Effects on Children’s Event-related Oscillatory EEG During an Auditory Memory Task," International Journal of Radiation Biology, June 2006; 82 (6) 443-50.
71. BioInitiative: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Radiation, "Summary for the Public and Conclusions," Cindy Sage, MA, August 2007.
72. "Mobile Phones More Dangerous Than Smoking," Geoffrey Lean, Independent, UK, 03-30-2008. Find Dr. Khurana’s 69-page report on brain tumors and mobile phones at: http://www.brain-surgery.us/medstudent.html.