The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
22 March 2014
There may be a Relation between Cell Phone Usage and Erectile DysfunctionMarch 18 2014
Cell phone usage and erectile functionDISCUSSION
Al-Ali BM, Patzak J, Fischereder K, Pummer K, Shamloul R. Cell phone usage and erectile function. Central European Journal of Urology. 2013;66(1):75-7. doi: 10.5173/ceju.2013.01.art23. Epub 2013 Apr 26.
INTRODUCTION: The objective of this pilot study was to report our experience concerning the effects of cell phone usage on erectile function (EF) in men.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: We recruited 20 consecutive men complaining of erectile dysfunction (ED) for at least six months (Group A), and another group of 10 healthy men with no complaints of ED (Group B). Anamnesis, basic laboratory investigations, and clinical examinations were performed. All men completed the German version of the Sexual Health Inventory for Men (SHIM) for evaluation of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), as well as another questionnaire designed by our clinicians that assessed cell phone usage habits.
RESULTS: There was no significant difference between both groups regarding age, weight, height, and total testosterone (Table 1). The SHIM scores of Group A were significantly lower than that of Group B, 11.2 ±5 and 24.2 ±2.3, respectively. Total time spent talking on the cell phone per week was not significantly higher in Group A over B, 17.6 ±11.1 vs. 12.5 ±7 hours. Men with ED were found to carry their 'switched on' cell phones for a significantly longer time than those without ED, 4.4 ±3.6 vs. 1.8 ±1 hours per day.
CONCLUSIONS: We found a potential correlation with cell phone usage and a negative impact on EF. Further large-scale studies confirming our initial data and exploring the mechanisms involved in this phenomenon are recommended.Hundreds of millions of men around the globe use a cell phone on daily basis. This extensive and regular exposure to EMW carries many potential health hazards that were investigated in the medical literature. However, there was no strong evidence to prove the detrimental effects of cell phone usage. Nevertheless, caution should be taken when using such devices.
We had previously reported in a large study on male infertility that cell phone usage may negatively impact semen parameters in men [15]. That study confirmed earlier reports suggesting an increased potential for harmful effects on male fertility due to cell phone usage [8, 09, 10]. Davoudi et al. [16] found that using GSM phones for 6 h/day for five days decreased the rapid progressive motility of human sperms. Our group showed reduction in the semen quality of men using cell phones; including sperm motility and morphology. We concluded that, "It seems that exposure to EMW through cell phones does not affect the total sperm count, which may indicate that certain testicular functions are still preserved" [15].
This prospective pilot study showed that there may be a relation between cell phone usage and ED, which is indicated by the following results of this study: men with ED use their cell phones longer than men without ED, men who have ED carry their switched on cell phones significantly longer than men who do not have ED, and the effect of cell phone usage on total testosterone levels is not significant.
Our study showed the total time of exposure to the EMW of the cell phone is much more important than the relatively short duration of intense exposure during making cellular phone calls.
In our previous study we reported that serum total testosterone levels may be impaired in men with infertility and in those using cell phones [15]. However, in the current study we could not find the same link, which may be due to the small sample size of patients and healthy controls included.
Our results are preliminary and have several limitations. One limitation is a small number of patients and, therefore, larger studies are needed to confirm our initial report.
There may be a relation between cell phone usage and erectile function. Further larger studies are recommended to confirm our findings
Cell phone history questions:
- How many hours a week do you talk over the cell phone?
- How many hours per day do you hold the cell phone in standby position?
- Do you daily use other devices that emit radio–waves like blue tooth or laptops? yes or no.
- Does your work expose you to radio–waves or irradiation of any kind? If yes, details?
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
Russians find electromagnetic radiation increasingly worrisome
Medication Use Is Rising for Adults With Attention Disorder
The drug manager, Express Scripts, which processes prescriptions for 90 million Americans, also found that almost one in 10 adolescent boys were taking medications for the disorder, usually stimulants such as Adderall or Concerta.
Some experts said the report provided the clearest evidence to date that the disorder is being diagnosed and treated with medication in children far beyond reasonable rates, and that steeply rising diagnoses among adults might portend similar problems. These drugs can temper hallmark symptoms like severe inattention and hyperactivity but also carry risks like sleep deprivation, appetite suppression and, more rarely, addiction and hallucinations.
A week-long series about digital communication devices and way they influence our health and private and public space.
UC Berkeley Watch: Scientists 'herd' cells in new approach to tissue engineering.
Sometimes it only takes a quick jolt of electricity to get a swarm of cells moving in the right direction.
Wireless Smart Meter Case Studies
Passed by the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine October 23, 2013
With gratitude and hope,
Rep. Andrea Boland (D) Maine and
Liz Barris, Director
Wireless Industry Kills Cell Phone Radiation Bill
The wireless industry's influence on possible health notification risks of their products has haunted the bill's ability to pass from it's inception nearly 5 years ago.
This year, Representative Barry Hobbins, former AT@T attorney, sat as House Chair of the Energy, Utility and Technology Committee, where the bill was heard. Rep. Hobbins is well known to favor of the industry's position. Despite Rep. Hobbins and attorney General Janet Mills efforts to quash the bill, it miraculously passed out of the committee with a 6-6 vote. "I think it's about money in politics," says Rep. Andrea Boland, author of the bill.
Rep. Boland summarized as saying, "The issue was transparency and accountability. The industry fought to not let the public know what was in their manuals regarding RF radiation exposure. All manuals tell users to keep the phones at a distance from their heads and bodies but this industry won't say openly not to hold devices against head and body. The industry was arguing against transparency and accountability and scaring off the legislators who had formally voted for it. It is deceitful."
Risk Management Magazine...
"...manufacturers have been held liable where their warnings were deemed not conspicuous enough."
Rep. Boland's own Democratic leadership worked against this bill.
"Maybe they are really proud of their votes against transparency. They had proposed to kill the bill without taking a vote so that their votes would not become public record," says Rep. Boland. Below is the link to see who voted that way. A NO vote in this case is a vote in FAVOR allowing the bill to go to vote and a YES vote in this case would be a vote to hide their no votes from public record.
"These are the people who voted against letting the public know where to find information on reducing RF radiation exposure," says Rep. Boland. "We may have lost this battle, but we will win this war. We're winning in that we see who the people are that do not want transparency and how the political/money game works out against public health," says Rep. Boland. "We're building a future of greater disease and insuring the opportunity for far greater health problems, burgeoning medical costs and heartbreak in families when the brain tumors, Alzheimer's, vision problems, reproductive problems, other cancers and other illnesses that studies have been shown to be a risk and show up in otherwise healthy people."
"With other countries like Belgium and soon France passing legislation to restrict children from buying cell phones or the wireless industry advertising to them, the fact that we are having so much difficulty even putting a mere warning to check the user manual for radiation exposure info, is indicative of the enormity of the industry influence and corrution here in the US, even in a little state like Maine," said Liz Barris, director of American Association for Cell Phone Safety.
Rep. Andrea Boland 207-324-4459
Liz Barris 310-455-7530
Dr. Martin Pall & Dr. Paul Dart Address Oregon State Legislature Health Committee Feb. 24
Perez made pleas to the Gering city council Monday to offer her mother an option to opt-out of the smart meter and install an analog meter in its place.
Kick out politicians who give students hazardous e-readers with unproven educational value
Although some humans may find power lines and pylons aesthetic eyesores, the huge flashes of UV light they emit are beyond the limits of human vision. However, to animals that can see in this visual range, power lines and pylons appear as "horrendous" structures sending "massive flashes across the sky", says Glen Jeffery, a neuroscientist at the Institute of Ophthalmology at University College London.
This is a serious public health issue and I consider it the duty of every human being to spread the truth about the hazards of an electric blanket.
FCC Agents Trace Radio Interference to Doorbells, Videogames, Blankets
When Signals Interfere With Cell Towers or Radio Broadcasts, Agents Crack Down are owners prosecuted and not the manufacturers?
In the bigger picture, the more important issues - those against which we should all be fighting - are:
1) Who ultimately is responsible for today's extraordinarily high radiation levels in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - all of whom constitute the "Western Alliance" compared to the rest of the world?
Best regards,
British Columbia Resolution on the Proliferation of Electromagnetic Radiation
Hydro smart meter has us 'by our electricity'
BC Smart meter causes large increase in bills.
Look out for scientists' hidden links
How false scientific information can be spread
Mast Sanity
C4ST is now officially bilingual
Today we also launch our campaign for public consultation on Industry Canada's proposed updates to their antenna citing procedures CPC-2-0-03.
One tool for responding to Industry Canada is at:
Stupid Decision by Saudi Arabia?
7 Billion for smart meters.
Wheeler willing to fill every US clasroom with a 'Possible Carcinogen'.
To that end, says Wheeler, E-Rate should reduce spending on unpopular wired Ethernet, ramp up Wi-Fi coverage in classrooms, and then shift its focus
to hooking schools and libraries up to high-speed broadband.
What is wrong with those in Washington?
Why do they not just read the scientific reports about the dangers of microwave radiation?
Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons
U.S. Department of the Army, Feb 17, 1998This 17-page report was de-classified and released to the public in December, 2006 due to a Freedom of Information Act request.
"This addendum to the "Nonlethal Technologies--Worldwide" (NGIC-1147-101-98) study addresses in summary, some of the most often asked questions of nonlethal weapons technology .. These results identify and validate some aspects of maturing nonlethal technologies ... including
- Laser and other light phenomena.
- Radiofrequency directed energy.
- Aural bioeffects."
The document is interesting to read, particularly the section discussing pulsed EMR, since the military invested considerable funding over many years for research on EMR weapons development, there may be many more useful reports that have yet to be de-classified and released to the public.
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
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