The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
19 February 2014
The 58-page PDF is here at
Hawaii State Senator Josh Green passes GMO labeling and cell phone radiation warning label bills
This week State Senator Josh Green M.D. (D - Kona, Kau), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, passed two bills out of committee aimed at providing consumers with health warning labels on widely used products.
The first was SB 2571 SD1, RELATING TO HEALTH, which would require all cellular telephones, including refurbished and remanufactured cellular telephones, sold or leased by a retailer in the State to bear a label that reads: "To reduce exposure to radiation that may be hazardous to your health, please follow the enclosed product safety guidelines." The bill would require that the warning label be conspicuous, legible, non-removable and printed in bold lettering, and affixed to the front and back of all cellular telephone packaging.
"We need to make sure cell phones are as safe as possible to use," Green said, "and that consumers are clearly informed that over-exposure to radiation from cell phones can be harmful to your health. Cell phones are an almost universally used tool and are here to stay, which makes it even more important that they are used safely and that consumers are aware of the potential hazards. The cell phone manufacturers themselves include legal disclaimers and health warnings buried deep in the packaging and instructional materials of their products, and in the phone software menus themselves. This measure is intended to clearly inform consumers of the health warnings that are buried in cell phone product safety guidelines."
SB 2571 SD1 was passed on Tuesday, February 11 in a joint hearing of the Senate Committees on Health and Technology. The bill is currently referred to the Senate Committee on Consumer Protection, which has not yet scheduled it for a hearing:
The second labeling bill passed this week was SB 2521 SD1, RELATING TO LABELING, which would require labeling of foods, including raw agricultural commodities, processed food, and seed or seed stock, that have been genetically engineered.
"The people of Hawaii have a right to know what is in the food they eat," Green said. "If the people want a label informing them that there are GMOs in foods, then the legislature should follow their will and pass a simple but effective labeling system."
SD 2521 SD1 was passed on Thursday, February 13 in a hearing of the Senate Committee on Health. It is currently referred jointly to the Senate Committees on Consumer Protection and Ways and Means, which have not yet scheduled it for a hearing:
California Brain Tumor Association
Switzerland - Prevention: Act Without Delay
Letter of the Day, Readers' Mail, 24 heures, 13 February 2014
Re: article entitled: "4.6 million Swiss will receive iodine"
In case of a major nuclear accident, Switzerland will ensure the protection of the health of 4.6 million inhabitants. Isn't it time that it also protects the population, especially children, from the health risks of radiation emitted by wireless technology?
Just as the Federal Council is sending iodine to everyone who resides and works within a 50-kilometer radius of a nuclear power plant as a preventive measure against ionizing radiation, it could send a notice to each citizen about measures to take to reduce non-ionizing radiation. Although safety measures for use of tablets and cell phones is listed in the manuals and on the site of the Federal Office for Public Health, they are practically unknown to the general public.
Our children are our greatest resource and will ensure the future of the planet. Switzerland has learned lessons from Fukushima where, in the days following the explosion of the nuclear plant, the protection, especially of children, was inadequate. Why should it wait until the explosion of a health crisis in 15-20 years, similar to that of tobacco and asbestos, before protecting children from the risks of wireless technologies? Japan denies the link between exposure to ionizing radiation and the cases of thyroid cancers which are afflicting children. Will Switzerland deny for a long time to come the link between exposure to non-ionizing radiation and health problems in young people, including brain tumors (now the most frequent cancer in children), where there is three times the risk from using cell phones (30 minutes a day for over ten years)?
EMF, RF Health and electrosensitivity - London Conference
Unique chance to hear the latest thinking on these issues on 7th March 2014. Suitable for the general public as well as medical doctors and other health workers.
Click for the full news story
This week there was a French tv fiction about a girl and father who are ehs.
How to submit comments:
1. Download the pdf of the draft report at
2. Send comments by e-mail (see website for link to comment form).
Comments must include a full name, city and state of residence, and contact information (e-mail, phone, or physical address). All comments will be published including the full name, city and state of residence. Personal contact information will not be published.
Public comments and questions will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2014.
Electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century, causing genetic damage, brain dysfunction, brain tumors, and other conditions such as sleep disorders and headaches. The solution: iewei wristband, the health tracker.
I doubt whether this item will be sensitive to measusure very low levels of RF radiation and it may not be helpful to persons who suffer from EHS but, it is an interesting development.
I am convinced that the Neural Tube Defect (NTD) that took the life of my daughter Angel Leigh Coates in 1995 was attributed to EMF exposure. This nightmare of reality was due to my wife's occupational environment – where Tamara spent most of her day in front of three 5 watt microwave radios.
Those consumers who were involved in the illegal scheme had to pay for the electricity they stole, he said. They would also have to pay a penalty and come forward with information on those who masterminded the scheme.
Dear Mr. Riedlinger:
Thank you for your email of January 11, 2014, regarding the 700 MHz spectrum auction and Health Canada's radiofrequency exposure guidelines.
The 700 MHz spectrum auction, which began on January 14, 2014, will provide critical additional spectrum for wireless providers to meet the growing demand for next‑generation wireless services. As with all commercial mobile spectrum licences, compliance with Safety Code 6 will be a condition of licence in the 700 MHz band.
While I appreciated receiving your views on this matter, the issue you have raised falls under the purview of the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Health. I have therefore taken the liberty of forwarding your correspondence to her office for consideration.
Please accept my best wishes.
The Honourable James Moore, P.C., M.P.
c.c.: The Honourable Rona Ambrose, P.C., M.P.
Smart meters emit dangerous levels of radiation and violate your right to privacy – by spying on your personal activities in your home. Wireless technology can cause sleep disorder, headaches, heart palpitations, hypertension, breathing disorders and even trigger a recurrence of cancer.
Smart Meter "Malfunction" Causes Pennsylvania Apartment Building Fire
Plans for future wind farms in Britain could be in jeopardy after a United Nations legal tribunal ruled that the UK Government acted illegally by denying the public decision-making powers over their approval and the "necessary information" over their benefits or adverse effects.
Measuring electromagnetic fields (EMF) around wind turbines in Canada: is there a human health concern?
The study was funded in part by Capital Power, Samsung and Pattern and the authors are actively working in the field of wind turbines and human health. Dr. Ollson and Dr. Knopper have acted as expert witnesses for wind power companies during a number of legal hearings.
"We saw some schools that were aglow with technology, that were filled with computers," says Margolis, author of Stuck in the Shallow End: Education, Race, and Computing. "We identified that these schools were technology rich but curriculum poor."
"Basically you took your book and put it in a digital format," Menijvar, a former computer teacher, says. "How does that change learning for the students?"
"I think there should be a warning that comes with Glass; that if you start to get a headache, you should limit your use. Not everybody who wears Glass will make the connection, especially people who are prone to headaches. I can't imagine the effect Glass could have on migraine suffers [sic] or those with other neurological conditions."
How Wolves Change Rivers
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution