The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
4 December 2012The disintegration of America's decrepit atomic reactor fleet is fast approaching critical mass.
It is painfully obvious that GPA is trying their best to convince the public that their installation of smart meters on Guam is safe
We are the victims of a huge human experiment where there are warnings regarding the possible health effects to humans, and the utilities are ignoring them. Just because utility companies received federal funding to establish the smart grid does not give them the right to jeopardize our health.
Authorities in the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) should not force utility companies to roll out smart meters, according to a task force commissioned by the NSW government.
What irritated me was that the meters were touted as bringing other benefits, but they did not.
California Public Utilities Commissioner Michael R. Peevey is in criminal conspiracy and violation of public oath and must be brought to justice and held to account.
Mr. Peevey, by his own statements is now subject to criminal prosecution and civil penalties and liabilities for reasons as follows;
1) Digital electric meters are unlawful surveillance devices according to Federal Title 18 WIRETAPPING. It must be presumed that Mr. Peevey has comprehended submissions to that effect presented to him. Mr. Peevey has admitted supporting, conspiring in, and promoting the installation of these devices without consent of property owners and/or under demand of extortion and demand for payments from property owners and occupants to not be so violated.
2) Digital meters endanger public health by disrupting current integrity with switching mode power supplies which cause EMR leakage through house wiring and grounded plumbing. Countless scientific and undisputed studies show this EMR ("dirty electricity") causes cancer, birth defects, neurological and brain injuries and illnesses. It must be presumed that Mr. Peevey has comprehended submissions to that effect presented to him. Mr. Peevey is therefore in intentional criminal misconduct.
Mr. Peevey has admitted supporting, conspiring in, and promoting the installation of these devices without consent of property owners and/or under extortion and demand for payments from property owners and occupants to not be so violated.
3) "Opting-out" means NOT receiving service. There may be no charges when service is not provided. "Opt-out" is not something that is "provided" as Mr. Peevey erroneously asserts, it is the ABSENCE of providing service. "Opt-outs" were not charged for the 100 years that analog meters were in service and there is no reason whatsoever they should be charged now or in the future. "Opting-out" does not confer any particular benefit to the utility consumer other than to NOT be violated and assaulted. The contemplation of an "opt-out" is based only on poor planning, poor judgment and management errors made by utility companies in the selection of unsafe and unlawful meters for public deployment. No taxpayer or ratepayer has any obligation or responsibility to pay for those errors. Demand for payment to NOT be violated and not be harmed is criminal extortion. Mr. Peevey is complicit in supporting, promoting and enforcing those demands.
This complaint is formal and verified and will be delivered to the California Attorney General with demand for a Grand Jury to investigate Mr. Peevey on the above allegations. I hereby request response from the Attorney General to:
Jerry Day
634 N. Reese Place
Burbank, CA 91506
I welcome and urge others to copy and add their names to this complaint as requesting AG response and Grand Jury action for their states, countries and areas.
For your reference, below is a NOTICE OF DEFAULT I have sent to my power company. I recommend others use this notice to protect themselves against the blatant official misconduct to which we are now subject.
Jerry Day
To: Michael R. Peevey, the CPUC, California Grand Jury and all California utility service providers.
You have, by your failure of verified rebuttal to my affidavit (see copy enclosed), admitted and confessed to criminal misconduct in the emission of cancer-causing electromagnetic radiation on my property without consent and the conduct of unlawful surveillance on my property without consent. As a result of that confessed and admitted criminal misconduct, you and Hydro:
- No longer have right or privilege of contracted easement.
- No longer have right or privilege of any implied or presumed easement.
- No longer have right or privilege to control metering of my electricity or to determine what meter will be used on my property (you have not offered any safe and lawful meter).
- No longer have right or privilege to deny me and my property any essential public utility service (you may not interrupt my utility service).
- Have no right to charge fees for remedies made necessary by the criminal misconduct to which you have confessed.
As having confessed criminal acts and intentions you and all Hydro agents, employees, contractors and agents are subject to the following terms and conditions for entry to my property:
- You must apply in writing for access to my property.
- Your application must state the full identity and contacts of all those wishing to enter the property
- Your application must state specifically and fully all actions to be taken on my property.
- Your application must be approved in writing by me and you will be given a time range for entry if your stated purposes are safe, lawful, legitimate and necessary by my judgment.
- When you or your agent/s makes the approved appointment he/she/they will be supervised by me or my agent/s while they are on my property.
- If you or your agent/s takes any action on my property not approved in advance in writing by me, or if they attempt to evade supervision on my property at any time, they will be in trespass and police will be called with criminal complaint and request for you and/or your agent/s to be taken into custody.
- In that case, criminal complaints of trespass will be pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal.
Jerry Day
634 N. Reese Place
Burbank, CA
When I was in Leningrad, USSR in 1989, a scientist informed me that he had read my paper on 'RFR decreased morphine withdrawal in rats', and he had been using RFR to treat morphine withdrawal in humans. Also, unknown to us at that time was that the 'endogenous opioid hypothesis' could actually explain the increase of alcohol consumption in RFR-exposed rats that we reported in 1984 [Lai et al., 1984b]. In the summer of 1996, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the drug naloxone for the treatment of alcoholism. Naloxone is a drug that blocks the action of endogenous opioids. Increase in endogenous opioid activity in the brain can somehow cause alcohol-drinking behavior. In addition, our finding that RFR exposure alters the effect of alcohol on body temperature of the rat [Lai et al., 1984b] was replicated by Hjeresen et al. [1988, 1989] at an SAR half of what we used.
You will find attached a statement to the media stating the reading of the petition to the National Assembly calling for a moratorium on meter installation of new generation Hydro-Québec will take place tomorrow:
Tuesday, December 4 - 2:05 p.m.
Broadcast live on television Channel Assembly
or webcast
We invite you to spread the word throughout your network and listen to this reading in order that the audience rating reflects our interest in all this.
Again, the number makes the difference!
And thank you for your support!
Veronica and Francine
************************************************** ***********
Laval, December 3, 2012
For Immediate Release
Smart Meters - dangers brought to the attention of the National Assembly
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 14:05, a petition (1) calling for a moratorium on meter installation of new generation Hydro-Québec will be read to the National Assembly by Léo Bureau-Blouin, MP for Laval-des -Quick. This petition has so far gathered more than 17,000 signatures.
Many citizens feel real health problems since the installation of meters RF transmitters in their homes; including sleep disorders, migraines persistent dizziness, rashes, heart palpitations and tinnitus. These symptoms reported wherever such meters have been installed are echoed in an opinion issued July 14, 2012 by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (2) which states that no counter radio frequency transmitter should be installed on the home any person with any medical condition nor on the home of his neighbors.
In addition, according to the Federal Communications Commission (3), to comply with maximum personal exposure (MPE), the two antennas contained in meters shall be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm any person with access to non-controlled meters and must not be located in the same place at the same time or run any other antenna or transmitter. It has been observed in the pilot Boucherville and Magog Villeray no new meter had been installed in accordance with these warnings.
"We hope that reading this petition will ensure that citizens are legitimate arguments on the part of our elected officials, the consideration they deserve. "Said Francine Lajoie, co-founder of Laval Refuse.
Availability for on-site interviews:
Ladies Francine Lajoie and Veronique Riopel will be present in the stands of the National Assembly at the time of reading the petition. They will then be available for interviews at the exit of the room. For reasons of electrosensitivity, they do not use cell phones. However, they remain in communication with Mrs. Fish that can take messages and relay them quickly. Thank you for your cooperation.
For more information:
Villeray Refuse
Marie-Michelle Poisson
Laval Refuse
Francine Lajoie / Veronique Riopel
However, new research from the University of South Carolina showed that smart meters could be a liability for privacy-minded consumers. IDG news service found that with about $1,000 worth of equipment, just about anyone can gather information from approximately 33 percent of all meters installed in the United States, about 46 million meters in total.
To sign up for WEEP News: (provide name and e-mail address)
W.E.E.P. The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
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SmartMeters and Electropollution
Smart Meters: not so smart an idea
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News from Mast Sanity
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Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
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Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.
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