For your information, very good developments to report from the Netherlands
Elizabeth Kelley, M.A.
Managing Secretariat
International Commission For Electromagnetic Safety
----- Original Message -----
From: | Alex | Nationaal Platform Stralingsrisico's
To: '| Alex | Nationaal Platform Stralingsrisico's'
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: Medical Appèl radiation risks from doctors: Netherlands
We had a lot of media exposure on the biggest TV networks and are received very well in the media. Have handed over the Appèl and our opinion paper ("Research electromagnetic fields should find new roads") to President Prof. dr. Knottnerus from The Dutch Health Council in the International Press Centre Nieuwspoort, after several presentations.
For your information
Alex Swinkels
National Platform Radiation Risks
Holland: Ärzteappell aufgrund Strahlungsrisiken Am 8. April werden 50 Ärzte einen Aufruf an die Führenden in Politik und Gesundheit des holländischen Staates in Den Haag richten. Die Unterzeichner haben eine generelle Zunahme von chronischen Krankheiten... Doctors warn on electromagnetic radiation
Alex Swinkels
Nationaal Platform Stralingsrisico's®
Destroying Nature by "Electrosmog" : BEES, BIRDS AND MANKIND.
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