Sunday, April 19, 2009

Neuroblastoma – The Most Common Cancer in Infants / 32 Girls Have Died yet Health Canada endorses Gardasil / Very Careless Cancer Centre

Hi All

Yesterday I spoke to a man who told me that his seven year old child had died from neuroblastoma.  Last night I did a little research on the cancer and I came upon the information below.  I found these symptoms associated with the disease -

  1. Fever
  2. Diarrhea
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Rapid heartbeat
  5. Red skin
  6. Sweating

Being electro hypersensitive (EHS) and being in regular contact with many other persons who are EHS, I recognised all these as electro magnetic radiation (EMR) exposure symptoms.

The first symptom, Fever, is one that I have heard many times from an EHS contact of mine who often has to go to great lengths to keep her body temperature down when exposed to EMR.

The second symptom, Diarrhea, has been reported by several EHS victims, when frequencies change and they are experiencing higher than normal electro magnetic radiation levels.

High blood pressure is scientifically linked to EMR exposure and many people report serious nose bleeds near to antennas.

The fourth symptom, Rapid Heartbeat, is commonly reported by EHS victims and I have often suffered from it.

Red Skin is another common symptom of EMR exposure.  People using cell phones often develop redness on the side of the face when using their phones.  I also notice that WiFi exposure, causes some people to develop red skin problems.

Number six is a common EHS complaint.  I have often woken, drenched in sweat.

Children of this age should not be dying of cancer. 

The father who I spoke to, advised me that he had a Wi-Fi system and a cordless telephone in his home. 

Did this young child die because he had been exposed to levels of microwave radiation that Health Canada says is safe, and levels that are today, becoming all too common?

Martin Weatherall



Neuroblastoma – The Most Common Cancer in Infants

Nervous System 17.04.2009

Danger level: High

What is it?

Neuroblastoma is the most common cancer in infants. Cancer forms here in the adrenal gland, neck, chest or spinal cord.

Who gets it?

1 in 100,000 children will get neuroblastoma. Two thirds of cases of neuroblastoma occur in children younger than 5 years. After age 10 the disease is rare.

This cancer is a little more common in boys than girls, and more common in white people.

What causes it?

There is a part of our nervous system which is called the autonomic nervous system. This part controls functions of our bodies, such as the heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, digestion and other things.

The autonomic nervous system is divided in to the sympathetic system and parasympathetic system. Neuroblastoma arises from the sympathetic system. The sympathetic system includes -

  1. Nerves that run alongside our spinal cord
  2. Clusters of nerves along nerve fibers in our bodies, called ganglia
  3. Nerve-like cells in our adrenal glands (small glands that sit on top of our kidneys).

Since neuroblastoma develops from the sympathetic system, it can be found anywhere along this system. About 40% start in the adrenal glands. Another 25% in ganglia in the abdomen, and the rest in ganglia in the chest, neck or pelvis.


The autonomic nervous system. You can see it controls many organs in our body – The heart, eyes, intestines and others. Neuroblastomas arise from the sympathetic system.

The cause for the rise of tumor from these types of cells isn't known.

How does it feel?

Neuroblastoma may begin with symptoms that are not specific, such as loss of energy, loss of appetite, fever. Other symptoms depend on where the tumor is located:

  1. If it's in the abdomen – It may cause a swollen belly, abdominal pain or constipation.
  2. If it's in the chest – It may cause breathing problems.
  3. If it's in the vicinity of the spinal cord – It may press it, causing weakness.

The tumor may also spread to the rest of the body and cause different symptoms, such as bone pain if it reaches the bones, or bulging eyes/dark circles around the eyes if it reaches behind them. About 50-60% of children already have metastases in other areas of the body by the time it is discovered.

Neuroblastoma can also release hormones, which cause different things in the body. Examples of these things:

  1. Fever
  2. Diarrhea
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Rapid heartbeat
  5. Red skin
  6. Sweating

How is it discovered?

There are several things that can be done to discover it:

  1. Blood test – A high amount of the substances dopamine and norepinephrine are higher in this tumor. These substances are produced by the sympathetic system, and so are higher here.
  2. Urine test – The substances found in the blood are broken down by the body into other substances, which are then passed out in the urine. They are called homovanillic acid (HMA) and vanillyl mandelic acid (VMA), and will be higher if a tumor exists.
  3. X-rays, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound – They can discover the origin of the tumor in the body. A special scan called MIBG can discover the tumor areas in the body.neuroblastoma-mibg
    This picture shows an MIBG scan, in which the tumor has spread to the salivary glands in the head, to the liver and to the gallbladder. These are all emphasized in black. Photo by RadsWiki.
  4. Biopsy – It's the only way to be certain that all the hints we got from the other detection methods are really arising from a neuroblastoma. A piece of the tumor is taken out and viewed under a microscope.

How is it treated?

There are many options for treating neuroblastoma. Choosing a certain option depends on the age of the child, the level to which the cancer has advanced before discovery, the location of the cancer in the body, and the way it looks under the microscope.

The treatment can include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, stem cell transplantation or other types of therapy.

What happens after treatment?

There are many things that can affect the survival of the child with a neuroblastoma, including age, the advancement of the tumor, the way the tumor looks under the microscope. Tumors which are less advanced respond better to treatment.

The bottom line – How can I avoid it?

There is no known way to prevent neuroblastoma. In rare cases, the tumor can be found before birth during an ultrasound. It can also be found accidentally in children during tests to find other diseases. Such early discovery might improve survival (but there are currently no recommendations to search for the tumor in every infant, since this wasn't found to be helpful).

You can learn more about neuroblastoma by reading the personal story of Paris, at The Strickland Family Blog.



32 Girls Have Died yet Health Canada endorses Gardasil

Please watch this video and forward it to other parents/young women you know.  Health Canada endorses Gardasil and presently Health Units are uninformed and unaware that there have been numerous deaths of young girls/women and that there are serious side effects associated with this vaccine.  If what you see concerns you, please research for yourself and ask questions before you consent to your daughter/granddaughter being vaccinated or you yourself get this vaccine.  Knowledge is power!


On July 10, 2006, Health Canada issued a Notice of Compliance to Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. for the vaccine product Gardasil™. Subsequently on January 7, 2009 CBC endorsed Gardasil "as a cancer vaccine for women — and a landmark to boot. But it could equally be seen as a vaccine against sexually transmitted disease and the likelihood is that it will be just as effective in men."

However, upon reading about what Health Canada has to say about the Merck's Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Recombinant Vaccine at

There are many serious doubts raised as to the risks or even the efficacy of this very expensive drug … one which the Government of Canada has pledged $300 million to inoculate our children.

Health Canada has authorized and endorsed the use of Merck's drug Gardasil for routine administration to all Canadian girls 11 to 12 years old and to be administered again perhaps as a booster to young Canadian women between the ages of 13 and 26. Health Canada reassures us that studies will continue for 10 years [while our daughters and sons, too are guinea pigs] even though efficacy has not really been proven to be long lasting or even proven at all beyond the 3 dose regime or that immunity cannot even be sure to be established, but we are going to vaccinate our daughters and our sons too, anyway and find out ourselves through this long range study!

Health Canada itself admits that safety data is not available yet until future trials are completed.  The following is quoted from Health Canada's own site:

  • Scandinavian subjects in Protocol 015 will be followed for 10 years to evaluate the duration of effectiveness.
  • when given in a three-dose regimen, induces consistent serum anti-HPV 6, anti-HPV 11, anti-HPV 16 and anti-HPV 18 responses one month past the third dose
  • Evidence of protection appears during the period in which the three-dose vaccination regimen is being administered.

· [There is] durable anti-HPV responses through approximately 1.5 years following completion of the vaccination regimen. Gardasil™ does not prevent infection with other HPV types not contained in the vaccine and will not treat existing disease caused by the HPV types contained in the vaccine. Cases of disease caused by non-vaccine types were observed among subjects receiving Gardasil™

· The duration of immunity following a complete schedule of immunization with Gardasil™ has not been established.

· It is important to note that the minimum anti-HPVGMT levels that provide protection against clinical HPV disease have not been determined and no immune correlate for protection against HPV infection has been established. It is not known whether subjects who mount an immune response to Gardasil™ and then lose detectable anti-HPV GMT later, continue to be protected from infection or disease

· It is not known whether vaccination with Gardasil™ is harmful to an unborn baby when administered to a pregnant woman.

· The vaccine offers no protection against other HPV types that can also cause cervical cancer.

· It is unknown whether the vaccine's protection against oncogenic HPV 16, 18 is long-lasting.

· It does not prevent HPV 16 and 18 infections already present at the time of vaccination from progressing to cancer.

· Definitive, confirmatory efficacy and safety data will not be available until ongoing and future trials are completed.

· [there is a]lack of information regarding long-term efficacy and the persistence of protection against the type specific HPV infections in Gardasil™.

Health Canada acknowledges that at the present time "there is a lack of information about the long term efficacy [of Gardasil] and there is doubt as to whether or not there is even a 'persistence of protection against [only] these[4] specific HPV types found in the drug Gardasil:

  • HPV – 6, which causes genital warts
  • HPV -11, which causes genital warts and laryngeal papillomas (vocal cord warts)
  • HPV -16 and HPV -18, which are only 2 of 14 types of high risk HPV found to cause cervical cancer.

To confound this issue even further, there are more than 100 different indentified HPV types … ONE HUNDRED! However, only the above 4 specific types of HPV – 6, 11, 16 and 18, which are present in the vaccine as live genetically mutated viruses, are part of the drug Gardasil. Further, this drug contains aluminum, which has been implicated in Alzheimer's disease.

If what you have read concerns you, please pass this on to other people or be proactive and forward your concern to Wendy Mesley at CBC Marketplace ... or write to our Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq  ...



32 Girls Have Died

11,916 adverse events already reported to the CDC… and counting.

Pain and swelling. Life-threatening muscle weakness. Blood clots in the heart and lungs.

And the deaths of 32 innocent girls and young women.

You might think I'm talking about a deadly new disease or a global epidemic…

I'm not.

Sadly, it's more sinister than that. The health threats listed above have all been linked with Gardasil, the so-called "cervical cancer vaccine." And thanks to Pharma giant Merck, desperate parents and naive young women believe this vaccine saves lives… they couldn't be more wrong.

That's why HSI's Jenny Thompson has released a new video in which she exposes the deception for what it is…and reveals some truly shocking information no one else is talking about.

And you are the very first to see it.

Please, if you have daughters, granddaughters or friends who might be considering this terrible vaccine, you must watch this video. And please forward it to anyone you think would benefit from the vital information it contains.

If you think you know the whole story on Gardasil, I think you'll be shocked by what you're about to see. Just click here to start watching the video. It's just a few minutes long…and those few minutes might just save a young girl's life.




Very Careless Cancer Centre

It reminds me another "black humor" that a doctor told me, that they joke in the hospital that antennas can be erected on oncology department roof because there people already have cancer. I swear, it's a true story, from inside a Haifa hospital which has lots of antennas on the roof and the doctors cannot do anything about it, because it depends on the management.


From: Mark G.

Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 2:30 AM

Subject: Here's an incredibly sick irony...


Trinitas Comprehensive Cancer Center (TCCC) opened its new Medical Oncology unit in November 2005 as a "state of the art" facility with a mission of providing the very best in patient comfort and care. Now, in keeping with its mission, the new Trinitas Comprehensive Cancer Center is setting an even higher standard in patient comfort by offering patients wireless laptop PCs during their infusion therapy. All laptops are lightweight, wireless, and fully equipped. Patients can surf the web, listen to music, watch movies or educational CD or DVDs, or email friends and family.

"It's very important that we do everything possible to make our patient's time at Trinitas as welcoming, and productive as possible," said Gary S. Horan, FACHE, President and CEO of Trinitas Hospital. "The laptop PCs with wireless Internet access and other electronic amenities, such as portable DVD players, help patients manage some of their work and family responsibilities, explore new interests, or just relax while they receive their chemotherapy treatments.

It is very empowering and helps these courageous men and women keep up with and get on with their lives as we work with them to battle this disease."

Magda Morales, a resident of Linden, couldn't be happier with the superb level of patient care and comfort. "I really appreciate the laptops here at the Cancer Center," said Ms. Morales. "Sometimes during my treatment I'll go on the Internet and IM (instant message) or email my friends. Other times, I'll do Yahoo searches to learn more about medicines and procedures."

Ms. Morales, a native of New Jersey, was residing in Puerto Rico when she was diagnosed with colon cancer. While there, she was initially given a chemotherapy regimen, but needed to be hospitalized to receive her treatments. "I had to stay in the hospital for three days at a time, every 15 days. It was very inconvenient," said Ms. Morales. At her family's urging, she returned to New Jersey and began a new regimen of treatment at Trinitas under the care of Dr. William Kessler, Director of Clinical Oncology at TCCC. "Under our improved treatment plan we were able to offer Ms. Morales an infusion just once a week on an outpatient basis," said Dr. Kessler. For Ms. Morales, her treatment at TCCC means no more overnight stays in a hospital. "That makes life for me and my family much more pleasant," she commented.

For patients like Magda Morales, TCCC provides a support staff whose primary mission is patient comfort. Information technology specialists, nurses and even program planning executives are always ready and happy to assist patients who need help with the laptop or have other questions or concerns. In fact, the Comprehensive Cancer Center is staffed by more than 60 professionals providing clinical, therapeutic, psychosocial, nutritional, spiritual and other support services.

The physical layout of the oncology unit is designed to feel more like a hotel than a hospital and to provide an ambience of relaxation, healing and encouragement. For example, the new 15-room infusion unit consists of 11 private areas and a four-chair shared space called the "buddy bay," which accommodates those who prefer to build relationships with other patients. All patients have their own flat-panel color TV, a comfortable lounge chair, and personal control over lighting and temperature. The center has a full range of support services including amenities such as concierge service and free valet parking.