W.E.E.P. EMF News
The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
23 February 2016
Ontario Bill 161- Elimination of Ground Current Pollution
Thanks to all of you who attended the reading of the Elimination of Ground Current Pollution (Bill 161) presented to the Legislative Assembly by Rick Nicholls, PC Critic for Community Safety. Thanks also to those who contacted their local MPPs.
Bill 161 passed its second reading with unanimous support from all three parties.
Several MPPs from all three parties addressed this Bill. Many were in the House 10 years ago, when Maria Van Bommel presented a similar Bill. They asked why little to nothing had been done regarding this serious problem.
Rick did an excellent job. His presentation is provided below. About 30 plus farmers came from different parts of Ontario. "Ontario Farmer" covered the passing of this Bill so wait for the next issue.
Lee Montgomery attended the reading as he did 10 years ago. It is now 44 years that he has been fighting this injustice. One tough little guy who just doesn't know how to call it quits. He has been an inspiration to many of us who want the government to do the right thing and put current back onto the wire where it belongs.
The speeches from MPPs were inspiring and many commented on the importance of farming and the farm family in Ontario. You should be able to view this debate tomorrow, Feb 19 (check your local TV listing).
It has been a long, very long, uphill battle and the battle is far from over. The Bill now goes to Committee and it will depend on the government as to how quickly Bill 161 will be dealt with.
I do believe this government is committed to doing the right thing but they will be met with opposition from Hydro One and the other electricity providers. The solution to the ground current problem, if generated off farm, will be expensive. Distribution poles and especially the neutral conductor need to be updated in areas where load exceeds capacity of the neutral to return the current to source.
The government has two years to determine how to implement Bill 161 and that implementation has to be completed within 10 years. Hopefully some of the more severely affected regions of Ontario will get immediate attention so that livestock and farmers need no longer suffer the consequence of ground current pollution.
Once again a hardy thanks to all of you for your interest and your help. A special thanks to Rick Nicholls who has been working on this issue for the past 4 years. We need more MPPs like Rick, who are working to make Ontario a healthier place to live.
Reference: ". Distribution poles and especially the neutral conductor need to be updated in areas where load exceeds capacity of the neutral to return the current to source."
The above is an incorrect statement and is not the source of the problem nor is it the solution to the problem.
The problem: The problem is the multi-grounded neutral system which has the neutral return current conductor connected to the earth at least four times per mile and at every pole mounted transformer placing the earth in parallel with the neutral conductor. This allows the neutral return current to take all paths: return neutral current returning on the neutral conductor and returning over the earth also as the earth is an electrical conductor. The earth and the return neutral conductor are parallel electrical paths and each can transmit the return neutral current back to the source substation transformer and in doing so can harm animals, that is, humans and dairy cows and pigs.
The solution: Leave the present neutral conductor and the multi-connections of the neutral to earth in place and referred to it as the electrical safety conductor (the green wire or third pole of the receptacle just like what is used in your home, commercial and industrial facilities) which will allow fault current from a live phase conductor that falls to the earth to return the short circuit current directly back to the substation transformer allowing the protective device to operate and when the protective device operates the fault current will stop flowing.
Install a new neutral return conductor that is connected only to the pole mounted (or pad mounted or underground) transformers' neutral bushing. The phase conductor is connected to the other bushing of the pole mounted transformer as it is presently; this new neutral conductor will allow ALL the neutral return current to flow unimpeded without using the earth back to the source substation transformer. With all of the return neutral current contained in a neutral conductor insulated and isolated from earth, there will be no stray voltage (incorrect term) or stray current (correct term) flowing over the earth to harm any animal; human, dairy cows, pigs.
Donald W. Zipse, P.E.
58 Years IEEE Member
48 Years IEEE-IAS Member (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - Industrial Applications Society)
33 Years NESC Panel #2 Member (National Electrical Safety Code, electrical utility code for US)
36 years NFPA – NEC Panel Member (similar to the Canadian Electrical Code)
IEEE Life Fellow (highest membership grade, cannot apply, must be nominated, only one in 1000 elevated)
PO Box 7052
Wilmington DE 19803-0052
Voice: 610-358-1462
Thank you Donald W. Zipse,
We are pleased with your pertinent and explanatory advisement and with the forensic observation with regards to the multiground situation in North America and in the proposed solution, especially where it appertains to primary distribution in the rural setting.
This advice concurs with our nationwide findings for the multi-year Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) research study on electromagnetic fields in Canadian housing in the 1990s, which involved several dozen multi-disciplinary experts from around the globe - scientists, engineers and other professionals.
The Ontario Legislative Assembly bill should take such advice seriously, as we also continue to observe nefarious situations / and remediation in our surveys.
Dr. Andrew Michrowski
The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc.
100 Bronson Avenue, Suite 1001
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G8
Australian TV Documentary - Wi-Fried?
Could wifi-enabled devices be harmful to our health? You cannot see it or hear it but Wi-Fi blankets our homes, our schools and our cities. Australia's safety agency says there's no evidence of harm, but that's not the same as saying its safe. A growing number of scientists are concerned that the widespread use of Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi-enabled devices could be slowly making us sick. In this Catalyst investigation, Dr Maryanne Demasi explores whether our wireless devices could be putting our health at risk.
Urgent Response Needed
A good reporter could lose her job here... due to organized telecom mafia responses...please weigh in...
In response to the independent investigative program Catalyst that aired a feature detailing growing scientific concerns about wi-fi and mobile phones, telecom industry sponsored scientists have submitted a flurry of dismissive comments that endanger the capacity of the press to report on such matters. Currently, responses are overwhelmingly negative to this program. These negative responses need to be objected to in the strongest possible terms by those who can provide links to scientific studies that refute those positions.
basically these need to go to the program website, fb page, Sydney Morning Herald and another site..
Sometimes Asking Questions Provides You With Answers That May Be Uncomfortable
Reporter Dr Maryanne Demasi fights back against the critics.
I just posted the following to the ABC website:
With the well coordinated attack on the Catalyst program Wi-Fried, masterminded by the 'hidden hand' of the Australian Science Media Centre (AusSMC), it comes with no surprise that the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) is one of their supporters. The Science Media Centre (SMC) model of 'science communication', now established in an increasing number of countries, including Australia – all work under a "unified charter". Necessary reading here is "Science Media Centre" by SourceWatch. Its called spin…..
Also see my blog posting and click on the Sourcewatch link. Interesting reading.
Don Maisch
Judge John Deed - Silent Killer
British judicial TV drama series. In this episode Judge Deed hears a case in which a phone mast is blamed for several illnesses. This video is just over an hour in length and the video quality is poor but it is a very interesting case study.
Montgomery County School Board Failing School Safety
Presentations from concerned parents address the School Board about wireless dangers.
Wi-Fi on Montgomery County Buses
Book - What Cost Convenience?
How wireless technologies can make you ill.
In less than 40 pages "What Cost Convenience? How wireless technologies can make you ill" summarises this issue in a direct and easily read way.
EMR Health NZ Ltd is based in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. This company was set up to raise awareness of healthy vs harmful electromagnetic radiation.
The new book is available now by following this link:
Injured by a smart electric meter?
Craigslist . Everyone should know about the dangers of smart electric meter radiation. Many people in Sacramento have gotten sick from their SMUD smart meter.
Smart Meters/They're Not to Smart
Cellular Meters - a new danger
BC Hydro just announced plans to remove 88,000 meters suspected of failure.
People need to know that ITRON, and I suspect the other companies are removing those 88,000 smart meters, but many are being replaced with the new cellular meters that are communicating via 4G LTE transmitters, straight to cell towers, skipping the collectors.
These are using licensed frequencies, thereby making our homes federally regulated sites (how is this allowed?).
My friend who helped me found this group has just moved to rural Ontario. They have one of those "meters that doesn't transmit" due to the long distances. She has been experiencing heart problems since moving there one month ago. She called the electric company. They said the meters are still transmitting and that the RF cannot be disabled.
Smart meters can cause health problems
After the installation of the Smart Meter she started experiencing more frequent and intense migraines. Finally, in 2013 I started keeping accurate track of her migraines – 55 in 2013 (up to nine in one month), 47 in 2014 (up to six in one month) and 13 in the first four months of 2015 (up to six in one month). We had the Smart Meter removed on May 6, 2015. Since then she experiences about one migraine a month — back to her experience before the Smart Meter was installed in 2010.
Musk Wants to Create Global Wifi in Order to Fund a City on Mars
"The visionary inventor and entrepreneur Elon Musk has unveiled his plan not only to launch a fleet of satellites to provide wireless internet that can be accessed anywhere on earth, but also to use the proceeds to build a city on Mars."
A city on Mars? So we have somewhere to go when microwave radiation has destroyed all life on this planet?
It sounds more like an alien plan from a grade b movie, except it appears to be real!
Jenny Fry, Teen Wi-Fi Suicide
A shocking story of School Board Incompetence and Negligence
Idiots running the School Board?
Electro Hyper Sensitive teacher to be fired for insubordination
Two years ago, McDonald, who has taught in North Kingstown for eight years, had advocated to halt Wi-Fi installation in the district's schools, offering studies, testimony and literature relating to the alleged dangers of Wi-Fi to humans.
Following Tuesday's meeting, McDonald, who was diagnosed with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, said she began having problems around 18 months ago, experiencing sinus pressure and pain that turns into migraines, at times. When she is in areas with Wi-Fi, she finds it difficult to think, McDonald said, among other issues.
"It slows down my thinking," she said. "It makes me confused and dizzy."
On February 6th, Jeromy Johnson, an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure, was featured as a speaker at the TEDxBerkeley event for 2016. The title of the presentation was "Wireless Wake-Up Call."
French consumers, town halls resist ERDF smart meters
French power grid ERDF, an EDF subsidiary, is facing opposition to its Linky smart meter project, reports Le Figaro.
The project calls for all 35 million of the country's electricity meters to be replaced by 2021 at a cost of EUR 5 billion. Some opponents are concerned that remote readings will result in higher bills, others worry about privacy, and yet others fear negative health consequences of electromagnetic emissions
Health Concerns of Wi-Fi Exposure in Schools
Excellent news segment on the dangers of wireless technology used at Maryland County Public Schools.
Rhode Island math teacher speaks to the board of education on concerns of Wi-Fi, advocating for her students and teachers, talking about penetration of the blood-brain barrier by electromagnetic radiation. Neurological symptoms experienced by herself, other teachers and students.
Same teacher talks about wireless concerns again at the board of education meeting, stating that Wi-Fi in her classroom is 48 times higher than it is when she is standing across the street from a cell tower, and that these levels are too high for the classroom.
Project Loon: Google balloon that beams down internet reaches Sri Lanka
Wreckage of Google Wi-Fi Balloon Found in Sri Lanka
Workers at a Sri Lanka tea plantation on Feb. 17 found wreckage of a Google "Project Loon" Wi-Fi high-altitude balloon. It was the maiden flight of the controversial project that would bring Wi-Fi to remote areas.
ONZO Announces Major Enhancements to Customer Insights Data Analytics Solution
Remember when electrical utility companies solemnly stated their "smart" meters could not spy on you?
Check out this press release from a company called ONZO.
Frustrations boil over at PUD meeting
"With all due respect, sir, you're insulting our intelligence!" yelled one woman. "My bill went from $220 every two months to $506 for one month. The fuzzy math doesn't work."
ES Radio Interviews
ES-UK has been contacted to help source a possible list of interviewees for a short radio interview in each British region on ES.
The interviews will take place on a live local radio phone in, pre-arranged from your chsoen phone number, during the middle of April. For example, if you live in Dorset, you will participate on the local radio station in the South western region. It is hoped that we generate a dozen or so regional case studies and that the phone interviews will be broadcast during the same week. Hopefully you will help make this a local but national ES awareness building project.
If you would be happy to participate please email me back or ask a friend to drop me a line. The focus will be on health challenges, lack of medical supervision, inability to work or socialise and lack of prospects either professionally or within the NHS for good medical or dentistry care and finally how have ES symptoms affect your life.
Once we know that you are interested, you will be linked up with the radio project presenter and your story will remain confidential. We are hoping that this level of due care will reassure you that the enquiry is valid and that it will be handled in a sensitive fashion.
ES-UK is supporting the project and helping make the radio work as stirring as is possible among listeners to raise awareness and help as many of us as is possible. Many of the listeners will not be aware of health effects linked to and triggered by EMFs. We would sincerely appreciate as many of you becoming linked to this project as is possible.
If you can give this some thought it would be very much appreciated.
Kind regards
Sarah Dacre, ES-UK
You may add this to your Face book page and any other social media to ensure a wide pick up.
Schools, Unions and PTA Actions
Schools, teachers and parents are taking action to ensure a healthy school environment for students and a healthy work environment for students and staff. See below a list of schools that have removed wireless networks or taken action to reduce exposure to children. We also have a list of Teacher Unions and Parent Teacher Organizations that have issued statements, enacted policy and are calling for safe technology in schools.
To sign up or unsubscribe from WEEP News: newssignup@weepinitiative.org (provide name and e-mail address)
W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution