Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News
30 June 2012
Probable connection between EM radiation and H5N1 Avian Virus outbreak
I have shared this information with quite a few people that I have met and will continue to do so. I believe the science is conclusive and more than that it was conclusive over 35 years ago !!!! The single most important fact that people tend to forget, or are unaware of is that the effects of radiation are CUMULATIVE and I strive to emphasize this point.
I truly believe that EM radiation was a vital component of the toxicities and bad management practises that ignited the H5N1 Avian Virus threat here last year.
This is my presentation to the Parliamentary Commission here in Abbotsford last Jan 18. It shows the probable connection between EM radiation and modern poultry production methods.
The science is empirical and archived at NRC Canada.
This paper is now on record with Ottawa.
It sounds very simple and basic I know and not at all profound but when taken in to the over-all picture it is probably the single most important aspect of radiation. And I will continue to harass anyone at any opportunity in discussing EMR to remember that it is CUMULATIVE.
Also, EMR effects ALL living systems. Including birds. (Thankyou Milt - I owe you).
In order to raise awareness in the market we need to decribe 'cell-phones' as what they really are which is 'microwave phones'. We don't refer to trains, trucks and bus's as 'terrain re-locators' then why the hell do we refer to microwave phones by the name 'cel'? That only describes their geograhical coverage pattern?
Basic Cognitive Science.
Once the public (the $$market) is aware that microwave radiation can be dangerous it follows they will show concern about sticking a mini microwave oven in their collective ears.
The message is simple -
1. EMR is cumulative
2. microwave phones emit EMR.
There is not a single scientist on this planet today that can deny those two brief simple statements.
Basic Cognitive Science - it could be helpful.
Larry Blackhall
Aldergrove BC
Bird Flu and Microwaves: Are we Killing Birds with Radiation?
Regarding the article by Imelda in Cork, Ireland.
Perhaps a valid testament could be obtained from a willing member of the
Psychiatric world explaining why they are wont to practice
'trans-cranial' emf radiation as a form of some ill-defined 'cure'
specifically for people diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic.
That is exactly the treatment that has been prescribed here in western
Canada. IE: trans-cranial emf. In the dark ages it was known as 'shock
treatment' or EST.
Could this possibly be a case of applying the untested and theoretical
quasi-science of induced emf to cure or combat an affliction (emf
sensitivity) that is as yet largely denied or ignored?
Now that would be outrageously disgraceful wouldn't it. Wouldn't it?
My sincere empathy to Imelda.
best wishes
Larry Blackhall
Aldergrove BC
Dear Dr Gorgun
Please be assured that my enthusiasm for your invention is sincere. My
ability to be of assistance in drawing attention to your efforts and your
product is in my ability to understand your distress and communicate this
vital information to the people that have the clout and determination to
attract attention on a global scale.
In an Orwellian world all human beings would carry a personal
transponder and Gorgun Shield that would protect them from unwanted EM
Radiation. Yes! - this is possible!!! but sadly it will not happen.
I previously suggested that you make your scientific findings and your
prototype Shield known to the World Health Organization and now I further
recommend that you publish your work within this organization operated
by Klaus Rudolph - the 'Citizens Omega Initiative' - thereby gaining the
attention that cannot be denied. You might also consider corresponding
to the Microwave News.
Please take the time to read the balance of this email - particularly
the information on the HAARP.
If the W.H.O. can be obliged to recognize and support the Precautionary
Principle as recommended by the California State EMR report I do believe
we will see gigantic progress in alerting citizens of the world to the
dangers inherent in man-made EM radiation.
I have respect and admiration for your work and I am sure Klaus will
take an interest also. You need attention now - to get your message and
your Shield in the public purview. When that is accomplised governments
and corporations ($$$$$) will no longer be able to deny you.
Kindest regards
Larry Blackhall
Aldergrove BC
The WHO EMF Charade Continues - Time To Stop the WHO Charade
http://omega.twoday.net/stories/819270/ July 2005
Remarkable isn't it that the WHO is holding this farce in Ottawa Canada? I resent it.
The proverb goes that when you sleep with dogs you get fleas. So what happens when the dogs come to sleep with you? I just hope that some of our Canadian media take a bite out of this and tell the whole truth for a change - so far they have avoided it.
The Vancouver Sun is a leader at living in denial - I am really ashamed.
Larry Blackhall
Jan 2005
The practise is the very same here in Canada. Cities and Municipalities are prevented from action by our central government in Ottawa ever since the Health Ministry put in place Safety Code Six which I believe is the same as that which you describe in Israel. There is growing awareness and concern here also but we must persevere and oblige our governments to put humans before corporate profits.
The truth is being revealed and with that we shall prevail. Any further information will be sincerely appreciated. There may be a golden opportunity coming up here in two weeks time to further our campaign and expose microwave radiation towers.
Larry Blackhall
Aldergrove BC
From: Larry Blackhall (Aldergrove)
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 22:01:46 -0700
Subject: EMF
Hello Kim
Congratulations on your web site -
comprehensive and user-friendly - very well designed
I really have been busy for the past few months put I picked up on an article in the Aldergrove Star regarding council debating either cell phone towers or high power transmission lines - I'm not sure which but the point is this -
You expressed a degree of uncertainty regarding the towers and possible effects on the health of the general public and one of the other councillors seemed to be a little short of patience for the subject as - in her opinion - this subject has been beaten to death and there is NO APPARENT HARM to people.
I don't believe you debated or otherwise followed up on the subject and I am unaware of any final deliberations - however -
I wish to assure you - beyond any doubt - that electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation IS dangerous. There is far more to it than just the thermal effect - which heaven knows can be devastating - there is also the effect of non-ionizing radiation (gamma radiation) on anything molecular - which is simply everything !
We have seen through the lies and scandal of the tobacco industry and it now is exposed. Now it's the cel-phone industry.
Can you advise me as to what scientific resources are available to Langley Township for conclusive determination, supported by scientific research, of future policy standards regarding installation of towers and grids ?
Please and Thankyou
Larry Blackhall
also -
Remembering Rosalie Bertell Author, distinguished scientist, environmental activist, international expert on radiation, sister of the Grey Nuns by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri |
You might find 'Safe Schools 2012' useful. Please feel free to link to it on your website and pass it on to schools.
The document will be updated as more medical organizations comment on safe technologies for schools.
Dr Sarah Starkey, PhD
Energy smart meters are a threat to privacy, says watchdog
European Data Protection Supervisor warns 'massive collection of personal data' could be accessed without safeguards
Not only did the cost of electricity go up again last month, but now some local hydro distributors are applying to the Ontario Energy Board to charge us even more, so that they can cover the cost of installing "smart meters" that we didn't ask for ...
I don't know about you, but whenever I open my electricity bill, I don't feel that I'm benefitting. Instead, I feel that I'm footing the bill for other people's mismanagement, over and over again.
If approved, residential users will pay an additional $1.55 each month, while general service customers who include smaller non-residential electricity users like corner stores, downtown shops and at-home businesses would be hit with a new $8.18 monthly charge.
http://www.southwesternontario.ca/news/festival-hydro-proposes-fee-to-recover-smart-meter-costs/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=festival-hydro-proposes-fee-to-recover-smart-meter-costsAspartame, How Sweet It Isn't
To sign up for WEEP News: newssignup@weepinitiative.org (provide name and e-mail address)
W.E.E.P. The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices Pose Health Risks
The human body as a walking RF antenna
Tumour fear cuts chatter as woman switch off their mobile phones
Why Our Urban Trees are Dying
Barrie Trower predicts economic and ecological systems collapse
Scientists manipulated research played down brain tumour risks in children
Cancer Industry: Profits Before Lives
Killer Cell Phones: Why Honeybees Are Dying Worldwide
The Latest Danger: 'Smart Meters'
SmartMeters and Electropollution
Smart Meters: not so smart an idea
Cellphones ring in alarm bells
Wi-Fi making kids, teachers sick?
Brennan Park phone tower fight looms
Money for masts
Phone mast plan fury residents in blockade
Parents worried at new mast scheme
B.C. Hydro program sparks up a storm of controversy
CTIA again tries to block San Francisco cell phone radiation ordinance
People power halts roof mobile phone mast, in Sutherland Grove, Teddington
Next-up News Nr 1818
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News from Mast Sanity
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Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284, BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408.
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail pr@buergerwelle.de, Internet http://www.buergerwelle.de . Thank you.
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