Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Push schools to clean up electrical pollution levels / Next-Up News / Preventing the onset of Alzheimer's by avoiding EMF exposure

----- Original Message -----
From: Webmaster@electricalpollution.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:57 PM

Subject: Push schools to clean up electrical pollution levels

I have begun the process of asking the Department of Public Instruction to reduce electrical pollution levels in our schools to within the acceptable range, up to 50 G/S (Graham/Stetzer) units.

I have attached an information piece I wrote up to share with parents, teachers, school boards etc. for you to use at your local schools. It should also be available shortly on the website on the News page in the school section as well as in the section I keep for printable leaflets. It had my name and phone number at the top. You may want to put yours there in order for people to have a local contact. I accompanied it with printed copies of the references when I gave it to the school board.

I also contacted both Tony Evers ( campaign@tonyevers.com ) and Rose Fernandez's ( campaign@ChangeDPI.com ) campaigns by email. I provided them with two research papers:

Milham S, Morgan L. 2008 A New Electromagnetic Exposure Metric: High Frequency Voltage Transients Associated With Increased Cancer Incidence in Teachers in a California School. American Journal of Industrial Medicine.

Havas M, Olstad A. 2008. Power quality affects teacher wellbeing and student behavior in three Minnesota Schools, Science of the Total Environment, July.

I also provided them with an outline of the problem of electrical pollution in our schools and the fact that I was extremely concerned about the associated health risks for our students and teachers. I asked what they would do about it if they were elected. I followed up with a call to Tony Evers campaign and an email to Rose Fernandez's campaign. (There was no phone number provided on her website at that time.)

Tony Evers campaign manager returned my call and we spoke about my concern for the health and safety of our children related to the extremely high levels of electrical pollution present in the schools. He expressed concern, ignorance, and was going to convey my concern and the information to Mr. Evers. No one from the Rose Fernandez campaign has responded to me at all.

If you are in Wisconsin, please take the time to contact both campaigns prior to the election on April 7. If you are not, you may want to contact your own candidates for state superintendent, local school boards, and so on with your concerns about the health risks posed by the high levels of electrical pollution present in our schools. Studies show it poses serious risks for increased cancer rates, asthma, headaches, allergies, etc

The general impression I have received is that our schools will not be cleaned up without a widespread movement by parents similar to that required to get asbestos removed. It is time to start. The risks are too great to ignore and are getting worse as the electrical pollution problem worsens.


Graphique de la valeur moyenne constatée en milieu urbain de l'irradiation artificielle micro-ondes de 900 MHz - 2,5 GHz

- Graph showing the average increase observed in urban area of artificial HF microwave radiation from 900 MHz - 2.5 GHz

- France 3 Le Mag spécial  "Antennes relais: Ondes ce Choc"   (vidéo Haute Définition)

- France 3 Le Mag "Relay antennas: shockwaves" (Article)

- Toutes les Next-up News / All Next-up News: www.next-up.org/Newsoftheworld/2009.php


Posted by Joanne C. Mueller on Alzheimers' Association message board under "Alzheimers in the News,"  March 31, 2009  - 03:19 PM

Here is part of Assoc. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's speech at the 21st Annual Alz Public Policy Meeting 3-23-09 to 3-25-09 (Washington):

Statement of Sandra Day O'Connor Associate Justice, Retired Supreme Court of the United States Before the Special Committee on Aging United States Senate
March 25, 2009

(1) We need a major prevention initiative to be developed as soon as possible with the goal of preventing the onset of Alzheimer's in most people. We believe based on our research and testimony that this can be achieved within a reasonable time with proper funding and support. It will require public/private initiatives and major data sharing for scientific advances......... [ snip ]


Note that O'Connor mentions "testimony." I sure hope someone will finally let those of us who have lots of facts that are being withheld from the public have our chances to speak out.

Also, "prevention" is known to be possible, supported by studies [ one example:

http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=17559686 ],

and is strongly linked to limiting close, chronic, prolonged electric field exposures.  Even tho some studies are re occupational exposures, the facts, nevertheless apply to "general public."

See my letter below:


Without a concerted effort and widespread release of information to the public re importance of prevention, I see no hope in beginning to halt the rapid neurodegenerative decline in large numbers of younger and younger persons! Take care - Joanne
Joanne C. Mueller, Guinea Pigs "R" Us, 731 - 123rd Ave. N.W., Minneapolis, MN 55448-2127 USA...Phone: 763-755-6114 ..Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

WEBSITE: http://guineapigsrus.org

Monday, March 30, 2009

U.S. Ranked 36th Freest Press / Save the CBC / News From Quebec

Hi All

From the story below, it would appear that the land of the free is rapidly becoming the land of the repressed, misinformed and victims of corporate propaganda.  Is this the reason that North America is so far behind Europe in the knowledge about the adverse health effects of electro magnetic radiation?  Why are United States citizens not being provided with the known facts about the dangers of microwave radiation from cell phones, cordless phones, WiFi and other wireless devices?  Hopefully, the home of the brave, will find a brave way forward to bring democracy to the press and truth to its population.

The second story is about the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation having to drastically cut 800 staff positions, at a time that the government is trying to stem job losses throughout the country.  The CBC is known to report facts accurately and to conduct solid investigative reports, even when Government officials are involved.  The CBC is good for Canada and should not be weakened.

Martin Weatherall



U.S. Ranked 36th Freest Press in the World

It is not economic prosperity but peace that guarantees press freedom. That is the main lesson to be drawn from the world press freedom index that Reporters Without Borders compiles every year and from the 2008 edition.

Said Reporters Without Borders:

"The post-9/11 world is now clearly drawn. Destabilized and on the defensive, the leading democracies are gradually eroding the space for freedoms. The economically most powerful dictatorships arrogantly proclaim their authoritarianism, exploiting the international community's divisions and the ravages of the wars carried out in the name of the fight against terrorism. Religious and political taboos are taking greater hold by the year in countries that used to be advancing down the road of freedom."

Aside from New Zealand and Canada, the first 20 positions on the Index are held by European countries, with Iceland, Luxembourg and Norway tied for first. While the economic disparities among the top 20 are immense, what they have in common is a parliamentary democratic system, and not being involved in any war. This is not the case with the United States, which ranks 36th domestically and 119th outside its own territory.

The worst violators of free expression were Turkmenistan (171st), North Korea (172nd) and Eritrea (173rd).


Reporters Without Borders

Dr. Mercola''s Comments
Dr. Mercola's Comments:

The United States was founded in large part on the first amendment, which includes the freedom of speech. So for the U.S. to be ranked only 36th for free press sure seems like a colossal step backwards. And believe it or not, this is a vast improvement from where the U.S. has ranked in the past. In 2006, the U.S. was only 53rd on the Index, and it rose 12 more places in the last year alone.

At the top of the list were Iceland, Luxembourg and Norway. These were the countries with no recorded censorship, threats, intimidation or physical reprisals.

Why is free press in the United States not on par with these European countries?

Reporters Without Borders compiles the Index by asking the 14 freedom of expression organizations that are its partners worldwide, its network of 130 correspondents, as well as journalists, researchers, jurists and human rights activists, to answer 50 questions about press freedom in their countries. In response, here is what they had to say about press in the United States:

• The release of Al-Jazeera cameraman Sami Al-Haj after six years in the Guantanamo Bay military base contributed to the United States' improved ranking.
• The absence of a federal "shield law" means the confidentiality of media sources is still threatened by federal courts, but the number of journalists being subpoenaed or forced to reveal their sources has declined in recent months and none has been sent to prison.
• The August 2007 murder of Oakland Post editor Chauncey Bailey in Oakland, California is still unpunished a year later. The way the investigation into his murder has become enmeshed in local conflicts of interest and the lack of federal judicial intervention also help to explain why the United States did not get a higher ranking.
• Account was also taken of the many arrests of journalists during the Democratic and Republican conventions.

It's worth pointing out that the Index measures press freedom violations, such as harassment, censorship, the legal framework of the media, the independence of the public media, Internet restrictions and financial pressure.

So to really get the whole picture on the media in the United States, it helps to have some other background information as well.

Who Controls the U.S. Media?

For the most part, the media spreads a lot of misinformation and corporate propaganda. This is not at all surprising considering that Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, Viacom (formerly CBS) and General Electric's NBC are the top owners of the entire media industry, which includes everything you read and hear in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, books, records, movies, videos, wire services and photo agencies.

In the last 15 years alone, your sources for news have shrunk drastically. Whereas in 1983, 50 corporations ruled the U.S. news media, by 2004 this number decreased to a minuscule six corporations!
As you might imagine, with just six corporations deciding what's worthy of news and what's not, you end up with sensationalized tragedies, celebrity features, and anything else that will capture people's attention.

There is virtually no competition in the media market today whatsoever, and this spells disaster for all types of news, including health information.

Unbiased, REAL Information IS Out There

Even though the United States enjoys access to much more free press than many other countries, the system is clearly not without flaws and you simply cannot rely on a news station, newspaper or any other media outlet to provide you with unbiased, reliable information.

However, the Internet and technology have seriously leveled the playing field when it comes to having access to reliable, unbiased information, and is one of the primary reasons why I remain highly confident that we are making more than a dent in the media process.

The Internet has really become one of the last bastions of independent, free-thinking news available -- and I am proud to be one of the top-ranked independent voices in the vastness of corporate monopoly, offering objective information to empower you with alternative choices that can radically improve your health, open your eyes to the truth, and keep you and your family safely out of the mainstream media madness.

As you weed through the information you read or hear on a daily basis, always remember this important piece of wisdom:

All truth goes through three phases.

   1. First, it is ridiculed.
   2. Second, it is violently opposed.
   3. Third, it is accepted as being self evident.

So if you want to get to the truth, you often have to keep an open mind, do more than a little bit of digging, and even then take everything you read and hear with a grain of salt.

Related Links:

Researchers Find U.S. Media Keeps People Uneducated About Health Issues

Why You Are Being Deceived by the News Media

How The Media Deceives You About Health Issues



Save the CBC - pressure is building!

Update - In the last 72 hours almost 50,000 Canadians have signed the petition to Save the CBC!  Let's up the pressure to 100,000 -- If you haven't signed or forwarded the email yet, here it is below:

Dear friends,

The government is forcing the CBC to drastically cut 800 staff and programming. We urgently need a massive public outcry to Save the CBC:

Sign the petition!

Canada's media networks have all been slammed by the recession. But the government is reportedly considering bailouts for its friends at private companies CTV and CanWest, while forcing the CBC and Radio Canada to drastically cut 800 staff and programming.

Our CBC is a national treasure, and a pillar of public-interest journalism in a country whose media is owned by a few large firms. We won't hear an outcry from their media outlets, and the CBC is too principled to use its megaphone to make the case for itself. We are the only voice the CBC has.

We urgently need a massive public outcry to Save the CBC, click below to sign the petition. The government is weak and falling in the polls and enough outrage can make the difference.

Parliamentarians have promised to deliver the petition directly in the House of Commons, and we'll even fly a plane and banner over Parliament Hill with the message! Sign now, and forward this email to everyone who might care about this:


The number of signatures on the petition will be crucial to the effectiveness of the campaign, so let's get everyone who cares about the CBC and Radio Canada to sign.

The CBC is facing a budget shortfall that amounts to just $6 per Canadian, but its request to the government for a bridging loan to cover this was denied. The deep cuts the CBC is making will damage the organization across the board, and they will not be the last. If we don't stand up for the CBC now, it stands to die a death by a thousand cuts.

Harper's minority government is politically vulnerable and falling in the polls – public outrage could turn the government around on this, but it has to happen now. Let's move quickly.

With hope,
Ricken, Lisa-Marie, Laryn and the whole Avaaz Canada team.

PS - here are some links for more info on this:

An excellent web resource for information and action on the CBC, including the government's consideration of bailouts of CanWest and other companies: http://www.friends.ca/

The Star reports on how opposition parties accuse Harper of using the recession as an excuse to gut the CBC:

Union says Harper government strangling CBC:

Ian Morrison: Stephen Harper's hidden agenda for the CBC:

A crisis of identity - A reader letter to the Globe and Mail:



News From Quebec

Hi Martin,

I could not open your file of the Paris Senate declaration.  Try this link:


This appeal is very credible.  Dr Belpomme is a cancer specialist.  The public and the scientist will believe him.  I have transfered to all my contacts including the deputy.

Test has been done in Montréal according to the precautionary principal.  1500 readings of EMR in 10 housings revealed that none are save.  The results are published in the consumer magasine Protégez-vous of February 2009.

François Therrien who had demonstrate against the antennas in a church mast at Terrebonne, has launched a website http://www.dangersemo.com/. SEMO means "save our children from micro waves".  He called a press release on Feb 26th at the school where he teach.  At last minute the administration of the school has cancel. 


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jury orders Ameren to pay $2.3 million / More EMR Information from France / Video from daily motion

---- Original Message -----

From: Donald W Zipse

On the day of the incident the utility measured 10 amperes flowing from the water to the dock – to the house and back to the substation.

Using NEETRAC Manual on stray voltages (of which Ameren is a supporting member) to say that the recommended human body resistance when submersed in water is in the neighborhood of 300 ohms.  Then told the jury that using these figures the voltage necessary to begin causing loss of muscle control is 1.8 volts. 


DWZ was interviewed by counsel, but not hired for case.  Too expensive probably.

Jury orders Ameren to pay $2.3 million to families of teens

March 5, 2009 - Attorney Brooks Kenagy, center, hugs Tracy and Ginger Jones outside the Jefferson County Courthouse. The Joneses own the house on Spring Lake south of De Soto where four teenagers were injured three years ago. The jury found in favor of the three families involved in a lawsuit against Ameren UE. The teenagers jumped off Jones's dock into electrified water. (J.B. Forbes /P-D)

By Christine Byers



HILLSBORO — Families of three teenagers involved in an electrical accident three years ago wept and embraced Thursday as they heard a Jefferson County jury recommend that AmerenUE pay them a combined $2.3 million.

On March 18, 2006, Nic Harbison, then 16, Morgan Milfeld and Tim Fitzpatrick, both then 15, and Joshua McClure, then 18, jumped into Spring Lake just south of De Soto. The teens had been sitting in a hot tub at a friend's home in the Summer Set subdivision, about 5 miles south of De Soto. Shortly after hitting the water, the teens became immoblized by an electric current.

Nic Harbison drowned, the others were resucitated. Harbison's father, Jerry "Jay" Harbison, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Tracy and Ginger Jones, who owned the dock from which the kids jumped, and against AmerenUE. He dropped the suit against the Joneses in October.

Milfeld and Fitzpatrick also filed suits against Ameren for injuries they suffered. The cases against the utility company were tried together over nine days. The jury deliberated for 1 ½ days and voted 9-3 in finding that Ameren's cable under the lake caused the current that paralyzed the swimmers.


Get news, columns, photos and multimedia from the St. Louis area

The jury awarded $1.25 million to the Harbisons; $725,000 to Fitzpatrick and $350,000 to Milfeld. Fitzpatrick is now 18 and a senior at De Soto High School. Milfeld, 19, plays soccer for Webster University.

AmerenUE spokeswoman Susan Gallagher said the company does not plan to make any changes to the underground cable at the lake in light of the jury's decision.

"We do not believe our electrical facilities present any hazards," she said, adding that the company has not decided whether to appeal the ruling. AmerenUE attorney James Virtel brought in experts and utility company employees who testified that the dock was the source of the stray voltage that immobilized the teens.

"We appreciate the jury's hard work and attention, but we're very disappointed in their decision," Virtel said. "We believe from the evidence and the science of electricity that our underground system did not cause the electricity in the water that immobilized these teenagers."

Lawyers Maurice Graham, Michael Williams and Brooks Kenagy represented the families. "It was obviously a difficult decision for the jury as evidenced by requiring two days of deliberation," Graham said. "The Fitzpatrick, Milfeld and Harbison families are relieved to have this behind them."

As an expression of that relief, some family members gathered on the dock after the verdict and threw flowers into the water.


More EMR Information from France

towards 10 min Salzburg...
16 min the scientist who had searched on tomato plants...
the French academy represented by prof. André Aurengo
23 min 30 Cindy Sage
24 min 40 European parliament and the woman of the 1st definition of justice...


Dear Agnes,
here is the link. I´m sorry but I am not too familiar with computer stuff. It would be great if you include this in your website, and it would be great if you send this to the media all over:


Please check the website:


I don’t know if you are authorized to send this link. But it is a very important video. Do not care about including my name, my goal (like yours) is that everybody have access to this information. But please, just check if you can use it. I will try and get more media emails and send them to you. We all are in this together. Glad to be of help. Pls receive my best regards.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Translation - Declaration of 23 March 2009: Electromagnetic fields and health / EMF-Omega-News 28. March 2009

Declaration of 23 March 2009: Electromagnetic fields and health

A quick translation of the French text (from Sylvie)



The Darwinian evolution occurred in the presence of natural electromagnetic fields. The Magnetoreception is one of the biological mechanisms enabling migratory birds and bees to go. No scientist can assert today that the coverage of our European territories by multiple artificial electromagnetic fields has not, will not, have major repercussions on the behaviour and the preservation of wildlife.

The effects of electromagnetic fields on our health are demonstrated by clinical observation, numerous toxicological and biological investigations and epidemiological studies. It exists in Europe a growing number of patients classified as electrohypersensitive who have become intolerant to electromagnetic fields.

Although the biological mechanisms of electrosensitivity are still misunderstood, it is legally recognized as a disability in Sweden.

We, doctors, acting under the Hippocratic oath, we, researchers, acting on behalf of scientific truth, all of us, doctors and researchers from different member states of the European Union, affirm ... that there is an increasing number of patients who intolerant to electromagnetic fields, this intolerance has created a serious injury in terms of health and work and family life, we can not exclude for them an evolution of a degenerative disease of the system nervous, and even some cancers and, therefore, that damage needs to be recognized and repaired by the welfare systems of different member states of the European community.

We warn the public power that... we can not exclude that after a period of exposure, this intolerance may also affect children and thus be causing a major health problem in the future in all countries using without restriction modern technology with electromagnetic fields.

in spite of insufficient scientific knowledge and even the existence of controversy on some points, the international scientific community is unanimous in recognizing the possibility of a public health risk
assumed serious, requiring urgent implementation of the precautionary principle.

To support some lobbies and sell off the existence of ill health and environmental problems on behalf of economic and financial interests in the short term could only be detrimental to our citizens.

I thank you, we thank you.

The signatories are the German Franz Adlkofer, co-ordinator of the European research project involving Reflex 12 teams of 7 members, the Frenchman Dominique Belpomme, and Swedish oncologist Lennart Hardell, oncologist and researcher, and Olle Johansson, of the department of neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute.

Déclaration du 23 mars 2009 : Champs électromagnétiques et santé

L'évolution darwinienne s'est faite en présence de champs électromagnétiques naturels. La magnétoréception est l'un des mécanismes biologiques permettant aux oiseaux migrateurs et aux abeilles de se diriger. Nul scientifique ne peut aujourd'hui affirmer que la couverture de nos territoires européens par de multiples champs électromagnétiques artificiels n'a pas, n'aura pas, de retentissements majeurs sur les comportements et la préservation de la faune.

Les effets des champs électromagnétiques sur notre santé sont démontrés par l'observation clinique, de très nombreuses investigations toxicologiques et biologiques et certaines études épidémiologiques. Il existe aujourd'hui en Europe un nombre croissant de malades qualifiés d'électrohypersensibles, devenus intolérants aux champs électromagnétiques.

Bien que les mécanismes biologiques de l'électrosensibilité soient encore incompris, celle ci est reconnue légalement comme un handicap en Suède.

Nous, médecins, agissant en vertu du serment d'Hippocrate, nous, chercheurs, agissant au nom de la vérité scientifique, nous tous, médecins ou chercheurs de différents états membres de l'Union européenne, affirmons en toute indépendance de jugement, qu'existe un nombre croissant de malades devenus intolérants aux champs électromagnétiques, que cette intolérance leur créé un préjudice grave au plan de leur santé et de leur vie professionnelle et familiale, qu'on ne peut exclure chez eux l'évolution vers une maladie dégénérative du système nerveux, voire certains cancers et par conséquent, que ce préjudice nécessite d'être reconnu et réparé par les systèmes de protection sociale des différents états membres de la communauté européenne.

Nous prévenons les pouvoirs publics qu'en l'état actuel de nos connaissances, on ne peut exclure qu'après une période d'exposition suffisante, cette intolérance puisse concerner aussi les enfants et donc être à l'origine d'un problème de santé publique majeur dans les années à venir dans tous les pays utilisant sans restriction les technologies modernes faisant appel aux champs électromagnétiques.

Malgré des connaissances scientifiques encore insuffisantes et même l'existence de controverses sur certains points, la communauté scientifique internationale est unanime pour reconnaître la
possibilité d'un risque de santé publique présumé grave, requérant d'urgence l'application du principe de précaution.

Faire le jeu de certains lobbies et brader l'existence même des problèmes de santé et d'environnement au nom d'intérêts économiques et financiers à court terme ne pourrait être que nuisible à l'ensemble de nos concitoyens.

Je vous remercie, nous vous remercions.

Les signataires sont l'Allemand Franz Adlkofer, coordinateur du projet de recherche européen Reflex rassemblant 12 équipes de 7 états membres, le Français Dominique Belpomme, cancérologue et les Suédois Lennart Hardell, cancérologue et chercheur, et Olle Johansson, du département de neurosciences du Karolinska Institute.


Dear Sir, Madam, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

for your information.

Best regards,
Klaus Rudolph
Citizens' Initiative Omega
Member of the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society) Protectorate Union of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog

Electromagnetic fields stress living cells

Effects of 10 Hz rTMS on the Neural Efficiency of Working Memory

SENAT: Electro Hypersensitive (EHS)

Mobile phone health threat should not be waved off lightly

A worrisome situation, at Brock University, St Catharines Ontario, Canada

Teenagers not getting good sleep


Ottawa linked to cellphone lobbyists

Council mast blunders uncovered

Hampton residents say no to phone mast plans

Councillor gives up vote to vent his feelings

Mobile antennae one for every 194 inhabitants

Pensioner's worry over phone masts

Phone-mast plan sparks objections

Pinner residents angry at council gaffe over phone masts

Companies respond to Harrow Council phone mast blunder

Parents united against mast plans

West Dorset MP backs protest against Lyme mast

Controversial phone mast plans could go ahead

Residents protest NStar project

The brave new world of microwave home heating

Clouds were being engineered in a massive and frightening way

Effects of Electric Field Stress on a ß-Amyloid Peptide

Protect yourself from irresponsible madness

New Zealand scraps ban on traditional lightbulbs

Next-up News Nr 880

Next-up news Nr 883

Next-up News Nr 884

Next-up News Nr 890

Next-up News Nr 891

Next-up News Nr 892

News from Mast Sanity

Omega-News Collection 28. March 2009


Our links:

http://tinyurl.com/9w2sx <http://www.grn.es/electropolucio/00omega.htm>


Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog. Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284, BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail pr@buergerwelle.de, Internet http://www.buergerwelle.de . Thank you.

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Words of Wisdom

"Act as if the principle by which you act were about to be turned into a universal law of nature". --Immanuel Kant

"You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no results." --Gandhi

"The arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice." –Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." --Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Your silence will not protect you." --Audre Lorde

"A time comes when silence is betrayal." --Martin Luther King

"Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among people."
--John Adams

"The world shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." --Anais Nin

"Remaining silent about the destruction of nature is an endorsement of that destruction."
--Redwood Mary (a.k.a. Mary Rose)

That which is looked upon by one generation as the apex of human knowledge is often considered an absurdity by the next, and that which is regarded as a superstition in one century may form the basis of
science for the following one. --Paracelsus

"How could I imagine how lost in the open field I was." --Neal Lindley

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
--Margaret Mead

" If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams, And endeavors to lead a life which they have imagined, They will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
--Henry David Thoreau

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being
shared." –Buddha

Motivation is not a problem for anyone who accepts the extraordinary truth contained in Yeshe Aro's ancient prescription for happiness: "On this depends my liberation: to assist others – nothing else."

"Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from?
Is it not from your passions that make war within your members?
You covet but do not possess.
You kill and envy but you cannot obtain; you fight and wage war.
You do not possess because you do not ask.
You ask but do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your
James 4: 1-3 (James is the brother of Jesus, who became a leader in the early church)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Excellent 3 minute video from the French Senate, Paris, March 23, 2009 / Message from an Electro Hypersensitive Victim

Excellent 3 minute video!

From: Olle Johansson <Olle.Johansson@ki.se>
Date: March 26, 2009 5:10:03 AM EDT (CA)
To: 'Olle Johansson' <Olle.Johansson@ki.se>
Subject: Colloque au SENAT - Electro-hypersensbilité (EHS) : VIDEO de l'appel des scientifiques européens - 23/03/2009

Dear All,

Please, take a look at the enclosed video web link from the recent meeting in the French Senate, Paris, March 23, 2009:

Colloque au SENAT - Electro-hypersensbilité (EHS) : VIDEO de l'appel des scientifiques européens - 23/03/2009

Professor Dominique Belpomme reads a common statement from himself, Franz Adlkofer, Lennart Hardell and me.

Best regards

(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm
Message from an Electro Hypersensitive Victim
Hi there,
I'm sending this to persons who are EHS and some who have an interest in it. I'm currently vacationing in Scottsdale, Arizona and wanted to share how my EHS symptoms have lessened here.
I'm staying in a house with family (who are wintering here) - the house is detached and there is no Wi-Fi or DECT (cordless phones) in the house. The closest Wi-Fi signal from any of the adjacent homes is extremely weak - there is only one Wi-Fi network within range.
My energy level is much better, I am sleeping at least six to six and a half hours at a shot, and have been able to fall back asleep almost every morning after waking between 5:30 and 7:00 AM. I am fairly certain that electromagnetic radiation is a bladder irritant, so not having to get up in the middle of the night is a pleasure.
The Tinnitus is still there and I notice it most when driving. Nearly all the phone masts in Scottsdale are mounted on light poles as there are not many tall buildings. I probably have at least 1000 to 1200 feet between the house I am staying at and the closest mast.
That weird/dizzy feeling some of us get in our head has been almost non-existent. A persistent rash I've had on my chest for the past year is gone. I've also noticed that my mood is much better - less of the mood swings that I experience in Vancouver - more patient with my children.
One symptom that has not abated much but is not too annoying is warmth in my hands. Also, my short term memory is a bit better - I believe that it takes more than a few days for this to return to normal (or closer to normal).
The gist of this is, that if we are able to find areas that are close to being clear zones or even communities or neighbourhoods where the EMR is low, we will be in a far better position to bounce back from our EHS. We need to continue to educate people, doctors and the various level of government on EHS and stay in communication with media who haven't imposed a blackout on the EMR/EHS problem.
One of you recently asked about exposure to EMR when flying - I flipped my electrosmog detector on a few times during the three hour flight here and could hear a series of beeps every few seconds - probably radar or transponder. I am thankful that many of the airlines have removed the personal video screens from the head of each seat to reduce costs and the weight of the plane - I can't imagine that sitting with your head next to a LCD screen and electronics is good for anyone, EHS or not.
Be well,
Another very electro hypersensitive victim recently advised me that his health was considerably better when he was staying in Arizona.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

EMFs, toxic metals and synthetic chemicals causing Chronic Neurodegenerative Diseases / New EU Resolution - alternative motion

From: JCMPelican@aol.com
Joanne C. Mueller


Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter # 373


A New Therapeutic Option for Those Labeled "Mentally Ill"


My experience in practicing holistic mental health care and preventive psychiatry over the past decade tells me that exposure to any toxic metal (including mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, uranium), any synthetic chemical (including psychiatric drugs) or any electromagnetic field (including cell phones, microwave towers, high voltage wires, any wireless technology) can cause acute and/or chronic neurodegenerative diseases that can then manifest themselves in innumerable ways, depending on the location of the wounding of the brain (or body), the duration and intensity of exposure, the stage of neurological development of the individual and various resiliency factors such as the absence of other toxins, the quality of nutrition, the presence of antioxidants, etc.


Neurotoxins of any type obviously can cause neurological signs and symptoms from the diseased, dead or dying nervous tissue, and therefore, as would be expected, various emotional or behavioral symptoms can result from the insult, often in a delayed fashion.


In our medicalized culture, such abnormal emotions or behaviors, if presented to a physician, would most likely lead to additional (also potentially neurotoxic) drug treatment with drug-induced sleep deprivation, tranquilizer-induced learning and attention problems, hyperactivity, fussiness, poor appetite - and even eating "disorders" which always involve nutritionally-depleted and/or toxic dietary prescriptions (and thus more neurological impairment). Parental rejection or punishment of children, high emotional stress, etc may happen also which colors the personality, behaviors, academic, social or athletic accomplishments.


Because all psychotropic drugs can adversely affect a multitude of organ systems, drug-induced obesity, diabetes, appetite over-stimulation or, conversely, (depending on the type of drug involved) anorexia and weight loss can also result. Such physical abnormalities or disabilities can add significantly to the victim's social mal-development, with teasing, ostracization, isolation, impaired job performance, drug-induced sexual dysfunction, etc. Such iatrogenic (doctor-caused) disabilities can also cause learning problems, impaired creativity and other abnormal behaviors that could result in additional mental illness diagnoses


Therefore, in what often turns out to be an unending chain of therapeutic and diagnostic misadventures (that sometimes ends up with inpatient commitment or electroshock "therapy" to the brain when the drugs prove to be useless or worse) the patient may wind up disabled for life and dependent on poverty-level social security disability payments.


 I am sad to say that the above scenario is common and one that I have witnessed many times. In my opinion it is a national disgrace – but a totally preventable one.


What I am saying (and have been saying for years now) is that there is no such thing as ADHD (of "unknown etiology") or Autistic Spectrum Disorders (of "unknown etiology") or Depression (of "unknown etiology") or even Schizophrenia (of "unknown etiology").


Rather, what we do have are normal humans who for any number of reasons are temporarily mentally unwell with known (or knowable) causes. I have had extensive experience dealing with patients who have been stigmatized by being labeled (and drugged) "mentally ill for life" when their initial problem had been only a temporary and potentially curable one.


What I have found is that most if not all of these patients had problems that started with psychological traumas of various types that predictably and naturally result in emotionally distressing symptoms. Experiencing such symptoms hadn't meant that the patient had a mental illness at all, but was simply in a temporary crisis situation.


Such crises normally develop when human beings are exposed to abuse, neglect or other forms of violence. Psychological insults can actually be partly neurological wounding with actual brain damage that is usually misdiagnosed as a mental illness. Often the patient is malnourished as well, resulting in suboptimal mental functioning.


Almost always the patient was quickly medicated with antipsychotics, psychostimulants, SSRIs and/or tranquilizers, with toxic drug effects almost always occurring. What the prescribing physicians didn't know at the beginning is that all the common psychiatric drugs are potentially neurotoxic as well as psychotoxic, and possibly just as poisonous as are the industrial pollutants, or the cosmetics or the additives in the food supply that may sicken any of us if they are swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin.


What has been missing in organized psychiatry since the Parkinson's disease-inducing "miracle drug" Thorazine started the psychiatric drug revolution in the mid-1950s are enlightened, thorough and caring doctors willing and able to spend hours and weeks sleuthing for the root causes of the psychological symptoms, the neurological insults and the nutritional deprivations which in my experience almost always can be found if enough effort is expended.


If that careful process is followed, patients can be then freed from the stigmatization of their "mental illness" labels (an important therapeutic first step) and thus eventually freed from the unnecessary, chronic prescription drug "treatment" that they had been told would last forever. Such de-stigmatizing, de-mystifying approaches offer a new lease on life and hope for the future (unless the patient is already too brain damaged by the drugs, addicted to them or too brain-starved by their nutritionally-depleted and toxic Standard American Diet).


This method worked well for the vast majority of my patients who were willing to work hard at their holistic mental health care. I have hundreds of grateful ex-patients (and their families), many of whom now regard themselves as fortunate survivors of a very dysfunctional health system.


Many of these survivors are furthering their healing process by becoming activists who want to spread the word about what must be acknowledged as a widespread tragedy of unimaginable proportions - all contributed to by snap diagnoses (based on suboptimal history-taking) and the incautious, reflexive (over-) prescribing of prescription drugs without much awareness of the fact that these drugs can be dangerously dependency-inducing.


The story of the pharmaceutical industry's adverse influence on psychiatry since the 1950s is a complicated one that is well-told elsewhere (see www.cchr.org). To thoroughly relate the story of the alternative/holistic therapeutic approach that I have been using over the past decade would take a weekend training seminar, with a lot of audiovisual aides, case histories and the teaching of basic neuroscience, basic neuropharmacology, basic neurotoxicology and basic nutritional science. I intend to offer such trainings in the future.


Gary G. Kohls, MD, Duluth, MN.


PS: For more information, check out my website at: www.mindbodymedicineduluth.com and a couple dozen videointerviews of me on www.iHealthTube.com, some of which are on YouTube.

URGENT - New EU Resolution - alternative motion to the Ries Report

The Radiation Research Trust recently sent a call for everyone to lobby their MEP's to support the Ries report on "health concerns associated with EMFs." The report is due to go before the entire EU parliament on 2nd April.  However, a new alternative resolution has been drawn up by Dr Caroline Lucas and Marie-Anne Isler Beguin on behalf of the Greens/EFA group as the Ries report included a late amendment calling for the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) to review the scientific adequacy of the EMF limits.  This is unfortunate as other national or regional governments, in China, Switzerland, and Russia, as well as in at least nine EU Member States, have adopted 'preventive' exposure limits, that is to say, lower than those advocated by SCENIHR.  The scientific model used by SCENIHR calls for "beyond reasonable doubt".  The time has come to open up communications with other stakeholders and scientists this is whey the Radiation Research Trust has called for a group of "moderates" to come together from both sides of the debate. We recognise that scientists contribute, but actions should be defined by all stakeholders.

The Green Partly will therefore submit an alternative Resolution which replaces paragraph calling for (SCENIHR) to undertake the review. This is extremely important as (SCENIHR) currently recommend using the ICNIRP guidelines.  A new scientific review needs to be done by both sides of the scientific debate.

To maximise the chances of the alternative resolution getting through, it would also be extremely helpful if everyone could lobby MEPs from other political groups - asking them to support the Greens / EFA alternative resolution.

We therefore urge you to encourage your MEP's to support the Greens/EFA new ALTERNATIVE MOTION FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTION concerning report A6-0089/2009

EU has a list of all MEPs in UK


It's extremely quick to send an email to your MEP's by logging onto www.writetothem.com http://www.writetothem.com 

See new resolution below.

Thank you for your attention.

Eileen O'Connor

Radiation Research Trust


URGENT - New EU Resolution

Caroline Lucas and Marie-Anne Isler Beguin on behalf of the Greens/EFA group

concerning report A6-0089/2009


on health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields


The European Parliament,

–    having regard to Articles 137, 152, and 174 of the EC Treaty, seeking to promote a high level of human health, environmental protection and workers' health and safety protection,

–    having regard to Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC of 12 July 1999 on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields[1] and the related Commission implementation report of 1 September 2008 (COM(2008)0532),

–    having regard to Directive 2004/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields)[2],

–    having regard to Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity[3] and to the respective harmonised safety standards for mobile phones and base stations,

–    having regard to Directive 2006/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits[4],

–    having regard to its resolution of 4 September 2008 on the mid-term review of the European Environment and Health Action Plan 2004-2010[5],

–    having regard to its resolution of 10 March 1999 on the proposal for a Council Recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields 0 Hz – 300 GHz[6],

–    having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

–    having regard to the report of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (A6‑0089/2009),

A.  whereas electromagnetic fields (EMFs) exist in nature and have consequently always been present on earth; whereas, however, in recent decades, environmental exposure to man-made sources of EMFs has risen constantly, driven by demand for electricity, increasingly more specialised wireless technologies, and changes in the organisation of society; whereas the end effect is that every individual is now being exposed to a complex mixture of electric and magnetic fields of different frequencies, both at home and at work,

B.  whereas wireless technology (mobile phones, Wi-Fi/WiMAX, Bluetooth, DECT landline telephones) emits EMFs that may have adverse effects on human health,

C.  whereas most European citizens, especially young people aged from 10 to 20, use a mobile phone, an object serving a practical purpose and as a fashion accessory, and whereas there are continuing uncertainties about the possible health risks, particularly to young people whose brains are still developing,

D.  whereas the dispute within the scientific community regarding the potential health risks arising from EMFs has intensified since 12 July 1999, when exposure limits for fields in the 0 Hz to 300 GHz range were laid down in Recommendation 1999/519/EC,

E.   whereas the fact that the scientific community has reached no definite conclusions has not prevented some national or regional governments, in China, Switzerland, and Russia, as well as in at least nine EU Member States, from setting what are termed 'preventive' exposure limits, that is to say, lower than those advocated by the Commission and its independent scientific committee, the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR)[7],

F.   whereas actions to limit the exposure of the general public to EMFs should be balanced against improvements to quality of life, in terms of safety and security, brought about by devices transmitting EMFs,

G.  whereas among the scientific projects arousing both interest and controversy is the Interphone epidemiological study, financed by an EU contribution of EUR 3 800 000, primarily under the Fifth RTD Framework Programme[8], the findings of which have been awaited since 2006,

H.  whereas, however, there are some points that appear to be the subject of general agreement, in particular the idea that reactions to microwave exposure vary from one person to another, the need, as a matter of priority, to conduct exposure tests under actual conditions in order to assess the non-thermal effects associated with radio-frequency (RF) fields, and the fact that children exposed to EMFs are especially vulnerable[9],

I.    whereas the EU has laid down exposure limits to protect workers from the effects of EMFs; whereas on the basis of the precautionary principle such measures should also be taken for the sections of population concerned, such as residents and consumers,

J.    whereas the Special Eurobarometer report on Electromagnetic Fields (No 272a of June 2007) indicates that the majority of citizens do not feel that the public authorities inform them adequately on measures to protect them from EMFs,

K.  whereas it is necessary to continue investigations into intermediate and very low frequencies so that conclusions can be drawn as to their effects on health,

L.   whereas the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) must not be threatened by Directive 2004/40/EC as MRI technology is at the cutting edge of research, diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening diseases for patients in Europe,

M.  whereas the MRI safety standard IEC/EN 60601-2-33 establishes limit values for EMFs which have been set so that any danger to patients and workers is excluded.

1.         Renews its call to the Council in its above-mentioned resolution of 4 September 2008 to update its Recommendation 1999/519/EC by laying down stricter exposure limits for all devices emitting electromagnetic waves in the frequency range between 0.1 MHz and 300 GHz, taking into account the best available techniques on the market (BAT); 


2.   Calls for particular consideration of biological effects when assessing the potential health impact of electromagnetic radiation, especially given that some studies have found the most harmful effects at lowest levels; calls for active research to address potential health problems by developing solutions that negate or reduce the pulsating and amplitude modulation of the frequencies used for transmission;

3.   Maintains that as well as amending European EMFs limits, the Commission, working in coordination with experts from Member States,  the industries concerned (electricity companies, telephone operators and manufacturers of electrical appliances including mobile phones) and relevant non-governmental organisations (e.g. public health groups, residents's organisations) should draw up a guide to available technology options serving to reduce exposure to EMFs;

4.   Notes that industry stakeholders as well as relevant infrastructure managers and competent authorities can already influence certain factors, for example setting provisions with regards to the distance between a given site and the transmitters, the height of the site in relation to the height of the base station, or the direction of a transmitting antenna in relation to living environments, and, indeed, should obviously do so in order to reassure, and afford better protection to, the people living close to such facilities; calls for optimal placement of masts and transmitters and further calls for the sharing of masts and transmitters placed in this way by providers so as to limit the proliferation of poorly positioned masts and transmitters; calls on the Commission and Member States to draw up appropriate guidance;

5.   Invites the Member States and local and regional authorities to create a one‑stop shop for authorisation to install antennas and repeaters, and to include among their urban development plans a regional antenna plan;

6.   Urges the authorities responsible for authorising the siting of mobile telephony antennas to reach agreement, jointly with the operators in that sector, on the sharing of infrastructure, in order to reduce the volume thereof and the exposure of the public to EMFs;

7.   Considers that, given the increasing numbers of legal actions and measures by public authorities having the effect of a moratorium on the installation of new EMF-transmitting equipment, it is in the general interest to encourage solutions based on negotiations involving industry stakeholders, public authorities, military authorities and residents' associations to determine the criteria for setting up new GSM antennas or high-voltage power lines, and to ensure at least that schools, crèches, retirement homes, and health care institutions are kept clear, within a specific distance determined by scientific criteria, of facilities of this type;

8.   Calls on the Member States to make available to the public, jointly with the operators in the sector, maps showing exposure to high‑voltage power lines, radio frequencies and microwaves, and especially those generated by telecommunications masts, radio repeaters and telephone antennas. Calls for that information to be displayed on an internet page so that it can easily be consulted by the public, and for it to be disseminated in the media;

10. Proposes that the Commission consider the possibility of using funding from the Trans‑European Energy Networks to investigate the effects of EMFs at very low frequencies, and particularly in electrical power lines,

11. Calls on the Commission, during the 2009-2014 parliamentary term, to launch an ambitious programme to gauge the electromagnetic compatibility between waves created artificially and those emitted naturally by the living human body with a view to determining whether microwaves might ultimately have undesirable consequences for human health;

12. Calls on the Commission to present a yearly report on the level of electromagnetic radiation in the EU, its sources, and actions taken in the EU to better protect human health and the environment;

13. Calls on the Commission to find a solution enabling Directive 2004/40/EC to be implemented more rapidly and thus ensure that workers are properly protected against EMFs, just as they are already protected under two other Community acts against noise[10] and vibration[11] and to introduce a derogation for MRI under Article 1 of that Directive.

14. Deplores the fact that, as a result of repeated postponements since 2006, the findings of the Interphone study have yet to be published, the purpose of this international epidemiological study being to establish whether there is a link between use of mobile phones and certain types of cancer, including brain, auditory nerve, and parotid gland tumours;

15. Draws attention in this context to the appeal for caution from the coordinator of the Interphone study, Elisabeth Cardis, who, in the light of existing knowledge, recommends, as far as children are concerned, that mobile phones should not be used beyond reasonable limits and that landlines should be preferred;

16. Believes in any event that it is up to the Commission, which has an important contribution to the financing of this global study, to ask those in charge of the project why no definitive findings have been published and, should it receive an answer, to inform Parliament and the Member States without delay;

17. Also suggests to the Commission, to launch  a wide-ranging awareness campaign to familiarise young Europeans with good mobile phone techniques, such as the use of hands-free kits, keeping calls short, switching off phones when not in use (such as when in classes) and using phones in areas that have good reception;

18. Such awareness-raising campaigns should also familiarise young Europeans with the health risks associated with household devices and the importance of switching off devices rather than leaving them on stand-by;

19. Calls on the Commission and Member States to increase research and development (R&D) funding for the evaluation of potential long‑term adverse effects of mobile telephony radio frequencies; Calls also for an increase in public calls for proposals for investigation of the harmful effects of multiple exposure to different sources of EMFs, particularly where children are concerned;

20. Proposes that the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) be given the additional task of assessing scientific integrity in order to help the Commission forestall possible cases of risk, conflict of interests, or even fraud that might arise now that competition for researchers has become keener;

21. Calls on the Commission, in recognition of the public concern in many Member States, to work with all relevant stakeholders, such as national experts, non-governmental organisations and industrial sectors, to improve the availability of, and access to, up-to-date information understandable to non-specialists on wireless technology and protection standards;

22. Calls on International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to be more transparent and open to dialogue with all stakeholders in standard setting;

23. Condemns certain particularly aggressive marketing campaigns by telephone operators in the run-up to Christmas and other special occasions, including for example the sale of mobile phones designed solely for children or free call time packages aimed at teenagers;

24. Proposes that the EU's indoor air quality policy should encompass the study of 'wireless' domestic appliances, which, like Wi-Fi for Internet access and digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT) telephones, have been widely adopted in recent years in public places and in the home, with the result that citizens are being continuously exposed to microwave emissions;

25. Calls, given its constant concern to improve consumer information, for the technical standards of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation to be amended with a view to imposing labelling requirements whereby the transmitting power would have to be specified and every wireless-operated device accompanied by an indication that it emitted microwaves;

26. Calls on the Council and Commission, in coordination with the Member States and the Committee of the Regions, to encourage the introduction of a single standard designed to ensure that local residents would be subjected to as low a degree of exposure as possible when high-voltage grids were being extended;

27. Is greatly concerned about the fact that insurance companies are tending to exclude coverage for the risks associated with EMFs from the scope of liability insurance policies, the implication clearly being that European insurers are already enforcing their version of the precautionary principle;

28. Calls on Member States to follow the example of Sweden and to recognise persons that suffer from electrohypersensitivity as being disabled so as to grant them adequate protection as well as equal opportunities;

29. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the Committee of the Regions, and the WHO.

[1]  OJ L 199, 30.7.1999, p. 59.

[2]  OJ L 159, 30.4.2004, p. 1.

[3]  OJ L 91, 7.4.1999, p. 10.

[4]  OJ L 374, 27.12.2006, p. 10.

[5] Texts adopted, P6_TA(2008)0410.

[6] OJ C 175, 21.6.1999, p. 129.

[7] Opinion of 21 March 2007 adopted at the 16th plenary meeting.

[8] Quality of life programme, contract No QLK4-1999-01563.

[9] March 2001 STOA study on 'The physiological and environmental effects of non-ionising EMR', PE297.574.

[10]  Directive 2003/10/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 February 2003 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (noise) (OJ L 42, 15.2.2003, p. 38).

[11]  Directive 2002/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (vibration) (OJ L 177, 6.7.2002, p. 13).