The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
7 December 2015
Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder
Much of the controversy over the causes of electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) lies in the absence of both recognized clinical criteria and objective biomarkers for widely accepted diagnosis. Since 2009, we have prospectively investigated, clinically and biologically, 1216 consecutive EHS and/or MCS-self reporting cases, in an attempt to answer both questions. We report here our preliminary data, based on 727 evaluable of 839 enrolled cases: 521 (71.6%) were diagnosed with EHS, 52 (7.2%) with MCS, and 154 (21.2%) with both EHS and MCS. Two out of three patients with EHS and/or MCS were female; mean age (years) was 47. As inflammation appears to be a key process resulting from electromagnetic field (EMF) and/or chemical effects on tissues, and histamine release is potentially a major mediator of inflammation, we systematically measured histamine in the blood of patients. Near 40% had a increase in histaminemia (especially when both conditions were present), indicating a chronic inflammatory response can be detected in these patients. Oxidative stress is part of inflammation and is a key contributor to damage and response. Nitrotyrosin, a marker of both peroxynitrite (ONOO°-) production and opening of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), was increased in 28% the cases. Protein S100B, another marker of BBB opening was increased in 15%. Circulating autoantibodies against O-myelin were detected in 23%, indicating EHS and MCS may be associated with autoimmune response. Confirming animal experiments showing the increase of Hsp27 and/or Hsp70 chaperone proteins under the influence of EMF, we found increased Hsp27 and/or Hsp70 in 33% of the patients. As most patients reported chronic insomnia and fatigue, we determined the 24 h urine 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate (6-OHMS)/creatinin ratio and found it was decreased (<0.8) in all investigated cases. Finally, considering the self-reported symptoms of EHS and MCS, we serially measured the brain blood flow (BBF) in the temporal lobes of each case with pulsed cerebral ultrasound computed tomosphygmography. Both disorders were associated with hypoperfusion in the capsulothalamic area, suggesting that the inflammatory process involve the limbic system and the thalamus. Our data strongly suggest that EHS and MCS can be objectively characterized and routinely diagnosed by commercially available simple tests. Both disorders appear to involve inflammation-related hyper-histaminemia, oxidative stress, autoimmune response, capsulothalamic hypoperfusion and BBB opening, and a deficit in melatonin metabolic availability; suggesting a risk of chronic neurodegenerative disease. Finally the common co-occurrence of EHS and MCS strongly suggests a common pathological mechanism.
Dr. Aschermann Studies
High Frequencies from Neighborhood Cell Phone Antennas Found to Speed Up Utility Meters, Increasing Bills
Might you be paying for electricity you did not use? A couple in upstate New York noticed their electricity bill had almost doubled, even though the rates had not increased and their utility usage had not changed. The utility company said they could not explain what had happened. The couple was aware a cell phone tower had been erected near their home and every time they added new antennas, their electricity bill increased.
This couple contacted Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University in Canada, who investigated their situation. Dr. Havas reviewed four years of the couple's utility bills and discovered the utility bills had increased dramatically when the antennas went online. She measured high levels of microwave radiation in the home as well as dirty electricity, or high frequency transients, on the electrical wiring.
When RF chokes were placed near the hour-watt meter the cost of monthly bills decreased substantiallyŠ almost to pre-tower levels. After installing a $10 choke, this couple saved almost $1000 annually on electricity.
This case study suggests that further analysis of electrical utility bills pre- and post-erection of a cell phone tower is warranted in cases where utility bills in homes and offices have increased without explanation.
There has been a 60-fold increase in ASD in recent years, which cannot be accounted for by improvements in diagnostic methods and can only be explained by changes in the environment. This increase corresponds in time to the proliferation of mobile telecommunications, WiFi, and microwave ovens as well as extremely low frequency fields (ELF) from mains wiring and domestic appliances. We can now explain this in terms of electromagnetically-induced membrane leakage leading to brain hyperactivity and abnormal brain development.
Over the last 15 years I have helped my children recover from autism and have watched them develop into really remarkable young men. 10 years ago, I was able to quit my job and focus on their recovery full time. I have the time, money and access to some of the best experts in the world. I have looked at the wide range of theories around autism and talked to parents whose children have regressed into autism and also recovered.
Quebec Coalition of struggle against electromagnetic pollution
Some experts said the best way to prove you've been overcharged by your smart power meter is to have an analog meter next to it.
Brnovich files petition to oust Susan Bitter Smith from Arizona Corporation Commission
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich's office filed documents Monday with the Supreme Court seeking to oust Susan Bitter Smith, chairwoman of the Arizona Corporation Commission.
Brnovich said Bitter Smith is ineligible to hold office because she is a registered lobbyist and executive director of a trade group of cable communication companies regulated by the commission.
Environmental Health Institute Mum about RF Animal Studies
Nelson BC is killing my wife
Nelson headaches not unique
Re: "Nelson is killing my wife," and "Nelson headaches not unique"
To the two Nelson Star readers who wrote to complain of suffering massive migraines since moving to Nelson, you may be one of the growing segment of the population who are electro-hypersensitive (EHS) to wireless electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Some European surveys put the figure as high as 13 percent, and in many countries EHS is a recognized disability.
EHS manifests in a wide array of symptoms, including fatigue, irritability, headaches, nausea, lack of appetite, trouble sleeping, depression, problems with concentration, memory, vertigo, as well as visual, skin and vascular problems. Canada's leading expert on electromagnetic radiation, Dr. Magda Havas, reported in January 2014 on yet another independent study showing that people living within 500 metres of cell phone base stations or towers are at increased risk for cancer - some studies say the rate doubles.
On May 11 this year, 190 scientists from 39 nations submitted an appeal to the United Nations, UN member states and the World Health Organization (WHO) requesting they adopt more protective exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields (EMF) and wireless technology in the face of increasing evidence of risk. Dr Robert O. Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, said in a 2000 interview: "I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields."
Nelson needs to adopt a municipal antenna policy and physicians should be conducting baseline health studies of their patients since the introduction of cell service. And the city most certainly should not be considering open-air Wi-Fi in parks and schools.
It's time to get educated on the most ubiquitous toxin of the 21st century.
Arthur Joyce, New Denver
School wi-fi led to death of my daughter, says mother
A mother from Oxfordshire is calling for all wireless technology to be taken out of schools following the death of her 15-year-old daughter.
Jenny Fry was found in woodland near her home after texting a friend to say she would not be going to school and intended to kill herself.
Her mother claims she suffered from Electro Hypersensitivity and was allergic to Wi-Fi. Penny Silvester reports
Death of Jenny Fry - EHS, microwave sickness, radiowave sickness.
Did a Teen Girl Really Die Because She Was Allergic to Wi-Fi?
This famous heart surgeon warns about the danger to the human heart from microwave radiation -
Perhaps he should learn about Microwave Sickness or Radiowave Sickness which have been reported in scientific literature for more than sixty years - .
To learn about electro hypersensitivity he should read
Perhaps he should study The Bio-Initiative Report and see all the diseases and illnesses that scientists and medical experts have linked to wireless and EMF exposure.
Teenagers are in great long term danger from wireless radiation. Responsible doctors and scientists are providing strong warnings about those dangers. They need to listen and take precautions now!
Martin Weatherall
Co Director WEEP
Teen Suicide Spike in Silicon Valley
Electromagnetic fields from Wi-Fi routers affect liver enzymes
Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering, Online First
Dear Editor,
The plaintiffs are applying for the judge's approval and certification of their civil lawsuit against BCHydro as a Class Action, thus providing legal representation for all BCHydro customers who have been actively and knowingly denied their constitutional rights.
The plaintiffs' position is that "there exists a reasonable basis for concern about health risk so as to give rise to a right of autonomy and free choice as to whether a smart meter is operational from one's own dwelling." Due to BCHydro's actions, the plaintiffs experience loss of personal choice and loss of autonomy to decide for themselves whether a MWR emitting meter will operate at their respective dwellings or places of business.
This lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of the following conduct by BCHydro:
a) Operation of a smart meter where a customer requests that there be no operation of a MWR emitting meter.
b) Threatening or effecting a service refusal.
c) Exacting payment from a customer of an opt-out fee in exchange for BCHydro abiding by the customer's choice to be free from the installation / operation of a MWR emitting meter.
d) Exacting payment from a customer of a failed installation fee related to BCHydro's attendance to install a MWR emitting meter where installation is not carried out because of either an objection made by a customer or an obstruction.
Information and registration for the lawsuit can be accessed here:,97,3617
For a basic life necessity such as electricity, where participation is not a choice, consumers must have the freedom to choose.
A ruling in the plaintiffs' favor would have positive effects down the road for FortisBC customers as well.
"As we have said, nobody will be forced to take a smart meter. I believe that this is a fair and reasonable solution for all British Columbians".
Mr. Bennett is reminded to stand by his words. If he had remained true to his documented assurance, these court proceedings would not have been necessary at all.
Hans Karow
Are Microwave Hearing Devices Slowly "Cooking" Our Kids?
Could this be the first of many? Another good reason for utilities to avoid installing these dangerous devices.
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution