The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
8 November 2015Significant Decrease of Clinical Symptoms after Mobile Phone Base Station Removal
Pediatricians warn: Limit children's exposure to cellphones
Brain tumors diagnosed in US in 2008-2012; Incidence increasing in children & adolescents
- In children (0-14 years old), there have been significant increases in incidence of primary malignant brain and CNS tumors between 2000-2010, with an annual percentage change (APC) of 0.6%. 37
- In adolescents (15-19 years old), there was a significant increase in incidence of primary malignant brain and CNS tumors between 2000-2008, with an APC of 1.0%. 37
- Adolescents also experienced an increase in non-malignant brain and CNS tumors from 2004-2010, with an APC of 3.9%. 37
- Between 2008 and 2010, adults (age 20+years) experienced a decrease in incidence of primary malignant brain and CNS tumors, with an APC of -3.1%. 37
Back in early 2000 when people were beginning to contact me about being sensitive to electricity, I searched hard to find a Dr. who understood the problem. I was directed to Dr. William Rea, MD, in Texas. He was a surgeon who became allergic to electricity and developed a "clean" lab and began testing for all kinds of allergies.
I sent him my EMF findings on DVD from here in Michigan and he invited me to be on the faculty for the 25th International Medical Conference of Environmental Health in Dallas, Texas, in 2007 and again in 2009 for the 27th. They invited me to become a permanent member of the faculty but because of poor health, I declined. I did, however accompany a Michigan farmer to Dr. Rea's clinic and he did prove "Mr. Chick's" health problem was being caused by electricity.
Below is a web site for viewing a presentation by Dr. William Rea who gives compelling evidence and recommendations for a healthier world creating safe havens in a toxic, electromagnetic world. He was hosted by the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology.
Published on Mar 5, 2015 Triggering Agents (and treatments) of Electromagnetic Sensitivity -- 46 minute video
The Stratford Beacon Herald - "Behind The Wheel"
Although I laud the impulse of the City of Stratford in researching various potential initiatives such as driverless cars, it should only be done in a cautious and inclusive way. There is now a growing body of research speaking to the dangerous and detrimental effects of unfettered and ill-conceived connection technologies including how it contributes to unemployment , health impairment and sociological breakdown. This information should be openly presented to the citizens of Stratford who can review it and contribute in the decision making as to if and how this kind of technology should be brought into our community. Especially if it is in the leadership role of being a test case for other communities to potentially adopt.
The concern of whether there would be a driver in the car is almost insignificant against the other potential long terms concerns which include massive unemployment, cyber hacking, and privacy.
On the subject of automation and a society of robots, and as reported in this past June's edition of Foreign Affairs, MIT's Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee argue that "it is a bit blithe to assume that human labour will forever remain the most important factor of production, "noting that, "it's time to start discussing what kind of society we should construct around a labour-light economy." Based on these views, to sell this initiative on the promise of long terms jobs appears to be somewhat questionable at best.
This is in addition to the potential detrimental effects of the very wi-fi structure on which these driverless cars would rely. A paper published last year in the Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure by Morgan Kasari and Davis point out that children absorb more microwave radiation (MWR) than adults; that MWR is a Class 2B (possible)carcinogen; and the fetus is in greater danger than children; and the legal exposure limits have remained unchanged for decades.
The concept of a "smart" or "intelligent" community is a very enticing one and one for which every citizen should aspire. There simply needs to be a consensus on what "smart" and intelligent " mean in an age when governments are wrestling with all the ill side effects of an industry (Silicon Valley) which has pushed itself on us faster than we have been able to comprehend or manage it. As the tale of the tortoise and hare warns us, to be fast or first is not always best.
The Falstaff Family Centre will be hosting an open conversation and information exchange on the subject of driverless cars in Stratford on Thursday, November 12
Loreena McKennitt CM, OM
Executive Director
The Falstaff Family Centre
"Behind The Wheel"
"Auto parts makers' group proposes Stratford for self-driving vehicle tests"
Cell towers more dangerous than nuclear plant
To the editor:
This letter is in response to the concerns raised regarding the Seabrook Station nuclear plant, including the degradation of the concrete and possible radiation leakage that could occur.
While this could be a big problem in the future, what should be of concern right now is the continuous radiofrequency radiation that cell towers emit into the environment. This is a very serious situation that is largely ignored in most municipalities for two reasons: Consumers enjoy their wireless devices and local officials love the revenue paid by the wireless companies.
On May 2011 the World Health Organization classified radiofrequency radiation, the entire spectrum, from cellphones, cell towers, WiFi, and the like as a class 2B carcinogen. At least Seabrook Station serves a useful purpose: generating power without carbon dioxide which in turn provides electricity to surrounding towns. What useful purpose does a cell tower serve? To fuel the trivial entertainment needs of wireless addicts while adding electrosmog to the environment.
In my case, the good old town of Salisbury saw it fit to add cell tower antennas to the ugly beach water tank, making it look even worse, all for the sake of revenue, despite my concerns and scientific evidence including the WHO's May 2011 decision. As for that Salisbury selectman being concerned with public safety by wanting Seabrook Station shut down, where was his concern with public safety regarding placement of those antennas? Where was his concern for the small children, the elderly, and pets living in the vicinity of the water tank? They're the ones more at risk from cell tower radiation. In my opinion, I'm sure that selectman, just like his colleagues, gave the antennas the green light.
And I strongly believe in my opinion that the prospect of revenue clouded the judgment of that selectman and everyone else responsible for the needless addition of those antennas, resulting with those parties hiding behind the FCC's inadequate and outdated guidelines that only protect against a thermal mechanism, the American Cancer Society who for many years has been doing the bidding of the mobile phone industry, and the gibberish of some "so-called" radiation safety expert who is no more of an expert than a layperson, and in my opinion his judgment was biased in favor of the wireless industry.
And to add insult to injury, the Salisbury zoning bylaws explicitly state about protecting the health, welfare, and property values of the inhabitants and minimizing the adverse impacts of Wireless Communications Facilities. Was adding antennas to the water tank protecting the inhabitants and minimizing the adverse impacts of WCF's? Not by a long shot. As I've said in my previous letter on Aug. 10, the zoning bylaws need to be changed.
While Seabrook Station raises a lot of concern, we should hope for the best and leave it at that. The main concern right now should be cell towers and the negative impact they have on the environment.
Arthur Lazos
Hybrid Streetlight and Cell Tower Unveiled in Hollywood
The smart meter roll-out has reached millions of homes so far, with a projected total cost of £11billion. But the average saving per household stands at ...
The meter is on the wall outside of where his bedroom sits, and he thinks it's the radiation coming out of the meter that is causing the problems.
Seventy-five years ago in August 1932, the German doctor Erwin Schliephake published scientific data in the German Medical Weekly about radio transmitter-induced "microwave" or "radio wave sickness" with the following symptoms: severe tiredness and fatigue during the day, fitful sleep in the night, headaches to the point of intolerability, and high susceptibility to infection.
SafeZone EMF Consulting announces that three of the world's top researchers and lecturers are coming to Kelowna for a full day event called, Wireless Technology's Deadly New Epidemics. This will be a knowledge packed, full day event from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with an organic lunch provided at the incredible Summerhill Pyramid Winery on November 14, 2015.
ASHLAND The Ashland Documentary Film and Discussion Series will host a documentary on electromagnetic radiation and health on Nov. 12.
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W.E.E.P. The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution