Sunday, October 19, 2014

Your Assistance is Requested

Dear WEEP News Readers
I request your assistance. 
You may remember that in late May I announced my candidacy for Mayor of Stratford, Ontario.  The main part of my platform is health and safety and a public education program about the dangers of wireless radiation.  I have rounded off my platform with an important local issue (The Cooper Site), fiscal responsibility because of our massive debt, and several low cost initiatives to improve the city   The election is now in its closing stages,  advanced voting starts tomorrow and election day is Monday 27th October.
For the last four years, since the last Municipal election, the daily newspaper The Stratford Beacon Herald and the weekly newspaper the Stratford Gazette have been glorifying any new wireless technology and have virtually ignored the information that I have provided to them, which show the dangers of wireless radiation.  Their reporting has been to belittle me and my concern for citizens health, yet continually support the present Mayor and Council.  The City has installed wireless smart meters on every house and powerful Wi Fi routers on every street and City facility.
Fighting this stupidity is hard, especially when I suffer electrosensitivity and my own City is continually affecting my health with their dangerous devices.  It is like trying to fight wounded, with my arms tied behind my.
Both newspapers have downplayed any warnings that I have made about Wi Fi and both have made errors in reporting my campaign.  I have attached relevant documents so that you can see how I have addressed these problems.  The Beacon Herald ignored my letter and I have yet to hear back from the Gazette.
As part of my attempt to draw awareness to the dangers of wireless radiation of children I submitted a Freedom of Information Request to both of the local School Boards (attached as Avon Maitland District FOI).  Sometimes this may be referred to as an 'Access to Information Request.  You can see how this was reported in the Beacon Herald by reading my letter to the editor and opening the link to their story.
I encourage you to send your own FOI request to the School Boards in your own area.  You are welcome to use my request as a template / guide for your own request.  This may accomplish several things: it will make sure that School Board representatives are aware of the dangers from Wi Fi and wireless radiation, it will put them on notice that the School Board may face significant liabilities and damages in future, it will alert them to the fact that they themselves may face negligence claims and criminal charges, it may open the debate to the public and parents, it may garner press interest and reporting, and it will make School Boards commit their answers in writing.
You can assist me by sending letters of support with relevant scientific information, to both of the Stratford newspapers and to our local radio station, indicating why they should be taking the dangers of wireless radiation seriously and why they should be reporting fairly on the issue.  Your message could be brief and you could attach a scientific document or provide a link to scientific information, or you could describe how you or a family member has been harmed by EMFs.  If you have a child who has suffered or cannot attend school because of Wi Fi, it would be very relevant.  If you are a scientist or a doctor please voice your own concerns.  Please keep any messages very professional, address them To the Editor, provide your name and address and cc to me.
The addresses are:  Stratford Beacon Herald   Stratford Gazette   2dayFM 107.7
Thanks for any help that you can provide,
Martin Weatherall
Co Director WEEP
Editor WEEP News