Thursday, December 25, 2014

WEEP News, Merry Christmas

W.E.E.P. News

The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

25 December 2014


The Directors of WEEP.   Wish you all a happy Christmas, a great New Year and every success in 2015.
For a little 'light' entertainment, we hope you enjoy -

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

WEEP News / Electromagnetic Warfare Training / EHS and Human Rights / Mental health / military / $1M donation / ONTARIO SMART METER FIASCO / Smart-meter health / UK / EHS Hearing etc.

W.E.E.P. News

The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

16 December 2014


Documents Show Navy's Electromagnetic Warfare Training Would Harm Humans and Wildlife

Pall said he sees the entire regulating system as flawed, and there is ample scientific evidence to back his perspective.

"We know the claims that you only have to worry about heating effects are false; there is no question on that," he said. "All the assurances of safety are based on that assumption. So this whole thing is of great concern."

According to Pall, there is ample evidence of biological effects from EMF radiation that are "extremely worrisome." These include cellular DNA damage that causes cancer and infertility, "and both of these have been repeatedly reported to occur with low-level exposures."

Electromagnetic Hypers-Sensitivity and Human Rights
For those who suffer from the effects of EMFs and wireless radiation, the attached document may help you in your fight for safety and justice.
See the attached new document discussing EHS and human rights by Isaac Jamieson.

Mental health care needed by 1 in 6 Canadians

An estimated 600,000 Canadians have unmet mental health issues, survey suggests

Why do the medical authorities keep ignoring the fact that wireless radiation has major neurological effects and may be a significant reason why so many people are suffering mental health issues?
Notice the different headlines of two TV stations owned by cell phone companies (the same report as above)

Most Canadians feel positive about their lives: mental health report

Most Canadians have good mental health, feel positive about life: report
Canada - Mental health in the military

Statistics from the military show that 128 members of the regular forces and 32 reservists have committed suicide in the past decade.

A Statistics Canada survey released earlier this year suggests nearly one in six full-time members of the Canadian Forces experienced symptoms of mental health or alcohol-related disorders over several months in 2013.


Bell Canada (Cell Phone Company) makes $1M donation to mental health in Alberta

Cope told Calgary's business elite that mental health issues are the single largest cause of both short and long term disability claims in Canada.
Ontario's Auditor General (AG) released a scathing report on the province's electricity sector, particularly its rollout of the smart meter program, which it says was a rash decision that has, to date, cost more than double original estimates – and counting – and failed to produce any tangible benefits to ratepayers.
Few benefits from $2 billion smart meter program, auditor says

Ontario's $2 billion smart meter program hasn't delivered value, says auditor-general Bonnie Lysyk

Smart-meter fiasco brings out the worst in Bob Chiarelli

Ontario's $2-billion smart meter program missed goals: Auditor

Smart Meter installation cost Ontario nearly double original projection: AG


World's first medical study of smart-meter health complaints

Self-reporting of symptom development from exposure to radiofrequency fields of wireless smart meters in Victoria, Australia: a case series.

The participants' symptoms were the same as those reported by people exposed to radiofrequency fields emitted by devices other than smart meters. Interestingly, the vast majority of Victorian cases did not state that they had been sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS) prior to exposure to the wireless meters, which points to the possibility that smart meters may have unique characteristics that lower people's threshold for symptom development.

Rollout of hated UK smart meters delayed again

In October consumer rights group Which? warned that "without immediate action the cost of the smart meter rollout is in danger of spiralling out of control", adding that "consumers will foot the bill"
European EHS Hearing

European associations defending the rights of EHS people regret we cannot personally participate in this hearing, because we have had knowledge of it with very little lead time, and we have not been directly notified by the organizing committee.

See the important attached letter:
This news headline seemed to be very incorrect, but not being a scientist, I did not know why they had made such a big mistake. 
Prof. Olle Johansson was kind enough to explain why this research had come to such a wrong conclusion!
Here is his brief explanation:

The obvious mistake is that they have taken one tiny piece from a 50,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, and based on it told us what the final image looks like.  Flavoproteins are just one group of proteins, there are so many other proteins, polypeptides, peptides, carbohydrate molecules, lipids, biogenic amines, amino acids, etc., etc., etc., so to be able to say anything one needs to check an additional huge number of molecules, and a huge, huge, huge number of their interactions, etc., etc., etc.

So, in essence (and maybe the scientists are not to be blamed but the Telegraph journalists/editors), the correct headline and article should have been "Mobile phones unlikely to harm human flavoproteins, scientists find"...?! 

Also the subheading is odd.  There are no "key proteins", all molecules are "key"; the ones that are not, evolution has already rid us of.  So "A single group of proteins in the human body are completely unaffected by the magnetic fields of mobile phones, scientists have found" would have been appropriate.

Finally, why was only so-called weak magnetic fields (WMFs) chosen?  Why not expose the molecules to the entire spectrum of an intact mobile phone?  Were they afraid that they then might have found something??

Olle Johansson, associate professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit

Department of Neuroscience

Karolinska Institute

171 77 Stockholm


44 Reasons To Believe Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer

"On the cellular level, a multitude of studies found the type of damage from high frequency electromagnetic fields which is important for cancer initiation and cancer promotion."

New guidelines for treating tinnitus, or ringing in the ears

More than 50 million Americans suffer from tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. Experts say it's the most common service-related disability among U.S. military veterans. Yet many people remain unsure what can be done about it.
It is not surprising that US military vets suffer what is often called tinnitus. 
They are subjected to very high levels of electro magnetic radiation in the form of radar, military communications and there own personal wireless gadgets. 
It appears that wireless radiation is a cause of the condition and continued wireless exposure makes it worse.
Microwave hearing may be a better way to describe the condition.
No Direct Link ?
Comment left with newspaper:
The expert panel reports no direct link between radio frequency radiation and health.  Maybe they should look at the thousands of scientific studies which show that RF has very significant biological effects on people.  Several studies show great increases of cancer in those who have been exposed to wireless radiation in the past.
The bio Initiative report has examined many scientific studies and explains that certain illnesses can be caused by wireless radiation exposure.
The report can be viewed on the Internet at
Letter - cellphone towers carry big risks
Our constitutional, civil and human rights have been taken away in section 704 of the Federal Communications Act of 1996, when government succumbed to industry pressure and facilitated the rollout of radiation-emitting antennas nationwide before conducting an adequate independent public health risk assessment.

Health effects of living near mobile phone base transceiver station (BTS) antennae: a report from Isfahan, Iran.

Shahbazi-Gahrouei D1, Karbalae M, Moradi HA, Baradaran-Ghahfarokhi M.

1Department of Medical Physics and Medical Engineering, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences , Isfahan , Iran.


BACKGROUND: In recent years, by tremendous use of mobile phone telecommunication, a growing concern about the possible health hazards has increased greatly among public and scientists. The mobile phone exposure has been shown to have many effects upon the immune functions, stimulating hormones, mammalian brain, sperm motility and morphology, and neurological pathologies syndrome. The aim of this study was to find out the psychological and psychobiological reactions of the people who are living near mobile phone base transceiver stations (BTS) antenna, in Isfahan, Iran.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study on 250 randomly selected inhabitants (133 women and 117 men) was performed in October 2012 till November 2012. The inhabitants were requested to complete a standardized questionnaire that focused on the relevant psychological and psychobiological reactions parameters. A computer program (SPSS version16.0, Chicago, IL) was used for statistical analysis using the Chi-square test with Yates correction. All the data were tested using a criterion level of p = 0.05.

RESULTS: The results showed that most of the symptoms such as nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability, discomfort, nervousness, depression, sleep disturbance, memory loss and lowering of libido were statistically significant in the inhabitants living near the BTS antenna (<300 m distances) compared to those living far from the BTS antenna (>300 m).

CONCLUSION: It is suggested that cellular phone BTS antenna should not be sited closer than 300 m to populations to minimize exposure of neighbors.

EMF Refugee
Research and Treatment European Group
The content of this website is the result of several years of clinico-biologic research efforts to diagnose and treat patients with self-reported electromagnetic hyper-sensitivity (EHS) and/or hyper-sensitivity to multiple chemical products i.e. " Multiple chemical Sensitivity" (MCS)
In the 1950s special clinics were set up in Moscow, Leningrad and other cities in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to study an occupational disease termed as the radio wave sickness.
The filmmaker debuted his documentary, Mobilize, at SF State Monday to call attention to the potential health impact of cellphone radiation. Kunze said that the project aimed to bring awareness to the issue and change people's behavior.

Who is spending what on lobbying

In case you ever wonder why policy makers in the U.S. ignore the concerns of experts and medical professionals about the health effects of wireless radiation technology, follow the money.

Last year, the CTIA and the four largest wireless companies in the U.S. spent $46.8 million or $128,000 per day lobbying policy makers. Altogether, telecom and telecom-related industries spent almost $100 million or $270,000 per day.
Avoid unnecessary imaging during pregnancy

The FDA has just issued a warning on ultrasound. If you follow the links, you will see this is a warning for non-ionizing radiation due to potential tissue heating. ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) is called for.  See link and notice below:


When you're allergic to a substance, your immune system mistakenly believes it is dangerous and produces immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in an attempt to neutralize it. Chemicals such as histamine released into your bloodstream during this process can lead to a battery of symptoms any time you eat the food (although symptoms may not appear until hours later).
This seems to be very similar to the allergic reactions caused by exposure to EMFs.

Electromagnetic pulse exposure induces over-expression of beta amyloid protein in rats.

With the developing and widely used electromagnetic field (EMF) technology, more and more studies are focusing on the relationship between EMF and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is one type of widely used EMF. This study aimed to clarify whether EMP exposure could induce cognitive and memory impairment, thus finding a possible relationship between EMP and AD.

CONCLUSIONS: The present results showed that EMP exposure can cause long-term impairment in impaired cognition and memory of rats, resulting in AD-like symptoms. This may be induced by enhancing oxidative stress and is related to autophagy dysfunction.

EMF Refugee
Musical Plants
A Coast to Coast interview with Magda Havas and Robert's Plant Band is available at:

Here is the video of Robert's Plant Band:

Enjoy the singing plants.

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

WEEP News / Breast Cancer & Cell Phones / Maryland Alert / 6 Hamburg Schools / EMR Platelet Aggregation / Wireless Baby Dummy / EU EHS hearing / Information sites / Collateral Damage etc.

W.E.E.P. News

The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

3 December 2014

Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones
Pathology of all four cases shows striking similarity; all tumors are hormone-positive, low-intermediate grade, having an extensive intraductal component, and all tumors have near identical morphology. These cases raise awareness to the lack of safety data of prolonged direct contact with cellular phones.

Maryland City Votes Unanimously to Alert Citizens to the Health Risks of Cell Phone/Wireless Radiation and to Oppose Cell Towers on School Grounds

In an effort to make these devices as safe as possible, the City encourages the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to adopt radiation standards that will: protect human health and safety, reflect current use patterns, and provide meaningful consumer disclosure of warnings."
Hamburg Germany - 6 Schools Stop WiFi
The wireless network WLAN was too dangerous for the health of students.
(Note - this is a quick Google translation which still needs refining to be clear).

EMF Omega News
The Influence of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on the Platelet Aggregation
International Journal of BioMedicine 4(3) (2014) 155-158
Gulzoda M. Khamidova, MD*
Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) on platelet
aggregation (PA) in individuals working for a long time under a direct and continuous RF-EMF exposure. We examined 119
persons aged from 22 to 65 years. In individuals working under the direct and constant exposure to RF-EMFs, the various changes of PA with a predominance of hyperaggregation are detected. The dependence of the changes in the indicators of PA on length of work in conditions of RF-EMF exposure is determined.

The results of our study confirm the deleterious effect RF-EMF both on the blood cells and on blood rheology. In
individuals working under the direct and constant exposure to RF-EMFs, the various changes of PA with a predominance of
hyperaggregation are detected. The dependence of the changes in the indicators of PA on length of work in conditions of RFEMF
exposure is determined.
Idiotic Use of Modern Wireless Technology

How to sync your baby with your iPhone
A new Bluetooth-enabled dummy constantly records your baby's temperature and alerts you if they start to get ill, and will even sound an alarm if they wander away from you.

Comment left at newspaper

Why would you put a device that emits wireless radiation, a 'possible carcinogen', in a baby's mouth?
This is insane!
Look at the known adverse health effects at

Talks from the EU EHS hearing now available
Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe presented an outstanding talk recently on electromagnetic fields and their possible effects at a meeting of the Physicians' Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE). In this talk she discussed the difficulty of assessing exposure accurately, the various known mechanistic effects of electromagnetic fields, and the varied susceptibility of human beings to different exposures of various kind. This is one of the best you'll find anywhere at the moment to learn about some of the possible effects of mobile phones, cordless phones, WiFi and tablets, and it's freely available online.
Lots of good information at this site
Several EMF Articles
On the Dr. Mercola website
EMF Collateral Damage: Volturino and Wi-Fi in Schools Revisited

A very sad video of farm animals aparently disfigured by powerful radiation from nearby antennas.  Volturino Italy.

Electro-Sensitivity Complaints Increasing In Britain And WiFi Could Be Responsible

Ottawa moves to strip power from top public health scientist

"Demotion and politicization of the chief public health officer is a wrong-headed move. It seems to be linked more to the public gagging of our government scientists than about promoting health or the public good."
My latest book LIGHT that HEALS: Energy Medicine Today & Beyond
is being released December 1.
The first section titled LIGHT that HARMS discusses EMF than can harm.
The second section titled LIGHT that HEALS discusses EMF being used to heal and leads the reader to LIGHT treatments AND
INTRODUCES a revolutionary treatment for cancer using lights and lasers.
There is a pre-launch special price for two days at  and it is also available at AMAZON as a paperback and EBOOK.
Donna Fisher
Baby monitor health warning
In a new book, she claims the electromagnetic field they emit can contribute to health problems, like chronic fatigue, nausea and cancer.She is also concerned the exposure can increase the risk of SIDS and autism.

So concerned by the health impacts, she is calling for a nationwide ban on wireless monitors and wants them removed from the shelves.

"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is being destroyed," Mike Mullen, a 58-year-old Harrison Township resident, said before the hearing.
Man claims OUC's smart meter made him sick, files federal lawsuit
An Orange County man claims OUC's smart meter, which thousands of residents have on their homes, gave him major medical problems and he's filed a federal lawsuit.

"It leads to a lot of problems," said disabled veteran Bill Metallo. "I'm looking at a lot of skin problems, sleepless nights."
Meters not such a smart move

Australia - SMART meters
coming to NSW have to be one of the worst things inflicted on this state, and soon the whole of this country.

December 2014 - Science Update

The following is a quick summary of another twenty papers that have come out over the last few months related to effects of electromagnetic radiation. All papers with a green background are highlighted as being particularly important or relevant.

Click here for the full news story:

Please note that someone has been impersonating me on Facebook by using a false address.  I rarely use facebook, so if you receive a message with my name - 'Martin Weatherall' and the message does not involve the health effects of wireless radiation, and is obviously not legitimate, please report it to Facebook as spam. 
John Ott - Exploring the Spectrum, Pioneer in Time-Lapse Photography, Photo-Biology

EMF induced hyperactivity
Start watching video at 4:35 to see the difference between mice exposed to EMF and those which are shielded.
The mice on the left-side are exposed to low levels EMF which produces hyperactivity.
The mice on the right-side are protected by lead shielding and exhibit relative calmness

Poor quality EMF reporting by the New York Times
Professor Martin Pall's lecture

Please, watch prof. em. Martin L. Pall talking in Oslo, Norway, at the Litteraturhuset, October 18, 2014, about electrosmog as the new health and environmental pollutant.


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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution


Thursday, November 27, 2014

WEEP News / Wi-Fi 'electrosmog' a risk to health / Wi Fi harm / Electro Pollution Explained / EHS Odor and noise intolerance / ZigBee / Concerns / 'Smart meter' Hearing / $6.6 Billion Annually etc.

W.E.E.P. News

The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

27 November 2014

"Wi-Fi 'electrosmog' a risk to health, say scientists"

Johansson said: "The allowed radiation limits throughout the world are insane, to say the least.

"We are talking about values up to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10 to the 18th) times higher than nature's background radiation, to which the human body has adapted through many 100,000 of years, and within a couple of decades, we have all been surrounded by biblical levels of artificial radio-waves, well knowing that they have major impacts on both human and animal health." 


Could Wifi be harming YOUR health? 


That's what a growing number of people believe is triggering their headaches, nausea and crippling pain



Electro Pollution Explained to Sociology Students

When people use shock tactics to scare you, it's pretty scary, but when they use devices that measure what's actually around you, it can be even worse and make you want to change something!
EMF/EMR pollution is a silent killer in our society and if it's not addressed there might not be much of a future for long.
Odor and noise intolerance in persons with self-reported electromagnetic hypersensitivity.


Lack of confirmation of symptoms attributed to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and triggered by EMF exposure has highlighted the role of individual factors. Prior observations indicate intolerance to other types of environmental exposures among persons with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). This study assessed differences in odor and noise intolerance between persons with EHS and healthy controls by use of subscales and global measures of the Chemical Sensitivity Scale (CSS) and the Noise Sensitivity Scale (NSS). The EHS group scored significantly higher than the controls on all CSS and NSS scales. Correlation coefficients between CSS and NSS scores ranged from 0.60 to 0.65 across measures. The findings suggest an association between EHS and odor and noise intolerance, encouraging further investigation of individual factors for understanding EMF-related symptoms.


ZigBee Announces New Internet of Things Standard

ZigBee 3.0 encompasses defines the widest range of device types including home automation, lighting, energy management, smart appliance, security, sensors, and health care monitoring products. According to ZigBee the new standard "supports both easy-to-use DIY installations as well as professionally installed systems. Based on IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee 3.0 uses ZigBee PRO networking to enable reliable communication in the smallest, lowest-power devices."
Still ignoring all the known health effects!

Doctor Karl Cox, a senior lecturer in computing, engineering and mathematics at the University of Brighton, believes exposure can cause brain tumours.

He said: "I've spoken to some schools already and they were shocked at the risks. I would be happy to talk to more.

"People cannot lead a healthy lifestyle when they are constantly exposed to these signals. There is a wealth of research on this topic already."


State Rep. Tom McMillin, committee chair, called the hearing after being contacted by many constituents and other citizens about privacy, health and safety concerns relating to the meters.

"With this hearing, we're giving the people of Michigan an open and transparent platform to not only voice their concerns but hopefully have them addressed by public utility officials" said McMillin, R-Rochester Hills.

Great news - "an open and transparent platform", now why didn't other authorities think of that?
When there is such money to be made, there will be greed, corruption and stupidity! 
(As witnessed in jurisdictions that have already implemented this dangerous technology)
I guess that the African Country of Kenya does not have better things to spend its money on?
Australian Radio Ad against Smart Meters
IARC, WHO: Move Radio Frequency Radiation from Class 2b to Class 1
Petition to the World Health Organization.
The short answer is: It depends.
The government appears to be worried about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation, also created by mobile phones, though at low levels it is generally not seen as harmful. Under Korea's "Wireless Telegraphy Act" all devices that give off electromagnetic waves must be certified for national security and civilian use.
Consumer group blames Hydro-Québec smart meters for rise in power cutoffs

The Union des Consommateurs says smart meters make it easier for the utility to disconnect clients because it's done remotely from Hydro's ...

Phone Addict Dies Of Brain Cancer

Samantha, who was addicted to her phone, used to spend hundreds of pounds on 'top-up' cards every month, to keep in touch with her friends. Her parents, Janet, 39, and Phil, 58, are certain that the excess use of her mobile phone created the tumour that eventually killed her.
Most cancers are linked to the environment
Ten years after the Paris Appeal, oncologist Dominique Belpomme hopes to have pollution recognized as a ''crime of public health''

Source : Le Nov. 14 2014 

The man behind the Chirac plan against cancer, Professor Dominique Belpomme*, renowned oncologist, was the first [French physician] to open a practice in environmental medicine and to sound the alarm on the role of electromagnetic fields in various diseases such as Alzheimer's. In 2004, he was joined by prominent scientists and environmentalists to launch the Paris Appeal. Ten years later, while opening this Friday [Nov. 14 2014] its 10th anniversary conference at UNESCO headquarters, Dominique Belpomme hopes to have pollution recognized as a "crime of public health."
The Ten years ago you lanched the Paris Appeal, an international declaration to warn about the dangers of chemical pollution signed notably by [anthropologist] Claude Levi-Strauss, Nobel laureates in Medicine François Jacob, Jean Dausset and Luc Montagnier, [ecologist] Nicolas Hulot... What has changed since then?
Dominique Belpomme: There have been more or less direct positive effects, such as REACH at European level [an integrated system of registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances] or the environmental Grenelle [green plan] in France, but it is insufficient to the challenge that we face, especially as the number of victims has increased dramatically. The most dramatic part is that there is an almost complete political denial of the current scientific data. The medical and scientific revolution has been achived; we now know that most diseases are linked to environmental factors, not only factors related to lifestyle. But the government is not listening to scientists as in the time of Pasteur...
What do you expect of this new conference?
Since politicians have not understood, we have to move on to morality and the law. My goal is to have the International Criminal Court recognize pollution and destruction of nature as crimes of public health.
You say that three out of four cancers are linked to the environment. You even link pollution and autism ...
We have seen a considerable increase in birth defects. One out of ten children are born today with birth defects or a rare disease. We went from a factor of 1 to 1,000 in twenty years. The best example is indeed autism: one in every 80 children is born with autism in so-called developed countries; 20 years ago, it was one in 10,000. For autism, we now know that it's related to chemical pollution (with organochlorine pesticides and mercury notably in their mothers' dental amalgams) and pollution from electromagnetic fields.
How are you sure that this increase in diseases related to pollution?
We have corroborating epidemiological studies, and especially a toxicological approach that allows us to reproduce the disease in the laboratory (notably in animals) and see the same lesions. And finally, a biological approach. This allows us to say conclusively that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between pollutants and current diseases.
What are these new "diseases of the environment"?
Cancer is increasing exponentially, but also type II diabetes, allergies (one in three Frenchmen is allergic) ... We just demonstrated that obesity is a disease of the environment caused notably by chemical pollutants. Added to this is Alzheimer's disease, which, according to World Health Organization estimates, is expected to double every 10 to 12 years.
At this symposium, you and other scientists wish to warn the public about an invisible and ubiquitous urban pollution: electromagnetic fields.
Chemical pollution is compounded by electromagnetic fields [EMFs emitted by the antennas, laptops, Wi-Fi...]. We can now say with near certainty that EMFs are harmful to health.
Authorities say there are no conclusive studies. Former Digital Secretary of State Fleur Pellerin said the dangers of microwaves are not established and the Ministry of Education rolled out Wi-Fi in schools...
These are speeches of opinion; there are thousands of studies! The BioInitiative report (which summarizes nearly 4,000 scientific articles) shows that electromagnetic fields present a carcinogenic risk, either for low or high frequencies. The risk of child leukemia is doubled if the child lives within 600 meters of a high voltage line (low frequencies). Regarding high frequencies (radiofrequencies or RF, such as used by Wi-Fi and cordless DECT phones), there are essentially reports of ipsilateral brain tumors [on the same side of the head where the cell or DECT phone is used]. The Interphone study found a fivefold risk of brain cancer in patients less than 20 years [correction: the Hardell study  as not part of the Interphone study].
In your consultation, you receive patients who say they are "electrohyperensitive"...
I see the largest number of these patients in the world (1,200). These are people who six times out of ten overused their laptop or DECT, or have a real addiction to the computer (in Wi-Fi mode), or who have the misfortune of living next to a pole-mounted transformer, power line or cell tower. Their typical symptoms are headaches, tinnitus with loss of balance, dizziness, eczema, neck stiffness, cognitive impairment, loss of short term memory, absence of mind... They arrive with an impressive medical history, they sometimes saw three neurologists before they are told: "It's in your head!" while they are in pre-Alzheimer state! I saw 15-year-old boy arrive clinging to his mother's arm because he was disoriented. He had slept with his cell under the pillow for four or five years! Electromagnetic play a role in Alzheimer's, but also, according to our research, in some cases of Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson's disease.
Professor Dominique Belpomme is an oncologist, president of the ARTAC (Association for research on anti-cancer therapeutics). He is the author of Ces maladies créées par l'homme – comment la dégradation de l'environnement met en péril notre santé (These man-made diseases – how degradation of the environment puts our health in peril (Albin Michel 2004) and Guérir le cancer ou s'en protéger (To cure cancer or to protect ourselves) (Fayard, 2005).
NY Payphone Petition

In Rhode Island, high school math teacher Shelley McDonald says she has been warned her job is in danger if she continues to raise concern about Wi-Fi in her school. - See more at:
An increasing number of people are becoming sick from the ill effects of unnatural manmade electromagnetic fields. Many of these people cannot use cell phones. When they are out and about, they must use pay phones in order to make phone calls. Making public pay phone areas into WiFi hotspots is unconscionable when one considers the fact that electrosensitive (ES) people are probably a large percentage of the people left using public wired phones and that the only public phone choice left for them will also cause them to feel sick. This only increases the discrimination being experienced by these people. This is not just a health issue. It is also a human rights issue. Please support this petition by signing.

EMF Refugee

Meanwhile, in Rhode Island, Shelley McDonald seems like an Erin Brockovich or an insider – warning, in this case, about Wi-Fi.

"I feel as though this is sort of the secondhand smoke of our generation," she says. "Right now, people think it's no big deal, but these kind of health effects – particularly cancer – take so long to manifest that we're not going to know about the impacts for, you know, 10, 20, maybe 30 years." - See more at:

Meanwhile, in Rhode Island, Shelley McDonald seems like an Erin Brockovich or an insider – warning, in this case, about Wi-Fi.

"I feel as though this is sort of the secondhand smoke of our generation," she says. "Right now, people think it's no big deal, but these kind of health effects – particularly cancer – take so long to manifest that we're not going to know about the impacts for, you know, 10, 20, maybe 30 years." - See more at:

Meanwhile, in Rhode Island, Shelley McDonald seems like an Erin Brockovich or an insider – warning, in this case, about Wi-Fi.

"I feel as though this is sort of the secondhand smoke of our generation," she says. "Right now, people think it's no big deal, but these kind of health effects – particularly cancer – take so long to manifest that we're not going to know about the impacts for, you know, 10, 20, maybe 30 years." - See more at:

Meanwhile, in Rhode Island, Shelley McDonald seems like an Erin Brockovich or an insider – warning, in this case, about Wi-Fi.

"I feel as though this is sort of the secondhand smoke of our generation," she says. "Right now, people think it's no big deal, but these kind of health effects – particularly cancer – take so long to manifest that we're not going to know about the impacts for, you know, 10, 20, maybe 30 years." - See more at:

The FCC is mulling a fee hike to help bring Wi-Fi to more schools

Should Americans be asked to pay a little more in phone bill fees to help fund better Internet connections in public schools? That's essentially what Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler proposed Monday.
Another sign of Wireless Radiation Affecting Children?

Self-harm cases among Canadian girls up 110%: CIHI report

"The data is basically telling us that, increasingly, young people are engaging in self-harm behaviour and this is most likely a coping mechanism toward handling stresses or very distressing emotions,"


Self-harm behind 1 in 4 youth injury hospitalizations

For girls aged 10 to 17, intentional self-harm made up 45 % of injury hospitalizations last year

If it's stress related, the key is to communicate with a child and teach him or her better ways to reduce stress response, such as going for a walk.  (Getting away from Wi Fi and DECT telephones)

Hackers post webcam, security camera, baby monitor video online

Experts have a message for anyone with a webcam, baby monitor or home security camera: change your password now, because feeds from the cameras are being posted online by a Russian website.
If you can access your video footage over the internet, then what is stopping someone else from doing the same?

Britain's highways of the sky - air traffic timelapse video

This is a very interesting video showing air traffic around Britain. 
It also indicates how much radar and radio pollution can come from aircraft.
Graphene - Interesting new technology

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