The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
25 December 2013
The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
25 December 2013
The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
19 December 2013
Prithvijit Mitra,TNN |
KOLKATA: It has always been feared and debated; now, a study has reinforced the belief that radiation from cellphone towers are taking a toll on the health of people living near them.
Cellphone tower radiation could be triggering a range of disorders - from fatigue, memory loss, headaches and hearing impairment to more serious problems like cardiac diseases and even congenital defects, claims the study conducted by researchers of the Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Cancer Research Institute (NSCRI).
It has always been feared and debated. Now, a health impact study reinforces it. Cell phone towers in Kolkata have been taking a heavy toll on the health of people living close to them. It could be triggering a range of disorders from fatigue, memory loss, headache and hearing impairment to more serious ones like cardiac problems and even congenital defects, claims the study conducted by researchers of the Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Cancer Research Institute (NSCRI).
Continued exposure to electromagnetic waves from cellphone towers could even cause cancer, the study warns. Researchers from the institute studied and observed 200 people residing in areas with a high density of cellphone towers in central Kolkata. While some lived in buildings that had towers on the roof, others live within 50 metres of such buildings.
Almost everyone said they had been experiencing some form of physical discomfort.
Around 70% suffered from fatigue; 30% had partial loss of memory; 20% had dizziness and 25% had sleeping disorders. While 20% had skin infections, around 12-15% had hearing impairment and 10% suffered from cardiac problems. Almost half of those surveyed said they had difficulty in concentrating and 30% said they were irritable. Two babies - each born in the last six months - had congenital defects, the study found.
Even though the study does not directly correlate the disorders (see box) to the cellphone towers, it points out that the complaints were restricted to a 50-metre radius of the towers.
"Interestingly, most of the subjects of the study said the intensity of their ailments goes down once they leave their homes and reverts to the earlier stage once they return," said Ashish Mukhopadhyay of NSCRI. "While we need further evidence, this is indeed something that technical experts should worry about," he added.
Electromagnetic waves emitted from towers could cause cell damage, leading to cancer, Mukhopadhyay said. "Continued exposure to such waves could cause cell damage, leading to cancer. It could also trigger cardiac disorders," he added.
The radio frequency (RF) standard that the cellphone industry had adopted prior to
"We already have level I evidence to prove that those who live near towers and are exposed to this radiation 24 hours a day are not safe. It is quite possible for them to suffer from disorders, especially hearing impairment, visual problems and loss of memory. There is as yet no direct evidence to show that tower radiation causes cancer. But we need more studies to check whether brain tumours are related to this," said Jaydip Biswas, director, Chittaranjan National Cancer Research Institute (CNCRI). Biswas added that even without such evidence, towers should not be allowed in congested neighbourhoods and near schools.
Oncologist Gautam Mukhopadhyay said: "Continued exposure to electromagnetic waves has got to have an impact. Even if it doesn't trigger brain tumours, it could well be causing a host of other ailments. These could snowball into a major disorder," he added.
In Kolkata, most cell sites emit radiation of nearly 100 Watts per square metre. The government argues it has adopted the guideline of 9.2 Watt/sq m set by International Convention for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection as a safe limit. What it does not mention is that the norm is for exposure to radiation for 6 minutes a day.
IIT-Kharagpur professor Sudarshan Neogi, who co-authored a pilot study on cellphone radiation, commissioned by the state government, believes the prescribed limit - 0.92 Watts per square metre - is faulty. "For every 6-minute exposure, there is a 23hour 54minute cooling period. This does not happen in areas with a high concentration of towers. So, health hazards are a possibility. But our hands are tied till we can prove that the standard is indeed faulty," Neogi said.
Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) director-general Rajan Mathews argued that the radiation levels were within prescribed limits and have not yet been proved harmful. "The existing limit in
Smart meter rings alarm bells & more
Maisch documents a number of case studies from smart meter users in Melbourne in which individuals are complaining of nausea, heart palpitations, headaches and shortness of breath.
There is, Maisch argues, "practically no research on possible ill health effects of exposure to smart meter radio frequency emissions".
This is despite a US survey of smart meter users showing that 49 per cent experienced insomnia, 43 per cent stress, 40 per cent headaches, 38 per cent ringing in the ears and 26 per cent heart problems.
Smart Meter Resolution 315 Passes In Ulster County, New York
Cancer's lost generation: the teens and young adults
Hundreds gather in Tsawwassen to oppose U.S. radio towers
Opponents, including guest speaker Milt Bowling, expressed a myriad of concerns, including potential health impacts as well as interference with frequencies and electronic equipment, issues they say made the towers hugely unpopular in Ferndale. They also note there was no public notification on this side of the border by either the FCC or the applicant.
Tell the FCC to reject the Pirate "Border Blaster" in Washington State
"The responsibility of any institution includes ensuring the safety of the public, and a board of education is no different," Barnett said. "In fact, it is bound to protect children as part of its mandate."
Kim Horsevad, the students' biology teacher at Hjallerup School, said: 'This has sparked quite a lively debate in Denmark regarding the potential adverse health effects from mobile phones and wifi equipment.'
The results will bolster the findings of researchers in Holland, who found that trees exposed to wireless radio signals suffered from damaged bark and dying leaves.
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W.E.E.P. The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
15 December 2013
Jury awards Vermont family $1M for transmission tower
The Vermont Electric Power Company has been ordered to pay $1 million to a Wells couple for a dispute over a transmission tower on their property.
Something Is Rotten in Denmark
Cell towers coming to Toronto Hydro Poles! entrevue de Catherine Perrin ce matin qui sera rediffusée ce soir entre 21h et 23h et sur le Web
Jeudi le 12 déc, à l'émission de Catherine Perrin à la radio (Radio-Canada ici première, 95,1 à Mtl, Estrie à vérifier, 93,5 ou 101,7):: L'électrosensibilité, un vrai handicap ou un délire d'hypersensible?
Extreme Chemical Sensitivity Makes Sufferers Allergic to Life
Light bulb ban set to take effect
Safe Incandescent Bulbs to be Discontinued
Totonto Sun,
In January, officials will flip the switch on a year-long phase-out of the inefficient but cheap incandescent bulbs that have lit Canadian homes for generations.
New energy efficiency regulations would have also banned halogen incandescent bulbs, but Natural Resources officials now say they'll relax the standard so that those bulbs will survive the phase out.
That will leave consumers with an alternative to energy-saving compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs and LEDs.
While halogen incandescents suck up more power than CFLs and LEDs, they're still more efficient that traditional blubs.
And unlike CFLs, halogen incandescents don't contain mercury - a toxic substance can end up on carpets or hands and in the air if a bulb breaks.
Government officials admit Canadians worry about CFLs.
"Concerns have been raised by some Canadians and the media regarding CFLs, namely their mercury content, the method for their proper disposal, their perceived associated health effects and their performance," said officials in their regulatory analysis.
Natural Resources officials say they received almost 200 messages raising concerns about CFLs in July - around the time of two Sun Media editorials by columnist and Sun News Network host Brian Lilley.
Halogen incandescent bulbs aren't easy on the wallet, with a pack of two at one major Canadian retailer selling for $5.99.
That's cheaper than LEDs and about on par with CFLs.
You can buy four traditional bulbs, however, for $1.49.
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W.E.E.P. The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
11 December 2013
Keep kids off electromagnetic waves: DNA scientist
I would like to share with you the fight I led in order to turn off Wi-Fi networks in
My awareness to the subject was raised by a TV report on channel 10, about WiFi in schools, at the start of October 2013. This report caused me to check the subject and understand that there is resistance to the subject in leading research centers in the world. At the start, I checked
I understood that the Ministry of Education published inconclusive guidelines on purpose. On one hand, the Ministry is trying to be seen as a body that takes care of the children, and on the other hand, the Ministry leaves holes in its guidelines, in order to put quickly the WiFi in maximum classrooms and to set facts before the high court decision (that is expected during the next days). !
At this stage, I approached Alon school's principal in order to find out about the subject. I tried to understand if she was aware of the risks. I emphasized, that I am not against progress, and that distributing wired computers would enable progress without the unnecessary irradiation of the children and school team. I explained also the differences between using a router in your private house vs. in the classrooms:
1) Inside the house each person can decide whether to use WiFi or not. The radiation is not imposed.
2) In the house the option of wireless can be turned on in the router, and in all the computers, only according to the need and not during all the time.
3) In the house there are usually only 2-3 computers and not 30-40 that look for the router (and more 30-40 cell phones and two especially strong routers).
4) There is compulsory education law, this law forces the children to be in schools 5-8 hours aday, they have nowhere to run away. Again, forcing radiation on them.
(it would be noted that the feeling was, that in all her first responses, the school principal was guided by
In her first response the principal referred me to the new executive form of the Ministry of Education, that was published after the last high court decision. She referred also to radiation measurements and periodical safety examinations, that are done by the municipality, and she tried to calm me down that she and the teaching team did not want to endanger themselves and that the computers carts are loaded only after the school day. I decided to check with my son and other children in his classroom, what happens in practice in the classrooms. I understood that there were two carts in each school (in each floor a cart for the classrooms on the same floor). One was in their classroom, serving 5th grade1, 6th grade1, 2 classrooms. The second was in the warehouse and serves 4th grade1, 2, and 5th grade2. It turned out that on their floor there was no warehouse, and so they put the cart inside my son's classroom and there the computers were loaded each time when the cart was returned to them (including when the children were in the class).
When I continued to approach the school principal:
- I raised the problem of ignoring the loading procedure
- I tried to understand why they did not use wired internet like the Ministry of Education guided (why was it not possible?)
- I passed on information showing harm from non ionizing radiation to the reproductive system (especially sperm quality), DNA breaks, BBB penetration, EHS development, the classification of this radiation as 2B carcinogen, and more. All of these dangers are much higher for children whose brains are not developed yet, and in adolescents.
- I passed on alternatives, including examples of distribution of wired network and cost assessments.
In addition to this:
I approached the parents of my son's classrooms, I informed them on the subject and suggested that if the wireless networks were not stopped in school, we would sign on non consent form against the participation of our children in the classrooms and we would pass it on to the school principal.
I wrote a very strong letter to several people responsible for the issue in
I wrote to the responsible in the Ministry of Education, Mr. Noam Koriat (following his request though the school principal)- manager of knowledge management development and organization from the Ministry of Education. His response does not justify its description here. I found a parent representative from Herzel school and we decided to cooperate together. I established a facebook group on the subject of WiFi in
I asked help from experts (Ram Dishon, Amir Borenstein).
I got help from fights of parents in elementary schools in Tel Aviv.
I worked with the Haifa Green Party, who raised the subject of WiFi in
There was a stage when I received phone calls from my son's teacher and the school principal in attempt to calm me down, that there is no danger in using WiFi and anyway the use is everywhere. A change happened when the school principal informed
1) there are no definitions of what is being checked. The examinations are complicated and in practice are not done as they should be.
2) the results are meaningless because the threshold standard in
They will not convince us and will not make us want wireless internet networks in the schools where our children learn. Afterwards the school principal sent me "Appendix 2, standards book for program infrastructures" and drew my attention to the sentence "installing wired and wireless networks in classrooms and public areas in schools" This is an older version of the executive form, from 2010.
At this stage I went again to the parents and to the central parents committee chairman of the school. I updated in everything that had happened and the fact that Wi-Fi use was stopped temporarily until the radiation measurements.
I explained why it was not right to rely on the results from this radiation measurement and that I was not ready to continue and endanger my son for one more day. I called everyone to sign on non consent form and to join the fight. I asked to understand the position of the central committee (until now their voice is not heard). I suggested a meeting together with parents from two other schools with experts. I was happy that this letter was passed on by the central committee chairman to the school principal. Then the school principal informed me that a discussion was supposed to start soon in the municipality about using wireless networks in all four schools in the project and that meanwhile the pilot was stopped. A week afterwards (25/11 a one and a half month after starting the fight), I was told by the school principal that it was decided in Haifa municipality to stop using wireless networks in classrooms immediately in the four schools where there is WiFi experiment.
The digital books pilot will continue by downloading the digital books to all wireless computers for one time, (with periodical updates). The work near computers will be without using internet. Filing works will be done by DOK.
This solution is temporary until wired networks will be installed gradually in all classrooms in all schools. Regarding downloading the wireless computers, the school principal will make sure that it would be done only after 17:00, before locking the classrooms and until the father of the house comes early in the morning. In any case the download will not be done while the pupils are inside the classrooms.
The principal thanked me from the bottom of her heart for drawing her attention to the subject, because she was not aware of the danger, and I thanked her for her openness to the subject, for her cooperation, for implementing the precautionary principle and for putting the pupils health at the top of the priorities.
I hope this information will help parents and school principals who are trying to make a change.
Veronique Domshlak
Genetic Fallacy: How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent
Video 2:14
Thank you for your email which has been circulated for information to the Mayor, and Vancouver City Council.
Bioelectric Signals Can Be Used to Detect Early Cancer
Peanut Allergies in Kids on the Rise
Allergies rise as the amount of electromagnetic radiation rises.To sign up for WEEP News: (provide name and e-mail address)
W.E.E.P. The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution