Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Research of Dr. Zorach ("Zory") R. Glaser / Double risk of tinnitus / What Are They Doing? / Bill to study cell phones and health / Health Minister deputy

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News

1 July 2010

The Research of Dr. Zorach ("Zory") R. Glaser

Hello everyone,

In 1971/72 Dr. Zorach ("Zory") R. Glaser published a bibliography that  provided more than 2,300 references on the bioeffects of RF/MW  radiation.  At that time he worked for the US Navy and he later worked  for NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) and the Food and Drug Administration. During the years he has accumulated more than 6,000 documents  in this field that include research from eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, from the US  Military, and from the US government, documents that have had limited  distribution.

These documents are being scanned as searchable pdfs and will be made available from the electrosensitivity website ( in the coming months.

For those who think there is no proof that non-thermal effects are  biologically active . . . stay tuned!  Not only is there proof but the US government and military were aware of the harmful effects more than 50 years ago. 

Internal attempts to alert key military and government  committees that this radiation was harmful and that guidelines needed to be reduced, went unheeded. 

Read all about it at
under "from Zory's Archive"

For the introduction to these documents go to:



Double the risk of tinnitus

Researchers in Vienna have found that using a cell phone for four years or more doubled the risk of developing tinnitus.

Once again, we have have learned the importance of looking at long-term impacts, rather than simply immediate effects.

Read the whole story at

Louis Slesin
Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
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If Cell Phones Are Behind the Bee Decline, What Are They Doing to Humans?

By Niraj Chokshi

For years, scientists have been trying to explain why the bee population has been drastically declining. A new study may hold the answer, CNN reports, and it could have an impact on humans, too. First, the study:

In a study at Panjab University in Chandigarh, northern India, researchers fitted cell phones to a hive and powered them up for two fifteen-minute periods each day.

After three months, they found the bees stopped producing honey, egg production by the queen bee halved, and the size of the hive dramatically reduced.

Andrew Goldsworthy, a biologist from Imperial College, London, told CNN that the reason may have to do with radiation from cell phones and cell towers disturbing the molecules of the chemical cryptochrome, which bees and other animals use for navigation. The "other animals" part there is key: it includes humans.
Cryptochrome apparently also plays a role in controlling circadian rhythms. If cell phone and tower radiation disturbs cryptochrome molecules, it could have serious consequences for our circadian rhythms, Goldsworthy wrote in a briefing for an independent, British radiation research group last year. Circadian rhythms follow a roughly 24-hour cycle and play a key role in physically, mentally and behaviorally regulating our bodies. Mess with your circadian rhythms and you screw with, among other things, your ability to be well-rested and the associated health benefits. Goldsworthy argues that the link between phone radiation and cryptochrome could then explain the sometimes-found link between cell phones and cancer:

[A]ny weakening of the amplitude of these rhythms means that at no time will any process controlled by them ever function at maximum power. In particular, the immune system may never be able to summon up the overwhelming power that is sometimes needed to overcome pathogens or to destroy developing cancer cells before they get out of control.

Of course, the ostensible link between cell phones and cancer is itself up for debate, but if the evidence starts supporting that connection, then cryptochrome might be at the heart of it all.

This article available online at:

Copyright © 2010 by The Atlantic Monthly Group. All Rights Reserved.

Submitted by Robert


For Immediate Release:

Contact: Amy Vossbrinck (202) 225-5871

Kucinich Introduces Cell Phone Research, Warning Label Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 30, 2010) -- Today Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) announced his intent to introduce a bill to create a new national research program to study cell phones and health, require an update of the decades-old Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and grant a consumer's right-to-know by providing for warning labels on cell phones.

"Consumers have a right to know whether they are buying the phone with the lowest – or the highest – level of exposure to cell phone radiation.  They also deserve to have up to date standards, which are now decades old," said Kucinich.

Kucinich first called a hearing on the issue in 2008 as Chair of the Domestic Policy Subcommittee.  Dr. Ronald Herberman, then Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute testified to the Subcommittee, "I cannot tell this committee that cell phones are dangerous, but I certainly can't tell you they are safe."

Last month, the Interphone study, a major inquiry into the potential links between cell phone use and tumors, concluded that when taken as a whole, there was no link.  However, when the data was broken down, more risk was found and the picture became clearer.  Those using their cell phones only 30 minutes per day or more were found to have a 40% increased risk of a type of brain tumor called glioma.  This risk increases to 96% if the phone is used mostly on one side of the head.

"Some studies find links.  Some don't.  But studies funded by the telecommunications industry are significantly less likely to find a link between cell phones and health effects.  We need a first-class research program to give us answers," said Kucinich.  "Until we know for sure, a labeling law will ensure that cell phone users can decide for themselves the level of risk that they will accept.  Obviously, cell phone companies should not be the ones making that decision for us."



News from Israel

The economic newspaper Globes reports that Liztman - the Health Minister deputy - said that people who want to take care of themselves had better take distance from the antennas. He said that he saw "in my own eyes" how wireless antenna increased the radiation level in an apartment of a parent who died of cancer. He said soon there will be published results of a study he ordered on radiation and he is not afraid to fight the cellular companies and the media.

Another article says that the high court ordered the ministries of environment and communication to explain why the regulations of the cellular law delay for 3 years.

----- Original Message -----

From: רוני קלר


Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 9:53 PM

Subject: שתי כתבות בנושא הסלולר

בג"ץ: מדוע לא מוגדרות רמות החשיפה לאנטנות סלולריות?בג"ץ: מדוע לא מוגדרות רמות החשיפה לאנטנות סלולריות?,7340,L-3409942,00.html

סגן שר הבריאות ליצמן מסמן את המאבק הבא: אנטנות הסלולר

בברכה רוני קלר

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Obama moves to double airwaves for wireless devices / Techno Addiction / "Une terre pour les EHS" / Definitive German study

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News

30 June 2010

Obama moves to double airwaves for wireless devices
Memorandum signed Monday is intended to create jobs and boost investment in mobile phone market,0,5655498.story

By Jennifer Martinez, Tribune Washington Bureau


— President Barack Obama signed a memorandum Monday that would double the amount of airwaves available for wireless devices over the next 10 years, a move intended to create jobs and boost investment in the mobile phone market.

The availability of more wireless spectrum would allow faster delivery of data and video onto smart phones and other next-generation devices.

The memorandum launches an effort to make available over the next 10 years 500 megahertz of government and commercial spectrum, which mirrors a recommendation by the Federal Communications Commission in its National Broadband Plan released in March. In the nation's largest cities, local TV stations use about 150 megahertz, according to the National Broadband Plan.

"The initiatives endorsed today will spur economic growth, promote private investment, and drive U.S. global leadership in broadband innovation. Spectrum is the oxygen of wireless, and the future of our mobile economy depends on spectrum recovery and smart spectrum policies," FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said.

Wireless telecommunications companies would be able to acquire some of this public spectrum in a government auction. Some of the revenue would be used to create a nationwide public safety network that is intended to keep communications running in an emergency, which was a recommendation of the 9/11 Commission.

With the rising popularity of smart phones, netbooks and other wireless devices, the amount of data sent over wireless networks continues to grow. As a result, wireless phone companies need more spectrum to accommodate the glut of data and avoid a "spectrum crunch," White House economic adviser Lawrence Summers said.

"In recent years, the amount of information flowing over some wireless networks has grown at over 250 percent per year," Summers said in a speech Monday. "There is no policy step more important for the digital infrastructure than assuring that scarce spectrum is efficiently allocated."

Wireless companies, including AT&T Inc. and Sprint Nextel Corp., lauded the administration's plan, saying it will help them manage the deluge of data traveling across their networks. Jim Cicconi, a senior executive vice president at AT&T, called the move "both encouraging and timely."

"At AT&T, we are already dealing with phenomenal increases in mobile broadband use — a whopping 5,000 percent over the last three years," Cicconi said.

Broadcasters, however, weren't as enthusiastic. The government will look to local TV broadcast stations to give up some of their airwaves, which they have opposed. The FCC has called for local broadcasters to make 120 megahertz of their spectrum available.

The broadcasters said they have already returned a large chunk of spectrum that was auctioned to wireless providers.

"We appreciate FCC assurances that further reclamation of broadcast television spectrum will be completely voluntary, and we're convinced that America can have both the finest broadband and broadcasting system in the world without jeopardizing the future of free and local TV service to tens of millions of viewers," said Dennis Wharton, executive vice president of the National Association of Broadcasters.

Reuters contributed to this report.


Mobile Phone Mania: A Techno Addiction

Sheikh M Ashraf

Twenty six and half years elapsed, when the first commercial wireless call was made and it was Oct. 13, 1983, at Soldier Field, where Ameritech Mobile, now part of Verizon Wireless, made the call from a Motorola DynaTAC 8000X known as the "brick" phone.  The phone priced $3,995, was 13 inches long, and weighed 1.75 pounds.

Although with the advent of mobile phones world has become quite small and easily accessible. However mobile phones have always been instigating debates among the people about their merits and demerits.

The mobile phones have numerous uses ranging from business work, means for entertainment, research work, and ensuring security. Simultaneously, they have disadvantages too, like erosion of privacy, unnecessary wastage of money, talking on mobile phones while driving and emission of invisible radiation from the handsets which is allegedly harmful for health. It is argued by various sections of people for the advantages of mobile phones which outweigh their disadvantages.

Various scholars have projected that a mobile phone user seems quite entertained by the sound of his or her own voice, which apparently is reason enough to place a call. Sometimes these solipsistic people are just talking to a dial tone, just to make themselves look important. It is estimated that for a commoner, 90% calls are completely unnecessary, and another 5% are less than urgent and could wait until later. There are also plenty of narcissistic pinheads who can't make a trip to a grocery store, to a movie, to mosque/other religious place, or anywhere else without hearing themselves talk on the phone. 

Some of them can't even sit through a traffic light without placing a call.  In the worst case, there are those self-important egotists who do not and will not turn off their phones at a places where switching off their mobiles is mandatory. Beside the annoyance to the people around the mobile phone user, the widespread use of mobile phones has had another adverse effect:  it is quite naive to expect complete privacy when talking on the phone.  The chances are pretty good that your phone conversations are just between you and the person you called, but there are no guarantees. In USA people spend, on average, about seven hours a month talking on their cell phones, which projected more for Indian subcontinent, implying that mobile phones encouraged us to connect individually but disconnect socially. The main feature of mobile phones is instant access which makes them the most exclusive devices for communication.

Now people can make voice or VDO call or send text messages to anyone anytime from almost anywhere at a cheap rate using mobile phones. Besides this, with the aid of the latest WAP technology users can surf the internet, send emails and chat with other people at a low cost.

According to a research released on 13th February, 2007 from the Mobile Entertainment Forum and Ovum, 20% of UK subscribers search internet via mobile phones. Mobile phones are lessening the pressure of the business and office work too. These days, the latest mobile phones are powered with Microsoft Office application for viewing and editing various types of files including Word, PDF, and Excel etc easing the office and business work. Moreover, in this modern world of advanced communication loads of business deals are made through mobile phone conferences.

As per the research done by psychiatrists world over, it is presumed that effects of mobile phones on users' health are not encouraging, (study conducted by Sergio Chaparro, instructor at Rutgers University, New Jersey). In one assignment, 220 students were asked to turn off their cell phones for three days. Shockingly, only three could do it. The reason: the others panicked to do so, as they were afraid of feeling incomplete without their phones.

According to the eighth annual Lemelson-MIT Invention Index report, a study involving new inventions and innovations, nearly 30 per cent of subjects involving those of, business executives, teenagers,  IT professionals, banker, stay-at-home moms;  chose the cell phone as the invention they most hated but could not live without it. They all love their phones.

Simultaneously there should be difference between the love and addiction, here needle is swinging towards the mobile phone dependency and addiction.

And it is on the rise, so much so that researchers in Britain found that their subjects referred to the phone as "an essential item, an extension of self".

As per the comments of Raghav Ranade, one of the famous, practicing psychiatrist from Mumbai, "Emotional dependency on cell phones is common nowadays. The problem with this is there is a backlash and fury against the phones when they refuse to do what users want them to. This could be a form of cell phone rage." Another Psychiatrist Snehita Paun from New Delhi agrees that cell phones encourage a 'hurry-up, I-want-it-now' attitude in users". This can lead to a lot of distress when the gratification is not instant. It is like you not wanting to wait until January 1 for your New Year gift and wanting it now instead," she says. Cell phone rage is the annoyance, irritation and frustration that users experience when they feel controlled by the very devices they can't do without.

Any one who uses cell phones a lot, or is surrounded by people who do, runs a risk of being affected.

Another study published in the December 2007, issue of the Journal of Family and Marriage states that increasing use of mobile phones and pagers could be linked to a decrease in family satisfaction and increased stress over a two-year period.

This is because phones let people bring their work home and take personal issues to work. Women seem to be the ones more affected. All these instances can eventually lead to cases of mobile phone rage, especially when the build up occurs quickly. Add to this the fact that cell phones make you an easy target for bullies who can send you anonymous, threatening messages. Joseph Tecce, an associate professor of psychology at Boston college, has conducted a lot of research in the area of phobias and addictions. He says, "Like substance abuse, cell phone usage can lead to several problems.

People who instantly reach for the cell phone every time they feel uneasy or anxious about a problem as they are relying too much on it." This behavior not only reduces self-reliance, but also paves the way for cell phone rage because it takes away control of one's behavior and places it in the hands of an inanimate object known for its inconsistency. 

How to respond a pleasurable or anonymous call: when a person is driving, a Judge concluding for a decision, a doctor examining a case to reach to a diagnosis, or involved in surgical procedure, an official critically analyzing and finalizing an important data, a person is involved in religious activities, or is before a boss who hates attention diversion, flying a plane, etc. It's really very distracting to be praying and suddenly hear techno music of mobile phone, or vibration. Is actively jamming mobile phone signals the answer? possibility of which seems at large, keeping enormous dimensions in mind. 

It may prove beneficial if mobile phone jamming should be permitted for all drivers, schools, libraries, offices where critical official work is done, hospitals, mosques/other religious places and museums.

Since so many people have been annoyed and inconvenienced by the ubiquitous abuse of cell phones, new innovation would lead to simple solutions, and in many other countries, the solution is the portable cell phone jammer.  The jammer sends out a blanket of noise in the same frequency range as the cell phone, and by raising the noise floor, makes it impossible for the phone to stay connected. The cell phone user doesn't know the cause of the interruption, in most cases, and just puts off the conversation until later.

In various countries, museums and restaurants use full-time cellular blocking, because, as many people around just won't cooperate and turn their phones off. 

Jamming is only permitted in countries where the overall benefit to society is more important than some individual's hurt feelings. So, the use of a cell phone jammer may be illegal, yet there are those who are so irritated by mobile phone addicts that they don't mind taking the risk of operating outside the law for a few seconds at a time in order to cut off someone else's conversation, especially when that conversation seems to go on and on, and seems to get louder and more frivolous with every passing minute. The science of jamming a cell phone are actually quite simple.  Mobile phones operate by sending signals along a range of the electromagnetic spectrum reserved for their use.  All a cell-phone jamming device needs to do is broadcast a signal on those same frequencies, and it will interfere with any devices trying to transmit in that range. The phone's screen will simply indicate that no signal is available.  A pair of US inventors are bringing to market a computerized car key that prevents people from chatting on mobile telephones or sending text messages while driving. This Key2SafeDriving adds to a trend of using technology to thwart speeding, drunken driving, and other risky behavior proven to ramp-up the odds of crashing.

Conclusion: Mobile phone addiction is on rise, as stated above, putting the people theoretically at increased risk of health hazards along with psychic effects like cell phone rage. Jamming of mobile phones at particular places could help to improve the work culture, reduce the risks involved apart from avoiding the money, time, and resource wastage.

Sheikh M Ashraf is Registrar in Pediatrics, SKIMS Medical College, Bemina Srinagar
He can be reached at:: aashraf_


- Edition Spéciale : Action du collectif  "Une terre pour les EHS"
- Rodger Crot a disparu, les recherches sont en cours.


Definitive German study

Toronto Public Health,

You must read the attached recent study. It overcomes purported methodological inadequacies attributed to prior studies, re the dangers of proximity to cell base stations. Statistical significance is carefully demonstrated, sample size is important, dosimetry superior to prior study, selection bias made irrelevant, multiple controls employed, etc. It fully confirms, as indicated in its discussion, what the WHO  -- and all relying on it, like HC -- reject, supposedly methodologically inadequate studies condemning current standards of public exposure such as found in "Safety" Code 6.

I can summarize in English for you. This is an urgent must read, after which it is time to act decisively and quickly.  It is not possible to claim scientific inadequacy any longer for those begging in the name of public health and safety to shut down cell base stations or drastically reduce their output, regardless of retention of functionality. The '07 Bioinitiative-suggested test levels are now thought to be too high even, as reported from an '09 conference in Norway.

The report concludes that the German standards, similar to our dangerous own, are invalid, citing voluminous learned literature already known even to the industry. It recommends a six-month shutdown of cell masts in the town studied, to further confirm symptom correlation. The further from transmitters, the lesser the health complaints, clear as can be.

What more evidence a public health agency can need to act boldly is not possible to imagine.


- recent study

- local government & medical practitioners' participation

- many symptoms surveyed

- symptoms grouped for comparison purposes

- two control symptoms

- four sectors at increasing radii from cell base station

- sectoral average V/m provided

- fifth distant low exposure zone as control

- demographic match to general population

- statistical comparisons

- satisfactory response rate

- graphs and tables

- lengthy bibliography

- criticism of useless official study

- honest claim re DECT phones

- etc

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

England's bees are vanishing faster than anywhere else in Europe / 5-year study to decode effects of cellphones / Trent prof warns of WiFi dangers

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News

29 June 2010

According to a previous study, England's bees are vanishing faster than anywhere else in Europe, with more than half of hives dying out over the last 20 years

It is interesting to note that microwave safety standards in England are the worst in the world, meaning that much high exposure levels are allowed there, than anywhere else in the world.  There is good reason to believe that the bees are being seriously harmed and killed by exposure to electro magnetic radiation.

Martin Weatherall


Lack of bees could cause 'wonky strawberries'

Britain faces a food crisis within a generation due to the decline of honey bees, according to the leading thinkers in a new Government project to solve the mystery of why insects are vanishing from the countryside.

By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent
Published: 7:00AM BST 22 Jun 2010

The number of bees is thought to be declining.

The number of bees is thought to be declining. Photo: AP

Bees are responsible for one in three mouthfuls of our food, thanks to pollination, researchers claim.

But if there are no insects to cross fertilise certain plants, farmers may be unable to continue growing crops like apples and pumpkins.

As Wimbledon kicks off, scientists warned that a lack of insect pollinators could even cause "wonky strawberries" as fruit that has not been fertilised properly cannot grow.

According to a previous study, England's bees are vanishing faster than anywhere else in Europe, with more than half of hives dying out over the last 20 years. Butterflies and other insects are also in decline due to habitat loss and climate change.

The situation is so serious that the government has launched a £10 million project to find out what is causing bees and other insects to disappear.

Matt Shardlow, Chief Executive of the insect charity Buglife, said the project is essential to food security.

"Humans depend on the free services of wild pollinators including bees, moths and hoverflies," he said. "However, more than 250 pollinator species are now declining and under threat, animals that pollinated our ancestors' food are heading towards extinction and those that might pollinate our descendant's food may not survive."

Indeed Albert Einstein predicted that if the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life to live.

It is estimated insect pollinators contribute £440 million to the British economy through their role in fertilising crops.

The Insect Pollinator Initiative will be the most comprehensive study ever carried out in Britain into why insects are declining.

Universities and research bodies have already put forward nine projects, including plans to tag bees to find out if they are affected by pesticides.

The University of Dundee study will investigate whether certain pesticides damage the nervous systems of bees and stop them being able to do the "waggle dance" which shows the rest of the hive where a food source is located.

Professor Jane Memmot, of the Univerisity of Bristol, will look at whether bees are more suited to an urban environment than the "monoculture" of large swathes of crops in the countryside.

She said crops like strawberries need wild flowers nearby to maintain a population of bees and other insects to pollinate the fruit in summer.

"If strawberries are not pollinated by insects we end up with distorted fruit that is only good for jam," she said.

Lord Henley, the Environment Minister, said the projects would not only look at why bees are declining but offer ways to boost the population again.

"Bees, butterflies and moths play an essential role in putting food on out tables through the pollination of many vital crops. This initiative will help some of our world-class researchers to identify why bee numbers are declining, and that will help us to take the right action to help," he said.

"It is crucial we all work together on this and the biggest challenge will be to better understand the complex relationships between biological and environmental factors that affect pollinators' health and lifespan."


5-year study to decode effects of cellphones

Kounteya Sinha, TNN, Jun 29, 2010, 03.07am IST

NEW DELHI: The world's largest study to look at how mobile phone use affects human health has finally taken off in India.

Almost three years after India -- home to over 350 million mobile phone users -- expressed interest to study effects of radio frequency radiation (RFR) from mobile phones or mobile towers, the Indian Council of Medical Research sanctioned around Rs 3 crore for the study early this month.

Last week, ICMR which is spearheaded the five-year study held a meeting of its investigators from JNU's School of Environmental Sciences and three departments of AIIMS -- obstetrics and gynaecology, neurology and biochemistry.
Chief investigator Dr R S Sharma from ICMR told TOI, "We are presently recruiting manpower for this mammoth project which will not only look at exactly how harmful cellphone use in both moderate or heavy users can be, but also how dangerous cellphone towers can be to human health. We have almost finalized the protocol of the study."

ICMR director-general Dr V M Katoch said, "This will be a landmark study which will come out with very valuable data."

The ICMR study is all set to recruit 4,000 subjects, who will be divided into five groups -- heavy exposure male group (1,000 men who talk on the mobile phone for more than four hours a day), moderate exposure male group (1,000 men who speak for more than two hours but less than four), control group (1,000 men who don't use a cellphone), 500 heavily exposed women and a 500-strong female control group.

Scientists will calculate the specific absorption rate (SAR) -- how much RFD is absorbed by our body when we speak on the mobile -- and the power density generated by the phone both inside and outside our head when we talk.

This will help quantify the magnitude of damage caused by mobile radiation.

The 4,000 subjects will undergo a series of clinical tests, blood and semen analysis, polysomnography, MRI, ECG, blood chemistry, gynecological and infertility examinations and DNA tests to see exactly how they are affected due to talking on the mobile phone.

In a recent pilot study done at Jawaharlal Nehru University, rats subjected to radiation from mobile phones were found to have damaged DNA and low sperm count, leading to infertility and reduction in testis size. TOI had first reported almost two years ago about India's plans to conduct this study. But ICMR took a lot of time finalising how much funding the project would be given.

Submitted by Robert


Trent prof warns of WiFi dangers

Lance Anderson

Jun 25, 2010

Dr. Magda Havas says public school board plans to have WiFi in local schools puts students at risk; school board argues World Health Organization and Health Canada have found WiFi poses no health risks

(PETERBOROUGH) Trent professor Dr. Magda Havas fears for the health of local children once WiFi internet connection hits local public schools next year.

An expert in the field of electromagnetic radiation, Dr. Havas is concerned with what her research, and others, is discovering about wireless technology.

"(The school board) will use technology to enhance the learning experience while affecting them (students) physiologically," says Dr. Havas.

A number of people listened intently to Dr. Havas' findings and concerns at a free lecture she gave at Trent University on Tuesday (June 22) night. She says her primary concern is with the amount of time students will be exposed to low levels of microwave radiation at school. She adds scientists and medical doctors around the world are recommending prudent avoidance of this type of radiation, especially with children.

"I've worked with people who have developed a sense of sensitivity to this radiation," says Dr, Havas.

"This affects children and adults, but children are much more vulnerable."

Rob Andrews, superintendent of student success with the local public school board, says the plan is to have WiFi in all elementary and secondary schools by June 2011. The technology, he adds, will improve learning opportunities for teachers and students with the use of wireless labs.

"The technology will come to the kids. It will make it much more mobile," says Mr. Andrews.

He adds school board members and employees are well aware of the research Dr. Havas is referring to, but says board members and staff are basing the decision on research released by the World Health Organization and Health Canada regarding electromagnetic radiation.

"There have obviously been some parental concerns, but we defer to the people who have done studies with nothing to suggest it (WiFi) is harmful," says Mr. Andrews.

He adds student safety is the board's paramount concern and stresses nothing would be implemented that would cause harm to children.

But according to Dr. Havas, the effects of WiFi radiation is already being seen in other Ontario schools. She says the Simcoe County school board implemented wireless technology and problems are starting to arise.

"In Simcoe, kids are coming home with headaches and problems with their heart," says Dr. Havas, adding these symptoms started after WiFi was introduced in the schools.

Mr. Andrews says at least two local schools, Adam Scott Collegiate and Colborne Public School, are already wireless and no similar illnesses have been reported by students.

Regardless, Dr. Havas is urging the local school board to reconsider installing WiFi in all schools.

"I''m not opposed to Internet access...but to have (students exposed to WiFi) hours each day, it's criminal. It has to be investigated."

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Vertigo living near cell phone masts / Radiation danger from Radon Gas / Larry Stankavich and his wife, Susan Microwave Sickness

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News

28 June 2010

Why are there so many complaints of vertigo from those living near cell phone ...

By AnneHart

Sacramento has at least two cell phone towers in the works, one soon going up, if approved, on Watt Avenue near Marconi Ave, on top of the AT&T ...


Radiation danger from Radon Gas

Andre Fauteux, Publisher/Editor
La Maison du 21e siecle magazine


From my Archives Robert Riedlinger
By Marjean Curtis
Article courtesy of
November 1998

On Christmas Eve of 1996, Larry Stankavich and his wife, Susan, looked out the dining room window of their Duanesburg, New York home. Rising in the southwest, just barely visible above the 50-foot pines that border their property, was a large network of crisscrossing steel beams. The emerging monolith looked dreadfully out of place in the rural hills of Duanesburg. It would take Larry and Susan close to a month to discover that this unexpected gift had come from Cellular One of Albany, New York. Even the town supervisor claimed to know nothing about it. On December 31st, before it was even completed, the tower was fitted with a microwave dish and activated to carry analog cellular phone signals. This enormous steeple of sorts would then rise another 75 feet until it reached its full stature of 250 feet in February of 1997. And it was later that month that the 15 households within 1400 feet of the tower began to suspect that Cellular One had done more than run roughshod over the aesthetics of their bucolic neighborhood.

First Larry noticed pressure in his head. Not prone to headaches, he suddenly began experiencing a regular and intense pain that started at the base of his skull and spread from ear to ear. He noticed a grittiness in his eyes every time he washed his face. At first he didn't suspect that the radiation beaming toward his home might have something to do with his sudden and unusual complaints. When Susan started having the same strange headaches, they didn't know what to think. Then one evening Susan, who was well past menopause, had a hot flash to beat all hot flashes. Her face flushed red, started tingling, and felt like it was on fire. Susan ran to Larry who was in the kitchen. They looked at each other dumbfounded and horrified. Larry's face too was crimson and so hot that it hurt. Something was very wrong.

Initial doctor's visits turned up nothing out of the ordinary. However, Larry began noticing that he felt better whenever he left the house to manage the fencing business that he started in 1972. Susan, however, who did clerical work for the business from home, was experiencing no relief. New complaints began to surface. They both started having trouble sleeping, and Susan's usually normal blood pressure began to soar. At 3 a.m. on February 16, her blood pressure rose to 190/110 and was accompanied by frightening heart palpitations. Larry drove Susan far from the tower until her blood pressure returned to normal around 6 in the morning. Susan and Larry felt awful, and by this time they suspected that the Cellular One installation might be to blame. A meeting with neighbors living within the shadow of the giant tower substantiated their suspicion -- many of them were suffering with the same symptoms.

Twenty-one months later, it's even worse. The Stankaviches and their neighbors complain of hearing high-pitched sounds that are always followed by waves of extreme nausea. Fatigue and dizziness have become a matter of course, and now, hearing loss and joint pain, especially in the knees, are plaguing many residents. The Stankaviches can no longer use the top story of their home where their symptoms become more pronounced. Some neighbors have actually moved into their cellars. Two homes have already been sold at a loss, and one more is on the market. The Stankaviches, however, are determined not to be driven out. Larry built their home 27 years ago and says they can never replace it. They're going to fight. But so far, it looks like a losing battle -- one in which they're losing their health, peace of mind, and their entire savings of $20,000.

While stories like the Stankaviches' seem extreme now, they could become more and more common as the number of towers and antennae increase. And increase they will. The industry estimates that there are 75,000 towers currently in place and by the year 2000, there will need to be 100,000 for a full build-out. That's a conservative estimate, since PCS (personal communication systems) towers need to be placed much closer than the old analog towers. A full build-out of the PCS system, with six carriers each, would put 100,000 new towers in California alone.

This massive buildup may give the population at large the freedom of wireless devices and eye-popping digital TV, but there will be more of us at ground zero who will pay the price of the swift and, some say, careless deployment of towers and antennae. To put the brakes on this rampant proliferation, citizen groups are forming across the country to fight or redirect installations as they affect their neighborhoods. Two of the loudest battles are raging in Golden, Colorado and San Francisco, California where citizens are fighting the addition of digital TV antennae to existing structures.

While health effects drive the discontent of the vast majority of these coalitions, many are mute about health issues when going into public hearings. In Golden, Colorado, unrestricted development of three antenna farms on Lookout Mountain has created what activists call "the most intense and complex electromagnetic environment in a residential area in the nation." The onus was on citizens to have electromagnetic readings taken that would prove there were indeed many hot spots that exceeded the FCC's safety limit. The FCC is now investigating. In San Francisco, activists are calling for not just a static, but a dynamic analysis of Sutro Tower before digital TV tower is added to the structure. The 1,000 foot tower, which sits right in the middle of a residential area, might endanger 270 homes in the event of an earthquake.

The Stankaviches and their neighbors are having their physicians carefully document their myriad medical problems, but their lawsuits, first against the town of Duanesburg, and now against Cellular One have been on zoning violations. Why? Because the tower's emissions were still lower than the FCC's permissible limit and therefore deemed safe.

Libby Kelley, a former analyst with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington D.C., now executive director of the Ad Hoc Association of Parties Concerned about the Federal Communications Commission's Radio Frequency Health and Safety Rules (AHA), says that the agency's radio frequency rules stipulate that objections to placement of telecommunication facilities can be based only on certain planning and zoning rules, including aesthetics. What they don't permit is opposition based on health and safety concerns. "The provision in the rules stating that wireless facilities are 'deemed individually and cumulatively to have no significant impact on the quality of the human environment,' is just not based on fact," says Kelley. "How could the FCC know this; they never conducted an environmental assesment in accordance with the Environmental Policy Act." While acting as an information clearinghouse for groups fighting local battles, the AHA is involved in an even bigger battle of their own. They're going head-to-head with the FCC itself


Testimonial of Dalana MCaren 22 Jan 2000

In September of 98, I moved into a 21 -storey government subsidized building for seniors. The apartment that was my placement is on the 20th floor.

I emmediately began experiencing symptoms of a dizzy-off –balanced feeling, headaches which were constant, sever insomnia, profuse nosebleeds, sweating and a feeling like I was cooking, I was't able to concentrate,I would often find myself throuhout the day feeling "out-of-it"not remembering . I felt drained out and more than half dead.I had anxiety attacks and breathlessness,felt agitated,restless and my joints hurt and my eyes were sore.

I would awaken most often around 3 AM very suddenly feeling "cooked"anxious and like I had to go out. My chest felt pressured and I would either lay there untill morning with all these things going on , or often I just get up and walk the steets where I would feel refreshed,calm and clear headed.

At first I put it down to stess from a difficult year with a major move .But ,in November of 98 ,my sister and her husband sent me a plane ticket to visit them for a month in Toronto area,I felt good there ...slept wonderfully,had lots of energy,was clear headed,focussed ,no memory problems and felt normal, tranquil and very cheerful.

I returned in December and immediately the nosebleeds and all the symptoms returned.I continued suffering the above symptoms (plus many other ones) until I went away fot 6 weeks in the summer to Vancouver Island to visit my father.Again I felt normal with lots of energy and focus inspite of it being a stessful time with my father being ill and in hospital.

I returned and again -all the symptoms.By this time I had become aware of the effects of microwave towers and telecomunications instalations through a magazine artical and also through talking to a repairman from the cable(TV) provider.He had come because I was having a lot of interference with my TV.

I then began to pay attention to the fact that on the next floor but one-on the roof top of the building I am in, there are at least 25 telecomunications towers, transmitters microwave transmitters and the top of the building looks like a porcupine!

I myself was becoming increasingly more distressed now with occasional bouts of rage, feeling at times like I was going crazy and had lost control of my brain. I was having daily bouts of crying for no apparent reason and yet as soon as I would leave the apartment,I feel fine.

Then again this past 3 months I went away twice.Once for a month back east again and the last time from 10th Dec. 99 to the 06 Jan.2000 . Upon returning on the 06 Jan. ,within moments of being on the upper 20th floor I felt dizzy-off- balance feeling and within 12 hrs I have suffered 2 profuse nose bleeds and couldn't sleep at all.

It is my opinion and experience that since Christmas the frequency of use of these transmitters has increased . It feels like like the walls are buzzing and I have had very little sleep. I am having to walk the streets at night and visit other people's homes during the day in order to write letters or do anything that requires concentration.

Last week, I had 2 visitors on separate days. Both within a minute or so of being in my apartment said they felt blocked in their heads,began experiencing headahes that "dead feeling". They mentioned they felt agitated and restless and could hear the buzzing ,high pitch vibration and had to leave before a half hour was up. I certainly confirmed that wasn't "just me" Both telephoned me later and said that within 5 minutes of leaving they felt back to normal.

I would also like to note that my plants are becoming shrivelled looking and are not growing well. I happened to have a green thumb .

For example , I think we are all familiar with Poinsettia's and that their leaves are largish. Well mine are all tiny-only about one half inch to one inch in length and they sort of keep their leaves pointing downward,not out.

I am truly exhausted of this. I only hope that first of all I can find another place to live that is affordable because I am on a disability pension hence being in government housing-secondly that I can even" get-it-together"enough to pack up and move.

I hope my story helps in some way.

PS: I am a retired school teacher ,a massage therapist and an exceptional artist. I haven't been able to do any art since I moved in to this place.

Yours Truly Dalana MCaren

written permision from Dalana to publish this story.

Regards Robert Riedlinger


29 March 1998

History of health problems related to Cellular telephone use.

For the past two years I have suffered from what doctors call  "Severe Pulsatile Tinnitus" centred in the right side of the head and ear, I have had many tests and two major exploratory surgical procedures in an attempt to pinpoint and rectify the problem, the offending noise can be heard externally by my  specialists. ( this will indicate the magnitude of what I am constantly hearing and enduring as obviously the noise sounds extremely loud to me internally) The group of specialists I am consulting say they do not know what has caused the problem, nor are they able to offer any solution as I seem to be their only patient so far, that has presented with this particular illness in such severity.

My Mobile Phone use preceding this problem was massive, six years of extremely heavy use, seven days a week (Only using my right ear). I am sure that the radiation from the Cellular telephone has effected the nerve and blood vessel structure in some way, causing me to be able to hear arterial noise near the inner ear. The relentless noise in the right side of my head is creating other debilitating symptoms and problems such as constant severe headaches, short term memory lose, inability to concentrate, unable to deal with even the smallest stress situations, insomnia to the point that if medication is not taken proper sleep is impossible. A major depressive disorder also manifested itself  due to the above but with the help of medication I am able to at least control this particular related problem.     

Because of the effects suffered I have been unable to work since October 1996 and at this point I am no closer to finding a cure than when the problem first arose in March the same year.     

Needless to say that on the rare occasion I use Cellular phones I no longer place the handset near my head,(hands free is used) this does remove the feeling of heat and pressure and the sensation of feeling as though your head is in a microwave oven while using a Cellular phone.     

Attached is a summary of Tests and Surgical Procedures performed over the past two years in unsuccessful attempts to pinpoint the exact location of the problem and to rectify same.

Jonathan  White,
AUSTRALIA.    e-mail

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Local Parents Concerned About Wi-Fi in Schools / EMF-Omega News

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News

27 June 2010

Local Parents Concerned About Wi-Fi in Schools

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

There is new evidence that suggests the Wi-Fi in our schools may cause serious short and/or long term health problems, and this has some Meaford parents concerned.

What is Wi-Fi?  Wi-Fi is a microwave transmitter that is used to connect to the internet without wires. Some concerned parents are beginning to feel that wi-fi might be convenient but not necessary as every school has all of the wiring required still available to plug back into the internet in every room.

Wi-Fi comes with a long list of potential health risks.  Wi-Fi or wireless router signals are microwaves just like cell phones.   There is growing concern that Wi-Fi is potentially harmful, especially to children.  Microwave exposure is associated with infertility, neurological disorders, Leukaemia and Cancer, especially in children.

Each school has a large main antenna in the centre of the school and multiple smaller ones placed in classrooms further away to boost the signal strength as it starts to weaken.  It sends signals all day/night and never gets turned off.

Is Wi-Fi safe?  According to hundreds of Doctors and Researchers (including Trent University's Dr. Magda Havas), Canada's safety guidelines are outdated.  Wi-Fi is new technology, while the safety studies are old and based on thermal effects only, meaning that if the internal organs of an adult are not HEATED in less than 6 minutes they consider it to be within the guidelines.  There has never been a study done on children's long term exposure to low level microwave radiation (Wi-Fi) and the biological effects.

Now children starting as early as three years old are exposed to this low level microwave radiation for 6-8 hours each day at school.  They will be exposed five days each week for the next 14-20 years.

According to researchers like Dr. Havas, biological effects may include increased permeability of the blood brain barrier, increased calcium flux, increase in cancer and DNA breaks, induced stress proteins, and nerve damage.  Exposure to this energy is associated with altered white blood cells in school children; childhood leukemia; impaired motor function, reaction time, and memory; headaches, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, and insomnia.

According to a group of concerned parents in Meaford, symptoms showing up in area school children include:

Headaches (3-5X per week, requiring pain medication)

Dizziness - Nausea - Vertigo (subsides when student leaves the school)

Visual and Auditory Distortion (unsure of where they are, voices change volume)

Racing Heart Rate (Tachycardia)

Memory Loss  (trouble remembering school material)

Attention Deficit (trouble concentrating while in class)

Skin Rash  (mostly lower leg, goes away on weekends or longer breaks)

Hyperactivity (particularly among children not previously known to be hyperactive)

Night Sweats (unexplainable, unrelated to fever, and lasting several nights)


Some parents are also noticing that in the past year their kids "aren't quite the same". Explanations of this description include having dropped a grade point, no longer getting along with friends, and behavioural notes coming home from the teacher where in previous years there were none.

Symptoms of Microwave Exposure can vary from child to child. All of these symptoms have been reported by parents of children attending schools in Collingwood, Ont. The symptoms tend to subside when the children come home, or on weekends and extended periods away from their school.

Red blood cells seen under a microscopes after exposure to 90 seconds of cell phone microwave radiation  (Wi-Fi or wireless router signals are microwaves just like cell phones) show that the cells have lost their polarity and integrity and are clumping together. This results in hypoxia or a lack of oxygen reaching the cells in the body's organs. Due to numerous cells clumping together a cell's surface area is diminished and this results in the inability of the red blood cell to take in sufficient oxygen.

Since the brain consumes 20% of the oxygen carried by red blood cells, the possible effects of this are a diminished ability to remember new things.  Children's developing nervous systems - having not reached full maturation - are especially sensitive to the effects of mobile phone microwave radiation.  Dr Gerd Oberfeld, head of Salzburg's Public Department of Environmental Health considers Wi-Fi dangerous, especially for children, and has called for their removal.

"Wi-Fi in schools is basically a weaker microwave. With a microwave oven, you close the door and the microwaves are contained within the oven, whereas, with our schools, the microwaves are released into the environment. The school becomes the microwave," says Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University.

At the most recent Bluewater & District School Board (BWSB) meeting on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 the WiFi Advisory Committee to St. Vincent Euphrasia Elementary School Parent Council in Meaford urged the BWSB to err on the side of caution and remove the Wi-Fi until a study can be done on children's long term exposure to low level microwave radiation (Wi-Fi) and the biological effects.

The group asked the board to return to using the existing wires in each classroom which would be of no additional cost and the internet would continue uninterrupted as it was a few years ago, prior to the installation of the wireless routers.

The board refused the request of these parents so they are now asking for other concerned parents to help them inform local School Trustees of their concerns.

A petition has been prepared and can be downloaded by clicking here.  (Will open a PDF file)

For more information or if you believe your child may have symptoms, please visit and/or contact the parent group by emailing .

Please mail your signed petitions to S.V.E. Parent Council  (box 596, Thornbury, ON  N0H 2P0)


EMF-Omega News

Dear Sir, Madam, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,
for your information.
Best regards,
Klaus Rudolph
Citizens' Initiative Omega
Member of the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society)
Protectorate Union of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog
Mobile Phone Use and the Risk for Malignant Brain Tumors
Evidence mounts on links between cell phones and brain tumors
Childhood cancer and proximity to mobile phone masts
Cell phones can damage eyes: Study
Specific symptoms and radiation from mobile basis stations in Selbitz, Bavaria, Germany
MTHR Childhood Cancer - Mobile Phone Base Station Mast Study "is useless"
Critics blast plan to introduce wireless Internet at local public schools
Is cell phone radiation a health hazard?
UK Could Follow US With Mobile Phone Radiation Law
The Disregard of the Precautionary Principle on Smart Meters
Future not bright as Orange mobile phone mast refused
Indiscriminate siting of telecoms masts, base stations: Any end in sight?
Antenna in Vernon BC
Towering trouble: Mast unwanted
Mobile phone masts to be approved despite objections
Charity in phone mast victory
1 in 3 Maltese concerned about EMF effects
Yucaipa Planners deny CUP for cell tower on North Bench
The Uncritical Use of High-Tech Medical Imaging
Next-up News Nr 1344
Next-up News Nr 1345+1346+1347
News from Mast Sanity
Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.

Editor and responsible for the content:

Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany(incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it:


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1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz,

2. Chairman Barbara Eidling,

Mailing address:

Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet .

Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this cannot be guaranteed.

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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Strange in apple land / Wi-Fi Router combo / EHS TV News / Yucaipa Planners / Critics blast Wi Fi plan

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News

25 June 2010

Something is ...strange in Apple land

The new iPhone 4 - ( notice that 4G is not there ) Is released.  It's making waves all over the internet but not good ones. Steve jobs is telling the world not to hold the phone!

If you don't hold the phone in your hand you will have better reception. If you hold the phone in a certain way that shorts out the new aerial - you will loose your connection!

The people at apple could not be that DUMB.  Perhaps Apple is coming out to show the world that you can't hold the phone because the radiation will go right into your body. A perfect demonstration.

Make them addicted to the devise and then tell them NOT to touch the aerial. Show it too them. Don't hide it inside the phone any longer. And they dropped the WIMAX part of the phone. There is no G4 and that's WIMAX.

Could it be that Steve is going to set new health standards by showing that you can't hold the phone. That you have to use a headset to get it to work properly?

And no G4? Rogers said that it is not going to invest into G4 networks.

Submitted by Robert W

Steve Jobs solves iPhone 4 reception problems: 'don't hold it that way'

Antenna design on new iPhone is acknowledged as source of poor connectivity - but Apple says problem is inevitable and advises different grip. Or you could try duct tape...

Apple has issued official guidance - and its chief executive Steve Jobs has issued unofficial guidance - on how to avoid the widely-noted reception problems with the new iPhone 4 when held from below: don't hold it that way.

The cause has been narrowed down to a circuit being formed when the skin bridges the gap between the left and bottom antennas that form the phone's outer stainless steel bezel: depending on the conductance of the skin, it can make the phone reception drop off dramatically.

Emailed by the website Ars Technica about the problem, Jobs responded in his normal terse manner: "Just avoid holding it in that way," he wrote - a response from Jobs that was received by a number of gadget review sites and customers in the US.

Or, in Apple's official statement - which is only being passed out to news organisations which ask for a statement on the problem, rather than sent out (as happens with iPad or iPhone sales figures): "Gripping any phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas. This is a fact of life for every wireless phone. If you ever experience this on your Phone 4, avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases."

The problem emerged within hours of the first iPhone 4 devices being delivered to customers in the US, with dozens posting videos to YouTube showing mobile reception dropping off dramatically when they picked up the phone. Some users wondered why Apple had not spotted the problem during its testing of the iPhone 4 before its launch, and wondered whether the £25 "bumpers" that Apple sells to go around the casing - and protect the metal antennas - was an implicit acknowledgement of the problem. Apple had no comment on Friday on whether it had discovered the problem during testing, or only after the phone went on sale.

Spencer Web, an antenna engineer with Antennasys, notes in a blog post that antennas for mobile phones are generally placed at the bottom of the phone, in order to keep the radiative parts of the phone as far away from the user's head as possible. In the US the Federal Communications Commission measures the output of a phone, and the amount of non-ionising radiation given off, in specific tests - but Web says that those would not have picked up the problem: "when the FCC tests are run, the head is required to be in the vicinity of the phone. But, the hand is not!"

He added: "The antenna structure for the cell phone is still down at the bottom (I won't address the WiFi nor GPS antennas in this blog entry). The iPhone 4 has two symmetrical slots in the stainless frame. If you short these slots, or cover them with your hand, the antenna performance will suffer (see this video I found on YouTube). There is no way around this, it's a design compromise that is forced by the requirements of the FCC, AT&T, Apple's marketing department and Apple's industrial designers, to name a few."

There is some speculation that the problem only occurs on some phones because the antennas are usually covered with a clear finishing solution; if the finish did not cover them properly the phone might be more liable to the problem.

Meanwhile iPhone 4 users are developing their own solutions - which range from the use of duct or masking tape on the bottom edge, painting clear nail varnish over the gap, buying cases to cover the sides of the phone, or - the most expensive option - buying Apple's "bumpers" which cover the edge of the phone.

Meanwhile another problem has appeared on some of the new models: yellow discoloration under the screen. According to one suggestion, this is due to a chemical used in the fixing process that joins the touchscreen to the glass above it and will fade in a few days. That remains to be seen.


It turns out the new 4G iPhone has an antenna that surrounds the phone and if you hold it in your hand it interferes with reception.  Is this a huge technical flaw or a clever way to ensure that you don't hold your cell phone?

Apple recommends that you keep the phone at least 5/8th of an inch away from your body and that includes your hand.  Could it be that Apple and cell phone activists are converging on the proper use of cell phones? Place the phone on a table and use it in speaker mode or with an airtube headset   Could it be that Steve Jobs is trying to get people to use the iPhone safely?  Now isn't this an interesting way of viewing things?



This is quick video I did yesterday of a TELUS 2WIRE ADSL Modem/Wi-Fi Router combo.

This router appears to have reset itself to the default settings - thought the Wi-Fi was off, but it was actually on with NO indication from the LED indicator on the front panel.



EHS TV News from France

 - Le Dauphiné  "Électrosensibles Réfugiés en forêt de Saoû" (PDF cliquer)
- Participer à la conférence de Michèle Rivasi ce vendredi 25  JUIN à 18h30
sur le site de la Forêt de Saoû (le plan d'accès : cliquer)


Yucaipa Planners deny CUP for cell tower on North Bench

Yucaipa/Calimesa News Mirror

Some people don't have landlines, they only have cell phones." She also addressed the radiation issue that many residents were concerned about and said it ...


Critics blast plan to introduce wireless Internet at local public schools

The public school board's plan to put wireless internet in all elementary and high schools has Peterborough parent Teri Strain worried that exposure to radiation could lead to cancer in children.

Before the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board goes forward with the proposed multi-million-dollar instructional technology plan, Strain said trustees should do a little more research on the adverse health effects.

Strain was one of six delegates who spoke against wireless Internet in schools at Thursday night's public school board meeting.

Exposure to wireless Internet can lead to nausea, dizziness and weakness, she said.

"These symptoms all go away on the weekend when the kids are no longer in school," she said. "I'm not against technology, but if one child has a nut allergy, peanuts are banned.

"I urge the board to take precautions on this."

Jackie Donaldson, a Peterborough parent of two children, said radiation can affect the body in harmful ways.

"Exposure can result in damaged cells, and this is day in and day out exposure during children's most vulnerable period," she said. "Don't put our children at risk."

Donaldson said damaged cells can lead to cancer.

The longer people are exposed to electromagnetic fields, the more sensitive they become, said Magda Havas, an associate professor at Trent University who has been conducting electromagnetic research for 20 years.

"Children are more sensitive to environmental contaminants and that includes microwave radiation," she told the board.

Havas said 3% of adults experience "electro-hyper-sensitivity," which is described as having adverse effects to electromagnetic frequencies.

"The percentage among children is much higher," she said. "An accurate estimate would be about 1,000 across the board."

Charlene Creelman, a Peterborough grandmother, said she is electro-hyper-sensitive.

She experiences chronic fatigue, memory loss and headaches, she said.

"I don't want radiation in my body," she said. "And I don't want my grandchildren exposed to it. I don't give my consent to this."

Creelman suggested labelling the areas in schools with clearly marked signs warning everyone that wireless Internet is used.

"This board should be protecting students, teachers and staff," she said.

Board chairwoman Diane Lloyd said the board will look further into the issue and rely on information from Health Canada.

"We are certainly interested in student safety at all times," she said.

Wireless Internet is already used throughout the public school board offices on Fisher Dr. and in some schools, she said.

"I'm not aware of any school that's totally wireless at this point," she said. "We have a very ambitious technology plan we would like to implement, but wireless is only one piece of that."

Trustee Gordon Gilchrist, who took a moment to discuss the issue further with Havas and Strain, said the board plans to investigate the research.

"We're looking into it," he said. "It's the right thing to do."

In March, some Simcoe County parents brought similar concerns to their local school board, saying their children have experienced adverse health effects as a result of wireless Internet.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Further Harm from Smart Meters / Cruelty and Death of Siberian Tigers by Radio Collars? / "Rapid response" to the original BMJ article

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News

25 June 2010

Hi Martin,  Yes, please feel free to send my letter.

I was unaware of the dangers of Smart Meters until one was put on my house.  I was wary of cell phones but I had NO physical symptoms from cell phones, wi-fi or cell towers that I was aware of.  I had been using a cell phone (with a headset, because early on I had heard Dr. George Carlo on the radio) and we had wi-fi in our house.  I had not been avoiding EMR.

Now it all makes me sick.

It has been both a nightmare and an awakening.

This is a documentation that I wrote about my experiences-

March 30, 2010

Dear Sir/Madam:

In June 2009 Con Edison installed a new digital electric meter on my house and a new digital gas meter in my basement in Hastings on Hudson, New York. Con Edison told me that the new meters were being used so that it could read the meters with electronic devices from the street. The electric meter is as follows:

Electric Meter CENTRON

0716701200 CL200 240V 3W TYPE C1SRP 30TA 1.okh Ca 0.5 FM 2s 60Hz A72AQ 7978929. 59689 345

In about late September I began to notice I was having some odd symptoms, including the following:


*Memory loss

*Inability to concentrate


*Inability to get my work done

*Interrupted sleep

I felt as if I were becoming unhinged.

During the time between September and earlier this month my husband and son seemed agitated too. My husbandʼs blood pressure rose and he had to begin taking blood pressure medication. He was also experiencing sleep disruptions.

On February 25th and 26th there was a huge snowstorm here. During the storm I spent many hours in my living room, near my fireplace, about five feet away from the electric meter, which is installed outside my living room window. My right ear was facing the meter. My husband was traveling and my son was not at home for the same length of time that I was. The electricity went on and off several times during those two days. At one point I heard a piercing sound along with pressure in my ears. Along with the symptoms I had previously experienced, I began to develop worse symptoms, including the following:

*Heart palpitations

*A buzzing-pulsing sound, especially in my right ear


*Interrupted sleep with nightmares of being attacked

*Accelerated heartbeat

I was afraid that I would have a heart attack. The symptoms would lessen when I went outside. It seemed that there was something wrong inside my home, perhaps with the electricity.

Through research and talking to electricians, I began to realize that my symptoms might be traceable to something relating to the meters. They were the only recently installed appliances in our home with radio frequencies.

After many desperate phone calls to Con Edison, it removed the digital meters, but only after I presented a note from my doctor, upon which Con Edison insisted. In place of the electric meter Con Edison installed another electric, digital meter that it assured me emitted NO radio frequency. It was as follows:

Electric Meter- Schlumberger Centron

CL200 120V 3W Type CN15 30TA 1.okh Ca. 0.5 FM 25S 60Hz HF5006914736AAV* 71BQ 6914736 25 440 021

Con Edison also told me that I would need in the future to provide it with meter readings. Con Edison told me that both my doctor and I would be receiving a follow up communication from its health department, which we never did.

Whether the people at Con Edison lied or did not know what they were talking about is a question that needs to be answered. This meter also had a radio frequency (Note the FM25S.) I realized this when my symptoms got worse.

I was truly afraid that I would have a heart attack. I became terrified in my own home and could not find a comfortable place to sleep, because the buzzing pulsing sound in my ear was so disturbing. Before all of this started I was a healthy 51 year old.

Again, after making many more calls to Con Edison, on March 4 they removed that meter from my house and replaced it with an analog meter (this is the same type of meter Con Edison had initially removed in June 2009).

My immediate responses were so remarkable that I recorded them.

*Tingling in arms

*Legs felt very heavy

*The buzzing-pulsing became quieter.

*I felt as if my body was weighted down with exhaustion

Within hours I began feeling better. The loud buzzing-pulsing sound quieted down and my thoughts were less scrambled.

But my difficulties continued. In our home we have lived with wireless appliances, cell phones and fluorescent light bulbs for at least three years, and to my knowledge they have never been a problem for me. Now I cannot be near any of these things because I get a buzzing in my ears and my heart starts to race. The only possible cause for this change is that Con Edison placed meters emitting radio frequencies on and in my home in June.

Since Con Edison removed the digital meters and replaced them with an analog meter I am feeling better, but some of the symptoms have not gone away completely.

I have learned from my research that the digital meters with radio frequencies were never properly tested on human beings.

When I asked the Con Edison "Meter Relations" department (212-460-4111) if I could see a copy of the test results for human exposure to the frequencies in the meters, I was told that I must obtain a subpoena to acquire that information.

Con Edison also told me that the FCC had approved the meters. When I called the FCC, I was told that it does not address human health issues, but only with regulating frequencies, and the person with whom I was speaking hung up on me.

This could be a very dangerous situation. These meters are being used across New York State and the country. People might become sick from them and not know what is happening to them.

I am requesting that the meter replacement program be stopped immediately and that home owners be given the right to opt-out of receiving these meters if they do not want them, until further testing is done to learn the effects of the frequencies they emit, especially in combination with other frequencies to which we are already being exposed.

Thank you.

Michele Hertz

62 Euclid Avenue

Hastings on Hudson, New York 10706


Cruelty and Death of Siberian Tigers by Radio Collars?

The headline on the story below should probably be - Are Siberian Tigers being killed by radio frequency (or microwave) radiation from the radio collars they are forced to wear? 

Any intelligent researcher using radiofrequency collars on animals should be aware of the health effects of electro magnetic radiation and should strongly consider that, as the cause of their illnesses.

Whatever happened to investigative reporters?  Are there no reporters or editorial staff at The Observer who are aware about the health effects of electro magnetic radiation on people and on animals?

Martin Weatherall


Siberian tiger threatened by mystery disease

Conservationists say an epidemic is destroying the big cats' ability to hunt and turning them into potential man-eaters

Siberian tiger The number of Siberian tigers has fallen 40% in five years. Photograph: Grant Faint/Getty Images

A mystery disease is driving the Siberian tiger to the edge of extinction and has led to the last animal tagged by conservationists being shot dead in the far east of Russia because of the danger it posed to people.

The 10-year-old tigress, known to researchers as Galya, is the fourth animal that has had a radio collar attached to it for tracking to die in the past 10 months. All had been in contact with a male tiger suspected of carrying an unidentified disease that impaired the ability to hunt. "We may be witnessing an epidemic in the Amur tiger population," said Dr Dale Miquelle, the Wildlife Conservation Society's (WCS) Russia director.

Galya had recently abandoned a three-week-old litter of cubs and come into the town of Terney looking for an easy meal. Following a series of all-night vigils by researchers, attempts to scare the tigress away failed. She was reported to the Primorsky State Wildlife Department as an official "conflict tiger", and a state wildlife inspector was called in to destroy her earlier this month.

"This tiger had lost its fear of humans – typically Amur tigers will never expose themselves for observation. It was like seeing someone you know turn into a vampire," Miquelle said.

Scientists are attempting to understand what compromised the tigress's ability to capture wild prey, which she had lived upon almost exclusively since birth. Her cubs, which were subsequently found dead at the den, are likely to have had their mother's disease transmitted to them through the placenta. "Initial necropsy results show an empty digestive tract, which is highly unusual. We're still waiting for results of further tests, but the abnormal behaviour suggests disease, possibly neurological," said Miquelle. "We are extremely concerned about the possibility of an epidemic that could be sweeping through this region. Animals we have studied extensively, and known well, have demonstrated radically changed behaviour, which is extremely disconcerting."

Weighing only 91kg at death – down from an estimated 140kg at full health – the tigress's death represents the end of an 11-year lineage of related "study" tigers, and leaves the WCS's Siberian Tiger Project with no radio-collared animals for the first time in 18 years. WCS Russia has tracked more than 60 tigers since inception in 1992.

In March this year, Miquelle raised the prospect of disease as a potential threat to an already endangered Siberian tiger population. The Siberian Tiger Monitoring Program reported in October 2009 a possible 40% decline in numbers since the last full survey in 2005, from 428 to as little as 252 adult tigers. The tiger's range has been reduced to a small pocket in the corner of the country within the region of Primorsky Krai.

Speaking at a conference in Vladivostok, Miquelle said that anything above a 15% mortality rate in adult females could kill off all Amur tigers. With around 150 adult females in the population, any more than 22 deaths of adult females per year may wipe out the species. Poaching accounts for about 75% of all Amur tiger deaths, with 12 to 16 adult females killed annually. "We're in a new era where disease could seriously affect the Amur tiger."

The Russian draft federal tiger conservation strategy has recently been amended to take account of disease, including a section on vaccination against canine distemper, a viral disease which is common in the Russian far east in domestic dogs and cats.

"The addition of disease-related deaths to existing sources of mortality could push this population over a tipping point," said Miquelle.

The federal strategy, which is being designed by a number of scientific groups including WCS Russia, is being prepared for the first global Tiger Summit due to take place in St Petersburg this September. Along with World Bank president Robert Zoellick, Vladimir Putin is due to preside over the conference.

WCS Russia hopes to recommence the capture of study tigers in September. "We aim to change the focus of why we study tigers, with a new emphasis on disease," said Miquelle. "The only consolation in this grisly process is that, for once, a serious threat is not originating from human actions, although even that, for now, is open to debate."

• This article was amended on 24 June 2010 to correct the source of figures on tiger decline from Wildlife Conservation Society, Russia to The Siberian Tiger Monitoring Program.

Submitted by Anna


"Rapid response" to the original BMJ article

You can find my "rapid response" to the original BMJ article below

or at: -

Best wishes


Andrew Goldsworthy,
Lecturer in Biology - retired
Home London W5 1JD

Send response to journal:
Re: Doesn't prove anything I'm afraid

The choice of 700 metres as the radius of the sample may be misleading. If, as many people believe, the bulk of the biological effects occur within 400 metres of the mast, increasing the radius of the sample to 700 metres will dilute it with people who are relatively unaffected.

Insofar as the area of the circle around the mast (and presumably the number of people living in it) increases with the square of the radius, this means that the sample around the mast will contain approximately twice as many "unexposed" as "exposed" people. If the cancer cases are more tightly bunched around the mast, this error becomes even greater.

Also, if the people concerned were regular mobile phone users, the exposure to the signal from their own phone would be greater with increasing distance, which would confound the experiment and make any result appear less significant.

Also, it takes no account of other sources of radiation, which would also make it more difficult to disentangle the effects of the mast.

Lastly, in this day and age, where do you find unexposed controls? Picking people at random from a register certainly won't do it.

While the intentions of the study might have been to reassure the general public that living close to mobile phone masts will not harm them, it was not well designed and the results are virtually meaningless.

I'm afraid no one can take comfort from it.

Competing interests: None declared

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