Thursday, June 23, 2016

WEEP News / Facts on the NTP Study / Setting the record straight / Credibility to Concerns About Cell Phone Hazards / Connection: RF-EMF and Alzheimer's? / "Smart meters 'not needed' / etc.

W.E.E.P.  EMF News

The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

23 June 2016


Get the Facts on the NTP Study


Setting the record straight on the NTP cell phone cancer study

Ron Melnick Corrects 'Misinformation' in the NY Times

On May 31, the New York Times ran a piece in what it calls "The Upshot" on the National Toxicology Program's (NTP) cell phone animal study. The column is a regular feature in the Times that seeks to give readers context for stories in the news. This one was titled "Why It's Not Time to Panic About Cell Phones and Cancer." It was written by Aaron Carroll, a pediatrician at the University of Indiana School of Medicine. He expressed skepticism about the study results, calling the effort "imperfect."
Carroll's critique prompted a response from Ron Melnick, who led the study's design team before retiring from the NTP. In an eight-point rebuttal, Melnick corrected what he called "numerous and misleading statements."


Latest Radio Frequency Study Adds Credibility to Concerns About Cell Phone Hazards

Dr Mercola:  This large animal study supports the growing body of science showing an association between cell phone radiation and brain tumors

BioEM2016: The NTP study

This conclusion strengthens the call for the implementation of the Precautionary Principle in the area of cell phones and human health risk. It seems that the human health risk might not only be possible but it might rather be probable, in language of the IARC cell phone radiation could be upgraded from group 2B to group 2A.
Just published study by Kumar et al. "Amyloid-β peptide protects against microbial infection in mouse and worm models of Alzheimer's disease." in the Science Translational Medicine proposes a new explanation for the Alzheimer's disease. The authors suggest that the disease would be a defensive mechanism against the bacteria and viruses invading the brain. Of course, as every scientific study, also this one has its critics.

The link between Alzheimer's and RF-EMF exposure might be indirect one.

The RF-EMF has been shown, in some animal studies, to increase permeability of the blood-brain barrier but others did not find such effect. One possible mechanism of the RF-EMF effect of increasing permeability of the BBB could be the activation of cellular stress response in endothelial cells being part of the blood-brain barrier.

"Smart meters 'not needed' after all for European power grid" - say power industry reps
There are other more efficient ways than smart meters to help develop intelligent power grids, said industry delegates at the annual convention of Europe's electricity association Eurelectric, held in Vilnius last week.
Markus Merkel, a senior advisor to the management board of German distribution system operator (DSO) EWE, told the Eurelectric conference that "there isn't a positive business case" for smart meters in Germany.
Supreme Court of Canada in Rogers v. Châteauguay
Federal government retains exclusive control over radio-communications
Comment to this story:
The Supreme Court has made a very significant error!
Just as they are not allowed to kill and harm criminals that commit horrendous crimes, the Court cannot cause or allow harm and death to occur to innocent citizens trying to live a good and honest life in their homes in Châteauguay and other jurisdictions. 
There is overwhelming evidence that microwave radiation being emitted from cell phone towers is biologically harmful which can lead to cancers, immune problems, neurological harm and many illnesses that can lead to early death to those exposed.  That evidence can be accessed at
The Supreme Court have an obligation to put the rights and the safety of Canadian Citizens before the greed of large corporations, who ignore the scientific evidence that their profit making wireless antennas cause.
Whatever happened to good old fashioned honest lawyers who would have fought against wireless harm that is occurring to all Canadians?
Martin Weatherall
Further report:

Canada top court rules Quebec city cannot block cell tower

Dr. Magda Havas comments on the Supreme Court Decision
We need more appropriate guidelines and adequate buffer zones especially near schools, hospitals, and in residential areas.  The problem is not with the Supreme Court ruling but rather with the two federal agencies (Health Canada and Industry Canada) that are are failing to do their job.

Spy town for sale: Slightly used, move-in ready, no cellphones allowed

Nestled on the western edge of a national forest, Sugar Grove Station, W.V. is a 0.5 square-kilometre property with 80 single-family homes, a dorm with 53 suites and a number of functional municipal buildings, including a fire station, a youth activity centre and a public works building. The U.S. government's public auction site says the town is "ideal for a corporate training centre, a university or academic campus, a spa/clinic, movie studio, or mountain resort."
This would make a great EHS refuge and resort.
This is a classic study that is done for trying to understand cancers in humans," says Christopher Portier, a retired head of the NTP who helped launch the study and still sometimes works for the federal government as a consultant scientist. "There will have to be a lot of work after this to assess if it causes problems in humans, but the fact that you can do it in rats will be a big issue. It actually has me concerned, and I'm an expert."

Spokesperson Marc-Antoine Pouliot said 22 of them either burst into pieces or flew off the wall over the span of about a decade.

The piece that is supposed to protect the meter from power surges can cause it to short circuit, Pouliot said.

Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians

Mr. Bill Casey (Cumberland—Colchester, Lib.):  

Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the following reports from the Standing Committee on Health from the 41st Parliament.

The first report is entitled, "Vaping: Toward a Regulatory Framework for E-cigarettes" and the second report is entitled, "Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians". Pursuant to Standing Order 109, the committee requests that the government table a response to each of these reports.

Again, these are from the 41st Parliament and I want to congratulate the members for the work done in the last Parliament

Frank Clegg

Canadian Teacher, Forced out by Wi-Fi

Joel Dean - Electrosensitive Man

Students, Computers & Learning
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Whole Study Link
Performance Section
What the data tells us
Resources invested in ICT for education are not linked to improved student achievement in reading, mathematics or science.
• In countries where it is less common for students to use the Internet at school for schoolwork, students' performance in reading improved more rapidly than in countries where such use is more common, on average.
• Overall, the relationship between computer use at school and performance is graphically illustrated by a hill shape, which suggests that limited use of computers at school may be better than no use at all, but levels of computer use above the current OECD average are associated with significantly poorer results.

EMF Educator Banned From National PTA Convention
June 20, 2016

Executive Director, P.T.A.
Dear Mr. Monell;

I read your letter and  am somewhat stunned at your position.  I was not aware of the actions of Mr. Mottus.  He lives in L.A. and I am in Portland, OR.  Given your fear about disruption, it is not necessary that he come to the conference.

It was my intent to distribute paper materials that have already been delivered to the convention site, informing educators and others of the biological effects of wireless devices in schools and what is happening internationally as more scientists, educators, agencies and organizations become aware of the potentially devastating short and long term medical problems caused by chronic, pulsed microwave exposure.   Your position that opposition to wireless devices in schools is a "danger to children" is utterly unsupportable.  In fact, the hardcore, forefront science confirms that opposition to wireless is morally, ethically and legally necessary.  The position of Wireless Education Action and our agenda was never a secret.   Jennifer Bradley, National PTA | Corporate Alliances Specialist, was informed in detail with regard to the educational service we have intended to provide at the conference.   Thus, your sudden, untimely objection to our agenda is unwarranted.  Moreover, you have not provided any defense of your decision to lock me and the agenda out of the conference.   I have numerous emails to and from Ms. Bradley detailing our mission and have incurred considerable expense in relation to the convention that cannot be retrieved so I expect to be reimbursed for the cost of my plane ticket which was $465 and is unrefundable.

Our position on wireless devices in schools is informed by thousands of scientific studies, the latest of which, a definitive study that has already modified the positions of other US health and environmental agencies, was just completed last month by the US National Toxicology Program and is referenced below with a quote from the American Cancer Society just last month.  Additionally years ago, Norbert Hankin of the Environmental Protection Agency was quoted in a letter saying FCC standards do not protect against long term chronic exposure! (I suggest you read the entire document linked here)

It is extremely dangerous and potentially legally liable to adopt an uninformed position, when the safety of children is in question.  Considering your influential position with the PTA, you are obligated to become informed of all matters of safety even if it challenges your beliefs.  It is mandated throughout your mission statement.  To ignore data or misinform parents and educators by omission has the potential to cause harm.  Since microwave devices including wi-fi routers are categorized in the highest emerging risk category by Swiss Re, an insurance risk management company, the telecommunications industry can no longer get coverage for liability insurance.  Liability will fall on school boards, administrators and organizations that have been informed of the risk but choose not to inform the public. 

Personal opinions should never dictate policy that is solely informed by corporate salespeople, software and hardware companies and stakeholders whose lobbying efforts and advertising budgets determine the flow and content of information. 

It is the high duty of PTA officials, school boards, administrators and others in related organizations and agencies to be completely informed so as to do no harm to children that are under your jurisdiction.  No telecommunication corporation or representatives thereof  have ever made the claim that wi-fi and other wireless devices used in schools are safe.  Do you feel comfortable with that?  Wireless devices were never pre-market safety tested.

There have been numerous examples of environmental toxins that were considered safe until policy caught up with science.  Tobacco, asbestos, plastics, pesticides (they used to spray DDT on school children to prove it's safety),  thalidomide, artificial sweeteners and fructose to name just a few.  Now we have children exposed to microwave radiation for 7 hours each day for 14+ years.  There are at least a dozen studies that confirm 4 hours on a lap top can cause damage to men's sperm as well as damage to DNA. 

As part of my work as an advocate, I recently ran for city council in Portland OR as a single issue candidate.  My platform was advocating for the replacement of wireless internet connections with wired connections and getting cell towers off of school grounds.  Endorsing my campaign were; Dr. Devra Davis the Nobel Prize winning founder of the Environmental Health Trust, and a staunch advocate of getting microwave devices out of schools; Professor Barrie Trower, former microwave weapons specialist for the British MI5; Frank Clegg, former CEO of Microsoft Canada; Ellie Marks, President -- California Brain Tumor Association and Lloyd Morgan, Senior Research Scientist for E.H.T.   As a result of my candidacy I have been invited to present before the Portland City Council regarding the issue of wireless in schools.  The incumbent I was running against, Amanda Fritz, a Cambridge educated psychiatric nurse, understands the risk after being informed during the campaign.   I have also been working closely with our State Representative, Alissa Keny Guyer who invited a world renowned scientist, Dr. Martin Pall and a medical doctor, Dr. Paul Dart to give a half hour presentation before the Health Committee of the State House regarding the imminent public health emergency facing the most vulnerable--children and pregnant women.  Dr. Martin Pall & Dr. Paul Dart Address the Health Committee of the Oregon State Legislature on the Dangers of Exposure to Microwaves from Wireless Technology and Wi Fi in Schools Feb. 24, 2014

As a result of that meeting Rep. Keny-Guyer introduced House Bill 3350 which would require that parents and teachers be informed of the fact that Classroom environments are a Class 2B Carcinogen as so designated by the World Health Organization in 2011.  Schools teach about tobacco, drugs, alcohol and safe sex but do not inform children and their parents of the many potentially devastating health effects of microwave radiation from cell phones and other wireless devices.  Wi-Fi Utilizes the Most Lethal Microwave Frequencies 0.95 and 2.45 GHz Dr. Magda Havas, BSc, PhD 

The resistance among educators and bureaucrats, is potentially harmful for students as they should be learning, in health classes, about the hazards of wireless devices and how to use them more safely since that is the world they are growing up in.   The "debate" on safety, prolonged by industry propaganda (similar to that used by the tobacco industry many years ago), is now over as referenced in the statement by the American Cancer Society below.  In other words, there is no longer a debate as to whether microwave emitting devices are potentially harmful as science now confirms that they are.  Prior to the current study, the W.H.O. classified microwave radiation from all wireless devices as a Class 2B Carcinogen.

Your position statement (below), that advocating for the removal of wireless devices is contrary to the PTA mission can easily be challenged and cannot possibly be sustained by any science.  It also conflicts with statements to the contrary by statewide PTA organizations         (see other PTA statements re: wireless below). 

Your statement: "The National PTA has determined that Wireless Education Action's positions that wireless classrooms are a danger to children, that the government is covering it up, that schools are microwave radiating children without real safety standards,  and that wireless systems should be banned from schools and other locations where children are exposed to them, are not consistent with National PTA's mission, position statements, resolutions or policies." 

-- (Please see numerous PTA, and other organization and agency policy statements supporting our position at the end of this letter below).

There are not only many thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies that show biological harm but hundreds that show psychological problems caused by excessive screen use causing device addiction and changes in brain function as well as disruption to the learning process.  Smart phones and Ipads are changing the way our brains work and erasing our memory..  The Mirror.

Our children are mere pawns in this vast corporate feeding frenzy that is being enabled by those willfully ignorant and afraid to look beyond the crucible of corporate culture. Standing up for the safety of our children and their genetic integrity might be a logistical nightmare and an inconvenient truth but should be the first priority of any and all organizations advocating for the health and safety of children -- especially in school.  The PTA has an obligation to students, parents, teachers and school staff to become informed on the challenges of wireless technology and update it's members:

HARVARD DR. WARNS AGAINST WI FI IN SCHOOLS Feb. 8th Letter to L.A. Unified School District

Dr. Anthony Miller, World Health Organization Expert to MCPS Warns: "Wi-Fi networks in schools and cell towers on your school grounds could significantly increase the cancer risk in your community," warns  Read Dr. Martha Herberts Letter Read Dr. Anthony Miller's Letter Read Dr. Lennart Hardells Letter . Read Dr. Carpenters Letter Read Dr. Olle Johanssons Lertter HERE. Read Cris Rowan, occupational therapist Letter Here Read Katie Singers Letter HERE. Read Cindy Sage and Trevor Marshals Letter Here Read Ellie Marks Letter Here Read Arthur Firstenbergs Letter HERE. Read Mikko Ahonen PhD, Lena Hedendahl MD and Tarmo Koppel MSc PhDs Letter
Thank you for your attention to this important issue.


David Morrison /
Wireless Education Action
Letter in support of David Morrison:
To:;;;;;; CLG_News <>;;; PTA Convention Registrar <>; 2016 National PTA Conference & Convention <>; 2016 National PTA Convention and Expo Manager <>;;;;;;; Portland Council PTA <>; Oregon PTA <>; Gina Salmons <>; Portland Council PTA <>; Jennifer Bradley <>; david morrison <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 9:37 AM
Subject: Participation in National PTA Convention

Hi David
I applaud your for your efforts to raise awareness about the well researched dangers of wireless radiation in schools.  The harm being done today by exposing children to powerful microwave radiation is likely to cause them long term health problems for the rest of their lives and cause early death for many.  A list of those diseases and illnesses that may be expected is here: .
I find it disgusting that the National PTA would deny you the right to educate convention participants about the dangers their children face from wireless radiation and deny convention participants the opportunity to learn about the most dangerous situation that children have ever faced while attending school.  The huge increase in mental health problems, depression and suicide amongst children has only occurred since they have been exposed to strong wireless radiation in their schools and homes etc.
The National PTA lists Amazon Kindle as a National Sponsor .
The Kindle is a device that needs Wi Fi or 3g wireless, as a means of connectivity (fully wireless and doesn't require a computer to download content) .
This surely is a serious conflict of interest for the Nation PTA, as over sixty years of scientific evidence clearly shows serious biological effects are caused by exposure to microwave radiation.  This partnership with a company that has a commercial interest in wireless devices, appears to put sales and profit over health and safety of children.  It also seems to have tainted their thought and consideration process.  They should reconsider their stance and place the health and safety of children first.
If the National PTA had any concern about the health and safety of children, not only would they allow you space at their convention, but they would not charge you any fee for your kind and excellent efforts to protect the young.  They also have a responsibility to provide leadership and education to their membership on this critically important subject  It is such an important subject for children and parents that it should be the top agenda item at the convention.
Martin Weatherall
Co Director WEEP
Further letter of support:
Dear National PTA Executive Director Nathan Monell

I am very concerned to read your letter sating that that the National PTA has made a determination on the issue of the health risk of wireless radiation to children. You state you are barring a health advocacy organization from sharing information at a table at the National PTA Conference in Florida because you determined the issue (educating on classroom technology and school cell tower health and safety issues) is not in alignment with the PTA's mission?

I did not realize that the issue was ever evaluated in a systematic way by the National PTA. Was there a vote?

It is my understanding that some PTAs are, in fact, asking for the schools to be hardwired in order to be prudent, and protect the children from this "possible carcinogen." Please note that Onteora Elementary School PTA has sent letters to their school district calling for the removal of wireless. You can access that information here. Other PTA's are halting plans for cell towers to be placed on their schools. In light of the scientific uncertainty, this certainly makes sense.

I am a member of the PTA in Montgomery County Maryland. As a social worker I worked for years in the school system directing an intensive therapy program in special education and am now at an ADHD clinic.  I also have two school aged daughters so this is a personal and professional issue for me because it affects my clients well being, as well as my family.

What information did the National PTA review to determine that health concerns are not consistent with the National PTA's mission? As far as I know there has been no dialogue on this. When was it brought to the table? Was there a vote?

The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that children are more vulnerable to this radiation. Please see the letter they wrote in 2012 to Congress and in 2013 to the FCC.

I got involved in this issue after I consulted a top pediatrician in regards to my daughter's  health who specifically told me to reduce exposure. It was his words that helped me understand that credible evidence existed. His name is Dr. Jerome Paulson. At the time he was Chair of the Environmental Health Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Director of the Mid-Atlantic Center for Children's Health & the Environment. He told me " it seems prudent to limit children's exposure to cell phone radiation through the use of hand's free devices and by texting" when I asked about cell phones and children's health. Please see him quoted on this issue in this Time  article "Pediatricians Say Cell Phone Radiation Standards Need Another Look."
Wireless,  of course,  exposes children to the same type of radiation (radio-frequency) but at full body exposure and more directly to reproductive organs. In classes in our district, children are told to place laptops on their laps in classrooms and children are on laptops in almost every class in some schools. I attached some scientific images that show how deeply the radiation is absorbed into children from a tablet and laptop. 

I understand that at first glance this issue seems incomprehensible but once you take time to read the information from credible sources (not industry funded science) you understand that this radiation is absorbed more deeply into children's brains and bodies as stated by the International Agency for the Research on Cancer.  I do not believe in conspiracy theories but I certainly understand how the tobacco companies and the lead paint industry have protected their product. Harvard Press just published a book on this very issue and talks about wireless networks in schools specifically.

Scientists who have worked for the wireless companies are stating that the companies they used to work for are protecting their products.  I hope you will consider hearing from scientists like George Carlo who was hired to lead a 25 million dollar program in the 90's on radio-frequency radiation and of course Dr. Franz Adlkofer, former Executive Director of the VERUM Foundation for Behavior and Environment to discuss his research showing radiofrequency (wireless) radiation damaged human cells who spoke at Harvard about his research recently. 

I have attached two documents for you to review. One is written by Dr. Cindy Russell of the Santa Clara Medical Association and the other is a list of what other countries are doing in regards to the health risks posed by this radiation. Over a dozen countries are calling for reduced exposure to children.

I also hope that you will take time to understand  the important results of the new study by the NIH National Toxicology Program confirms that the safety limits we have in place are not protective. A very informative Q and A can be found at the Environmental Health Trust website. Dr. Paulson sent me to this site when I asked him his opinion on radio-frequency radiation and children's health four years ago.

I was so thankful to hear that this issue was going to be shared at the National PTA Conference and I am deeply troubled to hear that Mr. Morrison and fellow Oregon parents at Wireless Education Action are not being allowed to share such important information. Most PTA's and most parents are unaware of the issue and it would serve them to learn more so they can make informed opinions.

I would also add that I am concerned about the risk to pregnant staff and students as the Chief of Obstetrics at Yale, Dr. Hugh Taylor, is recommending pregnant women reduce exposure to wireless and cell phone radiation. See the recommendations of the BabySafe Project signed onto by Dr. Taylor and 100 physicians here. This makes sense as pregnant women are perhaps the most vulnerable. Dr. Taylor's own research showed brain damage (poor memory and increased hyperactivity) from exposures. This was presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Conference a few months ago and I attended the Symposium at the Baltimore Convention Center. See the press conference here that has slides of the presentations by Harvard and Yale doctors.

I am very much in support of technology in the classroom but would advocate for wired computers. This is the simple, practical solution and eliminates the children and staff's exposure to radio frequency radiation. I think the PTA could best serve the community by opening up a dialogue on this so parents and teachers can have all the facts.

I am aware that last year Dr. Devra Davis wrote you a letter about this issue but was not aware of a response?

Please let me know when the National PTA reviewed this issue and what materials were reviewed and how the current opinion was determined. Was there a vote on this issue and I somehow missed it?

Thank you so much,
Theodora Scarato LCSW-C

Development and evaluation of an electromagnetic hypersensitivity questionnaire for Japanese people.

2016 Jun 21. doi: 10.1002/bem.21987. [Epub ahead of print]

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of a Japanese version of an electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) questionnaire, originally developed by Eltiti et al. in the United Kingdom. Using this Japanese EHS questionnaire, surveys were conducted on 1306 controls and 127 self-selected EHS subjects in Japan. Principal component analysis of controls revealed eight principal symptom groups, namely, nervous, skin-related, head-related, auditory and vestibular, musculoskeletal, allergy-related, sensory, and heart/chest-related. The reliability of the Japanese EHS questionnaire was confirmed by high to moderate intraclass correlation coefficients in a test-retest analysis, and high Cronbach's α coefficients (0.853-0.953) from each subscale. A comparison of scores of each subscale between self-selected EHS subjects and age- and sex-matched controls using bivariate logistic regression analysis, Mann-Whitney U- and χ2 tests, verified the validity of the questionnaire. This study demonstrated that the Japanese EHS questionnaire is reliable and valid, and can be used for surveillance of EHS individuals in Japan. Furthermore, based on multiple logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic analyses, we propose specific preliminary criteria for screening EHS individuals in Japan. Bioelectromagnetics. © 2016 The Authors. Bioelectromagnetics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

I noticed they even suggest that 60 of the control subjects ought to "visit a qualified medical specialist":

Furthermore, 60 subjects from the controls (1,306 respondents out of 2,000) also met with these preliminary screening criteria, suggesting that 3.0–4.6% of the general public in Japan may be EHS individuals, even though none are currently diagnosed with SHS or MCS /EHS. In addition, significant differences were not observed in all scores between 60 subjects from the control group and self-selected EHS subjects (data not shown).
Based on the fact that only 1% of the population of Japan is aware of EHS, determined by a preliminary survey [Hojo and Tokiya, 2012], some of these 60 subjects may have some knowledge of EHS; however, the majority of them most probably have no knowledge of this condition. Thus, it is very important that these unsuspecting individuals, who may have developed EHS symptoms, visit a qualified medical specialist. ... Japanese self-selected EHS subjects have suffered greatly in their day-to-day life [Ito et al., 2012], making it imperative to have specialists who are familiar with EHS, as well as MCS and SHS.



Where is the Environmental Impact Study for Smart Meters?
Michael Wyde PhD, DABT, of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) presentation on Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd: Sprague Dawley® SD rats (Whole Body Exposure): Report of Partial Findings
Joseph D. Bowman, PhD, of the Engineering and Physical Hazards Branch at the National Institute for Occupational Safety (NIOSH) presentation on Precautionary Strategies to Reduce Worker Exposures to Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Magnetic Fields, a Possible Carcinogen

American Medical Association warns of health and safety problems from 'white' LED streetlights


Good quality light bulbs needed for testing

We now have a greater choice of energy efficient light bulbs available than every before, however, not all of these bulbs are healthy.  Some emit UV, RF, dirty electricity, high electromagnetic fields and produce a poor spectral distribution.  Some you need to dispose of as "hazardous waste" because of toxic levels of mercury.  Very important for the lighting industry to get this right once and for all.

People regularly ask me about light bulbs and, sometimes, when I find a good quality light bulb, a different manufactured batch of the same style of bulb has different characteristics as though there was no quality control.

I have been testing light bulbs for several years now.  However, there must be some good light bulbs out there that someone knows about.

If you think you have a good quality bulb that you would recommend please either give me the information so I can purchase it (here in Canada) or send me a bulb for testing.  The bulb can be sent to Magda Havas at Trent University (address below).

Currently I am restricting the test to bulbs that have a medium screw base (like the original incandescent light bulbs) that can be used in North America with 120 V and 60 Hz AC electricity.
Ideally I would like to receive these bulbs by August 1 2016 as I am trying to complete all the research for a conference in Germany October 12-14, 2016, called the Light Symposium, Wismar 2016.  More information about this conference is available at:

Please let me know if you are able to provide me with good quality light bulbs so these bulbs and their characteristics can be brought to the attention of the public.

Dr. Magda Havas, BSc, PhD
Environmental & Resource Studies/
Trent School of the Environment
Trent University, 1600 West Bank Drive,
Peterborough, ON, K9L 0G2 Canada
phone:  1-705-748-1011 ext 7882

Redford Residents: Smart Meters Are Making Us Ill


Homeowners say smart meters are damaging their health, causing chronic pain, hair loss and sensitivity to light

"Dr. Carpenter adamantly insists that there is no evidence whatsoever that smart meters are in any way safe for human beings. He goes on to say that there is, in fact, ample evidence that demonstrates 'convincingly and consistently' that exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at elevated levels for long periods of time increases the risk of cancer, damages the nervous system, and adversely affects the reproductive organs."
A new must-see short film loaded with truth and solutions for 'smart' meters and other wireless radiation.

What I like most are the clear measurements of dirty electricty and wireless radiation. Dr. Laura Pressley and Andrew Lankes take measurements of a 'smart' meter, then (after it was replaced) of a safe analog. The effect is paradigm-shifting.


California - Wonderful News!

We just confirmed through 3 California Assembly sources (including one in Mr. Gatto's office) that this afternoon Mr. Gatto killed Assembly Bill 2788.  AB2788 would have deregulated wireless siting for most of California, forced local governments to lease property to wireless carriers, and other really bad stuff.

This is a major victory for local governments in this state, and all of us and the citizens that rallied to the side of local governments can feel proud that we have, for now, retained control over rights-of-way and public property.

Angela / Jonathan


FCC to Vote on Rules for 5G Network in July


The city spent years sweeping porn and peep shows from Times Square — and in just a matter of months, the de Blasio administration brought back the sleaze, The Post has learned.

The XXX-rated action returned to the Crossroads of the World via tablet-equipped street kiosks that horny hobos and even some curious school kids have used to get their kicks.

Professor Olle Johansson's forced retirement
To: '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>

Subject: FW: Objection to the Forced Retirement of Prof. Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden

Dear Officers of the Karolinska Institutet,

Canadian long-time activists like myself were equally stunned - into disbelief- to hear of Professor Olle Johansson's forced retirement! Increasingly today, evidence of what Professor Johansson has been warning the world about for decades is percolating to the surface from what is now a large number of reputable scientists around the world! This is happening in spite of the enormously powerful and influential wireless and telecom industry's best efforts to co-opt all governments and conceal the truth! Tragically for all mankind, Industry's efforts are being assisted enormously by mainstream news media's indefensible silence on this, what truly amounts to, pandemic corruption, which is happening on a scale never before witnessed on earth!! 

Given the above, how on earth can such a world-class medical research university, at this particular moment in history, justify the forced retirement of such a distinguished scientist who has been leading the battle for the truth about EMF for decades? Have you forgotten that since May of 2015, at least 220 of the world's top EMF scientists from 41 countries have signed the "International EMF Scientists Appeal"! Addressed to the Secretary General of the U.N., to all U.N.-member nations, and to the Director General of the WHO, the appeal urged them all to: "Protect Mankind and Wildlife from electromagnetic radiation and wireless technology," Let me repeat that: "Protect Mankind and Wildlife from EMF and wireless technology"! And you now decide to force one of the world's most knowledgeable and courageous scientists into retirement? If that is not odious, I don't know what is! Unless your esteemed university sees fit to reverse its decision, Karolinska's reputation will be tarnished forever! Scientists, medical researchers and activists around the world will always believe that industry has managed to corrupt you as well!

Jerry Flynn
Bowser, B.C.,
Canada, V0R 1G0
(I am a retired Canadian Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence officer with more than 22 years' EW and SIGINT experience with NATO / national and North American militaries)
Shame of the Karolinska Institute

International call to support Prof. Johansson against forced 'early retirement'

Just at a time when the need for further investigation into EMR health effects is becoming more widely acknowledged, we hear that Prof. Olle Johansson is being "forced" into early retirement. 

Unable to counter his expert findings, it appears promoters of wireless technology have adopted the strategy of applying pressure to the Karolinska Institute of Sweden at which Prof. Johansson resides. This previously resulted in a downsizing of his funding and research facilities. Nonetheless, this selfless and dedicated scientist has continued to publish ground-breaking studies such as the many linked in his biography below.

Now it seems, by attempting to have him dismissed from his post entirely, they hope to prevent further release of truthful and unbiased information to the public.

Apart from our free bimonthly newsletter, EMR Aware does not normally email our subscribers. However, this is a special case. The ongoing contribution of independent researchers such as Prof. Johansson is vital to a fair and balanced outcome for those affected by EMR, now and into the future.

If you are as concerned as we are, please take a moment now to email the Officers of the Institute listed below. Politely request that Prof. Johansson be allowed to continue his essential work for the benefit of all humanity.

Sincerely yours,

Peter Nielsen

In defense of Prof. Johansson

And Karolinska Institute, I am writing to express alarm and dismay that you are contemplating removing Dr Olle Johansson from his post. I have been corresponding with the doctor for several years after I discovered my son was suffering from derangement brought on by microwave penetration. Many scientists, I am sure you are aware, are inferior people with narrow interests who have sold out for money or are lacking in humane values and suffer from moral detachment. You should be proud to have a real scientist in your Institute who always displays courtesy, sobriety and diligence - and who has steadfastly maintained respect for facts in the teeth of abuse and misrepresentation over many years. Would to God there were more proper scientists like  Dr Johansson in England! 

If you surrender to corporate pressure and sacrifice Dr Johansson, I believe you will be degrading your pursuits, forfeiting your good reputation and betraying the children and sensitive people of Europe and the world. 


Paul Ursell - Poet


Trials and trends in caring for patients with electromagnetic hypersensitivities at Ontario's Environmental Health Clinic (EHC)

A talk by Dr Riina Bray BASc, MSc, MD, FCFP, MHSc, Medical Director of Women's College Hospital's EHC. Ecosphere Fair, Saturday, August 13 from 12:30 to 2 pm, at Jarry Park in Montreal.

Over the past 15 years the number of patients seen at the EHC has risen dramatically. It has been noted that these patients have health vulnerabilities and intrinsic and extrinsic predisposing factors that leave them at risk to the effects of radio/microwave exposures. Common symptoms, diagnostic testing challenges and mitigating measures will be reviewed in this talk. Biomarkers of exposure and limitations in this field  will also be reviewed. There are gaps in knowledge in the medical community and general public, as well as large gaps in research regarding this medical phenomenon. Environmental assessments both at home and at work need to be interpreted and acted upon appropriately, so guidance from experts and support groups is essential. Cost of mitigation can also be a large hurdle and therefore pearls to reduce exposures are discussed. Finally, future research, public health initiatives and what health care providers can do, will be addressed 

Dr. Riina Bray achieved first-class honors in chemical engineering, then earned her Masters of Science degree in pharmacology in the area of addictions and toxicology. She then studied medicine at the University of Toronto and did her specialty in Family Practice at UBC. She then completed a fellowship in Environmental Health at the University of Toronto. She has been Medical Director of the Environmental Health Clinic at Women's College Hospital and Associate Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine for over ten years. She was Chair of the Environmental Health Committee of the Ontario College of Family Physicians for ten years and holds a Master's of Health Sciences (Public Health) in Family and Community Medicine. She has taught University level courses, mentored and taught hundreds of medical students, residents and peers in the area of environmental health.  

Organizer : André Fauteux, Editor/Publisher, La Maison du 21e siècle magazine (


Dermatologists now believe that regularly exposing the face to the light and electromagnetic radiation from smartphones can speed up ageing and wrinkles.

Doctors even claim they can tell which hand a person holds their phone in just by looking at which side of the face is most damaged.

Video - "Drunk on Wireless: Public Health Consequences of Cell Phone and Wireless Technologies are Begging for Society's Attention" at the Left Forum 2016 in New York City featured Camilla Rees,MBA of Electromagnetic, public health physician Dr. David Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at University at Albany, Dr. Martin Blank, retired Associate Professor in the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University, and Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University.

I make a point of using Jerry Phillips' quote from Scientific American: re NTP Study

"But you have to realize that this issue opens up a much bigger can of worms than cell phones. If this radiation, this form of energy can interact with biological tissue then it's going to reopen a lot of what were supposedly settled issues regarding the safety of wireless communications. If we're going to be bathed in a whole new electromagnetic environment, how safe is it?"


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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution