Friday, September 28, 2012

Wendy walks / Cell Tower concerns / Regulations / Uproot towers / Cell lobbyists / Heart / Depression / Suicide / Prove it / 4G schools / Tanning / Kane / Fires / School Deterioration / Kids riskier

W.E.E.P. News

The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

27 September 2012

Wendy Walks for Electro Sensitivity
And to protest dangerous cell phone towers.
Keep up to date with Wendy's walk on facebook. 
What an amazing day! Wendy has made the news again!
Thank you Angela (CTV London) for tracking Wendy Hoy down at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park!
Two radio interviews were conducted when Wendy found a "phone booth" and called them at an appointed time!
Thanks to Josh at Blackburn Radio Sarnia and Jim at CFRB 1010 Toronto for sharing our concerns.
Cellphone Tower Concerns
CBC investigative video.
This link is to the entire news program, the story is at 19.35

Cell tower regulations frustrate homeowners

Oakville, Ont., resident Lisa Guglietti was in the midst of building her dream home when the mother of three noticed eight cellular network antennas strapped to the chimney of a Bell Canada building, a short distance from her son's bedroom.


Radiation fears make schools uproot cell phone towers

"I began suffering from migraines and, gradually, memory loss. If the radiation had such a powerful effect on me, I can't imagine the damage on children. So we decided to remove the towers from the school building," he said.


Former Government Ministers now Lobbying for the Telecom Industry

The big telecom news over the weekend was that Stockwell Day, a former cabinet minister under Stephen Harper, has been named to the Telus board of directors. The move followed a similar one by Telus's rival BCE, which recently appointed Jim Prentice, a former industry minister under Harper, to its board.

Former New Brunswick Premier - Lobbyist for the Telecom Industry
Man's Failing Heart Heals Itself on Day of Emergency Transplant
Wonder if EMF played a role in his acute heart condition? I keep hearing of bizarre cardiac stories - of young people dropping dead from heart attacks. Many others who are experiencing palpitations. How many here experience occasional palpitations?

Depression and exercise: a group to get you Up and Running

A BMJ study made headlines recently when it downplayed the link between regular exercise and improved mental health. But 90% of women at a running club in Kent would disagree

Do they feel better because they are away from WiFi, cordless telephones and electromagnetic fields?
Authorities foil students' mass suicide plan

As many as 10 to 15 students who all attend the same Inner City Vancouver school were talking on Facebook about getting on a plane to Mexico, getting drunk, and killing themselves.

Were they all exposed to wireless radiation?
The Prove-It Initiative

New EMF web site with lots of good scientific references.

Mast Sanity

4G Towers, Wi-Fi in Schools and Body to Body Networks

Deborah Kopald with Randy Braun (fighting a 4G cell tower in a residential neighborhood in the Hudson Valley) and David Morrison (fighting for removal of Wi-Fi in public schools) discussing inappropriately sited transmitters.

Dr. Robert Kane of Motorola developed a brain tumor.
Before he died he wrote, "Cellular Telephone; Russian Roulette".

The Truth about Smart Meter Fires
The Dramatic Deterioration of the Educational System

Today's two headline news articles in Sweden is the dramatic deterioration of the educational system and it's quality!caGAC88wnYQZg/ , as well as the repetitive strain injuries to children due to their us of iPads, mobile phones, computers, etc. [see page 5: . From a pedagogic point of view, all these gadgets have not revolutionized Sweden...or rather they have - but in a negative way. What a fantastic world we are heading to!

Best regards

(Olle Johansson, professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
Mobile phone radiation riskier for kids
CNN Health video

To sign up for WEEP News:  (provide name and e-mail address)

W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices Pose Health Risks

The human body as a walking RF antenna

Tumour fear cuts chatter as woman switch off their mobile phones

Why Our Urban Trees are Dying

Barrie Trower predicts economic and ecological systems collapse

Scientists manipulated research played down brain tumour risks in children

Cancer Industry: Profits Before Lives

Killer Cell Phones: Why Honeybees Are Dying Worldwide

The Latest Danger: 'Smart Meters'

SmartMeters and Electropollution

Smart Meters: not so smart an idea

Cellphones ring in alarm bells

Wi-Fi making kids, teachers sick?

Brennan Park phone tower fight looms

Money for masts

Phone mast plan fury residents in blockade

Parents worried at new mast scheme

B.C. Hydro program sparks up a storm of controversy

CTIA again tries to block San Francisco cell phone radiation ordinance

People power halts roof mobile phone mast, in Sutherland Grove, Teddington

Next-up News Nr 1818

Next-up News Nr 1820

Next-up News Nr 1821

Next-up News Nr 1822

Next-up News Nr 1823

Next-up News Nr 1824

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Unexplained increases in brain cancer in nations with longer term cellphone use

The ongoing mystery of the magnetosensing cows

Cell phone radiation and institutional corruption addressed

How the Telecom Industry Seeks to Confuse About the Dangers of Cell Phones

Smart Meters Raise Privacy, Health Concerns

Why risk your health with a mobile phone?

Sprowston residents angry about new mobile phone mast

People people thwarts mast plans

Frankie Boyle wins phone mast fight

Residents get council to reject cellphone tower

Anger in Bedworth over new phone mast

DoT gets PAC call: Monitor harmful radiation

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Smartphone damaging your health? / Assessment / Action day / Harm caused / Halt / Green warning / New research / Letter / Hospital / Reverse / Defeated / Interview / Neurosurgeon / Debate /

W.E.E.P. News

The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

23 September 2012

The Ecologist
Intrigued, and knowing that Wi-Fi uses pulsed microwaves, I hired an acoustic detector.  Sure enough, Wi-Fi's fierce pulse could be heard throughout our house.  When it was switched off, though my dizziness eventually began to ease, what remained was the high, scraping whine of mobile-phone towers.  Shockingly, the highest microwave radiation was in our bedroom.

Detailed RF Assessment of Smart Meters 

Safe Living Technologies was invited by Toronto Hydro to accompany a third party organization to measure and document the Radio Frequency "RF" / Microwave Radiation output of a typical Smart Meter. The measurements were conducted at two locations in the city of Toronto, Canada. The Smart Meters of interest are typical single, residential units installed on detached homes.

Rob Metzinger
Safe Living Technologies Inc.


National Day of Action Called Against "Smart" Meters and Grid

       More Harm Caused by Smart Meters
I just thought I'd share with you a little bit about how these dreaded Wi Fi and smart meters have affected my life recently.

About 4 weeks ago, the strip mall I work in, had the meters replaced with smart meters.  When I arrived at work one day an installer was waiting to talk to me as he had been informed that we may object to our meter installation.  As I am not the owner I called her up and asked what she wanted done.  Irene said to let him install the meter even though she personally has the signs up at her own home saying 'Do Not Install the smart meter here'.  So I did as she requested and the installer did his job.  I watched as he replaced the last of the 11 meters located in the hydro room to the back of the shop.  I then wondered how long it would be before I felt the consequences of this action.  Well the answer came sooner than I thought.

About 1 week after the install I started to notice that I was getting headaches about mid afternoon.  I don't get headaches unless I'm getting a cold and I haven't been sick in over 1 1/2 years now.  I closely watched myself for cold symptoms that didn't arise and then noticed other things that didn't seem right.  I alerted Irene to my health concerns. So Irene called in work safe and they did their little and I mean little mouse and rabbit show, passed the work space as being safe and left.  Irene then satisfied that she had done her due diligence left on a 2 week vacation.  The day after she left my counterpart (Sally), who works 3 days to my 3 days a week, broke a rib.  This meant that I would then have to work every shift until Irene returned.  I have now worked 8 of these 11 days, on the 5th day I called a friend who had a dosimeter about getting the shop scanned because I was really starting to feel ill.  She arrived on my 8th day, and as soon as she turned the dosimeter on it hit its maximum readings.  She went outside and got a normal outdoor reading then as she entered the shop the readings spiked repeatedly.  This was in the front part of the shop only, then we went to the back where the hydro room is on the other side of the bathroom wall.  Here we got spikes that were beyond the meter reader (1999 scale) capabilities every 3-4mins

We were all shocked at the levels and 2 of the women left the premises (why expose everyone to this).  Those remaining then helped me determine the problem sources in the front of the shop and I was able to reduce them to a workable level, though the back of the shop is not habitable in my estimation.  As another victim of smart meters and workplace radiation I can now speak first hand about the feeling of being radiated.  I am intending to work the remaining 3 days of my time with my employer (in the front of the shop) then hand in my resignation upon her return.  I would be more frightened but I just don't seem to have it in me.  Just a feeling of disgust with the environment and our so called safety inspectors.  What a hoax they are.  This is the time of ETHICS! for crying out loud!  Sheeple people wake up!!

Now for the most important aspect of this and I'll go down fighting tooth and nail for this.  The other part of the strip mall has a hydro meter room in it too and it's located next to 'The Library' and a children's learning business.  Wait, it gets better, the owner (Karen) of the learning business just opened up an arts learning centre to the lower back of the strip section she is in.  The hydro room is immediately above this space!  The kids are being radiated and as of this moment the mall owners know about this and are choosing to be sheeple because it might cost them money or a fight with Hydro/Corix.  I know these money mongers (as they are referred to in the neighbourhood) and they will do nothing unless they loose more than if they do something.  Path of least resistance is usually the most worn.

Well I had to leave my job over health concerns.  I hope my next one will be a safer environment.

Thanks for listening,

Melany Banman
BC Canada

City to halt plan for radio-read water meters

The meters in question are about the size of a matchbox, have a 3 inch tall clear antenna and transmit wireless radio signals for 7 milliseconds every 14 seconds. The water department began implementing the meters roughly 10 years ago. 

"In our proposal, in the interest of being fair and honest, the labor and changes will be credited back to the homeowners," said Chandler.

France's Green Party has denounced the arrival of Wi-Fi and 3G in the Paris metro. The party is raising awareness of the potential risks from increasing the number of hotspots and base stations.
New mobile phone research results from Finland

Main findings:

 -     Headache had at least sometimes limited usual daily activities for 12 % of the study participants and about 24 % had been bothered by light when having a headache. On average 15 % considered their health being fair or poor. In addition, participants reported any symptoms occurring in relation to mobile phone use. Almost 10% of the respondent reported headache, 15% tinnitus and 10% partial hearing loss in conjunction with mobile phone use (always, often or sometimes vs. never). Nausea was the least common (3%) and burning sensation in the ear was the most common symptom (49%).

-       Two positron emission tomography (PET) studies were conducted to investigate the effects of mobile phone radiation on brain glucose metabolism and cerebral blood flow (CBF) using fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) and radioactive water ([15O]H2O), respectively.  The main finding of the FDG-PET study was that the brain glucose metabolism was significantly reduced in the temporoparietal junction and anterior temporal lobe of the exposed (right) hemisphere. The SAR value during the exposure was 0.25 W/kg. 

-     In the adult group, the SAR value of 4 W/kg was used in the experiments. It is higher than the normal allowed maximum GSM SAR value of 2 W/kg, but clearly below the safety limits for RF exposures. During the exposure time of 20 min, a slight decrease in the blood flow indicators of the frontal area was found. This finding is in accordance with results of Turku University's Centre for Cognitive Neurosciences PET study. The ear canal temperature increased about 0.5 °C during the 20 min exposure time. The blood samples were taken only in the adult group before and after the session. The protein S100 B is mainly produced in the brain by astrocytes. and it has been suggested to serve as a screening tool of CNS injury. During the exposure the S100B concentration decreased significantly.


Letter to the Canadian Minister of Health - Resign
Dear Madam Minister Aglukkaq:
I have just been made aware of your reply to a Member of Parliament on behalf constituents who were being exposed against their will to electromagnetic radiation. (attached)
I found your reply to betray such an appalling ignorance of the facts that it beggars belief.  Not to know that Safety Code Six is a thermal guideline established by ICNIRP (an industry affiliated agency) that relates in no way to non-thermal exposure is breathtaking:  not to know that radiation from cell towers that transmit and receive cannot be likened to AM/FM radios that only receive; not to know that when you claim that "there are no known health effects from exposure" below these guidelines when there was a Royal Society report in 1999 compiled at the request of Health Canada which found significant health effects.
I cannot believe that a Federal Minister of Health is unaware of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. I can believe that this Minister is unwilling to acknowledge it.  I realize, Madam Minister, that yours is a political position and, as such, an independent voice is denied you.  But that does not excuse pandering to an industry-colluding Health Canada.  That does not justify responding to aggrieved and frightened constituents with industry talking points, blatant misinformation and bureaucratic dissembling.
And when you say, Madam Minister, that Safety Code Six "protects the health and safety of Canadians, including and especially children," you go beyond the pale.  You have a duty to safeguard your constituents, Madam Minister, and it is glaringly apparent that such a responsibility is far beyond your capabilities.  When you place children in harm's way, deliberately, callously, unremorsefully, you forgo any right to continue in your position as Minister of Health.
Resign, Madam Minister, before you do more damage to your ministry.  Resign while you still retain some modicum of reputation. Resign, Madam Minister, for the safety of your constituents, including and especially the children.
Dennis Noble
BC Canada
See the attached letter to see the false information that the Minister of Health is providing to Members of Parliament.
First Hospital to be Built to Harm the Patients?
One of the main goals for the new hospital is to streamline the communications allowing for the integration of biomedical equipment; patient care systems; building; administration and operational systems, providing staff and patients with instant access to information. The opportunity to make immediate connections and the ability to make these connections through a variety of mobile communication methods will facilitate patient care.

Council reverses cell tower approval

Vote comes after complaints by Port Robinson residents
A large group showed up at City Hall, bringing with them signs urging councillors to think about the potential health effects of such towers. Though the signs remained outside council chambers, the message got through loud and clear.

Brant Tower Application Defeated

Last night, the Brant County Planning Advisory Committee held a meeting that was open to the public where they were discussing the applications for 4 different cell towers in the area.  When it came time to review the application for the tower across the road from us, quite a few people from the community spoke and I presented the petition (which got 111 names on it all total).

 After the presentations of all people concerned, the tower company rep stated that they would be looking for an alternate site for the tower.  The planning committee then made a motion that the application for this tower be defeated.  This is very good news.  Things will be finalized with the county at their regular council meeting on October 2.

Thank-you to those who signed the petition – it was a tremendous help.



Congressman Dennis Kucinich interviewed about cell phone dangers

Congressman Dennis Kucinich talks about efforts to pass a federal cell phone safety bill

more interviews
people interviewed in the movie reconnect

Neurosurgeon shows how low levels of Radiation such as Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, and Cell-Phones cause the Blood Brain Barrier to leak
The Importance of proper scientific debate
This link,  is one of the most important ones ever! I quote:
"The public is entitled to a full and informed debate; scientific disagreement should result in further research, not dismissal through personal attack."
 As a victim of the latter, I can only agree to 100%.

(Olle Johansson, professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
Exposure to cell phone radiation may have been underestimated particularly in children
Electro Hypersensitivity in Sweden
Decisions on support to EHS
Tuesday 04 September
Foil wallpaper, installation of gas stove and leading paint on floors and ceilings. There are measures that Örnsköldsvik Municipality may soon pay for EHS residents.

Erland Lundgren: "It means a lot" Borderland Lundgren: "It means a lot" (5:04)
Foil wallpaper, installation of gas stove and leading paint on floors and ceilings. There are measures that Örnsköldsvik Municipality may soon pay for EHS residents. Today, the City determines whether to grant a subsidy of 200,000 per year for elsanering of privatbostader. Erland Lundgren is Chairman of ElectroSensitive compound in west Norrland County.
Interviewed by Tulla Maja Fogelberg.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 10:35 (News P4 Västernorrland) Matti Ohlsson: "They have pointed out the need for" Matti Ohlsson: "They have pointed out the need" (3:30)
Contributions to elsanering of housing Övik is an official proposal that the City will consider tonight. It is based on an investigation conducted by, among others handikappkonsulent municipality and municipal secretary Matti Ohlsson.
Interviewed by Tulla Maja Fogelberg.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 10:36 am (News P4 Västernorrland)
Today, the City determines whether to allocate SEK 200 000 per year for elsanering of private homes.

The background is that members of the association in ElectroSensitive Västernorrland has pointed out the need and started the investigation with officers at Örnsköldsvik.

The system already exists in a number of other municipalities, especially north of Matti Ohlsson, handikappkonsulent and local sect Secretary in Örnsköldsvik Municipality.

Is it unusual for municipalities to grant this type of funding?

- Help to adjust their housing from municipalities is not uncommon, disabled facilities are very common, says Matti Ohlsson.

It says in the proposal that elsaneringsbidraget not covered by the rules of housing adaptation law.

- It has probably more to do that EHS is not classified as a disability. Here we apart from it and not stuck in that discussion if there is a disability or not.
We have noted that there are people who feel they have a need, says Matti Ohlsson.

Erland Lundgren is Chairman of ElectroSensitive association in västernorrland and according to him would mean a lot for grants to assist EHS.

- We have 60 members and I believe that at least half the need, ten of which are urgently needed.
You try to find low-radiation environments, but it is hard to find it on your own.

How is it that elsanera a home?

- It means isolating all power in the house that they will not emit any radiation. It is an expensive operation, it costs at least 100 000.
I've only elsa off my bedroom and it cost 12 000 SEK, says Erland Lundgren.

What are the symptoms of EHS?

- The most common is poor memory, particularly short-term memory. Aggressivite, short tempered, hard to restrain himself and imbalance.
Some also have poor sleep.

What causes the disease?

- It comes as a bolt from the blue, it is difficult to predict who will suffer.
I was sitting at my computer and felt myself every hot in the face and all red.

There's a pretty strong opinion against EHS - which says that it is hittepå simply.
How do you experience it?

- It is strange for those who have seen and experienced it myself.
You can also tag yourself and others that the only thing that helps is to get to a more low-radiation environment.

You live in a village outside Junsele.
Forces all EHS to live lonely in rural areas?

- No, the worst affected.
They are trying to find low-radiation areas.

Are you electrosensitivity?
Or do you know someone who is?
Email: news.vasternorrland @
Could Radiation from Car Alarms be harming you?
I asked Alasdair of 'Powerwatch' for more information and here is his reply:
I do know that some car alarms for remote alarm use WiFi to link with the house nearby - same power as normal WiFi. There are also cellphone technology car alarms that report the car's GPS position regularly and also send an SMS message to a pre-set cellphone number if the car is tampered with in any way. They have the same power as a single cellphone.  I do not know of any Bluetooth car alarms.
Separately at lower frequencies: Electric cars and large cars with the battery in the trunk (boot) and the engine at the front fill the inside of the car with nasty high-frequency switching EMFs - really nasty stuff. I personally know that Audis and Volvos and some Mercedes suffer from this. I have rewired an Audi A5 to reduce the in-cabin magnetic fields. I do not know about USA and Canadian cars.
Best regards
I recently measured a new BMW car with my radiofrequency meter and found that when the engine was turned on, the drivers area had quite strong microwave radiation, particularly around the area where the knees and legs would normally be.  The driver reported more fatigue during a journey.
This is very disappointing from a company that prides itself with automobile safety! 
Beware of any cars with bluetooth devices installed.
Bits of Mystery DNA Play Crucial Role
The discovery, considered a major medical and scientific breakthrough, has enormous implications for human health because many complex diseases appear to be caused by tiny changes in hundreds of gene switches.
An amazing study which could be the key that has been missing – the mechanism. 
We all know that studies have shown DNA damage due to prolonged exposure to electro magnetic radiation. 
Now it seems that they have found the "switches" that can be triggered by environmental agents.
Sharon Noble
Pulsed microwave radiation must be a strong candidate for causing these tiny changes to gene switches!
Polar Swim (non EMF)

To sign up for WEEP News:  (provide name and e-mail address)

W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices Pose Health Risks

The human body as a walking RF antenna

Tumour fear cuts chatter as woman switch off their mobile phones

Why Our Urban Trees are Dying

Barrie Trower predicts economic and ecological systems collapse

Scientists manipulated research played down brain tumour risks in children

Cancer Industry: Profits Before Lives

Killer Cell Phones: Why Honeybees Are Dying Worldwide

The Latest Danger: 'Smart Meters'

SmartMeters and Electropollution

Smart Meters: not so smart an idea

Cellphones ring in alarm bells

Wi-Fi making kids, teachers sick?

Brennan Park phone tower fight looms

Money for masts

Phone mast plan fury residents in blockade

Parents worried at new mast scheme

B.C. Hydro program sparks up a storm of controversy

CTIA again tries to block San Francisco cell phone radiation ordinance

People power halts roof mobile phone mast, in Sutherland Grove, Teddington

Next-up News Nr 1818

Next-up News Nr 1820

Next-up News Nr 1821

Next-up News Nr 1822

Next-up News Nr 1823

Next-up News Nr 1824

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Unexplained increases in brain cancer in nations with longer term cellphone use

The ongoing mystery of the magnetosensing cows

Cell phone radiation and institutional corruption addressed

How the Telecom Industry Seeks to Confuse About the Dangers of Cell Phones

Smart Meters Raise Privacy, Health Concerns

Why risk your health with a mobile phone?

Sprowston residents angry about new mobile phone mast

People people thwarts mast plans

Frankie Boyle wins phone mast fight

Residents get council to reject cellphone tower

Anger in Bedworth over new phone mast

DoT gets PAC call: Monitor harmful radiation

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.
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