Monday, April 30, 2012

Killing millions of birds / New Microwave News / New Radiation Filters / Euro Parliament / Recovery / Bus Tickets / Adriane Carr / Limit kids use / Erroneous Data / EMR / Sunshine? / False report

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

30 April 2012

Communications towers killing millions of birds in Canada and U.S., says study
The New Microwave News
Introducing the new Microwave News Web site:

We hope you like it and find it easier to use.
We welcome your comments.

Please bear in mind that this is still a work in progress.
Over the coming months, we will continue to update
the site. So, if some items seem unfinished, feel free to
let us know, but they are probably still on our to-do list!


Louis Slesin
So say researchers in the US, who have created thin films that can be engineered to strongly absorb radiation in a specific band of the electromagnetic spectrum.
European Parliament EMF Dangers
Dear Ms Atzmon,

Thank you for your message. You find the summary of the text on the Health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields, adopted by the Parliament, below:

You find related documents in the 3 fans in the bottom page of the procedure file of the legislative observatory on the website of the European Parliament. In the section "Technical information" you find the Committees (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety committee (ENVI)) reference number you referred to in your email:

For further questions we will suggest that you contact the ENVI Committee on the following email:

We hope you find this information useful. Please contact us again if you have other questions.

With kind regards,
EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre - your shortcut to the EU!

Please note that the information provided by EUROPE DIRECT is not legally binding

Thilde Jensen's recovery from environmental illness
An interesting video and many useful links at the bottom of the page.
Radiation Bus Tickets
Adriane Carr on CBC Radio
Vancouver councillor Adriane Carr has put forward a motion allowing Vancouver residents to opt out of Smart Meters.
A BRISTOL professor has advised that children should limit their use of mobile phones to minimise the risk of brain cancer. Denis Henshaw, emeritus presenter at Bristol University...
Erroneous Representation of Radiation Data.
BC Chief Medical Officer Dr. Perry Kendall's Letter on Wi-Fi for Schools
EMR Health Alliance of BC
Health effects

Sunlight exposure has been blamed for the growing incidences of melanoma skin cancers, but a review of the research paints a very different picture.
False Report used by HPA

The AGNIR (Advisory Group on Non-Ionising Radiation) has produced a report on behalf of the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA).  The document is entitled ' Health Effects from Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields ', April 2012 .

The misleading nature of the report can be illustrated by the example of male fertility. A full description can be found on

Of the studies listed in the present report, 18 found decreased measures of male fertility or damage to sperm (78%) and 5 found no effect.    If the omitted studies are included in the data then 32 found damaging effects (80%) and 8 didn't (20%).  Astonishingly, the conclusion was that there remains no convincing evidence that radiofrequency fields below current guidelines have any effect on male fertility.  The word 'convincing' is a very subjective one and is mentioned a lot throughout the report.  The authors were not convinced by the 18 papers finding measures of decreased male fertility, but were more convinced by the 5 which had found no effect.  It isn't just about numbers, considering the quality of the studies is also important.  But it is hard to understand how an honest assessment of the scientific literature could possibly conclude that there remains no (convincing) evidence that radiofrequency radiation can decrease male fertility.   

Lloyd Morgan interviewed about HPA False Report
Film trailer RESONANCE - Beings of Frequency.  

Key health & privacy info revealed and explained by Prof. Glen Chase


New smart meters video:


In the course of researching facts for the upcoming film (coming soon :)), we came across a brilliant man, Professor Glen Chase, who is bringing to light some absolutely KEY information in the areas of privacy and health.  Prof Chase is easy-to-understand and makes this info simple to learn & communicate to others.


Our new video below, with audio from Thursday's conf call, visually explains these points:

  1. Privacy: Visual explanation of your detailed in-home data that is collected & sold
  2. Health: Via court order, PG&E admits smart meters emit 14,000 bursts per day on average - or every 6 seconds - and up to 190,000 / day.  (This does not even include the planned 2.4gHz in-home transmissions via the "zigbee" chip.)
  3. Health: Single smart meter radiation is 50x to 450x more full-body radiation exposure than an active cell-phone
  4. Health: Single smart meter radiation is approx 100x higher than level internationally recognized as "extreme concern"

Still know some people who are parroting corporate propaganda? 

Watch, re-post & forward this paradigm-changing video to your contacts:

Professor Glen Chase teaches Systems Management specializing in Environmental Economics and Statistics; faculty alumn USC, Cal State, Monterey Institute of Int'l Studies, Naval Post-Graduate School.

Also, download documentation for this talk, including the 3 original documents:


Josh del Sol

Producer, Take Back Your Power

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inc. Internet Provider CEO: "I Hate Wireless."

* Inc, CEO Dane Jasper writes, on his blog:

"Wireless is magic. You point two antennas at each other over a span of miles, and broadband comes out the other end. Most of the time.

I hate wireless.

Today, we sold our wireless network."

Several years ago, Sonic had hoped to install a free public wi-fi network in Sebastopol.  But after months of campaigning against Sonic's wi-fi, the Sebastopol city council decided to terminate their contract based on health and safety risks of wireless.  Sonic now states it is retiring all of their public wi-fi projects!

CEO Jasper contends the wireless is difficult and their focus is changing to wireline services, which include fiber optics!

*About Inc:, founded in 1994, provides broadband access to consumers and wholesale ISP partners in a thirteen state region.'s flagship product is "Fusion", which combines unlimited broadband and local and long distance home telephone service. For $39.95, every Fusion customer gets the maximum Internet speed possible at their location — up to 20Mbps — plus a traditional phone line with U.S. and Canadian calling included. For more information, visit

"It's becoming much more public, the harm that cell phones can cause," Shea said. "They're saying they can cause brain cancer, they can cause ovarian cancer, so why, if a tiny cell phone can cause that kind of cancer, what can a huge tower that's ...

To sign up for WEEP News:  (provide name and e-mail address)

W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices Pose Health Risks

The human body as a walking RF antenna

Tumour fear cuts chatter as woman switch off their mobile phones

Why Our Urban Trees are Dying

Barrie Trower predicts economic and ecological systems collapse

Scientists manipulated research played down brain tumour risks in children

Cancer Industry: Profits Before Lives

Killer Cell Phones: Why Honeybees Are Dying Worldwide

The Latest Danger: 'Smart Meters'

SmartMeters and Electropollution

Smart Meters: not so smart an idea

Cellphones ring in alarm bells

Wi-Fi making kids, teachers sick?

Brennan Park phone tower fight looms

Money for masts

Phone mast plan fury residents in blockade

Parents worried at new mast scheme

B.C. Hydro program sparks up a storm of controversy

CTIA again tries to block San Francisco cell phone radiation ordinance

People power halts roof mobile phone mast, in Sutherland Grove, Teddington

Next-up News Nr 1818

Next-up News Nr 1820

Next-up News Nr 1821

Next-up News Nr 1822

Next-up News Nr 1823

Next-up News Nr 1824

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Unexplained increases in brain cancer in nations with longer term cellphone use

The ongoing mystery of the magnetosensing cows

Cell phone radiation and institutional corruption addressed

How the Telecom Industry Seeks to Confuse About the Dangers of Cell Phones

Smart Meters Raise Privacy, Health Concerns

Why risk your health with a mobile phone?

Sprowston residents angry about new mobile phone mast

People people thwarts mast plans

Frankie Boyle wins phone mast fight

Residents get council to reject cellphone tower

Anger in Bedworth over new phone mast

DoT gets PAC call: Monitor harmful radiation

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Friday, April 27, 2012

EMF effects on Glands / Tablet pains / EMF weapons / Disconnect trailer / Annie Saco warning / Woman Sues / Electropolluted / Spying cost / Austrian guidlines / Cell protection / Avella protest

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

27 April 2012

Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Glands and its Relationship with Diabetes
See the attached paper by Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy
Tablets Can Cause Headaches and Throat Pains
The Voice of Russia
It is important that such rays do not affect the inner tissues and organs. The USA is the leader in this field, and Russia has become the second state in the world that has started developing electromagnetic weapons
The Danger of Cell Phones and Wi Fi
Video interview with Dr Annie Sasco, MD MPH MS Dr PH
Despite the voices of industry-funded scientists saying otherwise there is
concrete evidence that mobiles/cellphones and wifi cause cancer in humans.

 In 2011 the IARC reclassified them as Class 2B, possibly carcinogenic, yet
they actually had enough evidence if not the balls to go further and
classify them as Class 2A, probably carcinogenic.

Here Dr Annie Sasco, Harvard Doctorate, ex-Head of the IARC on cancer
research, ex-cancer specialist for the WHO and now group leader of an INSERM
programme on cancer prevention in France, talks frankly in an exclusive
interview about why we should be concerned - especially for children. Even
if you don't use a mobile phone or wifi you are still affected. Watch this
video for true facts, not industry-funded hype that there is no evidence of
harm. It could save your life.

Mast Sanity

Woman Sues SDG&E Over Smart Meters

Susan Brinchman Says Company's Smart Meters Leads To Health Problems

"We feel this is a form of extortion. If you don't pay, we're going to continue to harm you," said Brinchman.

Brinchman's lawsuit claims SDG&E's fees are illegal.


Vitality Magazine, Toronto, Ontario wrote a 5 page article in their March 2012 on Electrosmog. 

It is now posted online. FYI


PG&E's spying may cost them

"Guideline of the Austrian Medical Association for the diagnosis and treatment of EMF related health problems and illnesses (EMF-syndrome) - English Version
UK Cell Phone Protection Agency
Has the HPA become a criminal organization?  Have they been infiltrated by wrongdoers?
How can they simply ignore the World Health Organization class 2B carcinogen classification?
How can they ignore the masses of research which show that microwave radiation causes serious biological changes.
How dare they suggests that RF field exposure below guideline levels "does not cause symptoms in humans"?

Avella protests cluster of cell towers on office

"Residents in the area have noticed an increase in cancer cases and other radiation-linked illnesses over the past 10 years that they believe are linked to the cell phone towers," Avella said.

Dangerous New Cell Phone Frequencies
The next spectrum up for auction is the 700 megahertz spectrum and bidding could be held late this year or early in 2013. It will have limits on the amount of spectrum any one wireless carrier can buy.

The spectrum has the ability to allow cellphone calls in elevators, deep in underground parking lots and in tunnels in big cities, and in basements and attics in suburban areas. It also provides better and more affordable coverage in rural Canada because fewer cellphone towers are needed to provide coverage.

Newspaper report from Burgundy, France.

Anne Cautain's parents who are in their 70's who have written an open letter about their EHS daughter living in a cave ...

Open letter Debate on electrosensitivity
on 22/04/2012

Michelle and
Robert Cautain: "We were participating, Tuesday, March 13, mayor of Dijon, the conference debate on electromagnetic fields, organized and moderated by Mr. Pribetich, Deputy Mayor of Dijon and physicist, specialist in waves. [...] So we, when we are in, exposed the case of our daughter Anne Cautain, electro hypersensitive surviving in a cave in the Hautes-Alpes. [...]

As stressed by the speaker, we are faced with a choice of society. We have in our hands a new tool to good use, must be supervised and regulated. In short, we need a law. However, this technical progress leads to this mass consumption brings us to a real public health problem. [...]

We call insistently to political power in the nation, for this primordial law and necessary. But not only!  Because we believe local councils and the councils of the regions and departments should assume the political responsibilities which are theirs, about the health risks faced by their constituents. Of course, by a recent judgment (and circumstantial) we want to prohibit elected officials any intervention in this area, leaving the field open to all-powerful operators. Like us, these elected officials can be placed in terms of a struggle. Which may involve civil disobedience, and expose themselves to the rigors of the law. But should he not come to that because it is urgent. [...]

When Randall was finished, Lang stated that RF radiation causes her severe pain. Lang was apprehensive and at times overwrought as she testified to her pain and electromagnetic sensitivity.
"I didn't want to come here tonight—but I don't want anyone to go through this," said Lang as one arm and one leg shook involuntarily.
In a phone conversation following the meeting, Lang revealed that she suffers, also, from Parkinson's Disease, but feels that RF radiation triggers the disease's symptoms.

Opposition grows, but BC Hydro installing smart meters
Vancouver Smart Meters
Vancouver city council is set to vote on a Smart Meter Moratorium, Even if you dont live there (but especially if you do) this is your chance to let them know you are against the meters... and all they are, do and represent.

The only thing worse than not having a voice is not speaking. 
Their email contact is below, take 30 seconds to copy and paste, even just to say "I am against smart meters" or more.... or alot more.

If enough people do this, we can make a difference in the outcome of this vote and in the outcome of this entire fiasco.

Please plan on coming to the Vancouver City Council meeting Tuesday, May 1 at 9:30 am, carrying signs.  The signs will be handed out  before the meeting at 9.30 am so try to be at City Hall by 9- 9:15 am

 or email:  (probably easier and faster) on or before May 1st.  Keep them coming even after that date, but we want the bulk of the messages to be in by May 1st.


Again also, I cannot stress enough that you need to get on your insurers as to how they have let this device get on your home, or will do nothing against them putting it on

THE BIGGEST ISSUE HERE, in the end is not 'coverage'.... How do you cover for damaged lungs from smoke inhalation?
How do you 'cover' for burnt skin? loss of life, lost pets, heirlooms etc?

You want to know you are SAFE in your home, and why they are doing nothing to keep you safe. Again, you are not concerned about their rhetoric of 'you are covered' because when the fire happens they will be looking at every way to make sure YOU were the problem, or worse they will blame Hydro, then Hydro will make YOU the problem.

UNDERSTAND CONTRACT WORKERS (not electricians) are installing a NON CSA/UL approved device onto your home

CSA/UL are/is the very testing that is to help you know you are safe.

So if you, or a friend have this on your/their home, there is risk of fire RIGHT NOW.

And yes it has been hydro, your government, ITRON that have made this happen, while you paid the money for them to use you as collateral damage for their profiteering schemes.

If you even put a lightbulb in that is not CSA approved your insurance is void INSTANTLY

If you have a meter on your house....

Nor are the people in your apartment complex, building, rental units (Nor is the property itself)

If you get replies from your insurers, you can send them to me and I can phrase the questions out to reply to their responses

Brian Thiesen
Interior Smart Meter Awareness
Kamloops Chapter

To sign up for WEEP News:  (provide name and e-mail address)

W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices Pose Health Risks

The human body as a walking RF antenna

Tumour fear cuts chatter as woman switch off their mobile phones

Why Our Urban Trees are Dying

Barrie Trower predicts economic and ecological systems collapse

Scientists manipulated research played down brain tumour risks in children

Cancer Industry: Profits Before Lives

Killer Cell Phones: Why Honeybees Are Dying Worldwide

The Latest Danger: 'Smart Meters'

SmartMeters and Electropollution

Smart Meters: not so smart an idea

Cellphones ring in alarm bells

Wi-Fi making kids, teachers sick?

Brennan Park phone tower fight looms

Money for masts

Phone mast plan fury residents in blockade

Parents worried at new mast scheme

B.C. Hydro program sparks up a storm of controversy

CTIA again tries to block San Francisco cell phone radiation ordinance

People power halts roof mobile phone mast, in Sutherland Grove, Teddington

Next-up News Nr 1818

Next-up News Nr 1820

Next-up News Nr 1821

Next-up News Nr 1822

Next-up News Nr 1823

Next-up News Nr 1824

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Unexplained increases in brain cancer in nations with longer term cellphone use

The ongoing mystery of the magnetosensing cows

Cell phone radiation and institutional corruption addressed

How the Telecom Industry Seeks to Confuse About the Dangers of Cell Phones

Smart Meters Raise Privacy, Health Concerns

Why risk your health with a mobile phone?

Sprowston residents angry about new mobile phone mast

People people thwarts mast plans

Frankie Boyle wins phone mast fight

Residents get council to reject cellphone tower

Anger in Bedworth over new phone mast

DoT gets PAC call: Monitor harmful radiation

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The biggest experiment / Children with cancer / Ban cell phones Udine, Italy / Gro Harlem Brundtland / Smart Meters Health and Privacy / Montreal / Health Policy failure / Seizures and wireless / Stress

W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

26 April 2012


'The biggest experiment of our species': With five billion mobile users in the world, conference calls for research into potential brain cancer risks

Professor Henshaw said: 'Vast numbers of people are using mobile phones and they could be a time bomb of health problems - not just brain tumours, but also fertility, which would be a serious public health issue.

'The health effects of smoking alcohol and air pollution are well known and well talked about, and it's entirely reasonable we should be openly discussing the evidence for this, but it is not happening.

'We want to close the door before the horse has bolted.'




CHILDREN with CANCER UK Conference - live video streaming

Charity CHILDREN with CANCER UK is holding a 3-day international scientific conference in the causes of childhood cancers. The programme is available via the link below, but includes diet, ionising radiation and EMF related effects including exposure from powerlines and mobile phones.

Starting on Tuesday 24th April 2012, the conference is being video streamed live.

Speakers include Elisabeth Cardis, Richard Stevens, Dariusz Leszczynski, Annie Sasco and many, many other key scientists.
Life Will Be Difficult for Cell Phone Fanatics in Udine, Italy
The mayor of Udine, Italy (100,000 inhabitants)  has launched a campaign to ban cell phones.  The campaign is the initiative of one of the city's elected officials who is a physician.
Cell phones "harm health and ruin social relations."    The mayor of Udine, in north-east Italy, has gone to war. His target:  the frenzied use of mobile phones by its 100,000 citizens.  Friday, he launched a campaign which invites tradespeople to ban use of "telefonini" in their establishment


Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland

Presentation at Waterloo University.  Written by Dr. Magda Havas.


Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway, former Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) and now a member of The Elders—an independent group of global leaders brought together by Nelson Mandela—gave the keynote presentation on Thursday April 19, 2012 on the occasion of the Opening for the new School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo.

Dr. Brundtland spoke about her training and experience as a physician, in public health, as a Minister of the Environment and later as the first female Prime Minister of Norway and as the head of the WHO. She talked about problems with global health issues including the SARS epidemic and how health authorities and governments around the world put aside their differences and came together quickly to avert a potential global disaster.  She spoke about malaria, AIDS, water quality issues, childhood poverty and other illness associated primarily with developing countries.

During her presentation, Dr. Brundtland's cell phone rang.  She paused the presentation and removed her phone from her purse to check to see who was calling. She told us the call was from Oslo and that she would tell us more about it at the reception.  She held up the phone and said that it was a Blackberry and acknowledged that the phone was invented at Waterloo, the city where she was giving her talk. She then placed her Blackberry on the podium and continued her presentation.

Dr. Brundtland's response to her cell phone was most unusual, especially after repeated requests–prior to her presentation–for everyone to turn their cell phone off.  Few speakers would take the trouble to find their phone, draw attention to the caller and the manufacturer's relationship with the university.  Some members of the audience believe the cell phone call was staged

At the end of Dr. Brundtland's talk, the moderator said we had time for 5 questions from the audience. The first question was about arsenic problems in Bangladesh.

I raised my hand and asked the second question.

"Dr. Brundtland, my name is Magda Havas and I'm a professor at Trent University. I work with people who have electrohypersensitivity. In this age of growing exposure to wireless technology and constantly increasing levels of exposure to radiofrequency radiation, what advice do you have for the University of Waterloo and for the rest of Canada and for those who are or will become electrohypersensitive."

She paused for a few moments and then went on to explain a health issue that has caused a lot of controversy in her life.

Dr. Brundtland said, "Based on your question, I assume you know that I am electrically sensitive. I never place a mobile phone next to my head because in one second I would develop a bad headache. I use the phone in speaker mode," and she demonstrated with her cell phone, holding it away from her head.

"I answered truthfully to media regarding my sensitivity to mobile phones. My story was written up in a Norwegian paper,"

She cautioned about the overuse of cell phones and went on to explain how she became allergic to microwave radiation.

"Let me tell you how I became electrically sensitivity. In my case, it was an accident with a microwave oven. While making lunch for my husband and myself, I placed some food in the microwave oven on a plate that had blue flowers. The plate began to spark, and foolishly, I went closer to have a look.  My eyes were damaged and I was blinded for one year.  I still have poor eyesight. It turned out that the flowers were made of cobalt blue paint and we know not to put metal into a microwave oven. This happened only two months after I become Director-General of the World Health Organization. I had researched before putting a microwave oven in my home and had convinced myself that it would not be dangerous—which was not correct.

From that incident I became electrically sensitive. I have been heavily criticized as scaring people from using cell phones because I told the truth about my illness.

This is important. We are exposed to different technologies of a new nature. I am frustrated that I was unable to sound the alarm fully.  A sentence in an instruction book—where you do not explain the danger of radiofrequency—is not good public health and consumer policy.  I became electrically sensitive and have been criticized because I can scare the public.  We know they are not inert and there are potential consequences. People who have electrical sensitivity show that we do take some risk.  Until we know more, we cannot say this is no problem."

In the end, Dr. Brundtland said that people who say they are electrically sensitive are not taken seriously. Her final words to the audience were, "Let your children have a mobile phone all day? NO!"

Those of us in the audience, who were familiar with her background, appreciated her honesty. The question period was terminated.

The entire session was videotaped but it is unlikely that her answer will appear because Waterloo is the birthplace for RIM (Research In Motion)—the inventor of the BlackBerry and a key player in wireless technology.  Indeed, Dr. Brundtland's honest response was probably a wee bit embarrassing to this high-tech university.

The press, who were there during her presentation and interviewed her afterwards, did not give any information about her answers after her presentation.

At the reception following her speech, in a private conversation Dr. Brundtland asked one of the attendees how he became electrohypersensitive (EHS).  They discussed how the environment needs to be modified to reduce electrosmog exposure in order to protect health.  They also discussed how difficult it is to make these modifications due to logistics, costs, and lack of understanding within the public health arena

Ever since "Our Common Future" (commonly referred to as the Brundtland report on sustainable development) was published, I have been an admirer of this remarkable woman who is not afraid to speak the truth, knowing that people like Michael Repacholi will attack her no matter what she says.

Indeed, the personal attacks resumed several weeks ago and seem totally unprovoked.  I wonder why Repacholi feels it is necessary to criticize his former boss?  Expect he is still protecting his friends in the telecom industry, which is what he did when he worked for the WHO.

I recall attending a meeting that Dr. Repacholi organized at the University of Ottawa quite a few years ago. It was attended by a small group of people from the federal government, industry representatives and experts mostly from Canada.

Repacholi stated that he was disappointed that countries were not following WHO's lead in establishing radiofrequency radiation (RFR) guidelines. He said that different guidelines just lead to confusion and risk for the credibility of the WHO.  I stood up and said that countries would follow the WHO but the WHO is failing to lead.

Later Repacholi asked how we could prevent lawsuits against the cell phone industry. This question was most revealing. It was obvious that his concern was for the welfare of the telecom industry rather than the health and welfare of the world's population.

I believe that Dr. Repacholi was once a good scientist but something happened along the road to the WHO.  Some lose their way and some, like Dr. Brundtland, become Elders—the wise among us—who are here to reduce pain and suffering and to bring social justice to the forefront of decision-making.

Her statement on the Elders is that:  We are individuals who are speaking without any outside pressures.  In that context we can create the potential for change.

We need more people like her.

If Gandhi were still alive, he would be a member of The Elders.  Here is one of Gandhi's quotes that fit the Brundtland/Repacholi situation.

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win"–Mahatma Gandhi.

Thank you Dr. Brundtland for your honesty.


Note the "direct quotes" are drawn from memory and are not necessary verbatim.

Dr. Magda Havas is Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University (Canada) and she teaches and does research on the biological and health effects of electromagnetic energy.



Smart Meters Health and Privacy

This is to confirm the upcoming Smart Meters conference call on Health and Privacy, as just emailed, is this Thursday, April 26th, at 6pm PST.  (Part of the message mistakenly said May.)


Date: Thurs April 26
Time: 6:00-7:30pm PST / 9:00-10:30pm EST
Topic: Smart Meters Health and Privacy - The details, explained
Guest: Prof. Glen Chase, Santa Cruz, CA
Invitation: Open to public

Dial: 1-712-432-3066 (regular long-distance charges may apply)
Code: 164096
Required: Download and Print this file before the call: click here & print [pdf]


Thank you for your support!


Josh del Sol

Producer, Take Back Your Power

Montreal Earth Day
I'm proud to tell you 250,000 gathered in Montreal Sunday to
ask for a truly sustainable development. Seems it was the
biggest Earth Day march in the world this year after Tokyo's

Dr. Perry Kendall's public health policy is based on the industry,
military and an academic fraud case. 
BC Canada
Walter McGinnis contacted with Dr. Perry Kendall, checked his sources of info on smart meters and tells about the result: no good solid sources, no good research, nothing near independent source, but every source of info is involved with conflict of interest, academic fraud, military or industry.  (from minute 27:16)
Seizures and Wireless Radiation
Between 1993 and 2005, convulsion-related hospitalizations increased 69 percent from 730,000 to 1.2 million."

Neurology & emf-

* Von Klitzing, L. Low-Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Influence EEG Of Man. Phys Med (1995) April/June:77-80
* Mann et coll. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human sleep. Journal Neuropsychobiology, 1996;33:41-47
* Mann et coll. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on the neuroendocrine system. Neuroendocrinology 1998 Feb;67(2):139-44
* Wagner et coll. Human sleep EEG under the influence of pulsed radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Results from polysomnographies using submaximal high power flux densities. Neuropsychobiology 2000;42(4):207-12
* Eulitz et coll. Mobile phones modulate response patterns of human brain activity. Neuroreport 1998 Oct 5;9(14):3229-32
* Borberly et coll. Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram. Neurosci Lett 1999 Nov 19;275(3):207-10
* Huber et coll. Exposure to pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field during waking affects human sleep EEG. Neuroreport (2000) 11:3321-3325
* Huber et coll. Electromagnetic fields, such as those from mobil phones, alter regional blood flow and sleep and waking EEG. J. Sleep Res. (2002) 11,289-295.
* Huber et coll. Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate. Bioelectromagnetics 2003 May;24(4):262-76
* Krause et coll. Effects of Electromagnetic Field Emitted by Cellular Phones on the EEG During a Memory Task. NeuroReport (2000) 11:761-764
* Freude et coll. Microwaves Emitted by Cellular Telephones Affect Human Slow Brain Potentials. Eur J Allp Physiol (2000) 81:18-27
* Koivisto et coll. The effects of electromagnetic field emitted by GSM phones on working memory. Neuroreport 2000 Jun 5;11(8):1641-3
* Lebedeva et coll. Investigation of brain potentials in sleeping humans exposed to the electromagnetic field of mobile phones. Crit Rev Biomed Eng 2001;29(1):125-33
* Jech et coll. Electromagnetic Field of Mobile Phones Affects Visual Event Related Potential in Patients with Narcolepsy. Bioelectromagnetics (2001) 22:519-528.
*) Hinrikus et coll. Modulated Microwave Effects on EEG. EBEA 2001 meeting.
* Hinrikus et coll. Comparison of Photic and Microwave Stimulation Effects on EEG. Biological Effects of EMFs meeting (2002) Rhodes, Greece.
* Croft et coll. Acute mobile phone operation affects neural function in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology (2002) 113:1623-1632.

Wireless radiation is a constant stress on the body.

Outcry over cell towers may change how companies hold meetings

But inside some neighbors took cell phone video, which revealed a contentious situation with hundreds of upset neighbors claiming T-Mobile wasn't addressing their health concerns. Some described the meeting as a disaster.

To sign up for WEEP News:  (provide name and e-mail address)

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News from Mast Sanity


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Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


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Unexplained increases in brain cancer in nations with longer term cellphone use

The ongoing mystery of the magnetosensing cows

Cell phone radiation and institutional corruption addressed

How the Telecom Industry Seeks to Confuse About the Dangers of Cell Phones

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People people thwarts mast plans

Frankie Boyle wins phone mast fight

Residents get council to reject cellphone tower

Anger in Bedworth over new phone mast

DoT gets PAC call: Monitor harmful radiation

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


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