Wednesday, December 28, 2011


W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

28 December 2011

Smart meters made us ill, says resident

BY ALECIA PINNER A MT Eliza couple has been sleeping in their van for six weeks as they believe their smart meter is making them sick. Rosemary, said her symptoms began soon after the smart meter was installed.
Rochester OKs Smart Meter Resolution

City asks Michigan Public Services Commission to review and analyze resident concerns about new digital meters and also require DTE to allow residents to "opt out."
Smart meter protesters promise to keep at it

By Jason Hewlett Local opponents to smart-meter installation don't intend to give up the fight anytime soon following a successful rally outside the BC Hydro building on McGill Road. "It seems like people are very supportive of what we are trying to do ...

Residents raise concerns about health effects of digital meters

Now, concern that AMRs and Smart Meters — which allow for two-way communication of data that can be accessed remotely by an energy or water company — might cause serious health problems is slowly growing across the country.

Changes of Clinically Important Neurotransmitters
Attached is a study  Buchner and Eger, published 2011.  This study, which analyzed human urine samples taken before a cell tower was deployed in a Bavarian village and for 18 months afterward, shows that the chronically ill as well as children react more strongly than healthy adults.  In this study, people with allergies, asthma, and diabetes are among those designated as chronically ill.  The authors also show a correlation to the recorded depletion of PEA as a mechanism for the disregulation of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine at the end of the study.   They further discuss PEA's involvement in ADD, ADHD and mental illness.  From the study:

"The decrease of PEA levels between July 2004 and July 2005 is highly significant (p<0.0001)

"The effect mechanism of PEA in the catecholamine system is the center of current pharmaceutical research efforts. In molecular biological terms, intracellular TAAR (trace amine-associated receptor) G-protein-coupled receptors that mediate modulatory effects of
PEA are verified (20).
For high nanomolar to low micromolar PEA concentrations, in vivo studies  have  shown amphetamine-like effects.  During an increase
of PEA,  an increased amount of noradrenaline and dopamine is also released and the reuptake of these substances is impaired (25,
According to Burchett, the following effects of PEA amplifying the catecholamine effect are assumed to be known: Direct agonist action via increased release of transmitters, reuptake inhibition,  and stimulation of transmitter synthesis as well as inhibition of monoamine oxidase (MAO) (19). PEA's high lipophilia—a prerequisite for the permeability of membrane barriers such as the blood-brain
barrier—is of note here; PEA levels in the brain, serum, and urine correlate quite well (10, 21, 25, 27).
The clinical relevance of changed PEA levels is well documented for mental illnesses. Endogenous depression is associated with lowered PEA levels, whereby the transition from depression to maniac episodes is accompanied by an increase in PEA levels (28-32).
The therapeutic increase in the PEA level has a positive impact on the course of the disease. Phenylalanine improves the effectiveness
of antidepressants; PEA by itself is a good antidepressant—effective in 60% of the cases of depression.
In persons with ADD/ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), PEA levels are substantially lower; the ADHD treatment with
methylphenidate (Ritalin®) normalizes PEA excretion in the urine of responders (33, 34).
We did what the government and industry wouldn't do: credible science.

Environmental Health Trust
Letter of the week
Scientists know that EMR effects are cumulative and more DNA damage is caused by pulsed rather than continuous signals, so the short strong regular transmissions from wireless smart meters are particularly harmful to our cells
Smart meter technology to drive up the costs of power

Controversial: A smart meter. But are they really so smart? Picture: Daily Telegraph Source: The Daily Telegraph THE cost of cooling your home and cooking dinner could double under a new Gillard government power proposal.
The Potential Impact of Mobile Phone Use on Trends in Brain and CNS Tumors

It is too early to predict future rates of brain cancer, but these
preliminary findings suggest that we should prepare for about a

doubled brain cancer incidence rate and possibly as high as 25 times the incidence we have today. One result of such a worldwide increase in

brain cancers would be a dramatic shortage of neurosurgeons leading to increased mortality. Any statement about harmless cell phones

based on only 5-10 years of use has no scientific basis due to the long latency times involved.


THE $2.18 billion roll-out of Victoria's electricity smart meters will go ahead because too much money has been spent to pull back.


Wireless Devices on Airplanes a Bigger Problem Than You Think

Now I am reporting that the problem of electro-magnetic interference affecting commercial flights is much bigger than previously suspected.
Bangkok - Another location to cross off your travel list

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry says it will introduce free public WiFi at 20,000 locations around Greater Bangkok starting tomorrow.An additional 20,000 WiFi hotspots are expected by October next year, said ICT Minister Anudith Nakornthap.

Why didn't they check the health effects of microwave radiation before planning this?


To sign up for WEEP News:  (provide name and e-mail address)

W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices Pose Health Risks

The human body as a walking RF antenna

Tumour fear cuts chatter as woman switch off their mobile phones

Why Our Urban Trees are Dying

Barrie Trower predicts economic and ecological systems collapse

Scientists manipulated research played down brain tumour risks in children

Cancer Industry: Profits Before Lives

Killer Cell Phones: Why Honeybees Are Dying Worldwide

The Latest Danger: 'Smart Meters'

SmartMeters and Electropollution

Smart Meters: not so smart an idea

Cellphones ring in alarm bells

Wi-Fi making kids, teachers sick?

Brennan Park phone tower fight looms

Money for masts

Phone mast plan fury residents in blockade

Parents worried at new mast scheme

B.C. Hydro program sparks up a storm of controversy

CTIA again tries to block San Francisco cell phone radiation ordinance

People power halts roof mobile phone mast, in Sutherland Grove, Teddington

Next-up News Nr 1818

Next-up News Nr 1820

Next-up News Nr 1821

Next-up News Nr 1822

Next-up News Nr 1823

Next-up News Nr 1824

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Unexplained increases in brain cancer in nations with longer term cellphone use

The ongoing mystery of the magnetosensing cows

Cell phone radiation and institutional corruption addressed

How the Telecom Industry Seeks to Confuse About the Dangers of Cell Phones

Smart Meters Raise Privacy, Health Concerns

Why risk your health with a mobile phone?

Sprowston residents angry about new mobile phone mast

People people thwarts mast plans

Frankie Boyle wins phone mast fight

Residents get council to reject cellphone tower

Anger in Bedworth over new phone mast

DoT gets PAC call: Monitor harmful radiation

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Best wishes for Christmas and for the New Year.
The WEEP Initiative.
A little bit of Christmas cheer








Saturday, December 24, 2011


W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

24 December 2011




 Citizens' Group Seeks Injunction Against Smart Meter Program

A complaint has been filed under Section 47 of the Utilities Commission Act requesting an injunctive freeze on the wireless component of the Smart Meter Program without delay. This action is being taken to engage the Commission's administrative function as a regulator of BC Hydro in accordance with the rule of law; only by operation of the rule of law can the public interest in health, security, privacy and safety be factored into Smart Meter Program decisions.

 Up until now, the Commission as a regulator has been left out and, with that, any consideration of the public interest has been eliminated from BC Hydro's decision. The action taken is about preserving the regulatory oversight and democratic process we uphold under the rule of law in British Columbia. BC Hydro cannot be allowed to act with impunity, without regard to the public interest, on a matter that raises serious concerns with respect to human health, environmental integrity, individual privacy and civil liberties.

The Clean Energy Act purports to excuse BC Hydro from having to obtain a BCUC issued Certificate of "public convenience and necessity" but not with respect to the wireless and snooping components of the Smart Meter Program. The Commission is requested to issue relief on an urgent and interim basis, without hearing and without delay, so as to effectively freeze any and all activity being carried out by BC Hydro in contravention of section 45(1) of the Utilities Commission Act.  Any delay in the issuance of the relief sought will allow BC Hydro to continue with unauthorized expenditures associated with the Unauthorized Extensions. This Action is taken to preserve and give weight to the public interest with regard to the deployment of the Smart Meter Program in British Columbia.

 Media Contacts

 David M. Aaron, Barrister & Solicitor
Tel: 250.551.6840  Fax: 866.685.7376

Sharon Noble, CST Legal Liaison,  –, Tel: (619)628-1947

Una St.Clair, CST Executive Director,  –


I hope you all will look for news articles, and make comments. We believe there is a good chance of setting a precedent here, and could use support from across the country in the media. CBC last night did a segment on the National which was weak and misleading. Here is a poll where I hope you will vote. And here is a poll. and comments here would be most appreciated.
Merry Christmas to all!

Soon, mobile phones in India will carry radiation tags

A very large majority of subscribers have no information or recourse relating to health hazards from possible harmful Electro-Magnetic Frequency (EMF) radiation emitting from mobile handsets. Radio frequency
Doctor Reverses MS in 9 Months by Eating These Foods
This information may help some people improve their health.
Authorities Declare Radiation Suits Safe
Note - This story is quite opposite to the story in the previous edition of WEEP News and you may be wondering, who to believe. 
I have experimented with several different 'protective' materials over the last few years and they all have provided mixed results, with some benefits and some problems.  Radiation protective materials will reflect / deflect wireless radiation but they can also sometimes act like antennas and should be used carefully.  Testing with a good quality radiofrequency meter and following instructions carefully, may save you unwanted RF exposure.  The last thing you would want is for microwave radiation to get trapped underneath the garment and reflect back on to your skin.
Protective clothing may help you.  Just be aware that there is no perfect solution other than to avoid sources of radiation.
Another comment from a WEEP News reader on Radiation Suits:

"Without these radiation clothes, normal skin can actually reflect most radiation away from the body, absorbing only a small amount". Dr. Chen Qingsong, an expert on electromagnetic radiation at Guangdong Prevision and Treatment Center for Occupational ...

In my opinion, the significance of these newspaper articles is not whether the clothes work or not.   It's the fact that millions of people in China currently believe that EMF can effect the child while in the womb and the majority of expectant mothers are trying to do something about it.  Here in North America, we place microwave radiating baby monitors right beside the child soon after as it is born.   

For those of you that might actually believe Dr. Chen Qingsong statement that skin reflects radiation, while in fact it is the exact opposite, here are some facts for you to consider.  Using just the term "Radiation" when describing a health problem in the electromagnetic frequency spectrum is misleading.  We are all exposed to radiation, 24 hours of the day, even before electricity was invented. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can be stopped just by wearing clothes.  X-Rays emitted from medical treatment and diagnostic devices can only be stopped by lead lined clothing. 

In China, the workers are mainly interested in protecting themselves and their unborn babies from RF (Radio Frequency) radiation. The scientists, the governments and the population are confused in a sea of disinformation.  A great deal of manufacturing in China involves the use of RF heat sealers to make products.  Instead of using a hot metal mould to form the product, intense radio frequencies are injected into the plastic and the radio frequency causes the plastic to heat and melt.  These machines are giant industrial microwave ovens similar to what we have at home in our kitchen.  Workers at these plants are unfortunately exposed to levels of radiation that approach Canada Safety Code 6 levels.  To these workers, being exposed to the "thermal effect" is an everyday occurrence. The radiation from these machines really do heat their skin. 

25 years ago, when the workers complained to their superiors about the danger, they were told that the danger was very low and that only a pregnant woman might have a problem with the RF microwave radiation.  Just like pregnant woman should not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, these workers were told that the microwave radiation was harmless unless you were pregnant, so the custom of providing them with a radiation maternity dress became part of the safety code. These dresses were lined with silver mesh that could block microwave frequencies. 

When computer monitors were invented, the pregnant woman asked for the same radiation maternity dresses that were worn by factory workers. The radiation emitted by computer monitors varied but was mainly a magnetic field and the silver lined dresses could not block low EMF.  To appease the workers they gave them maternity dresses too. 

Then came cell phones, cell towers and Wifi. Now everyone in china that gets pregnant wants radiation clothes. But it did not stop with pregnant women. Men wanted vest jackets and underwear for the cell phones kept in their pockets. Soon after that, fashion designers created all sorts of clothing from wifi resistant children's clothes, evening wear, sports wear etc. Wearing radiation safe clothes is becoming the norm in china. But the term "Radiation" safe clothes is being abused by chinese clothing manufacturers.  Microwave radiation is a lot different than the magnetic fields emitted by TV sets, electric blenders, induction cookers and clock radios. Many radiation clothing manufacturers are saying that they block all forms of radiation from magnetic to microwave which is not possible. 

So, to calm the panic that is spreading amongst the citizens in China, the government is now saying that healthy skin reflects radiation. The truth is that it is the exact opposite.  Your body absorbs most radio frequencies.  And you can measure that effect using a standard called the SAR value or Specific Absorption Rate.  The cell phone manuals must state the SAR value of the phone. They also say do not touch the phone to your body as it will cause the phone to increase its broadcast power because you body has absorbed the signal. You become the arial for your cell phone. 
Robert Williams
MRC funds £1.6m research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 

CFS/ME is a complex and debilitating condition that affects around 250,000
people in the UK, including children. Symptoms include profound physical and
mental fatigue, muscle and joint pain, disturbed sleep patterns and
concentration and memory problems.
Could this really mean that there are possibly another 250,000 severely harmed EHS victims in the UK?

In-flight Wi-Fi takes off, except in Canada


In-flight Wi-Fi provider Gogo poised for $100M IPO take-off

Toshiba tests technology in Stratford

"What this gives us is a platform for innovation," said Paul West, business-development manager for Rhyzome Networks as he held up an LED bulb embedded with a computer chip and Wi-Fi radio.

Can you imagine anything more stupid than having Wi Fi in an LED bulb? 
This is just part of the 'microwave madness' that is infecting my home town of Stratford. 


More Microwave Madness
Dangerous devices installed throughout Stratfod.

Smart initiatives bode well (for Stratford)?

The people pushing wireless technology claim to be smart, but they ignore the adverse health effects of the dangerous technologies they promote.
That is not smart, it is stupid!
More danger for school childen

The school already had high-definition cameras in place throughout the building, and SAY Security donated cameras for use on the Ada school buses. Verizon 4G wireless service was also installed on the buses so the school can see live video from the buses.
Return of the Beast
Video of smart meters being removed and returned.

Another video is being made about the forced re-installation by California Edison with armed Police backup.
PG&E offers Smart Meter Op-Out
After a long battle with protesters, California utility company Pacific Gas and Electric has offered a substantial concession to smart meter opponents, allowing them to keep traditional analog electricity meters at an extra charge, according to The San Francisco Chronicle.
Wireless radiation and Fluoridation
RE - 
It shows that long term exposure (six years) to both cellphones and their base stations can alter human hormone profiles.
The most significant (which the authors describe as highly significant in the text) are their effects on the thyroid hormones, which show a marked reduction over this period.  Although the authors do not say it (I suspect that they dare not if they want to get their work published) this would result in hypothyroidism, the most important symptoms of which are fatigue and obesity.
WEEP reader's comments:
If cellphone exposure is combined with a fluoridated water supply, the low thyroid outcome is even more likely. 

See this history of the fluorine/iodine antagonism connection, and the use of fluorine-based drugs to treat overactive thyroid. 

Please join the spreading campaign to remove fluoride (from toxic-waste source) out of drinking water. 
"This water-based 'wet scrubber' hydrofluorosilicic acid, containing the contaminants, is then taken out of the chimneys and stored in open-air cooling lakes, further exposed to airborne contaminants.  Industry produces millions of gallons of this liquid hazardous waste.  It costs thousands of dollars per ton to properly neutralize and dispose of hydrofluorosilicic acid, therefore, industry would rather just sell it to you as 'product'."

And then if you're exposed to mercury too... and then the EMF shuts down detox — well we have got to do something about the use of these toxic substances. 


To sign up for WEEP News:  (provide name and e-mail address)

W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices Pose Health Risks

The human body as a walking RF antenna

Tumour fear cuts chatter as woman switch off their mobile phones

Why Our Urban Trees are Dying

Barrie Trower predicts economic and ecological systems collapse

Scientists manipulated research played down brain tumour risks in children

Cancer Industry: Profits Before Lives

Killer Cell Phones: Why Honeybees Are Dying Worldwide

The Latest Danger: 'Smart Meters'

SmartMeters and Electropollution

Smart Meters: not so smart an idea

Cellphones ring in alarm bells

Wi-Fi making kids, teachers sick?

Brennan Park phone tower fight looms

Money for masts

Phone mast plan fury residents in blockade

Parents worried at new mast scheme

B.C. Hydro program sparks up a storm of controversy

CTIA again tries to block San Francisco cell phone radiation ordinance

People power halts roof mobile phone mast, in Sutherland Grove, Teddington

Next-up News Nr 1818

Next-up News Nr 1820

Next-up News Nr 1821

Next-up News Nr 1822

Next-up News Nr 1823

Next-up News Nr 1824

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.

Unexplained increases in brain cancer in nations with longer term cellphone use

The ongoing mystery of the magnetosensing cows

Cell phone radiation and institutional corruption addressed

How the Telecom Industry Seeks to Confuse About the Dangers of Cell Phones

Smart Meters Raise Privacy, Health Concerns

Why risk your health with a mobile phone?

Sprowston residents angry about new mobile phone mast

People people thwarts mast plans

Frankie Boyle wins phone mast fight

Residents get council to reject cellphone tower

Anger in Bedworth over new phone mast

DoT gets PAC call: Monitor harmful radiation

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.
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