W.E.E.P. EMF News
The Canadian initiative to stop Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
28 July 2016
Moms Who Care Campaign
The main target audience is Moms in Canada and the action is to have concerned Moms (and any other Canadian, including children) send an email to their local MP and to Minister of Health Jane Philpott.
The Moms Who Care campaign is focusing on three main items by asking Minister Philpott to:
1. Provide a comprehensive response to the 2015 HESA REPORT
2. Implement all the 2015 HESA recommendations from the report "RADIOFREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION AND THE HEALTH OF CANADIANS"
3. Call for an updated review of Safety Code 6, Health Canada's guidelines regarding wireless radiation exposure, based on the significant evidence-based science that has been made public in the last 12 months.
Canadians - please take a few minutes to fill in your information with the tools available at the Moms Who Care website.
Here are the comments I submitted:
Although I am not a 'mom', I am deeply concerned about Canadian children being harmed by wireless radiation.
I have viewed hundreds of scientific reports which show that wireless microwave radiation causes significant adverse biological effects including large increases in various cancers, damage to DNA and cell structure, immune system suppression, depression and many other harmful effects.
Health problems are becoming more apparent as more people become ill from wireless exposure. Sometime in the future there is likely to be a Government inquiry into those who allowed the entire Canadian population to be harmed by wireless. At that time criminal liability may be assessed on the government officials who failed to act as part of their duties.
I wish to remind Minister Philpott that she is not 'Minister of Making Children and adults Sick', (because you allow poor Canadian Wireless Safety Standards).
The Scientific evidence that wireless radiation is harmful is massive and much of that evidence was available prior to Wi Fi, cordless telephones, cell phones and other wireless consumer devices being invented. Recent research is confirming those much earlier studies and greatly increasing our knowledge about the harmful effects of wireless radiation.
Our children are now being often being exposed to dangerous microwave radiation twenty four hours a day from Wi Fi, cordless telephones, 'smart' phones, tablets, wireless devices and antennas. This exposure may curtail their lifespan by many years and sentence them to a life of ill health and disease.
Overuse and overexposure of wireless radiation may make this technology virtually unusable in the future due to increased illness and the massive cost of health care.
All Members of Parliament have a duty to protect their constituents by ensuring wireless safety standards are adequate and that Canadians are warned of the known dangers of wireless radiation exposure.
Ministers, Members of Parliament, and Government Bureauctrat's cannot continue to simply ignore all the scientific evidence that is widely available, and continue to place Canadians in danger. Negligence causing harm or death is a very serious criminal offence.
Accommodation Ideas for Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Here are U.S. Department of Labor workplace guidelines on ways to accommodate persons who are electrically hypersensitive.
The Job Accommodation Network, a service agency for the Dept. of Labor, publishes guidance on accommodations for electromagnetic sensitivity:
Comments on environmental impact of radiofrequency fields from mobile phone base stations
This article is an answer to the review paper from Verschaeve (
2014). This review paper attempted to dismiss every study that shows negative effects of microwave radiation on living organisms. His conclusions are not supported by scientific data and are mostly based on his claims for "inaccurate" dosimetry. This issue is not the case, especially in studies employing real and not simulated exposures by mobile telephony (and related technologies) antennas, since this type of radiation is of highly varying nature, and its levels – regardless of any dosimetry – are simply the same with those exposing daily billions of users.
The hidden marginalization of persons with environmental sensitivies
This paper is a must read, even if you only go as far as the abstract.
Rob Hutchins Esnztrust
http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/eco.2016.0003Gibson, P. R. (2016). "The hidden marginalization of persons with environmental sensitivies." Ecopsychology 8(2): 131-136.
This paper constructs persons with environmental sensitivities as
comprising a hidden, marginalized group in technological culture
that is paying a large price for our industrialized lifestyle. Due to the
polluted nature of most public venues, this population is robbed of a
sense of ''place'' necessary to maintain personal relationships. This
population is marginalized by health-care providers and shunted
into mental health categories, as our current health paradigms are
not adequate to frame and categorize health problems caused by our
toxic industrial lifestyle. The problem is discussed within the context
of the pressures of capitalism, and examples are given of persons
with environmental illness receiving mental health diagnoses (an
attempted colonization) when they attempt to access mainstream
health-care providers who lack knowledge or expertise regarding
toxic-induced illness.
Mandatory Exposure to Microwave Radiation In Our Schools Has Left 11 Year Old With No Where To Go To School
These headaches are debilitating, excruciatingly painful and the longer he is exposed the more severe his headache, nausea, extreme fatigue and insomnia will be. Unfortunately with electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) avoidance is the only answer.
Generation Zapped - trailer
Short but very effective. don't know when it is coming out.
I want to invite you to next week's free online Alzheimer's & Dementia Summit. This issue affects SO many people, and there is a lot we can do to support our loved ones and ourselves. In addition to an exclusive interview with Dr. Olle Johannson entitled "Wireless Technology - The threat to brain function", my friend and host Jonathan Landsman enthusiastically told me that EMF pollution and wireless devices will be discussed within many of the 30+ other expert interviews.
This online event will get much-needed truth and natural remedies out to hundreds of thousands - perhaps millions.
Register for FREE now at the following link:
Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace:
Here are some important facts:
- A 2007 meta-study showed that being exposed to EMFs on the job doubled the risk of developing Alzheimer's
- EMF exposure increases intracellular calcium ion concentrations, and USC researchers have described how this change could increase production of a protein that plays a significant role in the development of Alzheimer's
- Every 3 seconds someone gets diagnosed with Alzheimer's or dementia
- Alzheimer's disease is the 6th leading cause of death
- The average burden on families dealing with late-stage dementia is $300,000
- The "silent epidemic" of early-onset dementia is on the rise
- There ARE natural remedies and solutions for us, and for our family
The 2016 Alzheimer's & Dementia Summit is online and free from July 25 – August 1, 2016. There will be tons of information about out what you can, and should, do before memory loss is irreversible – because taking action now is the key to protecting your brain health and overall wellbeing.
Register for FREE now at the following link:
Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace:
Josh del Sol
EMR Aware Newsletter - July-August 2016
Welcome to the July-August 2016 edition of our free EMR Aware newsletter. In it you will find a selection of the latest science and media reports on the biological, social, and environmental impacts of electro-technologies.
Recent Newsweek articles
Green Bank, prohibido para las ondas
Spanish magazine article on Greenbank WV.
Educator Maree Crabbe said she was surprised at how many teenagers she interviewed for a documentary on the impact of pornography spoke about watching it for the first time at school. "It was spoken about as quite common," she said.
Facebook's solar-powered drone set to beam free internet for billions
Oceans' Changing Electromagnetic Environment a Killing Field for Mammals
Baltimore Driver Playing 'Pokemon Go' Crashes Into Police Car
Another new wireless danger.
Historic Information
Hocking EHS Presentation to WHO Conference 2004
France's National Health Agency Calls For Reducing Children's Wireless Exposures
Coming on the heels of the U.S. government study showing increased risks of rare tumors of the brain and heart tied with wireless radiation in rats, this new French government report provides a welcome reminder of the importance of protecting young brains and bodies
Ground Current Pollution
I just released Video 2 in a series of videos on Ground Current Pollution. This video features Dr. Don Hillman (Michigan) and demonstrates the effects ground current has on dairy cow behaviour.
The reason I'm producing these videos is to increase public awareness and understanding about the growing issue of ground current pollution. People have no idea how much farmers and their animals are suffering when they are exposed to ground current. Ground current also affects human health as we are not immune simply because we wear shoes or boots. And, increasingly ground current is becoming a serious issue in urban centres. Our electrical infra structure has deteriorated to such an extend in some places that it is no longer able to do its job. I'll explain this in future videos.
In the meantime, please feel free to share these video links with those who might be interested in this issue. Feedback on the videos would be appreciated. Simply provide a comment after you view the video.
So far these are the videos available:
(Dr. Magda Havas)
Power cut while police negotiators talk distraught man down
Landmark Human Rights Complaint Lodged Against World's Worst Polluters
Human Rights - a possible solution to wireless pollution?
The FCC has finally opened a docket to look at "dirty" electricity and sources of radiated RF from electronics. The FCC standards related to "dirty" electricity, conducted RF, and inadvertently radiated RF have been developed primarily to prevent electronics and transmitters from interfering with each other.
Please write in by August 11, 2016 with a brief synopsis of how "dirty" electricity has affected your health and request that the new standards be set to prevent health effects. The Stetzerizer "dirty" electricity meter was evaluated in Kazakhstan and health standards were set such that no more than 50 G/S units of dirty electricity should be allowed on building wiring to protect health (www.electricalpollution.com/documents/Sanitary_Norms.pdf). The FCC should adopt this standard and require device and light manufacturers to engineer their devices to put out substantially less than that. Frequencies above the range of the Stetzerizer meter should also have much tighter standards. Their effect is related to capacitive coupling and energy. A signal from the transmitter on a smart meter was found to be in violation of existing limits for conducted RF if the limits went that high (see http://stopsmartmetersny.org/debunkingutility.html for more information). Obviously this shows that new standards that extend the full range of existing and future transmitter technology are necessary to protect human health.
Tightening of standards should extend to sources of conducted and radiated RF in cars. Many with RF sickness have trouble with cars due to conducted and radiated RF from components not designed to minimize RF emissions sufficient to protect human health. Sources include, but are not limited to, the alternator, spark plugs and distributor, fuel pump, air conditioning compressor controls, ignition switch, radio systems, and electronic displays. Proper filtering and design could minimize much of this. If this is a problem for you, be sure to mention it and ask that they revise these standards as well to protect human health. Availability of stripped down properly designed models should allow most people with RF sickness to use a car again.
The docket does not explicitly deal with health, but comments should be put in anyway so they know that they have to address the health problems the inadequate standards are causing. Health should certainly fall under point 1b and 4a. Feel free to address other points in the docket as well (attached), especially those with technical expertise.
Please take a moment to submit your comment. This office is not the same as the office responsible for broadband. I know they have had complaints from people about RF on wiring. This is an opportunity to ask the people who can take action to do so. Opening this docket is an indication that they are at least looking seriously at taking action. Let's give them good reason to do so.
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
Cell Phone Radiation
Letter to Parksville News
I used to love my cell phone, until it almost killed me.
Did this Smart Meter Cause a Stroke?
Hello, I had a diagnosed stroke in June 2012. I woke up with seeing an orange colored perfectly straight line between my eyes and very fatigued. The day before I was in the back yard with family members and we were removing a snake from next to the house. I was standing on top of a cinder block while my son directed the snake towards me. The smart meter was about 8 inches from my head so it made me look up directly at it for a second or 2. I believe it was that moment when the signal entered my left eye. The image the neurologist showed from the MRI was enlarged and put on the large screen. The damaged appeared to be perfectly straight. I now believe that the magnetic inserts in my boots is why the signal entered my eye. I think this warrants more study as the magnetic pulse and the strength of the signal does give merit to my theory. If you know of a trustworthy neurologist I can send the MRI CD to for an independent study of my theory I would like to pursue it. Please respond with feedback as this should not be over looked. Thank you kindly in advance!
A.N.S.E.S. launches public consultation on hypersensitivity
Ontario Chamber of Commerce Calling for More High-Speed Internet Access in Rural and Remote Areas
Report from the BioEM2016
This report has been prepared for the
Pandora Foundation, Germany, and
Competence Initiative, Germany, which supported travel and participation of the author in BioEM2016. Parts of this report were published during the course of the BioEM2016 as blogs on "
BRHP – Between a Rock and a Hard Place" site.
EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses
Lots of helpful electrosensitivity information at this site!
The FCC and 5G story
Today we're delivering a new YouTube video, "Gestapo In The USA," which blows the doors off the FCC and 5G story. This is the most important piece I've released since Take Back Your Power.
Five absolutely remarkable events unfolded at FCC's July 14 public meeting in DC, where 5G was rubber-stamped. There was shocking intimidation of press and suppression of truth.
But guess what: a Bloomberg reporter openly blasted FCC Chairman Wheeler, and former Congressional candidate Kevin Mottus spoke up powerfully, injecting 20 seconds of truth into the public record.
It was all caught on tape, and we've got it queued up — along with an immediate action after watching.
Watch the video here: https://takebackyourpower.net/gestapo-in-usa-5g-fcc-intimidates-press-kills-free-speech/
We are doing this thing together. They will simply not be able to stop the truth.
Josh del Sol
Circus World Recalls Wireless Video Baby Monitors Due to Overheating Hazard
Circus World Displays has received two reports of the camera portion of the monitors overheating and smoking. No injuries have been reported.
If all the people who have been harmed or injured by smart meter radiation were to report their injuries to this US Government organization, perhaps they will issue a recall notice for dangerous 'smart meters'.
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution