W.E.E.P. News
Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News
11 July 2011
EMF Concerns Switzerland
I'm sharing with you 2 recent articles on computers, wireless gadgets, Wi-Fi, one from the Christian Science Monitor, the other from the Tribune de Genève. The Monitor published my comment on their site and the Tribune will publish the one on Wi-Fi in a coming edition. The Tribune de Genève has been publishing my comments on the health effects of wireless technology over the last 8 months - 5 in total - despite devoting daily a page to the latest developments in this technology.
See attached PDF Wireless and Media
Best wishes,
Wireless reference information
Document Attached
A great list of resolutions and recommendations re. wireless technology from 1993. A good reference tool.
Wind turbines: 'Eco-friendly' - but not to eagles
The same hills that provide lift for soaring birds offer heavily subsidised profits for wind farm developers, writes Christopher Booker.
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W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution